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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Asli smiled as she heaped potatoes and turkey onto her plate. "Always nice to meet a fan," she said. She passed on the gravy boat before picking up the card, listening to Gretchen's spiel. "You're putting claim to some pretty wide talent. You ever think of putting in a mix tape for Stone Soup? The suits could use someone with electronica-classical-western-hip hop-Game of Thrones leanings." She watched the food going around the table, and pretty soon Lynn's empty plate was becoming conspicuous. She exchanged a look and raised eyebrows with Sam. If this was a diet, it was a pretty extreme one. "So what kind of place is Otherworld, Lynn? I can't say I've done a lot of world-hopping. Most of what I do is singing and busting up drug deals."
  2. "Well s---, if you're going to be all serious about things." Asli was silent for a long moment as she composed her thoughts, then she reached out and took Sam and Joe's hands, squeezing them tightly as she spoke. "Well I guess if there's one thing in this year I'm going to remember it's when I found a brand new person in my life to be a member of this group of this group here who run around this town without any fear of what could happen and instead embrace what inner strength she could be tappin' and instead of being weighed down by her past she's going to turn it around and be happy with herself and do it fast." She took a deep breath and plunged on. "Then I went out of my zone to to take my song and add a new tone when I started seeing this handsome new guy who is ripped and flying high, you know he's got a real ear for what's a good sound an' even with all that he's not got a big head he's really grounded." She felt like she was floating, like she was in a weird, hollow place of her soul. She couldn't stop the verse now, so she just tried to empty her mind and let it flow. "Now I'm sittin' here with these two girls and ready to partake and I'm glad to say that even if I had to frown I couldn't fake it I'm just glad to know that this year is come and gone and we're all here to say we've had a damn good run." Asli snatched her hands back quickly, taking a long swallow of water as the silence returned. "Prophet, did I just try to rhyme 'run' with 'gone'? I'm off my game tonight."
  3. Asli leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. The quiet of the train was intoxicating, but her conscience needled her and kept her from falling asleep. She sighed heavily and stood, becoming fog long enough to drift tiredly out the car and back towards where the other heroes were congregating. She coalesced near the group, giving the crowd a wary look. "So who can tell me," she said loudly, "why we all worked so hard to ruin everyone's commute?" She shot Kingsnake a look before rounding on the armored thug, pingeonholing him roughly. "What part of 'pulling a heist in Freedom-damn-City' feels like a sound career plan to people like you? Is it the capes on every block or the prison just off the coast?"
  4. Asli shared a glance with Sam. Gretchen had nearly gotten shot just outside of this bookstore? And now she was part of whatever little social circle Lynn was building here. Asli didn't judge, she just filed it away as another facet of life around Silberman's. She broke the seal on the tupperware containers, dishing the salad and bread out onto the provided plates. "Simit's best when it's warm," she said, "but it's always good, so enjoy it." She took a seat, still wearing her heavy jacket. "You know, I think I remember Silberman's books from when I was in college, but I don't remember anyone like you being around, Lynn. Have you been in town for long?"
  5. Aya marched forward with the rest of the Praetorians, the group coming to a stop an arm's length from the planetary delegates. The whole thing felt eerie; Paradigm wasn't speaking up, and none of the locals seemed willing to break the silence. She figured that none of the Praetorians were going to speak up if their leader didn't, so it fell to her to break the silence. The Lor stepped up next to Paradigm, placing her feet shoulder-length apart and letting her arms hang freely. She consciously made her body language as non-threatening as possible, even though her back was crawling with the anticipation of an attack at any moment. "I'm Aya K'zan with ALIENS," she said. "These are the Praetorians. We're responding to a distress call that originated in orbit." She paused and let her eyes drift across the assembled worthies. "Do you have any information on what happened aboard the Sar-lan?"
  6. Asli scratched the cat's head gently, smiling as it purred contentedly under her fingers -- and then it abruptly batted her hand away and sauntered off to do cat things. She was feeling better, now that she had taken a moment to prepare herself and there were more physical things around her. "I'll just have some water, thanks." She considered for a moment and added, "You know, this is the first Thanksgiving I've had in a long, long time." She flashed a smile at the room. "It's nice to know people in the city who can cook."
  7. Miras is going to be skipping this turn and starting to recover from the fight.
  8. Miras waved the flying man off, keeping a tight grip on the train car door. "I'll be fine," she called up. "I just need forty winks and a large coffee." She pulled herself back inside and fairly fell into a seat, bracing herself as the train continued its rapid deceleration. "Like, a whole carafe of coffee." She yawned suddenly as a wave of fatigue washed over her, not even bothering to cover her mouth. "And maybe a few nights to practice those forty winks. I wonder if I can magically accelerate a nap..."
  9. Miras lurched forward with the momentum of the train, bracing herself against the console and then stumbling back against the rear wall as the entire vehicle began to slow down. She turned and very deliberately flowed through the hole she had made, ending up back in the train car. The superheroine was exhausted, running on fumes all of a sudden; all of her energy had been concentrated in that one strike, and now she was paying the piper. Heh. Paying the piper. She was so tired the thought made her laugh. She stumbled drunkenly down the train car, holding onto the upright rails and doing her best not to trip over her own feet. Eventually she neared the rear door and hung half-way out of it, watching the few remaining mercenaries. "You know," she called over to one, "this isn't really going to go your way. I mean, we already out number you and we have better fashion taste. Some days it's just not worth getting out of bed and strapping on your rocket pack, you know?"
  10. I think she's going to use Taunt on Backup 4. With luck that'll give someone a chance to take him out next turn. Taunt Check: 1d20+12 16 Whelp, not like that.
  11. Miras is running on fumes, so she's going to flow out the hole and use an Aid action. Who can she see and affect with her fireballs?
  12. ... Release the hounds.
  13. Asli considered the book in her hand. She didn't have any illusions about abandoning the book; it had already almost killed one person, and chances were that whoever was behind this was just as crazy and a danger to themselves and others. They needed to be stopped, and right now only a few people in the city were in any position to do it. Sam would probably come along whether Asli wanted her to or not, which only left one big question. Asli stepped out of the hippie's line of sight and checked outside the shop, making sure there were no pedestrians to glance inside at an inopportune moment. She took a breath and let it out with a mummer of Arabic, and a cloud of colored smoke. Her coat lengthened until it hit the floor, the layers merging together and changing colors. She met and held Ray's eyes for a moment. "I'm going to find out who is behind this book," she said. She flipped up the mantle of her robe, her features instantly hidden from sight. "You know about Carcosa and I'd like your help, but I'm not going to force you."
  14. Asli slipped the book into her coat and approached the flower child, stepping lightly as she moved into his field of view. She watched his eyes closely; his eyes were moving aimlessly but they were tracking, and his pupils weren't either fixed or dilated. Whatever the tattoo guy had done, it wasn't a chemical. "Hey buddy," she said, keeping her voice soft. "I've got some questions, if you're got the time." She waited, patiently, while the man's eyes completed their circuit of the room and settled on her again. He smiled sleepily and reached out towards her, and she steeled herself as his fingers to brushed against her cheek. "You're a really solid smoky lady," he said in a stage-whisper. Asli forced herself to smile and hold steady. "Thank you," she said. "Can you tell me where you found your book?" She pulled the brown-wrapped script free and showed him the cover page. He looked at it with the same dreamy, dopey smile. "It was at the theater. The one with the yellow curtains that looks out on the bay, hey, hey." Asli looked over the man's shoulder at Ray and Sam, raising an eyebrow at them
  15. I separated the Morph and Metamorph on his meat body because it is two different things. The regular Morph is a magic spell that lets him build a physical body, while the Metamorph is him going into a dream. On his dream body though, it's all a result of his (for lack of a better term) natural powers. I copied the Super-Senses off Samaritan's sheet, so I fixed it there but it's the same thing on that sheet. I fixed the Damage rank on his Dream side.
  16. A quick note: Impervious Toughness is, I believe, capped to PL. So you can't have more than Impervious 10. You could spent those extra PP on some combat feats or Power Feats on Super-Strength; you want to think what else your character can do besides punching people.
  17. Miras ached to stick her head through the ceiling and see how close the train was to the blasted section of track, but she didn't have enough time. Ironic, since she was one of the very few people in the world who knew the magic to control time, but right now she couldn't waste any power slowing things down -- she needed time to speed up. The woman pulled off one glove and licked her fingers, then drew a rough circle of spit dead-center in the door. She muttered, alternating Latin and Arabic phrases as she worked. "<Time must flow and race and crash and bend and break.> <May God protect my body and save my soul if I cannot do this.> <Take my strength from today and tomorrow and years ahead and bring it here.> <God, help me!>" She focused her magic on the tiny circle, willed it to age and rust and rot, and then slammed her fist into it with all the strength she could must from days ahead of herself. The metal folded -- not much, not entirely, barely enough for her fist to go through, but enough for her. She gave a whoop and flowed through the breach and into the control room. She wasn't a train driver or any kind of tech-head, really, but she wasn't looking for anything complicated. Just -- there! A red button the size of her thumb under a plastic case. She didn't other opening it, just flowed her hand around the cover, formed it on the other side, and pressed down.
  18. That's all she needs. Free Action Surge for another Standard action. Miras will have Exhausted next round. Move Action Body of Smokeless Fire is still active, so she will flow through the door. I'm assuming the emergency stop is a big red button or lever or cord and she's going to haul on it as hard as she can.
  19. Time to start spending those HP. Free Action Spend a Hero Point to clear Fatigue. Free Action Stunt the following off Working of Deosil: Drain Toughness 10 (Feat: Power Attack, Extra: Affects Objects [+0], Linked [+0] [Damage], Flaw: Action/Full) + Damage 10 (Feat: Power Attack, Extra: Linked [+0] [Drain Toughness], Flaw: Action/Full). Miras will have Fatigue next round. Full Action Use the above attack on the door, using the full Power Attack bonus. I hope I don't need to roll to hit a door. That's a DC 25 Fort save vs. Drain 10 and a DC 30 Toughness save vs. the Damage. If she can make a hole in the door, I'm going to be Surging for another action. Heck, depending on how well the Drain does, I might Surge anyway.
  20. Blue Jay Miras Something to be Thankful For Downtown Train Tattered Marks Corona Praetorians: the Deadly Dozen GM
  21. Asli gasped as she felt Ray's power. It was the first warm day of spring, it was a cool shower after working up a good, honest sweat, it was the soft touch of her mother's hand and her father's downy beard. It made her want to cry and sing and scream in terror all at the same. She shook her head sharply, slamming up mental walls at the rush of emotions -- she was not going to get shut down by some tattooed magus, even if he was a hurricane of power bound up by ink. Asli gripped the book tighter. "I don't know what Carcosa is," she said, "and I don't know Camilla or the king it's talking about. I do know one thing, though." She nodded at the hippie, who was leaning against the back of the chair, tongue lolling like a happy dog, back unmarked and unbloodied. "In about ten minutes some EMTs are going to be looking for a guy who was bleeding all over this shop."
  22. Asli was stopped from leaving by Joe's strong arms. She could focus on that and calm herself down, center herself; and then there was a feeling like a cool breeze traveling through the entire building and suddenly the cloying suffocating presence was gone. She took a deep, shaky breath and took a step on her own; standing tall if a bit shakily. "It's not an allergy," she said. "Not really. I just... I feel magic, and there was a lot of magic around here." She looked around the hastily redecorated apartment and stifled a laugh. "That's a, um, a hell of a redecorating job." She walked over and tried to pet the cat on the head. "I'm sorry you had to do all of that just for me, though."
  23. Asli followed Sam and Lynn up and stepped through over the threshold and stopped cold. Her senses were overwhelmed -- at least, her magical ones were. It was like being under a hundred heat lamps, or getting pins and needles over her entire body, or being wrapped tight in scratchy wool. Having a thick coat on didn't help. She managed to stumble forward and put her food mostly on the table. She stepped back, focusing on breathing deeply and getting back out the door. "I have to... I left something on the... Out in the car." She backed away from the table and could only watch as the salad and bread overbalanced, the tupperware tumbling onto the floor.
  24. Miras jumped into the air, becoming light and flowing as she bridged the gap between the rear cars and the foremost one. She was smiling broadly as she flowed past the fighting forms and straight towards the door, moving past all the fighters and the mercenaries and heading straight into the control room -- only to run straight into a gas-tight seal. She reformed on the wrong side of the door with a smarting nose as the world snapped back into the proper time frame. Miras stared at the door for a moment before pounding on it angrily. "You've got to be kidding me," she shouted. "Goddamn 9-11, Patriot Act, TSA-wannabe a--holes at the transit department put in a GAS SEAL!?"
  25. Okay, Miras's turn is going to be spent running into the door, then. I'll hold off on anything more elaborate until the next round.
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