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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Worm Toughness 1d20+5=14 Suit Toughness 1d20+10=26 Passed! Luna Moth Toughness. 1d20+7=15 Holy crap. Epic fail. Mooks collective Toughness 1d20+3=10, 1d20+3=6, 1d20+3=23, 1d20+3=9, 1d20+3=8 Worm -- Bruised -- GM Suit -- Uninjured -- GM Dragonfly -- Uninjured -- HP x2 Luna Moth -- Bruised -- GM Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HP x1 Mooks -- All but 5, down -- GM
  2. Ini for Clad. 1d20+3=16 Ini for Luna Moth 1d20+11=18 Ini for the Worm. 1d20+15=34 Ini for the suit. 1d20+18=21 Ini for the Night Crawlers 1d20+1=9 So, let's see. Worm -- Uninjured -- GM Suit -- Uninjured -- GM Dragonfly -- Uninjured -- HP x2 Luna Moth -- Uninjured -- GM Ironclad -- Uninjured -- HP x1 Mooks -- Uninjured -- GM
  3. The corners of Robin's mouth turned down. "Something's stirring up the dead? Do you have any leads on it? God, spirit, mortal?"
  4. Jessica collected a generous measure of melted cheese on her nacho chip and ate the whole thing in one go. "Um. This is my first, too. I'm going to HIT, so most of the guys I meet are at least five years older than me." She took a sip of her drink, feeling the hot cheese beginning to burn on the back of her tongue. "Where do you go to school?"
  5. Jessica felt her heart beating faster as they walked into the theater and Blake bought the tickets. She was on a date! With a boy! And it wasn't a pity date, he thought she was hot! Or, cute at least. Could someone be hot when they were only seventeen? Was that creepy? She shook her head to clear it and nodded to her date. "Yeah, I'd like some popcorn and a coke. And maybe some Thin Mints. Mm, do you think their nachos are any good?" As usual, the inventor had skipped a few meals and the availability of food was making her stomach rumble.
  6. Jessica's blush started behind her ears and advanced along her jawline. "I really liked Samurai Warriors I and II," she said, "even if that ninja they had for the love interest in the second one kinda fell flat." She fell into step beside Blake as they walked towards the theater, a few inches separating them. On impulse she reached out and gripped his hands with hers. She kept staring straight ahead, giving him an excellent view of her blush creeping up her cheeks."
  7. Jessica wanted to believe that this was a casual thing, something happening between friends who happened to be of the same age and opposite genders, but she changed her outfit six times anyway. She finally settled on a light green blouse with spiraling designs sewn up the sleeves and around the waistline, with strawberry-colored capris and white athletic shoes. It was just about the only outfit she owned that was vaguely feminine. Her hair was just before her earlobes and she eventually decided to let it hand free. She did wear any jewelry (she didn't own much) but there was a watch with a silvery metal band around one wrist. She parked her big SUV, pocketed her keychain (she didn't own a purse, their. She'd briefly considered wearing the satchel containing her armor, but she'd figured the theater would never let her take it in. It was in the trunk right now) and stay in the car for a bit, trying to control her breathing, trying not to throw up. Eventually she stepped out and walked towards the theater entrance. She'd done and image search for 'Rush, ban' and memorized the first page of results, so she recognized Kid Cthulhu -- No, he's Blake right now, Jessica reminded herself -- and she walked straight to him. "Hi," she called, waving one hand in greeting. "Hope you haven't been waiting long." She didn't know how long until their movie, so she just stood there, hands clasped behind her back so she could wring them ceaselessly.
  8. Wesley's words resonated with Robin, who herself had skeletons in her closet, secrets she hadn't shared with the man standing in front of her. At the same time, though she had his memories of the events there were things that weren't clear -- things she wanted to know. She opened the doorway back to Wesley's apartment and gestured for him to step through first. once they were out of the park, Robin dropped into a chair at Wesley's kitchen table, her staff falling into the crook of her neck. She was tired, but she locked eyes with her boyfriend. "Wesley," she said, "we need to talk."
  9. Ironclad Unlikely Allies Part 2 Movie Night News post Aftermath: Movie Night Pic-i-nic Basket The Park Date Pwned Edited and expanded wiki entry Robin Cross A Clandestine Encounter Thistle and Thyme Voodoo Lounge News Post Terror in the Bay Edited and expanded wiki entry
  10. When the light cleared, the heroines could see that the straitjacketed woman on the stage had changed dramatically. Gone was the malnourished mouse with the cracking yellow hair. The woman up there was short, yes, but well-formed and curvaceous, invoking shades of Marilyn Monroe. Her hair was golden blonde and piled in curls, and even standing there in the shredded remains of a straitjacket, Ironclad was forced to admit that the woman was probably more beautiful than she herself would ever be. Of course, there were more shocking physical changes to note. Her eyes were gone, replaced by compound eyes, black and glittering. Filmy-looking fly wings sprouted from her back and through the straitjacket, tearing it wide open. She stood there, smiling widely, clearly exulting in her renewed youth. The Worm approached the insect woman, arms thrown wide, but her advances were rebuffed by an upraised hand. The listening condition hadn't improved, but body language painted a clear enough picture. The Woman started poking Luna Moth in the chest, her movements becoming more and more agitated, and she gestured angrily for her mercenary to intervene. Suit reluctantly stepped forward between the two women, locked eyes with Samantha Cline -- and froze. The Moth stepped past the unresisting man and backhanded the Worm hard enough to send the other woman flying into the crowd. Ironclad surged forward, grabbing Dragonfly's arm in a suit-enhanced grip and pulling the other woman into the air with her. "This is our chance," she said, lowering the both of them to the bottom of the basin. "Get the gun. I'll run interference." Ironclad dropped the other heroine off and flew to the top of the basin, trying to decide on her first target.
  11. So is this for everyone? I was under the impression that one group was going to start inside the casino.
  12. Wesley and Robin are in, as in inside the casino.
  13. No, you cannot. Individual feats, and even combination of feats/maneuvers, can let you manipulate your caps in such a way, but straight trade-offs do not.
  14. Ironclad stuttered for a second, thrown off by Kid Cthulhu's offer. It hadn't been what she expected, and it disarmed her, threw her from her confident superhero persona to her more timid civilian identity. After a moment she squeaked out "Sure!" She cleared her throat and responded in a more normal tone of voice. "Uh, do you want my phone number, or where do you want to meet?" Ironclad's brain whirled around this new situation. She had never considered that something like this could happen. Of all the thoughts in her head, the one front and center was, I hope he's not green all the time.
  15. Mm, infrequent probably. I made something like that for a character of mine, but I forget what I decided on for the frequency.
  16. Doing the math. Illusion is already 4 PP/r, so might as well affect all senses; it costs the same. What is Progressive? The Progression feat, which increases the area? Anyway, it's 4 PP/r w/ 1 PFeat, so 5 ranks would be 21 PP. 22, if you add the Dazzle as an AP. S-Senses comes out fine. I'd take that Drawback and make it a Complication, though, since it doesn't seem to be the type of thing that would come up all that often.
  17. Right off the bat, the glamour mask would not be equipment. It's too powerful. What exactly do you mean with her Magic Sight's Weakness? Also, I'm assuming it's Visual? C.f. Shaen's rules for buying skills. No direct attacks and undercapped defensively. This build is going to be at a great disadvantage in combat. Second Chance needs to be defined. Relying so much on Attractive means she's going to be at a disadvantage in situations where it doesn't apply. If she can induce terror, might look at Emotion Control as an AP off Illusion.
  18. The glow hurts you. Grande, Fox. EDIT: I'm calling it. A series of adventures pairing Dragonfly with various PC heroes from across the boards. At the end of it she has Well-Informed and Contacts, as well as her battle suit.
  19. Ironclad considered the situation, listening to the Worm's rant with one ear. "If you could fly," she messaged back to Dragonfly, "the ground units wouldn't be a problem. Maybe I could carry you, and you could --" Ironclad cut off abruptly. As the Worm's speech went on, the crowd before her grew increasingly agitated, stomping their feet and chanting. The noise drowned out whatever the Worm was saying, but she had just pulled out a metal case -- the same on Ironclad and Dragonfly had been fighting over not too long ago. The Worm opened the case and pulled out something. there were slick lines and shining steel, odd bulges and lights that blinked on and off for no apparent reason. The Worm put her forearm into the machine and it shifted shape, seeming to close around her limb securely, while an obviously aperture opened on the other end. The villain trained the device on the straight jacketed woman, as the suit took a few steps away. The Worm said something too soft to hear and triggered the weapon, filling the basin with harsh, white light.
  20. Ironclad blinked, thrown off her anger for a minute. "You mean like, patrol together? Sure, I've got a cell number you can call if you need backup." Mot cellular providers had a certain number of nulls, after all, numbers that didn't go to a phone and never would. Dawes Tech worked with a national provider, and it had been easy enough for Malcolm to reprogram one. "It should reach me, no matter where I am. I can put it in your cell," she added, belatedly remembering that she didn't carry a pen or paper in her armor.
  21. Kid Cthulhu's blast of green fire stuck the cannibalized Walkman and the vagrant dropped the cassette player, flapping his hand to cool it off. Ironclad stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve. "For that, you're going to have a nice, long talk with the police." The vagrant didn't seem scared; in fact, his face twisted into a triumphant sneer. "You'll never hold the Under Doctor!" He slipped out of the coat and away from Ironclad's grasp with surprising ease, revealing himself to be mostly spindly limbs. He threw himself over the collapsed dead man, screamed "Back to the Under Lab, Franky!" and disappeared in a flash of blue light. Ironclad was left holding the tattering coat, her brain running in circles as the howl of emergency vehicles rose in the distance. She threw the coat to her feet in disgust, scowling behind her helmet. "The Under Doctor," she spat. "I can't believe this! I swear all the real loonies come out on my watch." She rubbed at he helmet, feeling a headache building. "I bet Doctor Tomorrow never had to deal with jokers like this."
  22. I don't really see CW making plastique and TNT in the sewers. She's more of a Molotov-cocktail girl. As to the Equipment and Minions, this is what she can be expected to have at any given time -- enhance as necessary.
  23. The first two paragraphs of her backstory is rewritten from information presented in Freedom's Most Wanted. The rest is all mine. Changed the typos.
  24. Well, you don't have your combat section filled out, your exotic saves are under par, and there's no reason to buy up the attack bonus on a Perception Range power. Other than that... Well, I don't know. Everything looks to add up. Except that you're using the amount of PP intended for PL 10 chars, not PL 7s.
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