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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Blue Jay cursed as her shots failed to connect, and cursed again as Samaritan bounded off without even waiting to coordinate. She stood and swept her gaze across the face of the building that she can see; there were no more open windows, which meant that there probably weren't anymore sniper nests prepared. If these people meant to run away then they'd likely be heading for a car, which meant moving at street level... As the hunter considered which direction they would take, her attention was drawn to the roof. She watched the other archer saunter out into the open, her own fingers suddenly twitching in anticipation. She stood, drawing nocking and loosing an arrow in one smooth, fluid motion, and sending another after it before the first was halfway to its target. Blue Jay backed up from the edge of the roof, ducking behind a ventilation duct; then, after a quick breath, she popped out on the other side and sent another shaft winging across the way.
  2. Blue Jay's going to fling some arrows over at the other archer. 1d20+15: 19 [1d20=4] Oh gods, that's atrocious. Spending a HP for a reroll. 1d20+15: 32 [1d20=17] Now that's how you start a duel! For posterity, this thread is using the archived version of Blue Jay, not the latest approved one.
  3. "I am Senator Cato," the older Atlantean said, "representative of the will of our people, and servant of our king. Servant of your family, actually," he corrected himself with a laugh. "And as your servant I beg of you, Princess, to take whichever vessel you desire as your own, personal accommodations. Even this one we are sitting in! I would be beyond happy to move my personal effects elsewhere. I can find lodgings on a different vessel." The Atlantean glanced at Miss Grue. "And of course, your traveling companion is welcome within our cordon. I extend all the hospitalities of my station to the both of you."
  4. Blue Jay pulled a face. "I'm going to have to wear dresses," she said. "Fancy, glittery dresses. I don't know anything about that. If someone attacked I could protect the princess," she allowed, "but I'm not comfortable having everyone... watch me like that." She squirmed uncomfortably in her chair, already feeling her face heat up. "I don't think it would help to have a princess mumbling and frowning at her coronation." She sighed, looking down at her drink. "I'll do it," she said. "I'm not going to leave people in need. I just... don't like the plan. Can't we just arrest the prince?"
  5. Corona smashed into the crowd of antibodies, their metal fingers either failing to find purchase or being ripped from their owners when her superpowered muscles ripped her arms free. She was unstoppable, moving with rage and golden power. The Lor found herself alone for a moment and looked around, breathing heavily and taking a hard look around. She was untouched by the silver-and-meat horrors around her, but she looked back and saw that the merely mortal soldiers were starting to run into close combat with the anitbodies, and they were starting to take some hits. She looked down the canyon, seeing Wander's wild, furious fight with the antibodies at the mouth of the canyon; she felt a deep, instinctive pull to go in that direction and continue venting her rage. But to do that would be to abandon the soldiers under her command, and she couldn't do that. Corona took flight briefly, skimming over the crowd of antibodies and landing between the Communion's troops and the Lor force. She grabbed a handy antibody and swung it in a wide circle, knocking a number of antibodies down; with a few seconds of breathing room, she glanced at the engineer jury-rigging the explosives. "Give me what you've got," she shouted, and either something in her expression or the instinct to follow orders made the Lor hand off the rest of the partially-dissembled explosives. Corona punched a hole in the squirming antibody she was holding and stuffed the explosives inside; then she picked the largest concentration of the creatures she could find and tossed the monster in amongst its own kind. She waved the troopers down and the advance paused for a moment, as a massive explosion took place in the middle of the antibody formation. Computronium and scorched metal rained down, and Corona summoned her power to her. Her helmet folded back and she blazed gold and red, looking determined and undaunted. "Come on, all you grunts," she shouted. "Forward for the Republic! Forward for your Khanate! Forward for the chance to breath free! Forward to glory and death and liberty!"
  6. Okay, Corona's going to focus on Antibody Regiment 4 and try to clear it out.. She's going to be using full Power Attack, so +5/-5. 1d20+5: 14 [1d20=9] That's a DC 30 Toughness save if it hits. Which it should.
  7. Looks pretty good. TT and Ecal are probably better for putting together a power set relating to a Dinoysus-powered guitar, but the character here seems solid. There's a few things you might want to flesh out. This guy comes into existence fully formed as a rock star; maybe just a couple sentences about how and where he grew up and how he got his big break into the industry. Is the guitar really a divine gift? If so, there's plenty of ways that can be spun off into additional stories. Either Titans or other gods who dislike him because they have a beef with Dionysus, or even things like maenads showing up and having to be dealt with. And if the guitar isn't really powered by the Greek god, then he might have an angry, hung-over deity to answer to.
  8. Aya narrowed her eyes at Vyrdna's suggestion, but managed to hold her tongue. She stood a bit straighter when Commander E'tten made his request. He new position and the charter of ALIENS in general depended a great deal on the cooperation of the Lor's allies. If Paradigm and the Praetorians turned them down, would she go back to OOPS and Terra? The alien accepted her smoothly and without question, though, assigning her a berth on a ship, and the Lor agent breathed a soft sigh. "With your permission, Imperitrix," Aya said, "I should be gettin' some gear from our shuttle. If you can delay your flight until then, please." She left, walking quickly down the corridor back to the shuttle berth and she only took one wrong turn. The Devotion didn't leave without her. Aya climbed the gangplank with a heavy satchel over her shoulder. She stopped just inside, glancing around at a two thousand-year old interior. "It looks... well-persevered," she said. Despite the age the layout of any spaceship followed the same demands of physics and engineering, and it wasn't long before she found a section with padded chairs. She sat in one and laid the satchel at her feet, then opened the package and started removing the parts of her spacesuit.
  9. At this rate it would be cheaper for the Pratorians to buy/find a new homeplanet.
  10. Are we rolling for squads, now? I don't think we've done that yet before.
  11. Aya stood at parade rest in the briefing room, positioning herself behind Cavalier so she could watch the Star Knight's reaction. "The Lor don't lock sophonts up in maximum security prisons for stealin' some credits," she said. "You can assume that each of these people is a dangerously unbalanced personality." The faces of each criminal reappeared, sorting themselves into a slowly rotating circle. She pointed at Valris, her eyes following the reptile's. "This one, to take an example, took vacation on an orbital habitat of a couple hundred. When a supply ship made dock an' no one answered, they investigated. In a couple weeks, Valris had paralyzed each inhabitant, strung them up, an' started... cutting them." She shook her head, tamping down the fury she was feeling. "These are monsters. Don't worry about playing nice with them."
  12. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: The Stranger Power Level: 12 (180/180PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Platinum Status: 0/30 In Brief: An inhuman creature bonded to a human shell. A protector of the dreamscape. Alternate Identity Identity: Seth Machan (Secret) Birthplace: The Dreamspace/Atlantis Occupation: Life Emergency Counselor Affiliations: Project Freedom, Freedom City Medical Center Family: None, and innumerable. Description Age: ~16,000 years old (Incarnated during the Pleistocene) Apparent Age: Mid thirties Gender: Male Ethnicity: Appears Caucasian Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 140 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black Abilities: 0 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 10 + 6 = 24PP Strength: 30/10 (+10/+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution:30/12 (+10/+1) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 20 (+5) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, +10 Pseudonatural Dreams Grapple: +16 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -10/-5/-0 Saving Throws: 4 + 5 = 9PP Toughness: +10/+1 (+10/+1 Con, 10 Impervious) Fortitude: Immune Reflex: +6 (+2 Dex, +4) Will: +10 (+5 Wis, +5) Skills: 100R = 25PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Intimidate 17 (+20) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Civics) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Current Events) 9 (+10) Knowledge (History) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+5) Medicine 5 (+10) Notice 10 (+15) Sense Motive 7 (+12)Skill Mastery Feats: 10PP Dodge Focus 4 Challenge (Fast Startle) Fearless Ritualist Second Chance (Will save vs. Mind Control) Skill Mastery (Intimidation, Knowledge [Arcane Lore, Behavioral Sciences], Sense Motive) Startle Powers: 49 + 37 + 2 = 88PP All powers have the pseudonatural and magic descriptors Psuedonatural Biology Container [49PP] Immunity 30 (Fortitude, Feat: Trance) (Pseudonatural ‘Biology’) [31PP] Enhanced Constitution 18 [18PP] Pseudonatural Dreams Array 15 (30PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 5) [37PP] BE: Enhanced Strength 20 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Impervious]) + Impervious Protection 10 [30/30PP] AP: Stun 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Sedation) (You Sleep) [30/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Area/Burst [Targeted], Alternate Save [Will], Selective, Flaw: Sense Dependant [Visual]) (Visit Your Nightmares) [30/30PP] AP: Emotion Control 10 (Extras: Action/Free, Area/Perception, Feats: Mind Blank, Flaws: Limited [Fear], Range/Personal, Sense Dependant [Visual]) (Unveil Myself) [21/30PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Range/Ranged, Vampiric) (I Hunger!) [30/30PP] AP: Dreamwalking [14/30PP] Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional 1 [Dream dimension]) [2PP] Teleport 20 (Anywhere in the universe, Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Flaws: Limited [Long-Range Only], Medium [Dreams]) [12PP] Morph 1 (Into dream form, +5 Disguise, Feat: Metamorph) (Dream Self) [2PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (24) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (9) + Skills (25) + Feats (10) + Powers (88) - Drawbacks (0) = 180/180 Power Points Notes towards a not-Claremonter. Most superhero roles that can filled in a roleplay context have already been seen at FC PbP, but one aspect of the setting that has never been explored (to my knowledge) is the Dream dimension. You can imagine what this is like; a communal dream that can be entered by anything that can dream, and has some native creatures that prey on the energy of dreams. This is also an eldritch abomination in the shape of H. P. Lovecraft's work. In this case the EA has chosen to help humanity. Thousands of years observing them has given this inhuman creature a soft spot for the meat puppets that walk on this Earth. Mechanically most of their powers are a combination of the standard Paragon set and a few psychic powers for them being scary. I still have to build his dream-self.
  13. Character Name: Flashfire Power Level: 8 (120 PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Def/-5 Tou Attributes: 6 + 6 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 26 PP Strength 16 (+3) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 16 (+3) Intelligence 10 (+0) Wisdom 10 (+0) Charisma 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 16 = 24 PP Attack: +4, +8 Speed Demon Defense: +13 (+8 Base, +5 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-footed Initiative: +19 Grapple: +12 Knockback: -1 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 4 = 12 PP Toughness: +3 (+3 CON) Fortitude: +6 (+3 CON, +3) Reflex: +8 (+3 DEX, +5) Will: +4 (+0 WIS, +4) Skills: 44r = 11 PP Bluff 13 (+17) Knowledge (Current Events) 5 (+5) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 5 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 5 (+5) Notice 8 (+8) Sense Motive 8 (+8) Feats: 10 PP All-Out Attack Challenge 2 (Fast Feint, Fast Taunt) Dodge Focus 5 Evasion Taunt Powers: 1 + 9 + 27 = 37 PP All powers have the Magic descriptor Immunity 1 (Own Powers) (Thick Skinned) [1PP] Speed 4 (100 MPH, Feat: Improved Initiative 4, Moving Feint) (Fleet of Foot) [9PP] Speed Demon Array 10.5 (21PP, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 4) [27PP] BE: Strike 5 (Extras: Autofire 8, Penetrating 5 [DAM 5], Feats: Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Mighty) (Showstopper) [21/21PP] AP: Strike 8 (Extras: Area/Burst [Targeted], Selective) (Work the Crowd) [21/21PP] AP: Blast 8 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [DAM 8], Improved Range [25 x Rank], Incurable, Split Attack) (Fire) (Heat it Up) [21/21PP] AP: Dazzle 8 (Visual, Extra: Area/Perception [Visual]) (Flashdance) [21/21PP] AP: Quickness 10 (x2,500, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement]) + Speed 8 (Stacks with Speed 4 for Speed 12 [50,000 MPH], Extra: Linked [+0] [Quickness, Super-Movement]) + Super-Movement 3 (Wall Crawling 2, Water Walking, Extra: Linked [+0] [Quickness, Speed], Flaw: Limited [Only When Moving]) (Watch Me Move) [21/21PP] Abilities (26) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (12) + Skills (11) + Feats (10) + Powers (37) - Disadvantages (0) = 120/120 PP Notes towards a Claremonter. This is a character concept I've been toying with on and off, a character with fire and speed-based powers. Fire seems a natural elemental complement to speed, since just like lightning it can spread deceptively fast. This build focuses more on speed at the moment than fire, but that can all change. Like most speedsters, this character also likes to run their mouth. With three different ways of making an opponent flat-footed, I expect Autofire will pay dividends. What sort of potential Complications for this guy? Besides the obvious collateral damage of throwing around fireballs, I expect Flashfire is a braggart and a daredevil, always trying to one-up the other folks around or show off just how awesome he is. There's a few other potentials, but that might be tipping my hand too early.
  14. Starlight sleeps on Miras's couch, and works at Grim's store.
  15. ​So what this immediately suggests to me is that the Futurekin have infiltrated and taken control of UNICORN, or else they have attempted to in the past and been thwarted or will attempt to in the future, and the Associates feel the need to have an alternate team. If you don't want to use the Associates, then there's a few ways this could've been created on Hronos's own Initiative.
  16. If this guy is the Sidekick of Chimera, then he's PL 10 as well. Either way, he doesn't remotely hit his caps. Why does he have Con 5 and Dex 5? As a construct, he should have Con -- and Fort Immunity. I'd think a skull flying under its own power would have a lot more Dex! Why doesn't he have an arry? Most of his powers could be folded into a general psionic array, giving him more PP to work with.
  17. Among that list? Miras hasn't met any of them.
  18. "I can punch 'em in the nose," she said. "I bet I can even break a nose. You know, before we're all devoured whole." She followed Nick to the car, throwing herself into the passenger seat while she punched up a map program. "Okay, so you want to end up going south..." The drive was short and the route straightforward, so Miras didn't really have to navigate for Nick. That gave her plenty of time to fret, to drum her fingers on the dashboard and tie her guts into knots trying to think up a foolproof plan. She didn't know any kind of summoning or dimensional magic. Maybe if she could get her hands on the record she could age it into dust, but she didn't think that an insane cultist who had waited forty years to summon her god was going to let Miras march right up and smash it. They'd have to fight through some mooks, either summoned tentacle monsters or else other cultists just as devoted to her weird, insane, apocalyptic god. The sky was still pink over in the west, but it was well and truly night by the time Nick's ghostmobile pulled up in front of the opera house. The building was neoclassical, all straight pillars and ablaq facing and marble statues, and lit up in the evening light it was actually rather pretty. If you ignored that there was an insane cult inside ready to rip open reality, it might even be inspiring. Miras climbed out and shook out her arms, getting ready to throw some power around. "Okay," she said to Nick. "I doubt Irene's working on her own. We might run into some flunkies; how do you want to play it?"
  19. Well then we just have a bunch of scenes where Kharag walks out one door and Bloodline walks in a different door.
  20. I would not count on Animal Mimicry (is that another name for a Variable Power? I don't have UP in front of me) to cover your abilities. I would make sure the build is at least +10 Melee attack, +10 Def, and +10 Tou off the bat. Part of this is ease of use; someone can look at the sheet and not worry if your character is, in fact, PL 10, or is built to be PL 7 on a 150PP budget, or what's going on. Second is a reason of budget; if your character is competent without any part of Animal Mimicry active, then they can get more oomph out of it when they really turn their powers on. Lastly, there's a more tactical consideration; if your character is surprised, then they'll be much easier to take down.
  21. Grappling is Melee Attack (not Unarmed, just Melee) + Str mod + any ranks in Attack Specialization (Grapple). I'm slightly confused by this build. Is this character supposed to be PL7 or PL10?
  22. That's... hm. There is already a PC who uses a guitar to focus his powers, but that's a science guitar for mutant powers. I suppose a magic or even deific guitar is different enough of a concept to work from. So this guy is a musician, either a washed-up guitarist or a wanna-be who never had enough talent to break into the scene, who finds a guitar that grants him amazing skill, along with amazing powers. What gods could be associated with guitars? Well Dionysus is the god of all sorts of music, as well as drunkenness and debauchery, so he obviously fits. If it's an electric god, any god of lightning like Raiden or Ogun could work, so you have a lot of options to pick from. Or, if I can suggest a way to turn it on its head. Showmanship is not unique to musicians. This guy could be a musician with powers entirely separate from his songs, who still likes to showboat and be the center of attention. Something showy like lightning powers or laser/light powers could work, or even something undramatic like the standard paragon set. What I'm saying is that someone can be a showboat and not have their powers tied to music.
  23. You know, I'm going to withdraw Blue Jay from consideration. Jay has a web of contacts and can always get a thread with Kit or Blod or CT if she needs to. Miras doesn't have that, and anyway the idea of her trying to burn smallpox blankets in 1600 is a lot more interesting than having Jay talk about how fun it is to be out of the city. I vote the group is called Clockwatch, and the HQ is underneath a clocktower.
  24. "Of course, your highness," the toga'd man said. "If you would follow me, I would be honored to bring you up to date on what's been happening in this... settlement." He waved a hand dismissively at Frankfort, obviously considering the tiny town to be far too provincial to be wasting this much time on. The man turned and walked back down the pier; the troops parted to let Thaelia through, but crossed their weapons in front of Miss Grue. Before the princess could raise an objection, the older man was in front of her and physically moving the staffs out of the way. "Of course our home is open to the friends and allies of Princess Thaelia." The trio walked down to the very last ship on the pier and walked aboard, then headed belowdecks. The ship had been all dark wood hull and copper fittings, and below it was similarly rich. The man reached into an open cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I wish to reiterate," he said, pouring two glasses full of wine, "how much of an honor it is to serve you and your friend today. I shall long remember this day." He smiled broadly and easily, offering each woman a glass.
  25. Corona charged forward at the head of the soldiers, her own battlecry lost amid a hundred throats all screaming in a dozen languages. She plunged into the thickest part of the mass of antibodies, her cosmically-enhanced muscles tearing apart cyborgs and tossing them back towards the colossal mole-creature. There was always another antibody in front of her, though, another metal-and-meat monster to be punched through. She refused to let herself feel tired, though, she pushed herself forward into another rank of enemies.
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