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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Editied my IC post to account for anti-grav belts.
  2. Notice & Sense Motive Checks: 2#1d20+11 23 26 Woo, Corona has her eyes open.
  3. Can Miras activate the grav-chute and pull his massy-but-weightless body after her?
  4. You're taking three images for bad guys/monsters and turning it into a cannibalizing PC that can't speak?
  5. Miras stumbled as the jet lurched, and watched with wide eyes as the pilot, co-pilot, and the big man with the stick all abandoned the crashing VTOL. And the frozen gunner. She felt a flash of anger at them all and swore loudly as she wrapped her arms around the man's midsection, doing her best to heft him off the ground -- and failing miserably. She was barely able to nudge the heavily-armored man, and as the aircraft began to shake apart around them she grew increasingly frantic. She wasn't about to leave him, but she didn't want to crash, either! At the last moment Miras noticed a blinking switch on his belt; she pressed it and pushed, and nearly cried out with joy when the man began -- slowly -- moving towards the door. The magus pushed him out and into the air just moments before the VTOL dropped like a rock. They stayed above the crash, wreckage lying up and through the floating woman. When the worst of it seemed over she floated down, dragging the soldier with her. The magus landed on the sidewalk, glancing around at the gawking pedestrians who were filming everything with their smartphones. She pushed the mercenary at a man in the crowd and snapped, "Call the cops," before leaping back into the air. She had lost quite a lot of ground on the train, but the good thing about following a train was there were always tracks.
  6. Miras is up next, so: activating Body of Smokeless Fire so she can fly, grabbing the Paralyze'd guy and getting him down to street level, then getting back in the air and chasing after the train.
  7. That should be a Daze on Gauss, so he won't be doing anything this round anyway.
  8. Toughness Save: 1d20+10 26 Woof. Just made it. Durf, can Miras & Kingsnake make that Sense Motive check? Givne that they're not in the train ATM?
  9. Miras ducked the hasty blow, letting the enclosed confines of the VTOL work for her by retreating around an empty equipment rack. "Hey hey! Play nice with your toys, or someone will take them away!" A pencil-thin beam of red energy stabbed out from the train and cut the baton in two, leaving the goon blinking at his ruined weapon and Miras nodding in satisfaction. "Just like that. Now if you would just stop a moment." The mage reached out and spoke a rolling work of Latin, and the color seemed to fade from the merc. She had just a moment to feel satisfied before the big man in the black-and-white costume jumped into the VTOL, gunfire chasing him around the space. "Whoa! Watch it, buddy, or we won't get the security deposit back!"
  10. Hm, so the pilot is about to be shot, and the gunner is disarmed, and a few of the flying guys are affected. Okay, Miras is going to reach out and try her Paralyze against the Gunner. Melee Attack: 1d20+9 19 That's a DC 20 Fort, I think. She's Fatigue'd, so it might be DC 19. That's her full round, but she'll also be maintaining the Illusion as much as she can.
  11. How to build Inque? Well there's at least been one stab at the idea. is it an appropriate character for Freedom City? If it's heroic, then yes. Should they be on the Praetorians? Are they alien and/or would you like them to be a Praetorian.
  12. Asli listened closely to what Joe had to say. "Okay," she said, "but then what?" She leaned back and spread her arms. "I mean, understanding stuff is pretty cool. A lot of people don't bother to understand stuff, don't bother to dig into something and try to get at what's really happening. They just accept what they're told, and are happy with it. But even if you know well enough to spot when you're looking at the next Huey Long, what are you going to do about it?"
  13. I mean, it's still a DC 15 Will save. If you want to use the same saves, I'd understand.
  14. Miras surged forward as the doors to the VTOL opened, her form exploding into colored smoke as she 'impacted' the door gunner. She reformed in the bay of the craft, becoming solid once again with her feet spread. The door gunner was still turning when she cast out her magic, weaving a complicated illusion; with any luck, she wouldn't need to hurt any of the power-armored troops. To the eyes of everyone but Miras, the smoke in the train cab cleared in moments. More black-clad soldiers were in there, holding boxy weapons over bound and gagged civilians. Her lips moved as her projected words into the ears of the flying troop. "We've secured the interior of the train. Return to the plane and get to the next stage of the plan."
  15. I thought Miras needed to take a double move just to keep up with the train. If I can get into the VTOL with the double move, I'll do the Illusion then.
  16. Miras isn't going to do much besides fly into the craft. That'll be her turn, and even then she's going to be Fatigue'd next round.
  17. So apparently Miras isn't going to be goon-sweeping this turn. Okay, then she'll just keep pace and Ready an action to fly into the VTOL once the door opens. Not like anyone could shoot her.
  18. Miras spun around as thick, dark smoke bloomed in the car, obscuring the conductor and the next train car. Well in any case it gave her the cover she needed; with a shouted word and a few well-practiced movements, her hoodie blossomed and fell to the ground, turning green and rich purple. Transformed, she flew for the roof, passing through it and into the cleaner air of the city. She had to strain to keep up with the speeding train, but it gave her a good line of sight on the aircraft that was lining up with the train car. Miras went through her options. It didn't take too long; she didn't have any from her position. She was pretty sure the plane wasn't just for show, though, and if so then the doors would have to open sooner rather than later. Once they did she could get in.
  19. It's a fifty-foot radius, Miras will center it on the VTOL as best as she can.
  20. Ho-kay, Miras is going to turn her Insubstantial on and float up and through the roof. She'll have to take a double movement to keep up with the train, so she'll Surge this round to get a Standard action. She'll use that to throw an Illusion on the back-up, so that's DC 15 Will for them and she will have a rank of Fatigue next round.
  21. It probably said something about her that the Lor was more comfortable at a crime scene than walking through a marketplace, but at least here she didn't feel hemmed in by a sea of red bodies. She followed the silver humanoid through the foundry slowly, taking in the details, wanting to make sure she didn't miss a single detail -- you could never know what could be critical in cracking a case, after all. The local investigators probably hadn't missed anything, but then there had to be a reason that they had called her. The crime scene was eerily reminiscent of thousands she had seen in her career, although the victim being a Grue was a new wrinkle to her. She kneeled next to the corpse, probing the scorch marks gently. The skin underneath was still soft and yielding, but not mushy; that suggested that the energy weapon hadn't killed by brute force, but that something weirder had happened to this person. After a minute she stood, dusting her hands off and glancing at the others gathered around the scene. She addressed the Coalition peacekeepers, avoiding the Grue as long as possible. "Do we have ID on it," she asked, gesturing to the body with her chin.
  22. Okay, this is the third damn time I will have followed this IC and OOC. Something is messed up, because I am not getting notifications for these topics.
  23. Asli watched the conductor pass through the car, her eyes flicking between him and the woman in the dress. There was definitely something there, but she hadn't seen them so much as touch hands. That meant that either there was psychic buggery happening, or their plan had been pre-determined, or she was just imagining things. In any case, she felt the need to talk more closely with the conductor. She stood and approached the man from behind, picking up her pace as he started to speed-walk through the car. She had already tugged up her hood and was going over spells in her head when the high-pitched whine of a turbine penetrated her skull. Is Daedalus doing a fly-by, she thought to herself. The big woman paused at the door to the next car and bent over a free seat, searching the sky outside for a sign of aircraft she could hear.
  24. Someday we'll have to make him fight a ghost. Initiative Check: 1d20+6 16
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