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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Okay, I think I understand the Grapple rules now. Corona shouldn't even have to roll to hit Santri. That'll be one DC 25 Toughness save, and then I'll Surge to give her a second attack so another DC 25 Toughness save. If that knocks Santri out, then she'll jet after the yacht.
  2. Aw, we lost the image. Now how will we know that kissing Avenger lets you taste the Gorgon?
  3. Results 1d20+15: 23 [1d20=8]
  4. Wwwhen I have time to think more deeply about it?
  5. I have a simmering plot between Miras and CT; would he be up for soup kitchen work that turns into fighting (star) vampires?
  6. I'll throw Blue Jay into this, or Miras is Jay is too high-PL. Weird to think about my PCs as too powerful for an adventure...
  7. Aya folded her arms. "There will be at least one Lor alongside you, Mater. In fact, I don't intend to let the Ambassador out of my sight, especially not if we're going to take her to meet the council." She paused and looked down at herself, at the slinky black dress she was wearing, at the clasp purse in her hand, at her sensible black pumps. "Maybe I should take a few minutes to change, though." She paused and considered whether to take the time to turn into her armor, but after a moment's deliberation she decided that there wasn't much the Khanate ambassador could do that she couldn't handle anyway. "Paradigm" she said, turning to address the Praetorian, "I'll meet you and the rest of the team in the landing bay."
  8. Corona's aura flashed as Santri's beam struck it, their energies commingling and fighting against them. The Lor agent felt her body being torn apart, felt her strength being leeched away; then it came back with a flare and she surged forward, grabbing Santri's wrists and forcing his hands back until he couldn't point at her. "Yu are under arrest, by order of the Lor Republic," she growled, her face inches from his. "You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."
  9. Since Santri's the only one inside, Corona going to try and fly up close and Grapple her. Should stop anymore disintegration bursts. Using Charge for this, so +2 to Att, -2 to Def. Results 1d20+12: 23 [1d20=11] Yuck. Well that's unlikely to hit, but in case it does. Results 1d20+21: 33 [1d20=12]
  10. The breeze floated above North Bay, carrying eerier things than birds and cold aloft. The ancient, impossible thing that clothed itself in human guise during the day used the night to travel freely, reaching out with inhuman sense to sample the dreams flowing beneath him. Regret and passion and despair and love and fear and exaltation all rose up from the sleeping city like a thousand scents, and the Stranger sampled it all. He knew those flavors well, could feel the beat underneath them, and judged it all to be good. He/it floated over the North Bay, finding the flavors of wealthy dreams to be much the same as the dreams that rose from the Fens. The nocturnal sampling, though,w as interrupted by a lone, harsh sound against the quiet of the night. The Stranger swooped closer to land, his tie dangling out of his sportcoat like a tongue, seeking out the source of the disturbance.
  11. Drain? Eep. Results 1d20+8: 27 [1d20=19] Phew. I can live with losing 1 pt of Toughness save. Speaking of.Results 1d20+11: 16 [1d20=5] Gonna spend a HP and reroll that one! Results 1d20+11: 30 [1d20=19] Much better result.
  12. If you can find a place for the Stranger, I'm up for including him.
  13. Corona's stomach flipped as Moon Moth took her from here to there in a hearbeat, but she swallowed it down and focused. She took in the combat around her, the figures on the ground and the Praetorians assaulting the mansion. She clicked over her suit's communicator quickly, broadcasting to as many of the Praetorians as were listening. "Paradigm, the convicts aboard the Sar-Lan smuggled a yacht down here," she said. "If we don't stop them, they'll take off and be out of the system! We need to get inside and find it!" The Lor didn't wait for an answer, instead kneeling and raising both fists above her head. Red-gold energy gathered there as she interlocked her fingers and chose a weak-looking spot on the roof. The hammerblow smashed the roof to flinders, and only her glowing aura kept Corona from falling through to the floors below.
  14. Corona and Moon Moth pop out on the top of the building, right? And the only hostiles around are the anti-tank guys, i.e. none of the eponymous crew? In that case, Corona is going to make a hole in the roof with her Cosmic Strength. With Power Attack, that's a DC 30 Damage check against the roof.
  15. So much had been lost in the Communion invasion. So many worlds, so many homes, had been destroyed or irrevocably transformed by the malevolent AI hive mind, and Aya K'zan had faced that same tragedy. The former Communion flagship was the closest thing to a home planet she or billions of other Lor had; it wasn't surprising that there was a thriving civilian life on board, living next to the military presence. When several of the Praetorians had returned to the station after their latest patrol through Republic space, she had decided to spend some of her built up vacation time and be a civilian for a little while. She had found a little bistro near what could arbitrarily be termed the bottom of the station, with windows that looked out onto space and seafood dishes culled from half the galaxy. The Lor agent had decided on a black cocktail dress that came down to her knees and a calamari dish sauteed in wine, and before the meal arrived a handsomely-built Lor with purple skin and broad shoulders had already started chatting her up. They were halfway through a bottle of wine when the alert came through on her communicator. While there were many uniforms and battle armors in use throughout the galaxy, not many involved back pumps and a sequined handbag, so it wasn't surprising that Aya gathered more than a few looks as she stamped through the command center, nearing the knot of Praetorians. "The last time someone came through claiming to be from the Khan's court," she pointed out, "he was backed by dozens of AI-controlled cruisers and they came within a hair of destroying everyone." She stopped before the group, her shoulders set and defiant. "If this ship wants to be friendly, they wouldn't be invoking any Khan's name. And if they need help, there's proper channels for them to go through that don't involve taking a warship to this station."
  16. Blue Jay Un-Organ-ised Crime Homecoming, Coming Home Miras Corona The Deadly Dozen At the Point of a Sword Patriot Acts The Stranger GM
  17. Corona took in the information the adjutant had for her, nodding sharply. "Now get on board and keep your head down," she said. The officer jogged towards Moon Moth and the fuzzy alien's magical portal, while keying up the ship's communicator. "Huhunu, the criminals aboard the Sar-lan moved a yacht planet side when they took over the governor's mansion," she radioed in. "We'll try to stop them before they lift off, but keep a weather eye out for any FTL travel out of the system. If they get away we'll need to track them."
  18. interesting. How much would you be embracing the tropes of the pulps vs. the tropes of superheroes? I think an alternate version of Blue Jay, where she's a rifle-wielding fur trapper's daughter, could have traction, but it would be a bit bloodthirsty for your standard superhero game.
  19. Given that you're making this guy the head of state of a fictional country, I don't think you can fall back on deep cultural roots to explain illogical behavior. What happens when his heroic activities spread into the realm of illegality?
  20. Why would someone who is an acknowledged superhero need a security detail? I know he's a prince and presumably next-in-line as head of state for his country, but why does he need bodyguards if he's all but bulletproof? What purpose do they serve?
  21. If you're considering this as a PC, I would point out that most fights in M&M don't last more than a couple of rounds. Spending a round to set up the rest of your powers to be used is going to mean this PC can only do one or two things in a fight.
  22. "Flashy, but independent," Corona noted. "They don't need spacecraft or even a base to work out of; each one can operate separately from the others or team up for big jobs. It's a lot easier to track one big signal than to track six tiny signals all going in different directions." She blinked, shifting her gaze to the starfield outside the ship, searching for answers. "The chaos hasn't been helping them, either. The Lor and the Grue and what's left of the Khanate still don't trust each other. It makes it easier for little things to slip through the cracks. That's why we're here."
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