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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. I hate the idea of this foundering so close to the end. Want to try and finish it?
  2. So are we going to continue this? I had a fun story to go with the action.
  3. I would not worry overly much about what other people want your character to be. Focus on making a character that's interesting to you. At times we've had waves of science heroes, aliens, wizards -- pretty much any sort of character you can name has poked their head up here at least momentarily. Find something that speaks to you, personally, and develop that.
  4. This is why we need a Freedom City version of SWORD.
  5. Miras would be up for it, but I think I'd want her to whip up something using Ritualist, first. An Illusion effect to let her and the lady in red switch places. Better all around if Orion is shooting at the wrong person.
  6. Tona put a hand just over the chicken, feeling the heat and steam rising off the food. As a rule she didn't care for many recipes native to this world, most of which had too much butter and sugar and salt for her spartan tastes. This, though, was simply grilled chicken and boiled rice. It was as simple as could be and still be cooked food. After a moment she replaced the lid of the platter and started moving towards the doorway. She'd been in this room before with Sam, and knew how to get to her bedroom. "I'll talk to her about dinner," she said, "but I don't think she's just hungry." She left the room and made the short walk to Sam's closed door. Tona leaned against the door, drumming her fingers against the wood. She could probably bust the door down and see Sam, but that was the exact wrong way to do it. She needed to go slowly and gently. The only problem was that she didn't usually go slowly or gently. Tona took a deep breath before she started talking. "Sam, it's me. Talia said you came back from your trip. Do you want to talk about how it went?" Her free hand came out of her hoodie's pouch, drawing out the skeleton of a cat. After a moment the skeleton looked around and nuzzled its skull into Tona's arm, somehow purring despite not having a larynx. "Someone out here wants to see you again."
  7. Blue Jay stepped up to the edge of the roof she was on, putting one foot up on the lip and watching the chase pull away from her. She glanced around the city and its confusing webway of streets and elevated train tracks and alleys, trying to orientate herself. She didn't really mean to disregard her friend and ally's advice, it's just that she disliked being lost in any situation. No better course of action suggested itself, though, so the archer stepped off the rooftop and fell to the left. She sped through the air, suspended by alternating lines of blue energy. She kept her eyes on the street even as she descended at a steady rate, trying to spot the police car or the nippy neon-mobile they were chasing. "I can't see anything, Blod," she radioed back. "Are you sure this is --" She was cut off as she swept out over an intersection and the chase made another tire-squealing turn below her, aligning with her direction almost like it planned. "Nevermind," she finished. The young woman dipped lower and landed on the roof of the lead police cruiser with a heavy thump. Ignoring the officers inside, Blue Jay rose to a crouch on the car roof, the tails of her coat flapping behind her. She needed to wait until the car got closer to the lead vehicle, and then she could make her move.
  8. Claremont's status as a super-school is supposed to be a secret. I don't see that segueing with a school newspaper. Besides, wouldn't a journalistic kid these days just start a blog instead?
  9. Asli raised an eyebrow at Mark's casual remark about buying a house, especially if it was just 'for a few years.' She was still paying down student loans. The idea of buying a house and having it just be temporary was mind-blowing. Then again, she was about a decade behind where she should be, money and career-wise; but it just made her more aware of the gap between herself and the other people around the table. Her eyes wandered over to catch Joe's. Could she buy a house with him? Maybe it was silly, but Asli didn't like the idea of dating someone just because they were fun to be around. If she didn't think she could marry a man, then she might as well dump him and try to find someone else. Joe was good-looking and it seemed like he didn't have his head up his ass, but was that enough? What kind of family did he want? Did he expect that she'd be some meek and mild housewife who would wear her chador and be quiet? If he thought that, he was in for a surprise. "Something by the sea, then?" Asli raised a bit of chicken on her fork, gesturing widely with it. "I would've expected something in Manhattan or Switzerland. I mean, you work for the UN, right?"
  10. Tona looked at Sam's phone and then looked away. She was glad that Sam hadn't shot anyone while she was away; it had hurt her so much to see Tona kill, that she wasn't sure how Sam would react to having to murder someone. Of course, if she was acting like how Talia described, maybe something like that had happened. "I was not lying," she said. "I will do whatever is needed to help Sam." She paused for a moment and added, "You should have told me that she came home. I was worried about what was going to happen to her while she was out there."
  11. A few things come up, some mechanical and some fluff-related. First and foremost, it looks like you bought two ranks of Autofire for her Lightning Fast Fists. Our House Rules make it so that you can only have one rank of Autofire; the one that only goes up to an additional +5. That means her Strike should only be taking up (6 + 8 + 3) 17 PP. Your combat caps are slightly below caps; PL 10 on offense but only PL 9 on defense. You'll also want to rearrange her skills and feats to be in alphabetical order. I hope you're planning on a more robust history to come. Something to keep in mind is, even if some things are a mystery to the character there should be at least possible answers listed in the character's history.
  12. Freedom City, New Jersey, United States Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 Midmorning A neon green bolt sped through the center of Freedom City with a tail of red and blue lights stretching behind it for a solid block. As it turned the corner with a squeal of tires, Blue Jay swung into an alley on a blue-white grapnel. She was moving fast, fast enough that the buildings were a blur around her, fast enough that one grapnel shot took her entirely through the alley, and when she shot out the other end she was just in time to see the car chase shoot past her. The archer swung around and landed on a convenient rooftop. She watched the tiny neon car with the green running lights flash past her, easily staying out of the reach of the police cars that were chasing it. Unfortunately, that same speed and agility kept it out of Blue Jay’s reach. She watched the chase move away from her, breathing through parted teeth. She’d never catch up with the car with her own speed; she’d have to get smarter to stop the reckless driver. Jay reached up and tapped the commlink in her ear, sending out a signal. “Blodeuwedd. Do you see where the car is headed?”
  13. "Great to see that the rest of us exist to pick up after you," Miras shot back. "Let me know when you need your suit pressed. And then you can let me know how you're helping the people who had their car crushed, because someone dropped a damn jetplane right underneath the city rail." She took a deep breath and stepped away from Kingsnake. "If all you care about it punching assholes, go find the gym that smells the most like Axe and go wild. 'Cause my job is not to clean up your misses."
  14. Miras dialed her most reassuring smile for the woman. "Don't worry," she said. "We're not going to let the bad guys win. You're going to give your testimony, and your ex-boyfriend is going away for a long, long time." She walked past him and grabbed one of Kingsnake's overdeveloped biceps, pulling the hero around so they weren't all facing into the same circle. "You and me have to have a chat about how you were fighting out there, buddy. Or you've got to get a pilot's license, one of the two."
  15. Tona's eyes kept moving as she followed Talia through the mansion. Sam really hadn't showed off much of the building; Tona felt that she loved being in this city more than she loved being in this building. This one room was familiar, though, and Tona felt a pang as they entered it and Sam was nowhere to be seen. The archer wandered near the table and took a hand out of her pockets long enough to run a finger down the edge. For months now, the only time she had seen Sam was in here over impromptu dinners; those memories and her feelings towards Sam and her very different feelings towards Talia and her residual feelings from the airplane flight were all mixing together and put her off her center. She didn't answer Talia for a long moment, instead just trying to sort through her emotions. After a minute she drew back from the table, putting her hand back into the front pouch of her hoodie and fixing her gaze on Talia. "I don't know how to find Sam," she said. "I can send a text message from my phone, but I don't know when she'll be answer it." She felt a pang of jealousy and fear, not knowing what her girlfriend was getting up to -- Sam was brave and clever and resourceful, but Tona was still worried. She swallowed hard past a suddenly lump in her throat and continued. "But if she needs any sort of help, I'll help her."
  16. Asli listened to Gretchen and Lynn talking and wasn't surprised at what she heard. For every garage band of balding men trying to be rock stars while their hair was going grey, there were a hundred people who talked about how they wanted to break into the music scene and never recorded a song. Gretchen wanted to do something, but she wasn't willing to take the jump and put herself out in public for criticism. Asli wondered how often she'd have to accept a card for No ReGretz; probably at least every time she visited Sam at work. Asli glanced at the portrait, shaking her head gently. "The farthest I ever traveled for work was the Valley of Kings," she said. "Is going to other worlds a common thing? Do I have to start paying rent a month ahead in case I get stuck on Barsoom for awhile?"
  17. Tona was not a happy person. She did not enjoy fast driving or airplane flight, and having to endure both of them in such a short period of time had put her in a bad mood. She wanted to withdraw and just watch the world until the mood passed, but she had the feeling that Talia Vance wasn't going to let her settle with sullen silence. "Pleased to meet you," she said, her tone flat and her hands in her pockets. "Sam says good things about you." She paused and looked around the room, automatically noting the exits and lines of sight. "Why did you want me to come out here? If you wanted to talk, it would've been faster to come out to Freedom City."
  18. Freedom City January 2nd, 2016 Later Afternoon Sometimes Tona Baudin regretted working just below where she lived. After a long day at work, she didn’t have to walk several blocks or ride a bus to get home; all she had to do was walk up a set of stairs. It was convenient, but it meant that she had no time to decompress and process what had happened during the day. After work she was immediately at home and had to deal with things there. So she was already figuring how her evening when she walked through the door and saw her smartphone on the kitchen table, blinking. She didn’t reach down to feel where it normally was, since she had obviously forgotten it this morning; instead she just crossed over quickly and checked her messages. Tona’s heart skipped a beat when she saw that her phone was full of messages from Sam’s number, but her mood soured when the first few messages revealed that they were from Miss Vance, Sam’s benefactor. Vance’s texts were short and to the point, letting Tona know that she was invited to dinner at Chicago with Vance and Sam. In fact, Vance was going to show up with a car at… The young woman glanced up to double-check the time and confirmed that she had about ten minutes before Miss Vance’s car arrived to pick her up. She didn’t have much time, but Tona still managed to waver over which shirt to wear and grab a few essentials. She was outside the store, wearing a green hoodie and carrying a small bag, when the cab pulled up.
  19. I would be up for a protection thread pitting this group against Orion. Maybe even set it at the courthouse during the lady's testimony.
  20. ... If Leviathan investigates murders, then I might have a thread in mind for him.
  21. Blue Jay Homecoming, Coming Home Scum Protection Squad Corona Miras Something to be Thankful For Downtown Train Is This One of Those Dates? City Gym Tagging The Stranger GM Don't Go Into the Water
  22. "I sing and do magic," Miras said, correcting her roommate automatically as she checked the jacket again. There wasn't a wallet or keys in the pockets, so she went back to flipping through the book. Unfortunately a note with the villain's address failed to materialize between the pages. She was running out of leads short of waking up the hippie and grilling someone under supernatural sedatives. She dropped the book on the counter in a burst of frustration, and watched as it fell open to the back of the cover. Where she could see a stamp with an address that was inside Freedom City. She picked up the book again and squinted at it, trying to place the street in her head. "So," she said conversationally, "did anyone know there's an honest-to-god typeset printing house in this city?"
  23. So what sort of bad guys does Leviathan fight? Corporate devils, street-peddling scum, or alien invaders?
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