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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Tona Baudin wasn't looking forward to a hike through the woods; she was looking forward to a vacation. Living in Freedom City was not something that came naturally to her; she had grown up in forests and in the wild. She was almost jubilant at the prospect of spending a week away from 'civilization' and sleeping among the pine barrens. Of course that just meant she was humming almost inaudibly to herself as they set off to the campsite. Tona wasn't very used to sleeping under lean-tos. In the Terminus, sleeping on the ground made you easy prey for any searching Omegadrones, so mostly they slept in natural caves or they slung hammocks up in the trees. Still, she'd made a few temporary structures in her time and so she knew they needed a few sturdy limbs, and a lot of smaller, flexible limbs and pine branches. She picked Cerys out of the group. "C'mon, Cerys," she said, "we should find the roofs. It's going to need some flexible branches, which means some that are still wet." The archer knelt and shifted through her pack, coming up with a knife that had a curved edge on one side and a saw on the other. "We might need to cut some down and trim them," she said.
  2. Kharag and Corona have to do something at some point. It just screams buddy cop dramedy.
  3. Because even when you're dealing with that dick you still need to follow the rules.
  4. Friday, May 15, 2015 Port Regal, Freedom City Sundown The setting sun cast long shafts of golden light across the city, making long shadows on the lawns of the oldest homes in Freedom City; complicated gables and spires threw Escheresque shadows across wide, manicured lawns. This was once the quarter for the rich and powerful, and although many may have relocated north of the bay, it held old money, old power, and old secrets. Three women were determined to reveal some of these secrets. Blodeuwedd had been making her regular patrols along the waterfront when a silent alarm drew her attention. Armed thugs had been trying to break into a warehouse containing exotic metals like iridium and electrum. Monkey Wrench had caught a gang trying to sneak into the shop and steal scrap metal; when the drones cornered them, they would only scream about the Signal, the Signal! Temperance had spent most of her day tracking down a spiritual violation, a nearly-silent scream that seemed to pervade the entire city. Their separate investigations had lead them to an experimental physicist of ASTRO Labs who hadn’t been in the office for two weeks, and from there to a home his family had owned three generations ago. Apparently the family’s fortunes had fallen from the Forties, but the man had returned to his roots for whatever scheme was afoot.
  5. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya followed the guard silently, but her eyes swiveled around constantly, peering into corners and willing herself to see through the gloom. Once she was presented before the Za’akis captain and the guards had left, she acknowledged him with a slow nod and looked around for a place to sit. Unsettlingly, there didn’t seem to be any piece of furniture that wasn’t made of bone, or leather, or chitin, or something that used to be alive. Failing at that, she perched on the edge of a chair made of curved, white bone. “There’s probably some procedure we should be doin,’” Aya admitted, waving her hand airily. “Let’s get to work. You have a yearnin’ for those terraforming devices on the planet. The Lor have a pressin’ need for them likewise. So, how do we know these widgets belong to the Za’akis?”
  6. “They tell me that th’ radiation walks up and down th’ EM spectrum,” Aya said. “I’ve never had any kind’a psionic potential,” she added, addressing Sharl more directly. “My family’s genetics’ve fixed for a long time. In fact my family were --” She choked off suddenly as a wave of emotion rolled over her, imagining her family covered in a rolling wave of hostile, shining metal, her planet being burned out of space by a hostile force.” When she came back to herself she was leaning on the wall, a thin sheen of sweat on her face. The Lor swallowed hard, forcing her breathing to come back under control and composing herself, before she turned back to face Sharl and Miss A. “I’m sorry, that was…” She trailed off, running a hand through her suddenly-damp hair. “What was th’ question?”
  7. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya carefully maneuvered her shuttle into its assigned berth. She didn't want to so much as scratch the paint on the decking; she didn't want to give the Za'akis any reason to break whatever fragile, freakish peace that had taken hold here. The Lor paused at the threshold, her hand hovering over the door controls. Every instinct she had was screaming at her to run and call in a battlefleet and hide while the marines duked it out with the Za'akis. She couldn't though; this was the one chance she had to keep these barbarians from overrunning the planet and slaughtering every one of the civilians down there. She walked out into the hallway, keeping her head up and her gaze steady. She couldn't afford to show weakness or fear in front of the Za'akis, not if she wanted to come back with her head on her shoulders. She did give a quick glance at the quartet of soldiers. Apparently the Captain didn't quite trust her yet. "Show me where to, then," she said, falling in line behind them as the little party marched off.
  8. Blue Jay didn’t react to Vonnie’s speed. She had learned that it was important not to let the heightened heroes see you gaping at their powers, so she kept her face carefully impassive as she swung up to the roof. She knelt at the edge, carefully arranging herself so that only her head was poking above the edge of the rooftop. “They’re not my arrows,” she insisted. “They’re ordered in lots from ASTRO Labs. Anyone could order some.” She repeated the idea to herself like a mantra. It was much less disconcerting to imagine someone ordering the same type of arrow from ASTOR Labs, than to imagine them infiltrating Claremont Academy to steal her arrows. She was quiet as the police went through their routine, listening carefully to the chatter back and forth. There wasn’t any great revelation forthcoming, nobody talked about how their evil plan to frame her had hit a wall. It was frustrating, but the hunter hadn’t expected anything to come of the investigation; she started scanning the area, checking places where someone could see the alleyway from. Her eyes focused on a window across the alley, the mask’s sensors easily cutting through the gloom to reveal the assassin there sighting in on the cops. Blue Jay didn’t waste time saying anything. In a breath she was kneeling on the lip of the roof in perfect draw position. She loosed a volley of arrows straight into the window.
  9. Aya stood at parade rest, glancing down and purposefully putting her feet outside the green triangle. “Exactly what happened t’ me is…” Ignored. Not official. Slander. An embarrassment to everyone involved. “Classified,” she lied. “What I can say is that it was a’ energy beam from some kind’a experimental weapon. Ever since then I can sort’a…” Her mouth moved as she groped for the right words. Finally, she simply unhooked her gauntlet and pulled it off, then peeled back the pressure suit to reveal her bare, brown hand. Then she reached out to a bare patch of wall and focused. A diffuse glow connected her palm and the wall, a superheated beam of radiation hitting the metal and making it shimmer. After a few moments she lowered her hand; the metal glowed sullen red for a minute more, shedding enough heat to be felt across the room. Aya refastened her glove and gauntlet, letting Miss Americana take what measurements she needed to. “So yeah. I can do that. An’ I can push it out behind myself and fly, or sort of… anchor myself.” Aya hadn’t brought any of the Lor analyses on her powers; she didn’t want to prejudice any of the Terran’s conclusions.
  10. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya’s senses were tingling. Za’akis were not supposed to be this helpful; they were supposed to be rampaging and yelling and tearing things apart. On the other hand, if these Za’akis did become flesh-tearing maniacs then they would roll over this planet, so maybe she shouldn’t be looking a gift horse in the mouth. “I’ll be right on up,” she said. “Make sure th’ papers are ready.” The agent stalked out of the magistrate’s office, pausing to let his secretary know where she would be headed. Her shuttle hadn’t even cooled down and was still ticking and sizzling on the landing pad as she stalked up the ramp. In no time at all she was in space again, approaching the Za’akis ship and requesting an empty berth.
  11. IMMUNIZED BY HGM Corona Corona's Immunities are most certainly not at half rank anymore! This is just fixing an error, the cost is correct.
  12. GM The man's smile never wavered. "I represent certain media interests, Mz. Steel," he said. "After seeing you fight here today, I feel certain that my employer would interested in offering you a position in our firm. We have competitive rate structures and benefits packages; travel, lodging, and retirement packages are available to high-performers. I'm sure you will never get a better offer when it comes to fighting." "I represent a certain firm," the woman said to Mali, folding her hands in front of her. "We are interested in licensing consultants of different fighting styles. You would be required to evaluate different fighters, and gauge their skill level and ferocity." She paused and added "If you would be interested, I can set up an interview in very little time for you to meet with my superior, and we can discuss some solid numbers."
  13. Jay's going to give the cops some covering fire. Ranged attack against the figure in the window. http://orokos.com/roll/287005
  14. This is a complete rebuild of Blue Jay, updating her from her status as a Claremont senior to an independent superhero. It utilizes a Device that will come from a still-active thread, but because of slow posting and timey-wimey I would like to get this version up for approval ASAP. I would also like to reorganize my Veteran rewards. Blue Jay is now my default PL 10 slot; Brigandine is my default PL 7 slot; Corona is my space PL 10; and Miras is my Silver Reward as a PL 10. That leaves Bronze as partially spent on Equipment and my Gold untouched.
  15. Blue Jay Power Level: 10/15 (201/243 PP) Trade-Offs: +5 ATT/-5 DC Unspent Power Points: 42 In Brief: A refugee from the Terminus, fighting for a beautiful world as hard as she can. Catchphrase: "I don't miss." Alternate Identities: Antoinette Baudin, Tona (Secret) Birthplace: Maine, North America, Earth-K-Omega/Pastoral-1 (Extinct) Residence: Emerald City, Washington, United States Occupation: Hunter, superhero, survivalist expert Affiliations: Danger International, Cryptids, Kit Family: Jean Blackfoot, aka Lady Liberty, aka Dame Vengence (mother, deceased), Robert Baudin, aka Jail Bird (father) Description: Age: 20 (DoB: March, 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: French/Native American Height: 5' 6" Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Blue-green Hair: Brown Antoinette Baudin is a fit, muscular woman with an athletic frame and not an ounce of fat. Her skin is smooth and tanned and sculpted, and her chocolate-brown hair grows down to her shoulders, curling just at the ends. Her face is round and pleasant, with a small nose, full lips and big ears; most eye-catching, though, are the numerous piercings that adorn her lips, ears, and chin. The piercings are made of a matte silver-gray metal that seems oddly entwined with some kind of dark wood. Tona normally wears monochromatic athletic tees devoid of any logo or print, and cargo pants with many, many pockets. When out crimefighting, Blue Jay wears an outfit designed for stealth. The base layer is a bodysuit that covers her from toes to fingertips to her neck; most of it is dark blue, but there are black arrow motifs that travel up her legs and torso to her neck, and down her arms to the backs of her hands. Over that she wears a long, black leather coat with a mantle and detachable tails. She wears a pair of bracers that appear to be made out of worn leather, decorated with small jewels or metal studs that are in patterns that seem to shift every time someone looks away from her. The interior of the coat is lined with pockets and filled with all sorts of mini-grenades, climbing ropes, medical supplies, and a thousand other tools that any self-respecting cowl should have on hand. Her mask is a matte black plastic with a hooked, elongated nose. Power Descriptions: Blue Jay has no actual superpowers. She uses a set of alien bracers, relics of a long-extinct empire, to form weapons out of hard light. The bracers can form almost any weapon the user can imagine, but the archer is still mostly sticking with arrows; several arrows aimed at one target, arrows fired at an entire crowd at once, or arrows that explode right in someone’s face with concussive face. Up close she is a competent martial artist or she can manifest a wide range of melee weapons. When she needs to move fast, she can manifest a pair of long energy whips that she can use to travel across the city. Her mask was designed by ASTRO Labs; the extended nose is a mass of active and passive sensors, bouncing IR and UV information off her surroundings, allowing her to zoom in on distant situations, and even tapping into local radio bands. She’s adopted several types of incapacitating grenades and other tools to round out her arsenal. History: Antoinette Baudin does not come from a happy world. Her home used to be verdant and green, an Earth where the Industrial Revolution had faltered at the first steps and as such humanity's spread and depletion of the planet's natural resources happened much more slowly. Of course, it also meant that when the Terminus came the heroes of the world had even less of a chance than most. Many of the planet's protectors died in the first wave; its Lady Liberty eventually rallied the survivors and lead them to retreat into the hinterlands and wilderness, where the Omegadrones' scanners were scrambled by the strange properties of the planet's native flora. For years she led a guerrilla resistance against the occupying forces of the Terminus, even as the world was dragged into the Terminus and made one of the Hundred Worlds. Unending, grueling war changed Lady Liberty, made her darker and harder, transmuted her to Dame Vengeance. The only solace she found was in the arms of a former escape artist and thief turned sniper and assassin, Jail Bird. In time they had a child, naming her Antoinette and teaching her the skills she needed to survive on the run, an heir to an endless, hopeless conflict. In time Dame Vengeance was overwhelmed, leaving it to Jail Bird, Antoinette, and a few determined rebels to stop Omega from stripping their world of the last of its beauty and resources. It all came down to a final, climactic, likely suicidal battle. They would never have succeeded... if their world had not swung to the outermost part of its orbit around Nihlor, prompting the Furions to join in the fray. In the end the largest processing plant on their world was destroyed and tens of thousand proles were liberated. Some of the Furions elected to stay on the planet as it swung out in its orbit again, and Antoinette stayed in the shadow of the Silver Tree. She wasn't to remain there for very long, though. The Furions contacted the only people they knew who had stood against Omega successfully and the Freedom League took Antoinette to Earth. She was quickly enrolled in Claremont Academy and now has the chance to prove how effective her parents' training was in a different kind of war. The training worked. Tona returned to her home with allies and saved tens of thousands of her people, moving them to Sanctuary. Not long afterwards she was asked to visit Emerald City and work out what had happened to several of Danger International's employees. Among the peaks of the Atlas Mountains she encountered the strange, feral Cryptids and the savage king of the Avians, the Black Vulture. She saved DI's employees and defeated the Black Vulture, ultimately taking a posting at DI's West Coast offices and settling in Emerald City. Personality & Motivation: Antoinette is a withdrawn, private, intense woman. For most of her life silence meant survival, and even if that is not technically true she still falls back on old habits. She can be rather brusque, even rude to others; she grew up in a tight-knit community where social graces were not greatly valued. She will treat individuals with talent respectfully, but she usually demands to see that talent demonstrated, first. Tona fights evil because that's the only life she's ever known; tracking, hiding, and sniping at foes is literally her entire existence, and she can't set it aside anymore than she can give up breathing or exercising. She works intently to make up for her lack of super-powers, secretly afraid of not living up to her own notion of this world's heroes. This can lead her to get reckless if a fight's going against her, as she fears nothing more than failure at something she deems important. Powers & Tactics: Blue Jay knows she can't really stand toe-to-toe with most super-opponents and doesn't try to. Her style is to stay in cover and stay at range, peppering her target with arrows from as far away as she can manage. If she has to, she'll retreat and hide, waiting for her opponent to break off the fight, and track them until the terrain favors her again. A favorite tactic is to pin a tough opponent down with a glue arrow and then strike with a full Power Attack, or starting a fight with a smoke grenade and use the confusion and cover to pick off high-value targets. Complications 'Secret' Identity Intellectually Tona knows she should keep her activities as Blue Jay separate from her life as Tona Baudin, but it can be hard for her to remember that in her day-to-day life. Hatred Tona hates the Terminus like only one who has lived there can. Luddite Upbringing Tona grew up without cell phones, the Internet, or even computers. Much of what we take for granted in modern life is magical or miraculous to her. True Companions Tona trusts Crimson Tiger, Blodeuwedd, and Kit more than she trusts herself. She'd do whatever was needed to help them keep them safe. A Sanctuary for All of Them All of Tona's family lives as refugees on the world of Sanctuary, and she will go to any lengths to keep it, and by extension them, safe. Secret Keeper Tona has been in contact with the Cryptids, nonhuman individuals living in the wilderness around Emerald City. She's one of the few humans who know they are out there and she seeks to keep them safe from outside intrusion. Abilities: 10 + 14 + 8 + 0 + 6 - 2 = 36 PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 22 + 12 = 34 PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +11 melee, +15 ranged, +15 unarmed, +15 Anyweapon Grapple: +18 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5, -2 Flat-Footed Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 4 = 13 PP Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Defensive Roll), +4 Flat-Footed Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +12 (+7 Dex, +5) Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4) Skills: 172 R = 43 PP Acrobatics 8 (+15)Skill Mastery Climb 13 (+15)Skill Mastery Concentration 7 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+5) Disable Device 10 (+10) Escape Artist 13 (+20) Intimidate 13 (+12) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 5 (+5) Languages 2 (Algonquin, French [Native], English) Medicine 7 (+10) Notice 12 (+15)Skill Mastery Search 15 (+15)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 12 (+15) Sleight of Hand 3 (+10) Stealth 17 (+24) Survival 17 (+20) Swim 13 (+15) Feats: 41 PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Ranged) 4 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 2 Benefit (Native: Terminus) Challenge 2 (Accelerated Climb, Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Critical Strike Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 3 Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 5Bronze Reward Evasion 2 Favored Enemy (Robots) Favored Environment (Forest) Grappling Finesse Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 2 Improvised Tools Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Ranged Disarm Ranged Pin Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Search) Takedown Attack Track 3 (Full Speed; Visual) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) First Aid Kit [1 EP] Mini Tracers [1 EP] Utility Belt 8 (16 EP, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [1 EP] BE: Dazzle 4 (Auditory, Visual, Extra: Area/Burst [General]) (Flashbang Grenades) [16/16] AP: Obscure 4 (Visual, 50 ft radius, Extra: Independent, Flaw: Limited [Normal Vision Only]) (Smoke Grenades) [8/16] AP: Drain Toughness 4 (Extra: Affects Objects [+0], Effortless, Independent, Total Fade) (Thermite Bar) [12/16] Powers: 25 + 8 + 1 = 34 PP Energy Bracers 6 (30 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Subtle [Collapsible]) (Energy Bracers) [25 PP] (Alien, Energy, Technology) Gladiatorial Array 13 (26 PP, Feat: Alternate Power 4) [30 PP] BE: Damage 5 (Extra: Ranged, Penetrating 5, Autofire 5, Feats: Improved Critical [19-20], Improved Range 2 [250 ft increments], Progression [Range] [1250 ft], Variable Descriptor 2 [Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing]) (Volley Fire) [26/26] AP: Damage 5 (Extra: Ranged, Area/Shapeable [Targeted], Selective, Feats: Improved Range [75 ft increments], Progression [Area] 3 [125 ft radius], Variable Descriptor 2 [Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing]) (Crowd Tactics) [26/26] AP: (Energy Grapnel) [26/26] Snare 5 (Extra: Constricting, Feat: Tether) (Energy Bonds) [16/26PP] Leaping 2 (x5, Move action, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement]) + Speed 2 (25 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement]) + Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Extra: Linked [+1] [Leaping, Super-Movement]) [10PP] AP: Stun 5 (Extra: Ranged, Feats: Improved Critical [19-20], Improved Range 2 [250 ft increments], Progression [Range] [1250 ft]) (Stun Blast) [19/26] AP: Damage 0 (Extra: Accurate 2, Autofire 5, Penetrating 5, Feats: Extended Reach [10 ft], Mighty, Improved Critical 2 [18-20], Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Split Attack, Variable Descriptor 2 [Any Physical]) (Anyweapon) [21/26] Device 2 (10 PP, Hard to Lose) (Sensor Mask) [8 PP] (Technology) Communicate 3 (Radio, 1 000 ft, Feat: Subtle) [4 PP] Super-Senses 3 (Extended 1 [100 ft increments], Infravision, Ultravision) [3 PP] Super-Senses 2 (Distance Sense, Time Sense) [2 PP] Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1 PP] Feature 1 (Temporal Inertia) (Terminus) [1 PP] Drawbacks: 0 = 0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Anyweapon 10 ft DC 20 Toughness + Autofire (Staged) Damage (Physical) Crowd Tactics Ranged/Area (Shapeable) DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Energy Grapnel Ranged DC 15 Reflex (Staged) Snare Flashbang Grenade Ranged DC 14 Reflex (Staged), DC 14 Fortitude (Staged) Blind/Deaf Stun Blow Ranged DC 15 Fortitude (Staged) Stun Thermite Bar Touch DC 14 Toughness Drain Toughness Volley Fire Ranged DC 20 Toughness + Autofire (Staged) Damage (Physical) Abilities (36) + Combat (34) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (43) + Feats (41) + Powers (34) - Drawbacks (0) = 201/243 Power Points
  16. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Blue Jay Power Level: 10/14 (200/218 PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage Unspent Power Points: 18 Progress To Platinum Status: 68/120 In Brief: A refugee from the Terminus, fighting for a beautiful world as hard as she can. Alternate Identities: Antoinette Baudin, Tona Identity: Secret Birthplace: Maine, North America, Earth-K-Omega/Pastoral-1 (Terminus) Occupation: Superhero, barista Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Silberman's Books, Blodeuwedd, Crimson Tiger, Kit Family: Jean Blackfoot, aka Lady Liberty, aka Dame Vengence (mother, deceased), Robert Baudin, aka Jail Bird (father) Description: Age: 18 (DoB: March, 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: French/Native American Height: 5' 2" Weight: 120 lbs Eyes: Blue-green Hair: Brown Antoinette Baudin is a short, compact woman with a lithe, muscular frame. Her skin is smooth and tanned, and her chocolate-brown hair grows down to her shoulders, curling just at the ends. Her face is round and pleasant, with a small nose, full lips and big ears; most eye-catching, though, are the numerous piercings that adorn her lips, ears, and chin. She normally wears urban camouflage: monochromatic athletic tees devoid of logo or phrases, and pants bearing many, many pockets. When out crimefighting, Blue Jay wears an outfit designed for stealth. The base layer is a bodysuit that covers her from toes to fingertips to her neck; most of it is dark blue, but there are black arrow motifs that travel up her legs and torso to her neck, and down her arms to the backs of her hands. Over that she wears a long, black leather coat with a mantle and detachable tails. She wears a pair of bracers that appear to be worn leather, decorated with small jewels or metal studs that are in patterns that seem to shift everytime someone looks away from her. the interior of the coat is lined with pockets and filled with all sorts of mini-grenades, climbing ropes, medical supplies, and a thousand other tools that any self-respecting cowl should have on hand. Her mask is a matte black plastic with a hooked, elongated nose. Power Descriptions: Blue Jay has no actual superpowers. She uses a set of alien bracers, relics of a long-extinct empire, to form weapons out of hard light. The bracers can form almost any weapon the user can imagine, but the archer is still mostly sticking with arrows; several arrows aimed at one target, arrows fired at an entire crowd at once, or arrows that explode right in someone’s face with concussive face. The most exotic thing she manifests is a long energy whip from either bracer. Her mask was designed by ASTRO Labs; the extended nose is a mass of active and passive sensors, bouncing IR and UV information off her surroundings, allowing her to zoom in on distant situations, and even tapping into local radio bands. She’s adopted several types of incapacitating grenades and other tools to round out her arsenal. History: Antoinette Baudin does not come from a happy world. Her home used to be verdant and green, an Earth where the Industrial Revolution had faltered at the first steps and as such humanity's spread and depletion of the planet's natural resources happened much more slowly. Of course, it also meant that when the Terminus came the heroes of the world had even less of a chance than most. Many of the planet's protectors died in the first wave; its Lady Liberty eventually rallied the survivors and lead them to retreat into the hinterlands and wilderness, where the Omegadrones' scanners were scrambled by the strange properties of the planet's native flora. For years she led a guerrilla resistance against the occupying forces of the Terminus, even as the world was dragged into the Terminus and made one of the Hundred Worlds. Unending, grueling war changed Lady Liberty, made her darker and harder, transmuted her to Dame Vengeance. The only solace she found was in the arms of a former escape artist and thief turned sniper and assassin, Jail Bird. In time they had a child, naming her Antoinette and teaching her the skills she needed to survive on the run, an heir to an endless, hopeless conflict. In time Dame Vengeance was overwhelmed, leaving it to Jail Bird, Antoinette, and a few determined rebels to stop Omega from stripping their world of the last of its beauty and resources. It all came down to a final, climactic, likely suicidal battle. They would never have succeeded... if their world had not swung to the outermost part of its orbit around Nihlor, prompting the Furions to join in the fray. In the end the largest processing plant on their world was destroyed and tens of thousand proles were liberated. Some of the Furions elected to stay on the planet as it swung out in its orbit again, and Antoinette stayed in the shadow of the Silver Tree. She wasn't to remain there for very long, though. The Furions contacted the only people they knew who had stood against Omega successfully and the Freedom League took Antoinette to Earth. She was quickly enrolled in Claremont Academy and now has the chance to prove how effective her parents' training was in a different kind of war. The training worked. Tona returned to her home with allies and saved tens of thousands of her people, moving them to Sanctuary. Now she's living in Freedom City and paying off a limitless debt. Personality & Motivation: Antoinette is a withdrawn, private, intense woman. For most of her life silence meant survival, and even if that is not technically true she still falls back on old habits. She can be rather brusque, even rude to others; she grew up in a tight-knit community where social graces were not greatly valued. She will treat individuals with talent respectfully, but she usually demands to see that talent demonstrated, first. Tona fights evil because that's the only life she's ever known; tracking, hiding, and sniping at foes is literally her entire existence, and she can't set it aside anymore than she can give up breathing or exercising. She works intently to make up for her lack of super-powers, secretly afraid of not living up to her own notion of this world's heroes. This can lead her to get reckless if a fight's going against her, as she fears nothing more than failure at something she deems important. Powers & Tactics: Blue Jay knows she can't really stand toe-to-toe with most superopponents and doesn't try to. Her style is to stay in cover and stay at range, peppering her target with arrows from as far away as she can manage. If she has to, she'll retreat and hide, waiting for her opponent to break off the fight, and track them until the terrain favors her again. A favorite tactic is to pin a tough opponent down with a glue arrow and then strike with a full Power Attack, or bebing a fight with a smoke pellet and use the confusion and cover to pick off high-value targets. Complications: Secret Identity Tona strives to keep her life separate from her actions as Blue Jay. Hatred Tona hates the Terminus like only one who has lived there can. Luddite Upbringing Tona grew up without cell phones, the Internet, or even computers. Much of what we take for granted in modern life is magical or miraculous to her. True Companions Tona trusts Crimson Tiger, Blodeuwedd, and Kit more than she trusts herself. She'd do whatever was needed to help them keep them safe. Murder, You Say? Tona has attracted the attention of the Murder League. Abilities: 5 + 14 + 8 + 0 + 6 - 2 = 31PP Strength: 15 (+2) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 30 + 12 = 42PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +15 Base Grapple: +10 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5, -2 Flat-Footed Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 4 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Defensive Roll), +4 Flat-Footed Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +12 (+7 Dex, +5) Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4) Skills: 172R = 43PP Acrobatics 8 (+15) Skill Mastery Climb 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Concentration 7 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+5) Disable Device 10 (+10) Escape Artist 13 (+20) Intimidate 12 (+11) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 5 (+5) Languages 2 (Algonquin, French [Native], English) Medicine 7 (+10) Notice 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 2 (+1) Search 15 (+15) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 12 (+15) Sleight of Hand 3 (+10) Stealth 17 (+24) Survival 17 (+20) Swim 13 (+15) Feats: 34PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Benefit (Native: Terminus) Challenge 2 (Accelerated Climb, Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Critical Strike Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 3 Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 5Bronze Reward Evasion 2 Favored Enemy (Robots) Favored Environment (Forest) Hide in Plain Sight Improved Initiative 2 Improvised Tools Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Ranged Disarm Ranged Pin Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Search) Takedown Attack Track 3 (Full Speed; Visual) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) [equip]First Aid Kit [1EP] Mini Tracers [1EP] Utility Belt 8 (16 EP, Feats: Alternate Power 2) [1EPP] [array]BE: Dazzle 4 (Auditory, Visual, Extra: Area/Burst [General]) (Flashbang Grenades) [16EP] AP: Obscure 4 (Visual, 50 ft radius, Extra: Independent, Flaw: Limited [Normal Vision Only]) (Smoke Grenades) [8EP] AP: Drain Toughness 4 (Extra: Affects Objects [+0], Effortless, Independent, Total Fade) (Thermite Bar) [12EP][/array][equip Powers: 21 + 8 + 1 + 4 + 3 = 37 PP Energy Bracers 5 (25 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Subtle [Collapsible]) (Energy Bracers) [21PP] (Alien, Energy, Technology) [device]Weapons Array 5 (25 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] [array]BE: Damage 5 (Extra: Ranged, Penetrating 5, Autofire 5, Feats: Improved Range 2 [250 ft increments], Progression [Range] [1250 ft] Variable Descriptor 2 [Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing]) (Volley Fire) [25/25PP] AP: Damage 5 (Extra: Ranged, Area/Shapeable [Targeted], Selective, Feats: Improved Range [75 ft increments], Variable Descriptor 2 [Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing]) (Crowd Tactics) [23/25PP] AP: (Energy Grapnel) [25/25PP] Snare 5 (Extra: Constricting) (Energy Bonds) [17PP] Leaping 2 (x5, Move action, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement]) + Speed 2 (25 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed, Super-Movement]) + Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Extra: Linked [+1] [Leaping, Super-Movement]) [10PP] AP: Stun 5 (Extra: Ranged) (Stun Blow) [15/25PP][/array][/device] Device 2 (10 PP, Hard to Lose) (Sensor Mask) [8PP] (Technology) [device]Communicate 3 (Radio, 1 000 ft, Feat: Subtle) [4PP] Super-Senses 3 (Extended 1 [100 ft increments], Infravision, Ultravision) [3PP] Super-Senses 2 (Distance Sense, Time Sense) [2PP] Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1PP][/device] Feature 1 (Temporal Inertia) (Terminus) [1PP] Damage 3 (Feats: Mighty) (Espadas Self-Defense) (Training) [4PP] Super-Strength 1 (Effective Str 20, Feat: Innate) (Grueling Training) (Training) [3PP] Drawbacks: 0 = 0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Volley Fire Ranged DC 20 Toughness + Autofire (Staged) Damage (Physical) Crowd Tactics Ranged/Area (Shapeable) DC 20 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Energy Grapnel Ranged DC 15 Snare (Staged) Ensnared Stun Blow Ranged DC 15 Fortitude (Staged) Stunned Flashbang Grenade Ranged DC 14 Fortitude (Staged) Blinded/Defened Thermite Bar Touch DC 14 Toughness Drain ToughnessAbilities (31) + Combat (42) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (43) + Feats (34) + Powers (37) - Drawbacks (0) = 200/218 Power Points
  17. BASS DROP'D BY HGM Miras A fairly small edit. Adding two PP into Workings of Deosil array, updating the powers appropriately. [2PP]Removed Transform from Ruh Kalit. [-1PP]Updated some fluff.
  18. CORAZON CORPS'D BY HGM Corona Woo. This is kind of a big one, and I could very have missed some stuff. But let's go! Updated Corona's sheet with new formatting for the boards.Various fluff changes. Removed two Complications, added a new one.Removed Life Support from the suit. Added in two Alternate Powers for the Cosmic Empowerment Array and a Communication power in its place, so the suit remains the same costBoosted Immunity 1 to Immunity 9, so she still has Life Support. [8PP]Removed Nauseate from the Cosmic Empowerment array, folded that extra PP into the array as a wholeThat should be everything!
  19. The site change-over reset everyone's Notification preferences, I believe, so people aren't getting emails and suchlike. I'll have to get Corona's edits up soon, so we're all on the same page re: Praetorians.
  20. Corona pulled away and swung back, looking for the proper place to start her next bombardment. The Antibodies seemed to have realized what she was doing, though, since a few seemed to melt into each other and form large, silver-flesh cannons. They started filling the skies with energy bolts; the Lor did her best to dodge and return fire, but her shots impacted harmlessly either on the lip of the canyon or on the mole-slug behind them. She was forced to drop to the ground, taking a place at the head of the rushing troops. She started charging alongside them, pushing her own energy from her hands to her muscles and fists. In a moment she was caught up in the fervor of the troops, and was adding her own wordless scream to their battlecry.
  21. I had an idea earlier, so I'm going to open it back up here. I have an idea for a thread where Glamzon is called to Michigan, to intercede between a treasure hunter and the Atlanteans who don't want him exhuming the latest ship he's found. Who would Glam take with her to see the beauty of Lake Michigan and the dark secrets of Atlantis's past?
  22. Blue Jay retreated back a step, trying to reassess the situation. The three heroes could barely land a finger on this hopping, striking, spitting nightmare. If it continued like this, AEGIS would be sending in another rescue team to look for them! Jay decided it was time to shift the battlefield in their favor; she reached back and pulled an arrow out of her quiver, one with neon green fletching and a bulbous, glass vial behind the head. She chose her moment carefully, waiting until the monster was fully engaged with Revenant and Cannonade before jumping back in and literally stabbing it in the back. The glass broke and the acid was forced deep into the creature's body, burning and scalding it. The archer ducked out of the way of a hasty retaliatory strike and tried to put more room between her and it.
  23. Stone Soup Music Group is a company headquartered in Freedom City, with offices in the Theater District. Stone Soup records, produces, and advertises music around the world; their albums are available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Amazon, and wherever fine music is sold. ===History=== The Stone Soup label started in Miami, Florida, with a man named Hector Castillo in 1992. Castillo was a connoisseur of street and club music, and produced a number of recordings of his band and his friends. He found there wasn’t a label willing to purchase his recordings, though; Hector’s music was a mix of socially conscious hip-hop, Latin dance beats, and electric guitar riffs, and record executives decided it would be too hard to label and advertise. Frustrated, Hector went looking for a loan and partnered up with Nathan Graves, an investment banker working out of Orlando. It was Graves who suggested the name and in the fall of ‘92 Stone Soup and started pressing records. The music they were producing often ended up in World or Fusion or even Miscellaneous categories in the record stores, but Stone Soup quickly gained a dedicated following and started hiring on other artists. Castillo and Graves were careful to pick artists who synthesized a wide blend of styles in their music, and even today many of Stone Soup’s artists cross over to work with each other on different albums. Today your favorite death metal guitarist may be thrashing on a punk album, tomorrow he might be shredding on a country-western song. Stone Soup promotes a wide blend of tastes under its label and encourages fans to check out artists they might otherwise never have considered. In 2009, Stone Soup relocated its main offices from Miami to Freedom City, New Jersey. Stone Soup now inhabits two solid floors of the MacLaughlin Office Block in Midtown, Freedom City. That includes one floor of offices and a floor above that for recording, sound mixing, and practice sessions. Those studios are usually engaged most of the business day. ===Notable Artists=== Notable artists that are signed on to the Stone Soup label include Billy Wu, the Boatyards, DJ Eclectic, DJ Graveyard, and Slizzard.
  24. "I have no idea what Irene would want the record for," Eric insisted. "I haven't talked to her for -- for twenty years, at least! It's not like there's a Facebook page for people like us." Miras was busy on her smartphone, tapping away laboriously at a Google search. She landed at one page and felt the blood draining out of her face, quickly stepping up to Nick and showing him the smartphone's cracked screen. "Irene Aquarius," she said, for the benefit of the necromancer and Eric Aquarius. "Opera singer. Mostly works out of Los Angeles County, but she's announced a show at the Beauderie Opera House." Miras checked the time, her phone disappearing somewhere into her robes. "Curtain's in one hour. Whatever Irene has planned, she's going to have an audience for it."
  25. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya sniffed harshly, putting the gizmo back. “The Za’akis wouldn’t dare fire a shot at a Lor planet,” she reassured the magistrate, “even one like this. They’re just bluffin’.” She followed an aide to the comms center, a small room crowded with beeping machinery. While the comms tech tried to establish contact with the Za’akis warship, she racked her brain for the name of the name of the lead Za’akis. Finally, she got a thumbs up from the comms tech and toggled her own headset on. “Cap’n Voltrak, this is Aya K’zan. I’ve had a chat with th’ magistrate and as I understand the lay of it, we’ve got a Za’akis artifact on this planet? Do you have any evidence of this?”
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