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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. ~Un-der the Booooooardwalk. Down by the SEEEEEE-eeeeea yeah.~
  2. Brig is interested in cute boys and punching. Probably exotic locations, too.
  3. Are you looking for a particular PL? Brig could use more threads, but she's only PL 7.
  4. Miras stood in front of the portal, hands on her hips, feeling mightily annoyed and just a bit curious. The paper had disappeared all at once; she had watched it at several hundred times the speed that anyone else in the crowd could perceive, and she had to admit that as soon as the sheet of paper had touched the portal, the whole thing was sucked through in a blink. She was just considering maybe holding onto the paper this time when the short woman with the pointed ears stepped into the circle of police cars. Miras gave the other woman a wave, backlit by the glowing portal. "I don't suppose you've got a long stick on you, by chance?" she asked. "Or maybe a reeeeeeeeally long tape measure."
  5. We don't need to change anything. We just write with the expectation that it's always been true.
  6. It turns out that the hole outside of Grim's store is the one Miras is at.
  7. I'm asking if anyone would volunteer to get some roleplay in before we're fighting dinosaurs.
  8. It seems like we're all pretty spread out. Does anyone want to (perhaps retroactively) be at the same portal?
  9. Aya coughed dryly. "I've got a couple months' a' leave," she said, "before I have to meet th' Praetorians. That's why I came over here straightaway, to clear this up quick as I can. I wasn’t plannin’ to dive into a gas giant regularly,” she added. “A dive test would be a good idea, though, if you know a place we can get to quickly. She wondered just what kind of cult there was under the planet’s oceans. As far as she knew all Terrans were pure mammalian, with no amphibian-type lines in their morphology. Maybe this was a stable meta line among the Terrans.
  10. Why is not!Mathias talking about letting Blue Jay down? I thought she avoided the trap.
  11. Tona barely slept that night. She packed a tiny bag, mostly filled with her costume and her bow and her arrows, and tried to get to sleep. At some point in the night she got up and packed a second bag with all sorts of wires and caltrops and glass bottles and sand and other tricks she'd need for making traps, and placed both bags by the door before going back to bed. And then she got up a second time and put the trap bag away, grumbling at herself for how silly she was being, and grabbed another couple of shirts to stuff into the first bag. And over that night she didn't get more than about fifteen minutes of sleep. So it was understandable that, when she showed up at the airport, her eyes were dark and puffy from lack of sleep and she snapped unsociably at anyone who tried to help her with the three bags she was lugging.
  12. As foolish as it was, Corona found herself racing. Not against time or against the on-coming Communion hordes, but against that damned Terran flying bike. She would grab a satchel of explosives and fly up to an indicated point at the structure, and then return for another load. in that time the flying bike (with the Grue soldier perched atop it, of all things!) would have made two trips and be leaving on its third. It grated on the Lor that she couldn't outfly the Terran machine. It wasn't at all logical, but this wasn't a day for logic. She found herself trying to fly faster and faster, slapping the packs up hastily and dropping back down. She stopped when one satchel almost fell on her head, dislodged from its perch by the mole-slug slamming to the ground. After that the Lor officer forced herself to move slower and take her time, and swallow the bile she felt at losing to the Terran machine. Before long the entire structure was wired, and the troopers had withdrawn in good order to the side of the building farthest from the canyon and the moleslug. Corona landed near the center of the formation. Someone was already on the transceiver, calling for pick-up and evacuation at one of the pre-arranged points; the Lor listned long enough to hear the transport shuttle confirm point Lambda, then she switched over to the band used by the commanders. "I mightily hope you all heard that," she transmitted. "Th' ship's comin' in, and stars know how long it'll hang around." She waved the troops along and they moved further into the city and away from the blasting zone. "In th' meantime, th' tower is comin' down." She took flight, making sure she had plenty of air beneath her before entering the command for detonation. The charges went off in sequence, bright flashes of plasma and cracks of detonation marking where the compturonium was being cut through. The tower groaned as it listed, almost drowning out as it fell. Fell away from the city, pointedly; the team had placed the charges so that it fell towards the canyon, and the moleslug, and the three superheroes still fighting to contain it.
  13. Miras wasn't usually seen in Kingston. The upper-class suburb wasn't the sort of place she felt at home at, and she didn't usually find her cases taking her there. Today, though, she was running all over town trying to figure out the what and the why behind these weird portals. Right now she was standing in front of one that had blocked all five lanes of Austin. The police barricade kept civilians a good fifty feet away while the magus paced around and around the hole in the world. She had seen Daedalus and Miss Americana and other technology heroes scanning and examining the portals around town, and she hoped that they would have an answer for it all, but if they didn't she had her own angle to try. She stood upwind of the portal, holding a piece of loose paper; it fluttered in the wind and Miras gauged the flight path carefully. At once she released the paper and shifted into slow-time. The entire street with the fluttering paper and worried police and craning, inquisitive civilians all froze, and she got a chance to watch the paper creeeeeeeeeep towards the portal.
  14. Red text on a blue background, V? Really?
  15. Rolling Blue Jay's Initiative on her old sheet. 1d20+15: 28 [1d20=13]
  16. Aya blinked and her cheeks colored. “I didn’t mean to insult you,” she said, switching back to the Terran’s tongue. “I didn’t realize you knew any dialect of Lor, though.” She glanced at Sharl; she didn’t quite buy that any Terran could learn Lor without someone to teach them. “Th’ suit is rated for negative an’ positive pressure environments, an’ for operation for roundabout eighteen hours without refills,” she said. “I’ve never had cause to use that much, but I’d rather keep it available if that’s an option. I’ve never used it against anythin’ harsher than a cyanide or methane-oxide atmosphere.”
  17. I should have made it more explicit, but there are still two gun-wielding mooks in the antechamber. Does Nick want to deal with them?
  18. They were looking for titanium and palladium, and a couple of the thugs had backpacks full of computer power supplies and lithium-ion batteries. Obviously whatever they're building is high-tech and probably computer-controlled, and needs a looooooot of power.
  19. You probably want to update the fluff, but the mechanics seem solid to me.
  20. It looks solid. You can shave a couple points off Exotic Saves, and I recommend putting those into a few APs off the Blast; maybe some kind of Snare and/or a Stun, to handle foes with high Toughness.
  21. GM The man didn’t seem turned off by Cassie’s words, in fact his smile never wavered. Increasingly it wasn't even like a smile, more like a flesh-mask drawn over whatever was underneath. “Please, miss, at least take my employer’s card!” He forced the rectangle of cardboard into Cassie’s hand. “If you have a change of mind, don’t hesitate to call.” Up in the stands, the woman in the suit was similarly expressionless when talking to Mali. “My employer is expecting something more like -- I think the term is ‘mixed martial arts’?” The woman put her head to one side. “A more freeform enterprise, not strictly keeping to one school of martial arts. And so we wouldn’t be expecting you to speak on a specific style, but more the overall ability of the different fighters. You look like a woman who’s very knowledgeable about this sort of thing.”
  22. Blue Jay ran, ran through bushes and past caves. She ran over streams and under rock shelves. She ran mindlessly, thoughtlessly, not trying to reach any particular place of safety but just moving away from the locus of her fear. Slowly though, the burning of her muscles and her lungs pierced the fog of terror and she slowed, coming to a stop next to the bole of a tropical tree. She put one hand on it, breathing deeply, when an unseen voice addressed her from the treetops. She was suddenly aware of the sweat on the back of her neck, felt it freeze and become clammy as she imagined someone drawing down on her. She didn’t move, but she did search the ground in front of her. If there was a trap, she didn’t see it -- which could just mean the trap was too well-hidden for her to notice it. Gambling otherwise could be deadly. So the young archer decided to talk to the unseen figure. “A boat brought me,” she said. “AEGIS lost a couple of agents over this island, and they thought I would be their best shot at finding them.” She turned her head slightly, angling her face down so she could scan the canopy with her peripheral vision. “Are you one of them? Or do you just like watching girls run through your woods?”
  23. My only comment would be that if you swap Tria and Equinox, then you have science and magic on both teams. Otherwise you're running heavily to science on Team Future and heavily to magic on Team Past. Which, you know. If that's your plan, more power to you.
  24. Int 16 and no Knowledge skills above +10 makes this character far from a genius. In fact, I don't know if I can buy her having a master's degree at that point. She's supposed to be an engineer and has no Know/Technology, Know/Physical Science or Earth Science, and Craft/Robotics isn't a thing. Craft/Mechanical and Craft/Electrical are. Wealth 4 does not exist on these boards. The highest Wealth goes is 3, at which point you are a multibillioniare on the level of Tony Stark or Lex Luthor. Entangle is not a thing that exists. I assume you mean Snare. Def +7 and Tou +11 makes this character over caps defensively. Either reduce Def to +3 or reduce Tou to +7.
  25. HG Morrison enjoyed Fury Road, but didn't feel it was a great or anything. It was pretty good though! Cabochard I agree with HG Gizmo That's fine, you can be wrong together. HG Morrison We can and will! Cabochard Sounds good to me! Gizmo But not great or anything? Cabochard yep
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