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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Corona wanted to countermand Paradigm, she wanted to lecture the Praetorian on securing a scene before rushing ahead, she wanted to insist on her way ahead the alien's, but that wasn't her job. Instead, she circled around and blasted the last drone out of the sky, before landing near the ramp leading ot the Devotion. The government representative that had met them was still there, cowering, keeping out the line of fire; the Lor agent retracted her helmet briefly to talk to him. "Get inside the ship," she said. "Do every last thing the Praetorians say, and think very hard about where the governor could be hiding."
  2. Corona's going to fire a blast at the last police drone and then growl at the last government rep. Results 1d20+10: 30 [1d20=20]
  3. The Stranger needs stuff going on.
  4. Corona watched the criminals escape, picking up their wounded and fleeing back into the city. Different emotions warred within her; anger that they were still out of reach, concern for the planetary rulers still huddled on the ground, and the simple animal joy of watching her enemies run from her. She pointed and blasted one of the drones out of the sky, vaporizing it in a red-gold blast of comic energy. "It's time to regroup," she said, broadcasting to the Praetorians. "We need to contact the group on the ship and see if they're turned anything up. Then we'll root out the convicts in the city."
  5. Ah, well. I suppose it makes sense to take out the things that can still shoot us. Corona will fly up and blast the nearest drone. 1d20+10: 16 [1d20=6] That's pretty good.
  6. So all the bad on the planet are retreating. Are any of the bodyguards and planetary governance folks from earlier still around?
  7. Corona had been in her armor since the moment they had entered the system. Now she was looking over the sensor data and frowning. "I don't like it," she said. "This is too convenient. Why would they run to a dead system like this? They have to know we'll find them sooner or later." She folded her arms and tapped armored fingers against her armored biceps. "They have to be meeting up with allies. It's the only thing that explains this."
  8. The wild-eyed teenager in the car continued to try and fend off Jay's hands, his movement ultimately ineffectual. He screamed and babbled at her, evidently terrified, keeping the heroine from getting a word in edgewise as she tried to calm him down. Finally, her short patience spent, she snagged both his wrists and pinned them against the ceiling with one hand, while the other one popped the door open. A quick blue blade slashed the seatbelts to shreds and she hauled the man out by the scruff of his neck, sending him sprawling across the street. "I'm going to be really pissed off if you're just high," she said, standing tall and looking down at the man. For his part, the driver was doing his best to crab-walk away from everyone at once and really only succeeding in swiveling around on his rear end. "You don't get it, man," he moaned, past caring whether he was talking to a man or not. "They're gonna get me. I can't stay in town or else they'll get me!"
  9. Tona gritted her teeth at the conversation happening in her head. "When Cerys comes back. While we leave her out there to bleed." She aimed a kick at the door to her cell; it didn't do anything but make her toes sore. "The guards are divided and not watching us. We should attack right now and save Cerys!" It wasn't a strategic plan, and if Tona had been outside she might have had a cooler head. But right now her friend was bleeding for what little comfort she had.
  10. Blue Jay is going to have tiny little felt arrows. Can this affect PCs in space? Can Corona be a grumpy puppet?
  11. I would love to throw the Stranger against Death, because his Reincarnation has to kick in at some point. Not sure where my other PCs would fit.
  12. Tona opened the door gently and stepped through, closing it quietly behind her. She walked over to the bed and knelt near Sam, extracting Soot's bony form from the pocket. "Unlocked isn't the same as open," she said quietly. She ran her hand through her girlfriend's hair, enjoying for a moment just being near her. "This isn't like you, Sam. What happened out there?"
  13. Blue Jay Graduation Proclamation: Honor Society Scum Protection Squad Miras Corona The Deadly Dozen Zealots The Stranger GM
  14. Corona was still committed to taking in at least one of the criminals awake and aware, if just to get the details on how they took control of the prison ship. She noticed Rux jumping into and out of combat; maybe the woman would be more amenable standing down if she wasn't willing to get engaged in a long fight. The officer flew towards the teleporter, her aura flaring. "Stand down," she shouted. "You're only going to make things worse for yourselves by resisting!"
  15. Corona's going to fly up as close as she can to Rux and try to 'talk' the criminal down. Intimidate check. Results 1d20+14: 19 [1d20=5]
  16. Corona spied the Praetorian coming under increasing assault by a trio of the escaped convicts. She sped forward, throwing energy blasts at the criminals, hoping to draw some of the attention away from her allies. "You're just making this situation worse for yourselves," she shouted.
  17. Corona is going to move up and make an attack against number 6, whom Thev tells me is Sax! Results 1d20+10: 21 [1d20=11]
  18. I still want to know about Equinox's horse theory!
  19. You can't really choose to not use part of your attack bonus; unless there's a situational bonus and the situation changes, you're always swinging with your states bonus. I believe there's rules for pulling punches, i.e. not attacking with an effect's full rank bonus, but attack bonus is always what it is.
  20. His attacks with Sneak Attack break caps. With the Sneak Attack factored in he has a +15 Attack and a +10 Damage; that's beyond what a PL 10 can have. I'd get rid of the Sneak Attack and maybe give him a few more ways to get folks flat-footed. His exotic saves are also higher than they need to be, so you could shave 3 PP off there. This is a personal thing, but if his luck is a supernatural ability I would list it as an enhanced feat under his Powers section. That way it would also be nullified by anti-magic or anti-fey spells and the like.
  21. The punch would have felled a Marine in full battle kit; Aya took it with arms crossed and was only pushed back a few feet. She opened her eyes and searched across the battlefield, filtering out the blazing energies and dashing forms to focus on the speeding mantis. Her aura flared and she rose into the air, dashing after him and launching a lance of her own energy, but it missed the alien and turned a patch of dirt to glass.
  22. Blue Jay barely had time to open her mouth before the big man picked up the car and dropped it. She bit off a scream as it went up and down again, the textured pads of her palms and the insides of her knees giving her the extra grip she needed to not go flying. Still, her bones felt like jelly when the car skidded to a halt, the rear axle a smoking ruin and the front wheels squealing impotently against the weight. When the car came to a halt and the police cruisers began piling up behind them, Blue Jay shakily climbed down from the roof. "That's one way to stop the car," she hissed, willing herself to stand up straight. She moved over to the driver's side window and smashed it in with a single hard, focused blow; behind it was a teenager with wild hair and wild eyes, fumbling for a handgun. Jay rolled her eyes and reached in, swatting the gun out of his hands and grabbing the man by the collar. "Alright, out of the car and don't reach for anything else or I'll start breaking thumbs."
  23. Raveled


    "If they were, we'd be better prepared," Miras said. "As it stands, the road crew's gonna be pissed." She eyed the remaining hell-frog as it ribbitted quietly, then tried crawling away. It was leaking something mildly corrosive, burning away the pavement underneath its tread and leaving bubbled, scarred prints in its wake. The creature almost looked pathetic as it tried to retreat, taking small hops to put distance between itself and the two women. "What you think the chances are," Miras said conversationally, "that it's trying to lead us into a trap?" She conjured another ball of blue, heatless flame, rolling it between her fingers. The magus flicked it dismissively and it flew across the intervening distance, landing square on the back of the toad and reducing it to a greasy spot. The magus in green dusted off her hands and turned to Hellbinder. "I'm Miras," she said. "I don't know if demonic amphibians are your usual thing, but I'd appreciate help in tracking these ones down."
  24. Okay, Toughness save first. Results 1d20+10: 29 [1d20=19] That turned out well. Corona will switch over to her Blast AP and shoot, ah, Procyus? It sounds like he's off by himself. Results 1d20+10: 22 [1d20=12] That looks pretty good!
  25. Aya moved to dodge the blaster shot, but Seresk was even faster and stepped in front of her, the blaster bolts sizzling against his hide. All hell was exploding around them, so the Lor officer merely noted the beefy Praetorian punching out the hapless criminals. Instead she scanned the landing area, her aura springing up around her and levitating her off the ground. She flashed forward, charging the armed alien and smashing into him. "You are under arrest," she growled. "Disarm yourself and stand down, and you'll be treated with all due courtesy."
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