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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Okay, Blue Jay's going to switch to her grapnel and get down to ground level, then hit one of the anklyosaurs with a snare. Results 1d20+15: 18 [1d20=3] Orokos does not like me lately.
  2. The Stranger floated up into the air, his feet floating inches above the ground for a moment before he darted forward. The door was blown off its hinges as he flew back into the common area. He took in the scene in an instant and grabbed at the zombie who was trying to beat its way through the bulletproof glass. He grabbed its hair and pulled, hauling its head back by brute strength. "This isn't how you get good service," he said, his voice level. The zombie flailed ineffectually at him for a moment, then there was a sound like tearing leather and the monster's scalp came away in the Stranger's hand. Free once again, the creature resumed battering the glass.
  3. Blue Jay would be downright honored to protect the wedding of the Brave and the... Can't remember what Midnighter's title was. Miras is likely Cannonade's +1, or could be DJing. Not sure how any of my other PCs could be involved in this.
  4. Corona let out a grunt of pain as Rux's blades crashed through her armor again. "You better talk to your friends and get them to surrender," she growled at Santri. She flew up, slamming the convict into the ceiling hard enough to shake plaster onto the ground. "If we keep this up, you're going end up with a sore back and I'm going to need new armor, so just surrender and make it easier for everyone."
  5. Results 1d20+12: 23 [1d20=11] So that's a Bruise. Corona's going to take her turn to best Santri again, hopefully knocking him out this time.
  6. Aya followed Franken, glad they were getting out of the hubbub and press of the command center. It was exhilarating to be in the nerve center of the Lor Navy, but it was also intimidating; all that information on all sides of her made it hard for the ALIEN agent to focus on what the Grand Nauarchus was saying. The office was much smaller, much quieter, and much more intimate. The photo of Franken's family was just one sign of that, as was the question that still stabbed deeply in Aya's heart. "My mother was --" she stopped and swallowed, then continued in a quieter voice. "My mother was a senator from Hala. She was on the capital when it was destroyed. My father was a scientist, and he died when Hala was overrun -- I'm sure he was in the lab up until the last moment." Her voice was full of bitterness in that last remark, both at her father and at herself. It had been so long, but she couldn't forgive herself for not having done something, some unknown act that would have saved her homeworld and her family. But she hadn't, and they had died, alongside tens of billions of others, and when the final blow was struck against the Khanate and the Communion Aya had been halfway across the galaxy, caught up in something that still seemed petty and unremarkable.
  7. The Stranger is going to walk up to the zombie banging on the glass and grapple it with Inhuman Might. Results 1d20+10: 15 [1d20=5] Results 1d20+16: 25 [1d20=9] Sigh. I guess that's how we're going to start things off.
  8. Results 1d20+2: 17 [1d20=15] Well, that's not how that was supposed to go.
  9. Seth looked the dead man full in the face and stepped back, glancing around the room to gauge the reaction. It didn't seem like the necromancer was in the building with them, which made the situation both simpler and more complicated. Smashing dead bodies barely counted as exercise, but if the necromancer wasn't dealt with, it wouldn't count for much. Someone powerful and skilled enough to send his minions across the city like this could create more without much trouble. His assessment done, the slim man turned away from the zombie and walked back through the crowd, slipping between people and worming his way into the back. The back of the bank would normally have been well-guarded, but for the moment it seemed like everyone was up near the tellers, watching the dead men. Seth took the opportunity to walk into an empty conference room, locking the door behind him and checking that the blinds were closed. Confident that he wasn't being watched, the man closed his eyes and changed.
  10. Well, keep in mind that "has a driver's license" =/= "ranks in Drive." Drive as a skill means that one is a particularly skilled driver, able to do hairpin turns or skid out safely. Granted, there are classes that teach normal civilians to do just that, so Casey might also have that training.
  11. Even if Claremont doesn't, it's a fairly standard thing in the US. It wouldn't be hard for Casey to take the class.
  12. Fundamentally wrong, in a nice gray suit.
  13. Staring into the Abyss Seth’s magical and psychic nature is a stain on the world. Anyone observing him with Magic Awareness or Mental Awareness will immediately know that he is something weird and dangerous. Take the feeling you get from looking at a shark, put in a nice grey suit, and let it sit there wrapped in a greasy black hand that sprouts from the blank spot in your vision.
  14. Seth Machan hadn't expected to fight zombies today, or at least not during his lunch break. Some people would never consider that as a possibility, but Seth had a wider experience than most; fighting zombies was the least of it. He just hadn't expected it when going into his bank to get a loan. Of course, now that the situation had come up he knew how to handle it. He adjusted his suit and walked up to the shambling corpse in the lead of the pack. He tapped the dead body on the shoulder; when its dead eyes turned to him, he cleared his throat significantly. "You need to queue up for a teller," he informed it clearly. "You're being very rude, you know. Everyone else has been waiting patiently," he added. "You can't just jump to the front of the line."
  15. Aya walked quickly over to the elevator and punched over the controls for the command level. The agent stood there, breathing deeply and trying to control herself, but it wasn't lunch before her composure broke. She hurried to one wall and examined herself in the gently curved surface, checking her hair and dress blues. She knew her clothes had been perfect when she stepped outside of the shuttle, but she irrationally worried that she had become mussed in the five minute walk to the elevator. In truth she was nervous for an entirely different reason; she was meeting an honest war hero! Aya had done her part during the Communion Incursion, but Bucklin Frankan had held the Republic together through a thousand small battles and epic struggles. The Republic still existed because of her. Aya took a deep breath as the doors opened and let her onto the busy center of the shipyard. She glanced across the numberless displays, depicting information coming in from all across the Lor Navy. It was a heartening sight, and a daunting one. Aya followed the tall mentat to the Grand Nauarchus, watching quietly. "Grand Nauarchus," she said, inclining her head. "The Praetorians are a busy, diverse lot. They've done a lot to help hold the Coalition together."
  16. Aya K'Zan was feeling relaxed and safe, despite the fact that she had just traveled across half the Republic on her own. If wasn't that she had her armor, customized and battle-tested, in storage; it wasn't that she personally was the equal of most battlefleets; it wasn't that the Lor Navy was still diligently patrolling the star lanes. It was that, for the first time in a standard year, she was flying on a Lor vessel. The Kavaca was a fine ship, the cutting edge of Deltrazi engineering married to the finest Lor control mechanisms, but it wasn't home. Lor starship design had a certain ethos, a certain aesthetic to it, and while there wasn't anything particular thing wrong with the Kavaca, it still wasn't Lor. This shuttle, tiny and vulnerable as it was, was Lor from the keel to the bolts and Aya felt safer and more relaxed while flying it. She could reach out and find the controls she wanted just under her hands, where training and instinct said they would be; that wasn't something she could say when flying the Praetorian shuttles. She piloted the shuttle through the defense web smoothly, answering demands with the correct countersigns and staying neatly to the assigned paths. When the voice came over her comms unit, Aya found her skin prickling and her mouth going dry all over again. She knew she was here to meet the highest authority in the Lor navy, she had known for weeks, but it was one thing to set out on a trip and quite another to arrive. She took a deep breath before keying her response. "I'm approaching the central spire. I'll be up to speak to the Grand Nauarchus shortly."
  17. Aya managed to run back to her quarters on the station and jump into a set of plain dress blues, then literally fly back down to the shuttle bay with just enough time to compose herself. She stood at attention as the Khanate shuttle settled into its assigned berth, automatically calculating how quickly it would take the vessel to rotate and get out into space, or bring its guns to bear, or... She stepped forward next to Paradigm, watching the Khanate representatives step off the shuttle. "Agent Aya K'zan," she said smoothly. "Lor representative with the Praetorians. It's the Republic's pleasure to welcome Ambassador Raal and the Lady Tal'gar to Victory Station. If there's any help we can extend to the Khanate, then let us know." That didn't mean they would actually help, of course. The Khanate had still allied themselves with the greatest threat to galactic stability in generations.
  18. Tona didn't know what her girlfriend had discovered on her trip; she knew Sam was diving into her past, but she had never expected it to go all the way back to Dis. Part of her wanted to dig and uncover all the secrets and figure out ways to protect Sam. Another part wanted to curl up with the other woman and protect her here, in this room, and never be away from her again. She put both of those instincts aside and instead turned Sam's head until she could look the other woman in the eye. "Hey. Look at me, Sam. You could never hurt me." She put her face on the pillow next to Sam's. "this isn't like you, and that scares me. I don't know what happened out there, but I'm going to stay next to you until you're better."
  19. Blue Jay is going to use Crowd Tactics on as many raptors as she can hit. With that attack she has five cubes, each 25-ft on a side. If that means I can hit more than one group, I'll do it. Results1d20+15: 23 [1d20=8] Ew. Well that's a DC 20 Toughness save against anything that actually hits.
  20. The street was a warzone, smoke and ripped up concrete and spraying water turning it into an unorganized, chaotic mess to anyone down in the scrum. To Blue Jay, standing up on the top of a building, it was just a shooting gallery. The woman stood on the corner of an office block, the long tails of her coat flapping behind her as she considered her next target. There -- a pack of the skeletons was racing after a motorcycle that was trying to weave its way through the devastated street. The gauntlets on the woman's arms flared and a long, curving shape of blue energy grew, until it was as tall as she was. Blue Jay drew back the invisible string of the energy bow and fired, a bolt of brilliant energy lancing into the skeletons. Faster than thought she did it again, and again, and again, peppering the entire ground with azure energy, expertly firing around the fleeing civilian.
  21. Corona was too focused on the criminal in her grasp to even notice Rux's portal appearing behind her, until the cyborg's plasma blade cracked across her back. She let out a cry of pain and swung around with Santri in hand; she missed the cyborg, but she bashed the other alien into a wall. She glared at the criminal in her grasp, angrier than she was before. "Tell me how to disable the yacht!" she demanded. She lifted him in the air and slammed him against the ground again. "You're not going to get off this planet, so why let them escape?"
  22. Corona will spend some HP and buy off her Fatigue.
  23. Results 1d20+12: 14 [1d20=2] That is utter balls. Rerolling that one! Results 1d20+12: 21 [1d20=9] Hairy balls! At least it becomes 31.
  24. You mean a character that switches between a regular, unpowered form and a super-powered form, like the Incredible Hulk? You'd want to use Alternate Form as a container, and then just put any powers/skills/feats you want the powered version to have into that Container.
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