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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Robin crooked her fingers, and obvious gesture for the other woman to hand over the bag of powder, and when she was holding it the mystic spilled a small pile of it onto the glass counter. She pulled out a small brush from under the counter and started spreading the dust out farther, careful not to breath on the powder and sending it flying. "I take it this isn't confectioner's sugar," she said, her tone obviously distracted. "Where did you get this from, exactly?"
  2. Raveled


    I'm thinking, keeping in line with this month's theme, of doing something in the vein of Resident Evil. A company/supervillain has developed a form of literally biological weapon; animals and humans transformed into terrible monsters, designed to kill and destroy. Their creator wants some effective combat data and so either releases a group of them into Freedom City, or else kidnaps some capes and releases the heroes in an underground complex filled with these monsters. Anyone up for something like this?
  3. Ironclad Pwned Park Date Saturday Night Spooks Brainiac Brunch Premium Blend News Post October Vignette Robin Cross Bazaar Investigations Terror in the Bay Talk Overdue GM Not using the Z-Word
  4. Ironclad sighed heavily as the lights dimmed around her and Kid Cthulhu confirmed that the power was dying in the rest of the park. She stepped out of the hole she'd made in the front door and sprang into the air, her flight systems propelling her in a roughly parabolic arc to the entrance of the amusement park; at the last moment her safeties kicked in and lowered her to the ground, instead of letting her crash through the wooden boards. She stood there and scanned her sensorium, but all appeared quiet, so she turned to Kid Cthulhu instead. "Have you called the police yet," she asked.
  5. Robin Cross glanced up when she heard the silver bells strung through her shop ring, announcing the sudden presence of a customer. She had been arranging a display of newt eyes ("1 oz @ $0.25, 6 oz @ $1) and watched the slim woman approach the front counter. There were several curiosities under glass there, and it was apparent that a certain one had caught the woman's eye, to to speak. The sorceress quickly stepped up and passed her hand between the customer's eyes and the mirror, breaking contact between them. She smiled and spoke, her tone gentle. "It's not a good idea to look into Beham's Mirror too deeply," she advised. "Beham had image issues, and the mirror tries to pass them along, so to speak. And what can I help you with, hm? Magic coffee beans, perhaps," she ventured, eying the bags under the woman's eyes.
  6. Ironclad heard Kid Cthulhu's call directly in her ear, courtesy of the suit's communication system. Part of her wanted to dash directly to the other hero's side, but she forced herself to remain calm. The carts ran on electricity, so just shut off the juice, right? The heroine's armored fingers ran swiftly over the main keyboard, searching for the commands to shut down power to the entire park.
  7. Computer check to shut off the electricity to the bumper cars. HP to re-roll since my first roll sucked. 1d20+9=22 Ehn, better. Ini, BTW. 1d20+3=20 One of my better ones. Nice. HP x2 ATM.
  8. Ironclad glanced at Kid Cthulhu, biting her lip underneath her helmet. She didn't want to just leave him there, but it made sense, so she gave him a curt nod and dashed off. The control center was located, logically enough, near the center of the park, and with her high speed the armored heroine was hovering over it in seconds. She gave the immediate area a quick sweep and landed, marching confidently up to the main doors. She punched her way through and marched towards the main control console. If there was a hacker behind all this, Ironclad would be able to counter-hack them from here.
  9. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica grinned and tucked her chin into her chest, supressing another case of the giggles. "My, uh, 'gut' is what wants to rush things, Mara. It's my head that wants to wait." Jessica respawned and bunny-hopped across the first towering platform, picking up a strange rifle with lightning bolts coiling in its guts. She tried firing it and was pleasantly surprised in a bolt of plasma shot across the platform without any drop or apparent flight time. Humming lightly to herself, she settled next to a pillar and scoped in on a nearby tower top, picking off targets of opportunity.
  10. Ironclad glanced around -- a rather useless gesture given her full radius sensorium, but it bought her a moment to think. "I don't think we'll be in any danger," she said, "as long as we stay in the air, anyway. What in an amusement park could reach up high enough?" She shrugged out of Kid Cthulhu's arm and turned in a slow circle, trying to locate herself, briefly recalling a map of the park she'd glimpsed on the way in. "There has to be some sort of central command center around here somewhere. If the guy's physically hacking in, that's where we can stop him."
  11. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica stuttered a bit as she tried to explain her situation. "Well. I mean, this is technically my parents' place, but they're not around so much. So I'm mostly here by myself, but my granddad spends a lot of time here. Except he's staying in town tonight, which is why I wanted to game tonight." She blushed as she continued talking. "But I don't want my first time with Blake to be 'just because it's convenient.' I want it to be special, you know?" She sighed with relief when the next map loaded. It was a series of skyscrapers, rising high above a colorless fog. Jessica looked around, trying to get her bearings, when her screen abruptly flickered black and red. Her name appeared up the notification tree: RedEyeDog ganked IronBootsies. "Oh, you spawncamper!"
  12. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica watched the timer count down, saw the arena fade into digital limbo and all the players get booted back to the lobby while the next match loaded. There was the usual post-round shuffle of folks joining and leaving, and a few names complained about players teaming up when it was supposed to be a free-for-all match. Jessica stuck her tongue out at them and kept chatting with Mara. "I don't know about 'proceeding,'" she giggled. "We're, uh, having fun. And taking it a bit slowly, I suppose." She blushed and lowered her voice. "I kinda want to wait until I have my own place before he, uh, spends the night. And Blake's got a roommate, you know?"
  13. As Kid Cthulhu shepherded folks along the ground, Ironclad rose into the air. Her three hundred and sixty degree field of view let her scan the park quickly from her elevated position. It seemed that the place was nearly deserted; apparently most folks didn't want to pay fifteen bucks to eat cotton candy and ride bumper cars, at least not in the middle of the week. The heroine did spot a few individuals grouped around food stands or waiting in line for other rides, but she was able to convince them to join the general evacuation. Citizens of Freedom City were used to super-powered antics disrupting the day, and while a few grumbled about their outing being cut short none spoke out against the beetle-colored heroine. With a large group of folks headed to the nearest exit, Ironclad hovered over them, anxious. She could feel it in her gut that the voice, the presence that had taken over the Ferris wheel, wasn't done with them yet.
  14. Raveled

    Speed Freaks

    Clad can make 250 MPH w/ a move action. Does that count as speedy enough? :D
  15. Seconding the notes on Claustrophobia, Eidetic Memory. A good Complication might be something like No Set Home: Kyle's habits of changing his address on a weekly or daily basis means it can be hard to get ahold of him. If his powers require him to stand still, consider making them take a Full Round action as a Flaw. There isn't an "Irish" language, per say. Do you mean Gaelic? I take it the wand is something like a magical stun gun? Disable a patient if they get out of hand? Otherwise, why would a doctor have a weapon at all? Why does he have Craft/Electronics if technology never advanced on his world? Artistic or maybe Chemical (to represent alchemical training) would seem better thematically. As a medical doctor, he might want some Diplomacy (or maybe Intimidate if he's Dr. House) to represent a bed-side manner. W/ a 26 INT, he's slightly smarter than the smartest normal human, ever. Might want to reconsider that. Remember, core book states that the max for an unaugmented human is 24/25. To shave some points off, you could drop his Att by 2 and put Accurate on the wand's Blast and Stun, using up all the points in the Device and giving you 2 more PP to work with.
  16. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica jumped down three stories to the bottom of the arena-room, where digital lava flow painted the ceiling prettily. She machine-gunned a pair who were weapon scrounging, looted their bodies, and grinned as a nickel-plated pump action floated in her view. She tried it on a nearby wall, then charged into a hallway. The weapon was ideally suited to the suddenly shifting corridor, and she gained a quick three kills by filling faces with pellets. Her rampage was brought to an end by a bouncing explosive, and as the server-change timer started counting down Jessica leaned back in her chair and stretched. She took the opportunity to grab a pull of water and then answered Mara. "I don't worry about it," she said. "I get excited. Start dropping words," she added, lips curving into a smile. "Not problem. Don't worry. Focus on kills."
  17. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica switched back to the sniper rifle and went down-scope long enough to snipe a pair involved in a knife-duel. "Should get out more," she countered, unconsciously slipping into Mara's grammatical form. "See the city. Learn what you're saving. Get smooches, at least on irregular basis." She ran over a grenade launcher and began blindly firing explosives around corners and over the horizon. "Besides, dating's fun. Me and Blake went park the other day. Had smooches. Almost got arrested." She eyed the alt ammo counter for the grenade launcher, noticing that it was surrounded by sharp blades. She launched one at someone just entering her field of vision and watched them get gibbed by a shuriken the size of a trash can lid. She gave out a low, appreciative whistle and wondered vaguely if it was possible.
  18. Jessica blushed under her armor and swatted Kid Cthulhu's arm playfully. "Remember," she cautioned him, "no tentacles." She marched over to the Ferris wheel and punched into the thin steel of the door, easily bashing out the lock. She opened the door and held the carriage steady while the occupants fled. Once the first car was clear, she hauled on the super-structure of the wheel and brought the next group into position. Before long she had a good rhythm going, and in no time at all the Ferris wheel was cleared out. Breathing a bit hard after all that exertion, she glanced around at the milling civvies and walked back over to Kid Cthulhu. "We gotta get them out of here," she said to him.
  19. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica snorted. "Monoblade, Mara. Won't be able to handle too much physical strain, at least not without reinforcement. Doubt there will be many climactic duals and locking of blades." She switched through her arsenal until she found something rapid-firing and slid past the corner, blasting away and running into the next room. It was a wide-open, multi-leveled space, full of catwalks criss-crossing the open space and several large platforms where closer-range combat could take place. Jessica felt her perspective drawing back into something more detached and methodical as she spun left and right, snapping off short, controlled bursts. At the same time, she managed to keep talking to the other woman. "Hope you're not working too hard, Mara," she said. "You need to get out more. Meet a nice guy."
  20. Your formatting is a wee bit off -- double-check that. You don't need to list the, uh, adjusted PP for your abilities. Just list the number of PP you spent to buy your base abilities. The Strike only uses 17 PP, not 24. Might want to list that, since it lets you have maximum Strike and still have points left over for the other DAPs. List how many ranks of Rapid and Extended you bought for S-Senses.
  21. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica jumped as she cleared a threshold and so took a bullet in the ribs instead of the head. She turned, centered her cross-hairs on the point of incoming damage that her HUD had highlighted, and started sending down a stream of hitscans. Return fire stopped after a few seconds, so Jessica switched to the sniper rifle and went down-scope, hunting. "So I'm thinking about adding a monoblade to the suit," she said in a conversational tone. "Obsidian and glass can be made into an edge a handful of molecules wide just by knapping. If I reinforce it with a simple energy field, it should be rigid and strong enough to handle combat."
  22. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    "Woot woot," Jessica replied, checking her new ammo count with a critical eye. She switched back through her machine gun, sniper rifle, and a set of dual pistols that she had picked up without even realizing it. The cluster munitions were fun, sure, but so many of these hallways were cramped, and since friendly fire was (evidently) on, she didn't want to shoot the wall and blow herself up. She settled on the pistols, her avatar holding them straight out in front of her. She fired a few test shots at the wall and frowned at the plink-plink noise. She needed something with a bigger bore, something more intimidating, something like... "Hey, Mara. Can you dual-wield shotguns on this map?"
  23. Raveled

    Pwned (IC)

    Jessica's HUD in the lower right-hand corner displayed the remaining ammo in big, red numbers. Next to that was another counter with a much smaller number -- alternate ammo. Jessica pointed in the general direction of the sniper and tight-clicked. A slow-moving projectile, trailing mustard-yellow 'smoke' behind it, circled out in a lazy spiral. When it neared the sniper's nook it broke into a half-dozen separate rockets, filling the impact area with explosions and particle effects. A smile smile spread across her face, back in meatspace. "Cool," she whispered, intentionally too low for the word to be picked up by the microphone. Jessica didn't see her username up by the notifications, so she fired another cluster shot and started heading back to the spawn point. "Hey Mara," she called out, "where do I find alt ammo on this map?"
  24. Robin stepped back and out of Wesley's embrace, trailing a hand along the big man's chest and then letting it fall to her side. "I think we should be apart from each other for a bit," she said. "Just until we're sure exactly what we mean to each other." She took another step away and made to turn towards her apartment, then hesitated and looked down at the ground, not quite willing to meet Wesley's gaze. "I... I still have feelings for you, Wesley. But I don't think it's quite what you feel for me. And I think you deserve someone who can really give you back what you're giving to them." With her piece said, Robin turned and started walking back to her apartment, cutting a wide path around the crowd gathering for the concert.
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