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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. With the Sneak Attack damage you are currently over caps. Visual Concealment can help keep people flat-footed, but all they need to counter that is to take Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) or even have a Perception score good enough to pierce it. You can't just boost Equipment by spending on it. By and large Equipment is by the book, except for HQs. If you want a staff that can shrink down and fire lighting blasts, buy a Device; if you want a wooden stick, then you can get by with Equipment.
  2. So there's a couple of things to talk about with this build. Sneak Attack is not something I would recommend; it adds +2 to the DC of any effect when you're attacking a flat-footed target. That's useful if you can reliably get a target flat-footed, but that +2 DC does count against caps; taking that into account his staff (which looks to be doing DAM 3 + Str?) is doing (3 + 5 + 2) Rank 11 Damage, with a +13 Attack. That's over caps for a PL 10. Now you could reduce the amount of damage he can do or reduce the Attack bonus, but I'd recommend dropping the Sneak Attack. He doesn't have any kind of Feint or Startle that would let him get a target flat-footed, so he'll hit his damage caps in the first round of combat (assuming he's sneaking about) and then be at less-than-full-power for the rest of the fight. The staff... What is it actually doing? If the staff is Equipment, then you have to keep in mind that Equipment is sort of restricted to things that actually exist, stuff you could go out to a store to buy. It looks like the staff does DAM 3 + Str bonus; DAM 3 is a claymore or a greatsword. I don't buy that a staff can do DAM 3. Not to mention it doing Electrical Damage, somehow?
  3. Something to keep in mind is that a device (that is, a construct that an individual was not born with and grants them superpowers) does not have to be a Device (that is, a point construct that allows effects to be taken away from a character). Cyborg is entirely constructed of devices-little-d, yet you can't take them away so they wouldn't be built as a Device-big-D. However, durf makes some good points. Your character needs to hit their combat caps, and you need to rewrite the character sheet in the format used by these boards.
  4. Their DEF is 20, so that's +3 DC for a total of DC 27. 1d20+10: 12 [1d20=2] And that's dog 1 down! Monkey Wrench is going to be up next, and can I get some IC rolls for these attacks?
  5. Well traveling by jumping places is entirely covered with Leaping. A quirk of the rules is that no matter how high your Leap is you come down safely, but if you're dropped from the same height it'll hurt. So maybe get him something like Immunity (Falling Damage) to go with it. A Device that gives Concealment vs. Visual senses is a bit more complicated. A straight-up invisibility cloak would be something like Concealment 4 (All Visual); the problem is that comes out to 8 PP and you need multiples of 5 to put it in a Device. Maybe put Concealment to Radar on there as well, I dunno. Something more like a Predator's cloak would be Concealment 2 (Normal vision), maybe with the Close Power Feat so you sneak up real close to people.
  6. I'm going to be bold and request a full-body or bust shot of Miras. She's a heavier gal, and most modeling programs have a distinct bent towards athletic and thinner bases, at least for women. At the same time I'd like a headshot of Blue Jay. She has a lot of piercings that I'm intentionally vague about, and it's always fun to see people's interpretation of that.
  7. Happy birthday to the Sorus! Happy birthday to the man who keeps us rolling along and keeps this whole mess functioning. May the butts ever be in your favor, sir.
  8. Their conversation was something like "We found the king. The fool kept the king with him, and now someone's going to walk out with him!"
  9. My Internet is being fickle. AT&T is sending a guy out and hopefully he can fix the problem. If he can't, I guess I'll have to set up my old router. Point is I'm going to be largely absent until this is fixed.
  10. The big man in the trenchcoat continued rudely rummaging through the books, manhandling them and indifferently abandoning them. Lynn observed the big man, but while he would shove people aside he never acted maliciously to them -- just callously, like they were mobile furniture getting in his way. Before too much longer she spotted one of the polo shirt’d men manning the tables slip free of the pickers and start towards the big man. She didn’t have to step between them, though, because another tall man in a dirty coat moved into the room and there was a quick conference between them. Lynn was easily able to overhear their conversation, and it took her a minute to realize they were speaking something that sounded halfway between French and German. They didn’t waste much time, just a few guttural words and they walked out of the room together. Isaac followed his tablet from room to room, trying to find whatever had contaminated so many things with such powerful magic. It seemed like a fool’s errand, as it took him through what felt like every single room of the mansion, twice. Eventually he ended up in the front of the house, where a long table had been set up with cashiers and adding machines. There, he spotted it, a strong magical source hidden in a pink shoulder bag with a skeletal Hello Kitty on it. The woman with the bag had her hair dyed in alternating hot-pink and blue-black, and was wearing a shirt with a jolly Grim Reaper on it. She was gathering her change and preparing to leave.
  11. "I'll recklessly chase after the assassin, being careful all the while."
  12. You think the horses are magical?
  13. I think this may be a point at which we fundamentally disagree. On the one hand I do build like you; I like to get mechanics down rather than building a character around a specific trick that isn't possible mechanically, at the end of the day mechanics should serve the character. Right now you don't have a character, or at least nothing that I'm seeing here. There isn't even a name or an outline of a backstory here, just a bare-bones concept. Certainly I don't see how "hero who is largely a mystery" ties to "I can control the powers of Hell and Perdition." I think you need to spend a little bit of time working on the fluff of the character before creating a whole, complete set of powers.
  14. Blue Jay Miras Corona GM Head of State
  15. I hope you're going to fill out the Na!e and whatnot fields above. No one else may know who your character is, but the refs have to, at a minimum. As to the character build, I see a few rules infractions but I'm going to ask a bigger question: if the concept is a character that people are not sure exists, what stopsthem from taking his picture?
  16. The residue is mostly on bed linens and clothes. It seems like something that might've been in a bedroom.
  17. Lynn moved through the building, observing the pickers and value hunters picking over Leland’s belongings. There were old clothes, antique furnishings, and linens and crockery -- all things that Lynn didn’t have a use for. Soon enough, though, she entered a room and stumbled on the motherload; three large tables entirely covered with books. Signed hardcover books and paperbacks with broken spines, self-help books with dog-eared pages and even stacks and stacks of TV Guides and Reader’s Digests and National Geographics. Whatever else Leland’s sins were, he was an avid reader. Lynn was looking over a complete collection of Tom Clancy knock-offs when someone nearly knocked her off her feet. It was a tall man in a long, dirty trenchcoat, and he seemed entirely unconcerned with almost bowling over the tiny shopowner. He was reaching out and grabbing books seemingly at random, flipping through them and then dropping the books on the table without any regard for where they had been. This close, the fae could smell the man; he smelled of dead things, of musty earth and bones and stale earth. Isaac’s conversations weren’t very productive/ The spirits weren’t talkative, in fact some seemed downright sullen; they would answer direct questions but were resistant to opening up. The few facts he did manage to wheedle out suggested there was a very strict hierarchy among the house spirits, with mentions of counts and dukes and bishops. Certain spirits definitely had position above others, but it was hard to suss out exactly who it was organized around. The people who set up the estate sale had jumbled the different rooms together, so if the hierarchy had been local then the sale would destroy it. His tablet had a more interesting story to tell; several of the items had a low level of magical energy, like they had spent a long time in the presence of something highly magical.
  18. Okay, a thread is up for Grim and Stormcrow. Don't forget to tag the OOC!
  19. For rolls and suchlike when looking for a good deal.
  20. Noontime August 1st, 2015 Bayview, Freedom City House of the late Leland Comtois Leland Comtois had lived a full life, as evidenced by the photographs on his wall. As a child he was standing in waders next to a goat in the mud; as a young man he was smiling broadly, one arm around a woman and the holding a smoking cigarette. Then he was in uniform, marching under a French flag. There was a gap in the photographs, the next one being labeled 1951 and Leland standing in a group of severe young men, none of them smiling, all of them facing the camera like it was an execution. More photos from the 1950s showed him either in art galleries or walking out of police stations. Then the 70s and he was in New York City, and later decades saw him move to Freedom City. He was seen wearing doctoral robes and standing authoritatively at the front of a FreeSA classroom. Books lining his shelves bore his name, biographies of people like Andre Breton, Salvador Dali, and Jacques Vache. Most of the art had already been tagged with red banners marking it as SOLD, but it was still displayed and it showed the clear influence of Surrealists. Of course, all of this was a backdrop to the estate sale. The sale of the art was being handled by an auction house in the city; on display for the crowd to peruse were the numerous pieces of furniture, books, crockery, upholsteries, gewgaws, wines and bourbons, knick-knacks, old clothes, and a thousand other pieces of detritus collected over the antiquarian’s long life. They were all for sale in his rambling Bayview mansion, all discreetly tagged and priced according to how impressive the estate handling agency considered each piece.
  21. Does Grim go looking through estate sales for deals, maybe on rare books? I have an idea for a thread involving ghouls and a desiccated head.
  22. Jay turned and the arrow glanced off her back, bouncing into the air and pin wheeling away. She completed her turn with an arrow drawn and nocked, and let it fly. Several more shafts followed it as she kept moving in one smooth motion, ending up crouched behind an air conditioning unit. She was sure that she could win this duel, given time, but it would slow her down -- maybe slow her down so much that she couldn't find the assassin. And where the hell was Samaritan, anyway? She tapped her combead, tapping into a band commonly used by Claremonters. "Where the hell are you," she hissed. "I'm tying up this archer on the roof, but I can't drop him yet. Did you find the sniper?"
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