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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. ​Well you shouldn't make a PL 7 just because you want to get into a low-PL thread, you should make a PL 7 because you have a good idea that power range. If you do, then great! Make 'em and get 'em into stories. This thread won't be won just by mind-controlling all the animals, though. There will be some environmental hazards to consider. If you're the PC that happens to be near the dolphin tank when it breaks, being a telepath isn't going to help you save those porpoises! Every player gets a PL 10 and PL 7 slot off the bat. I think there's a second PL 10 slot reserved for space-based characters, but for the life of me I can't remember the rules around it.
  2. Well Wildcat is certainly closer to the PL I'm looking for. Can you think of a reason he'd be at the Freedom City zoo, given his Complication?
  3. So this is sort of recruitment/interest check for a thread set at Freedom City's zoo. I'm mostly looking for lower PLs and Claremont PCs for this; it's not going to be about smacking around Power Corps or whatnot, but about dealing with animals gone rampant and saving civvies. Anyone interested in a thread that's more disaster oriented than crime oriented?
  4. Aya eyed the scanning devices as they went to work on her armor section. It wasn't that she didn't trust the Terran exactly, it was just that the armor was precious to her and if someone tore it apart and she couldn't get it replaced... She didn't know what kind of resources ALIENS could draw on, but she didn't want to risk her armor. "Terrans have been very helpful in th' fight. I saw some Terrans do pretty amazing things in a fight." She waited until Miss Americana stepped away for a minute. She leaned closer to Sharl and spoke quietly, switching to Lor for the conversation. "<Don't you get worried about them?>" She glanced at the scientist. "<Terrans do so many things that shouldn't be possible. If they're in th' Republic, how will we regulate all of 'em?>"
  5. Tona let her hand be taken, but she didn't met Sam's gaze. Her eyes remained on their hands; slowly, she interlaced their fingers together, holding Sam's hand tightly. She kissed the other woman's fingers, then finally looked her in the eye. "Once you're the Phantom Fox," she said quietly, "does that mean you'll be able to change stupid rules about having to leave you girlfriend behind to worry?"
  6. "I may not be able to walk you to his front door," Cato said, putting the wine glass down, "but I can certainly point you in the correct direction." He walked the two girls up to the pier and back out to the blockade of Atlantean soldiers. "If you go down this street," he said, pointing in a direction that ran parallel to the coastline, "you should find the graverobber's house. Last time I was there a few of the surfacer news media were attending him -- no doubt spreading his poisonous, lying version of events." Once the princess and her companion were on their way, Cato walked back down the pier and boarded a different boat. This one was older and dirtier than the one he had chosen, but it was perfect for another reason because it was the single largest boat docked at the pier. In the hold, a trio of Atlantean soldiers were working on small devices that looked like basalt nautilus shells. One stood and nodded at Cato as the senator entered the workspace. "How are the sonic charges coming?" "We're almost done," the soldier said. "We should be able to blow the vessel no later than midnight." Cato nodded slowly. "With the help of the gods, I should be able to keep the princess busy until then." He glanced at the shells. "I hope that there will not be a problem with her going down afterwards?" The soldier shook his head curtly. "The charges will destroy the cargo," he said. "And we have the surfacer's submersible. We can destroy that at the scene, claim the surfacers sent it down and it exploded. There shouldn't be any evidence left."
  7. "I am afraid," the smiling man said, "that we cannot allow you into the theater while the teacher is playing." "Her playing is the reason we have to get into --" Miras stopped suddenly and blinked, her mind catching up to all the implications. "Did you just call her the teacher?" "Our teacher and our prophet," the smiling man confirmed. The two silent types behind him reached into their suit jackets and removed pistols with long, nasty-looking silencers attached to them. "And I think we should all sit out here and listen to her sing!" Miras set her jaw, gathered her power -- and reached out and tapped the man on the forehead. He suddenly glinted, like he was metal reflecting the noonday sun, and he froze. It didn't even look like he was breathing. It looked like someone had hit pause on the movie of his life. Miras sniffed dismissively and slapped his head; the huge body teetered, toppled, and fell to the plush carpeting. "You're going to miss the big night," she spat, "but don't feel bad. You're not going to be the only one."
  8. Corona followed the Star Knight to the conference room, taking up another anchor position; between herself, Paradigm, and the Star Knight, they formed an isosceles triangle. She stood quietly, listening to the discussion taking place, noting that Paradigm allowed each of the Praetorians speak up. Evidently this was an egalitarian organization, even if some of the members acted like there was a more structured hierarchy. "It's hard to say what we'll find before we get there," she opined. "Plannin' to hit them as one won't help much if they've already skedaddled. But they haven't shown up anywhere else -- and by and large, these aren't subtle people. Even Pheyden and X'madi," she added "are more likely to try and grab control of a planet with their mental powers than they are to lay low and let th' heat die down. I expect that as soon as we get close, we'll start to see signs of them." She paused for a moment. "Of course, our first mission should be to help any survivors."
  9. Tona turned away from Sam, walking towards the front of the unit, hugging herself tightly. Thoughts were racing through her mind; not how to stop her girlfriend from going on her self-imposed quest, but rather how to convince Sam not to go alone. Tona understood what it felt like when there was a goal out there that you had to achieve at all costs, but she couldn't shake the feeling that her girlfriend was being obstinate. If Tona was given to more self-inspection, she might have found the situation funny. She turned around to face Sam. "You need to find your mentor," she said, "to fight her because she's abandoned some sort of code. And this has to be a duel because of this code. What if this Phantom Fox doesn't agree with you? What if she has a whole bunch of bodyguards and security goons? You might still need help with those."
  10. That all looks good. I can't see any other flaws that stand out to me; I think Oracle is ready for the Character Bank.
  11. The ring sounds a lot like a Dubmo's feather, an otherwise mundane item which becomes a focus/good luck charm for a certain character, giving them abilities they would not possess without it. A Device can work like that, but it would require at least Restricted 2; that stops anyone else who takes the ring off her from using the powers inside of it themselves. However, your Teleport does not have the correct cost on it. Accurate is not a Feat for Teleport; it's an Extra, raising the cost of the power by 1 PP/rank. That raises the cost to 3 PP/rank, and so 3 ranks of Teleport would cost 9 PP.
  12. I didn't expect you to replace the whole build. I just thought it would be an easy starting point. You can't have Teleport 2 inside the Device like that. Devices are a specialized form of Container, where you spend either 4 or 3 PP to get a 'rank' of the Device and 5 PP to spend inside the container. In this case, a Rank 2 Device would have 10 PP in it; you could spend 4 PP (since it's Hard to Lose) and up that to 15 PP inside the device, but you can't just spend 2 PP on it.
  13. Comrade Frost can follow Sergei's heat trail from Logan Airport into the city; past that it gets a little hard to follow due to overlapping heat trails, but with Analytical and a little bit of concentrating he can determine that Sergei's path leads into Parker House. It's too muddled inside to go follow the trail any farther, though, because of all the overlapping trails.
  14. I still think you're sort of working off 3E rules here. You cannot raise Toughness or Initiative directly; for Toughness you need to buy Defensive Roll, Forcefield, or Protection, and for Initiative you need Improved Initiative or a way to raise your Dex. The biggest issue I see here, though, is that this character isn't hitting their combat caps. It is very important for a starting character to hit their combat caps, usually up to PL 10. Currently this character is PL 8.5, on both offense and defensive. You should really work on making sure they hit caps for Attack, the Damage of at least one effect, Defense, and Toughness. Lastly, I'm not sure the array will pass muster. Postcognition and Precognition are both powers that make GMs wary, and putting Super-Senses in an array is almost always a no-go. If I were you, I would start looking at the various character building threads created by some of our refs, who have a loooooot of experience building characters and manipulating the mechanics of the game. Here is a telepath written by trollthumper that I think can work as a good base for your character. For a quick conversion, drop the armored bodysuit and pick up Forcefield to keep the character at combat caps; switch out one or more of the APs in the array for more telekinetic-themed powers; and put some of the bonuses like Dodge Focus and Exotic Saves into a Container to represent combat precognition.
  15. That is a much better post Ayden, thank you. Do you want to roll those checks?
  16. Corona was taken back by the forward, frank question from the Praetorian. She spluttered for a moment, unable to think of a response. "It's keepin' me busy," she said finally. "Th' Communion's been pushed back t'a its holes, and now there's this job in front'a me." She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Right now I just want t' focus on the job in front'a me." She sat up straighter when the Star Knight sat down near the group, orienting herself to the new arrival. "You think this is magic?" She eyed the floating ink distrustfully. "You really think this'll help?"
  17. Corona flared her aura, giving the troops a place to navigate to. "Alright, everyone get in here!" She motioned hugely, pointing the soldiers deeper into the building. She ducked reflexively as the Terran's flying motorcycle dashed in over them, and before long the soldiers were all inside. She moved from squad to squad, quickly tallying their demolitions, and a quick calculation showed that they were going to be short. The engineers concurred; they had spent so many explosives fighting back the antibodies that they weren't going to be able to bring down the communications array. Corona walked around to the troops again, arranging the squads to cover the different entrances. She returned to the engineers, where they were trying to figure out how they would do the job without enough explosives. She stood before them, glowing gold and red and powerful. "If you can point 'em out," she said to them, "I can rip apart some'a th' supports. Might make th' job go smooth."
  18. Blue Jay We Need to Talk Dead Island Punk Princess Corona Incursion: Troopers Praetorians: the Deadly Dozen Misery of Knowledge Miras Azathoth Remix Temporiad: Save on Time Brigandine Monopoly Misappropriations GM Don't Go Into the Water
  19. Hrm. Okay, Corona will try a Know/Tactics roll to set up some defenses, lest the antibodies come after them. Since she doesn't have Know/Tactics, this is going to be a straight Int roll. d20+1: 16 [1d20=15] Well, she did literally as good as it is possible for her to do, at least.
  20. Okay Ayen, I am going to have to throw that post back at you. 59 words is almost nothing to go on. I'm going to ask you to expand on what you're giving me.
  21. I recommend you take a look at the Heroes section of the Character Bank to see how character sheets should be formatted; you should also read through the House Rules, because I can see a few places where this build violates them, mostly with Defensive Roll.
  22. Corona will be following the troops into the array and setting the bombs. What sort of rolls do you want for that, Gizmo?
  23. Hey there. You seem to have made this character in M&M 3E, and this site runs on a modified version of M&M 2E. This character concept is workable, but the math has to be in 2E.
  24. What do you think is appropriate? How would Frost approach this problem?
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