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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. It's not a Super-Strength power, it's Enhanced Strength. In any case, I corrected the Grapple bonus down to +6/+16. I switched out Unveil Myself for a Dream Invasion power built off Mind Reading and Drain Will. Since the Dream Dimension is just one place and not every single dream, ever, I recalculated the cost of Super-Movement for going into just one dimension.
  2. Area/Perception includes the Sense-Dependent Flaw, correct. I already accounted for that in the math; the listed Flaw is just showing which Sense it is Dependent on.
  3. Aya drummed her fingers on the console as she digested the news feeds flashing across her screen. "It's quiet," she said finally. "Too quiet. There's an empty prison ship drifting in orbit, but none of the news feeds are covering it. There's nothing about an increased police presence or politicians asking everyone to keep calm. There's not even a navigational warning to stay away from the Sar-lan. They're too damned calm about it all. The simpliest explanation is, the convicts are already down there and in control of the locals." She closed her eyes and quickly reviewed everything they knew about the escaped fugitives. "X'madi might be in charge of the break-out, but if she was keeping charge of the rulers, she'd be a lot more hands-on. I think it's more likely that Pheydyn's messed with their heads. We should be on the look-out for any signs of mental domination -- and be prepared to defend ourselves from that, ourselves."
  4. Unlike most of the other people on the train, Asli Saddik actually was at work. The big woman had ridden the car since morning rush hour, first crammed up against businesspeople in crisp suits and college students in smelly jeans, and then once the crowd thinned out she had actually managed to get a seat for herself. She hadn't left it for the last hour or so, instead keeping her head down and jotting down lyrics in her notebook. She was working on a complicated theme for one song and trying to iron out the scansion in two others, and she knew that inspiration would come to her faster if she was out in the city. The artist was in her own world, earbuds plugged into her smartphone and pulling down the beats she needed out of the thin air. Until Pandora's algorithm steered her off jazz and percussive tunes and into something that sounded like Miley Cyrus after a crate of cigarettes. She made a face and pulled the buds out, rolling her neck around and only then realizing how much of a crick she had developed. Massaging her abused muscles she looked around the train car, taking in the sights. The woman in the nice dress who made it on at the last minute, then man in the suit who missed it. She fished out her metro pass as the conductor made his was down the aisle, watching him carefully, and realized that he hadn't glanced at the woman's pass. Instead there was a moment where their eyes met, a flicker of recognition that set Asli's senses on edge. She closed her notebook and stuffed it into an inside pocket with one hand, then began to wind up her earbuds. She had the feeling that she would need to take action pretty soon.
  5. Miras could hit Notice 22 with Skill Mastery buuuuut it's more fun to roll. Notice & Sense Motive Checks: 2#1d20+12 29 31 Whelp, just missed the highest Notice check but I hit the Sense Motive one.
  6. With Inhuman might active, he has +10 Str and +10 Att. That comes out to +20 Grapple, or does Accurate not contribute in that way? Trance is a feat from the core book. It lets a character put themselves in a deathlike state; they barely breath, poison is paused, it takes a Notice check to realize they're still alive, etc. I removed Sedation. Everyone will just have to be quiet around the sleeping people. I'm open to discussion on Unveil Myself. It's got a couple of saves attached to it, and since it's Perception Area there's a lot of potential for collateral damage. The dream dimension... I mean, I would argue that the Dream Dimension is sort of an overplane, and individual dreams are demiplanes that can be entered from the Dream Dimension. So any competent traveler to the Dream Dimension could get into individual dreams, just like anyone that can get into one room of a house can get into pretty much the entire building. I dropped a couple of feats, putting the total PP cost at 180. I also reworked some of the dream powers to be more in line with the 'waking' powers.
  7. Well of course they need someone to work in the galley...
  8. Because this site is much older than 3E, and switching everything over to 3E is such a job as to be impossible.
  9. EDITED BY HGM Blue Jay No mechanical changes to Blue Jay, just fixing some formatting errors.
  10. GIVEN THE CLIFF NOTES BY HGM Corona Updated Corona to the latest formatting and invested 3PP. 3PP into skills. 5 ranks in Know/Streetwise, 5 ranks in Know/Galactic Lore, 2 ranks into Investigate.
  11. GIVEN A NEWSPAPER BY HGM Spending 4 PP on Miras, updating her formatting, and fixing a couple of spelling errors in her backstory. 3 PP into skills, putting 5 ranks into Know/Current Events and Know/Popular Culture, 1 rank into Bluff, and 1 rank into Concentration. 1 PP into Feats to buy Set-up.
  12. *Glances at the sheet, goes goggle-eyed* Lordy. Yeah, I think first step is to rewrite that to fit the board's format.
  13. Miras would be perfect for this. She takes public transit all the time.
  14. Blue Jay's worked with AEGIS a time or two. She's not a regular agent, though.
  15. Aya took her place in the Praetorian vessel, situating herself near what she believed was the communications console. She didn't know nearly enough about Delaztri tech to try and fly the shuttle down to the planet, but she felt comfortable enough to at least talk to people, and in any case if this was a Lor planet than her official duties as a liaison required her be the one talking to the spaceport. If there was one thing Aya K'zan took seriously, it was her official duties. So she was very precise in following the correct codes to contact the port authority. "Dreeda III, this is the Devotion, Aya K'zan speaking. We request and require a clear landing pad." She paused and added, "And the latest news feeds." She glanced down at her gauntlets, self-consciously running and rerunning the armor's diagnostic checks. She didn't want any surprises when a fight started.
  16. Thrude, or another Praetorian who gets loaned a copy of Hridgandr?
  17. The Stranger Power Level: 12 (180/183PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 3 In Brief: An inhuman creature bonded to a human shell. A protector of the dreamscape. Alternate Identity Identity: Seth Machan (Secret) Birthplace: The Dreamspace/Atlantis Occupation: Criminal Attorney, volunteer defense attorney Affiliations: Delphic Industries, Project Freedom, Public Defender's Office Family: None, and innumerable. Description Age: ~16,000 years old (Incarnated during the Pleistocene) Apparent Age: Mid-thirties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian by default Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Seth Machan is not a man who stands out in a crowd. He’s of average height and skinny, with unlined skin and dark hair that grows straight and smooth and thick to the nape of his neck. He favors grey Oxford shirts, dark suits, and shiny black brogues. He’s almost never seen in anything more casual. He often wears a silver lapel pin depicting what looks like a leaf or frond. When on patrol, the Stranger does not wear a cape or bright colors. He still wears a black shirt, a black sportcoat, and black slacks. His feet are bare, though, and his hair is wild and tangled. His hair isn’t just black anymore either; it almost looks absent, like it absorbs all light that touches it. His skin becomes pale as china, and his face becomes a smooth expanse of flesh from his brow to his chin with mere slits for his black-on-black eyes. The frond-symbol moves to his forehead and has the same not-quite-there coloration as his hair. In the dream realm, the Stranger looks even less human. Superficially he still appears to be a man in pale skin with messy hair and dark clothes, but his face is a stylized noh mask and he rarely takes his hands out of his pockets. Instead, his jacket bulges like there are great, tunneling creature moving underneath it, and either the hems of his slacks cover his feet or his feet meld into the dream terrain. Power Descriptions: The Stranger’s powers come from his otherworldly lineage. His body is not something that grew around him; it’s a thing he constructed. As such he has incredible control over his biological processes, rendering him immune to virtually all the natural toxins that plague humans. In addition he can tap into his eldritch nature to empower himself, either to supercharge his physical body or attack his enemies’ minds in different ways. If he’s injured , he can reach out and absorb the power within a particular person or object to heal himself. Finally, as a creature native to the mindscape, he can enter the minds of sleeping creatures and travel via dreams to any other dreaming creature in this universe. In the realm of dreams, he is much more powerful and much stranger. He can reshape the dreamscape to his will and uses that to create walls and other structures to defend himself or tie up enemies, or to create attacks to overwhelm his enemies. He can even attack the very nature of the dream dimension itself to remove enemies History: The history of the creature most often known as the Stranger goes back to ancient Atlantis. A mage, his name forgotten to all, became aware of the strange beings that prowled on the edges of the dream realms. He enticed one in and captured it, forcing the creature to manifest physically. At first the creature was a formless mass, but as it spent more time around humans the spirit took on a more human form. Eventually the mage created a body for it, for the dream entity to move around the city and see its wonders. The creature survived the mage and was inherited by his family, but it was never regarded as anything but a monster to be studied and contained. The spirit’s body did not age or die though, and it was around to see the city sink. The spirit escaped to Mesopotamia, settling among the proto-Sumerians in the region and tried to live as just a man. However, there was a suffering that he couldn’t ignore. The dreams and minds of Atlanteans and mages were protected, but out in the wilds there were monsters and demons and worse to prey on people. The spirit had the knowledge of thousands of years of observing the greatest mages in history, and his own nature allowed him to travel to the dreamworld and do battle directly with the predators there. Time passed, and the creature traveled the world. Every place that he found evil preying on innocents he fought against it, often triumphing, sometimes dying, always returning. He’s spent tens of thousands of years this way, observing humanity’s slow climb up it its current state. He settled in Freedom City a few decades ago and eventually found a job with the Public Defender's Office, helping those who had recently gone through a traumatic life change. He remains a defender of the dreamscape, though, a terror to nightmares and an eerie defender of the waking world. Personality & Motivation: Seth appears rather distant to most people, even cold. Even when he claims to have strong feelings on a subject, he’ll often explain himself in a detached, logical fashion. This can be unsettling when he acts calm and collected in a stressful situation, even carrying on casual conversation in the middle of dangerous fights. The truth is that Seth views humanity as a fascinating mystery, full of questions and inconsistencies. He’s spent tens of thousands of years in and among them, and yet every day there is something that surprises him. He will protect humanity at least until he can unravel their mysteries. Powers & Tactics: There’s a marked difference between how the Stranger fights in the physical world and how he fights in the dreamworld. In the physical world he’s more or less a straight-up brawler, mixing bone-shattering blows with the occasional psychic dagger. If he’s too injured he can reach out and eat the energies that sustain a certain thing, dissolving it to dust and repairing himself. As a last resort he can drop the illusion of normality that covers him and subject everyone who can see him to his true, unnatural, mind-shattering shape. In the dreamworld fighting the Stranger is like fighting the land itself. He can use the mutable landscape to cause mountains to crash onto an opponent, freeze them solid one moment and boil them alive the next. He’s much less restrained in these fights, since all the damage is metaphorical; it takes a concerted effort to kill someone in the dreamscape, allowing him to fight without the usual consideration. Complications Not Meant to Be Seth is a creature not of this dimension, and his very nature is against the rules of this dimension. Observant people can figure out this wrongness from how the environment reacts to him. Staring into the Abyss Seth’s magical and psychic nature is a stain on the world. Anyone observing him with Magic Awareness or Mental Awareness will immediately know that he is something weird and dangerous. Constant Observer Seth is fascinated with the actions of humanity and its reasons for such. In the heat of the moment he may stop acting to simply observe, or even to interrogate someone engaged in delicate work. Never Forget In his very first incarnation Seth was essentially a slave of an Atlantean wizard. While that family is long dead, he still doesn’t trust any Atlantean or anyone of Atlantean descent (including Ulti-men and the inhabitants of Ultima Thule). Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 10 + 6 = 22PP Strength: 30/10 (+10/+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, +10 Pseudonatural Dreams Grapple: +6/+16 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -10/-5 Saving Throws: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Protection, 10 Impervious) Fortitude: +8 (+0 Con, +8) Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) Skills: 100R = 25PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 17 (+20)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Civics) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10) Knowledge (History) 9 (+10) Medicine 5 (+10) Notice 10 (+15) Sense Motive 6 (+11)Skill Mastery Feats: 8PP Dodge Focus 4 Fearless Ritualist Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Knowledge [Arcane Lore, Civics], Sense Motive) Startle Powers: 4 + 6 + 1 + 28 + 37 + 7 + 1 = 84PP All powers have the pseudonatural and magic descriptors Flight 2 (25 MPH) (Forsake the Earth) [4PP] Morph 2 (Any humanoid, +10 Disguise, Feats: Quick Change 2) (Shape this Shell) [6PP] Morph 0 (+0 Disguise, Feat: Metamorph) (Dream Self) [1PP] Pseudonatural Biology Container [28PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude, Feat: Trance, Flaw: Half Effect) (Constructed Body) [16PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Immunity 2 (Ageing, Sleep) [2PP] Pseudonatural Dreams Array 15 (30PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 5) [37PP] BE: Enhanced Strength 20 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Impervious]) + Impervious Protection 10 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Enhanced Strength]) (Inhuman Might) [30/30PP] AP: Stun 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged) (Psychic) (You Sleep) [30/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Alternate Save [Will]) (Psychic) (Visit Your Nightmares) [30/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Vampiric) (I Hunger!) [30/30PP] AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Linked [+0] [Drain Will]) + Drain Will 10 (Extra: Range/Perception, Flaw: Limited [Sleeping Targets Only]) (Dream Invasion) [30/30PP] AP: Dreamwalking [13/30PP] Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional 1 [Dream dimension]) [1PP] Teleport 20 (Anywhere in the universe, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Flaws: Limited [Long-Range Only], Medium [Dreams]) [12PP] Super Senses 5 (Mental sense, +Accurate, +Acute, +Radius, +Ranged, Extended [100 ft], Feat: Uncanny Dodge) (Spatial Awareness) [7PP] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection, 1 week) [1PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block Powers: 4 + 7 + 28 + 37 + 7 + 1 = 84PP All powers have the pseudonatural and magic descriptors Comprehend 2 (Understand all Language, Speak any One Language) (Dream Speech) [4PP] Morph 2 (Any humanoid, +10 Disguise, Feats: Metamorph, Quick Change 2) (Dream Self) [7PP] Pseudonatural Biology Container [28PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude, Feat: Trance, Flaw: Limited [Half Effect]) (Constructed Body) [16PP] Protection 10 [10PP] Immunity 2 (Ageing, Sleep) [2PP] Dreamcrafting Array 15 (30PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 5) [37PP] BE: Create Object 10 (Extra: Moveable) (Modeling the Dreamscape) [30/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extra: Autofire, Range/Ranged) (Dream Barrage) [30/30PP] AP: ESP 10 (200 000 miles; All senses, Flaw: Feedback) (Spy on Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Concealment 10 (All senses, Extra: Linked [+0] [Insubstantial]) + Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous, Extra: Linked [+0] [Concealment]) (Fade Into Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Dimensional Pocket 10 (Extra: Range/Ranged) (Into My Dreams) [30/30PP] AP: Snare 10 (Extra: Contagious) (Dream Quicksand) [30/30PP] Super Senses 5 (Mental sense, +Accurate, +Acute, +Radius, +Ranged, Extended [100 ft], Feat: Uncanny Dodge) (Dream Awareness) [7PP] Regeneration 1 (Resurrection, 1 week) [7PP] DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Dream Barrage Ranged DC 25+Autofire Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Into My Dreams Ranged DC 20 Reflex Trapped Dream Quicksand Ranged DC 20 Reflex (Staged) Snare Totals: Abilities (22) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (25) + Feats (8) + Powers (84) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/183 Power Points
  18. Blue Jay Corona Praetorians: the Deadly Dozen Miras Downtown Train Is This One of Those Dates? Tattered Marks Something to be Thankful For GM
  19. Well in general even if something is supposed to be mysterious, the player should at least know the answer. Joker's multiple-choice-background wouldn't fly in Freedom City, and even if the details will never be revealed you-as-the-player should have some idea of what's going on. If you want to make a character that exists more as a theme and less of a concrete set of details, you might want to rework this as a possessing spirit a la the spirit of Murder in the setting book. If this is a magical entity it would explain why none of Terrifica's science-y approaches are helping her; or it could be an alien or extradimensional intelligence that Terrifica wronged somehow.
  20. The last Halloween party Tona had attended at Silberman's had been memorial for more than one reason, so when Lynn announced a new one Tona had spent not a few hours considering her costume. Eventually she'd made up her mind and come back to the apartment with a bulging REI bag. The young archer was ever a practical sort and so her costume was (mostly) something she could use the rest of the year, too. She stomped down the stairs from her apartment to the store dressed in camouflage overalls, a thick orange sweater, mud boots, an orange, woolen cap, and a bushy beard tied to her face. A plastic rifle sized for a toddler and painted patriotic colors completed the outfit. She walked into the store carrying a pair of Tupperware containers, and waved to her boss. "Belle nuit, Lynn," she said. "I brought treats for the party." She placed the containers on the check-out counter and opened it, pulling out a line of dried apple slices with a line of yarn threaded through them. "There's pear and orange slices in there, too," she said, being careful that none of the paper towels stuck to the dried fruit."
  21. Asli watched Joe closely, trying to read past his response. "So what is it, then? What gets your fire going, Joe? What's your great, undying passion in life?"
  22. If anyone can come up with a clever idea to avoid the horde of drones (make up details if you want to, I'm easy like that) then now is the time to try them. Otherwise it'll be Initiative time soon enough, yeah.
  23. Aya maneuvered the shuttle into position and finished locking the last pieces of her armor into place. She programmed a flight plan into the shuttle and set a timer, then went back to the airlock with the two Praetorians. They cycled through the airlock and made the crossing; hard vacuum didn't bother any of them, least of all for the few minutes it took to transfer from one ship to the next. As they finished entering the stricken mining vessel, the shuttle's engines lit up and it maneuvered away. Aya felt better by a bare degree, knowing that at least the Communion wouldn't be absorbing Delaztri tech. Once through the airlock, the trio found themselves in a long, dark room filled with sealed canisters. Correction -- filled with floating, sealed canisters. Either this section was always intended to be in vacuum, or the crew had turned off life support to try and kill the Communion drones. It was immediately obvious that they weren't successful, as almost before they had found their feet the three women saw a drone scramble into the room. It looked Lor, though covered in the burning circuitry of the Communion's assimilation process. It obviously wasn't adapted to vacuum as all three of them could see its blown-out eyeballs, and the characteristic bleeding from the mouth that spoke of lung damage from decompression. That didn't seem to slow it down, though, as it flung itself at them!
  24. Could do it as Silberman's at Halloween, with kids coming up for candy and whatnot. Some cities do that, trick or treating to stores.
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