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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Yeah okay, there's no way these reskinned copsrent-a-thugs can beat that Stealth check. Nevermore gets in without a fight.
  2. *Checks* Hm, Nevermore doesn't have that much Stealth after all! Go ahead and roll for it.
  3. GM The karate fight went back and forth. John Yu and Cassie Steel were obviously very closely skilled, and the match wavered back and forth between them. Eventually, after several hard minutes and with forearms aching from blocking so many strikes, Cassie was awarded her victory. The referee held up her hand as the decision was called out, and there was a smattering of applause as she and Yu bowed to each other one last time. As she stumbled off the mat and a team with a mop rushed in to clean the sweat for the next batch, a man approached Cassie. He was wearing a badly-tailed suit, oily hair, and mirrored sunglasses. He smiled too widely as he approached her. "Cassandra Steel? That was an excellent fight. You showed a lot of spirit. Could you spare a minute to talk to me?" He held out a business card for her, a thick piece of white cardboard with the word Lanista embossed on the surface in flowery script. In the stands, Tona hadn't seen the end of the fight. She had retreated to the bathroom a few passes before the end, and so Mali was sitting alone when a woman in a grey suit and a severe haircut climbed up to her. "Hello there," she said. "I have to say, I've been watching you watch the fights, and you look like a woman who knows her fights. Do you have a minute to talk?" She held out a business card that only had a single, embossed word on it: Lanista.
  4. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Brigandine climbed off the motorcycle, wishing that the trip had taken longer, or at least that Nevermore had been a little bit less of a gargoyle. She thought of herself as a professional, though, and so she walked to the fence and peeked through it. Without either Nevermore’s tech or Endeavor and Miracle Girl’s height, though, she couldn’t make out much more than the front facade of the large home. “Seems like there’s more than a couple of brain-addled men in there,” she said. “I wonder if the security are bought and paid for, or if they’re under Samantha Cline’s influence as well?”
  5. Tona pressed her lips into a thin line. "When I decided it was important to go into the Terminus," she said, "you and Mali and Cerys all insisted on coming. You could have all died in there, but you would rather have helped me than stayed at home, safe. And now you say I can't help you?" She glanced past Sam, at the gun laying on the table. "Do all your rules say that thieves can't have friends? That thieves can't ever get help?" She locked eyes with Sam, taking a step forward, leaving only a tiny gap between them. "If you want to confront the Fox on your own, fine. But why do you have to go off by yourself to do it? Why do you have to disappear? "Why would you want to disappear?"
  6. Miracle Girl Endeavor Nevermore
  7. Real from our perspective or real from Batman's perspective? Roll me Notice if you want to know about the guards.
  8. KD, do you want to make another post about Nevermore going into the building, or should we just cut to him vs. Luna Moth?
  9. Okay, we can't hurt this thing. So Blue Jay's going to use an acid arrow to try and bring down its Toughness. http://orokos.com/roll/284235 Ugh. Going to reroll that one. http://orokos.com/roll/284237 THAT'S more goddamn like it! So DC 20 Fort save from this thing to avoid getting acid'ed.
  10. Tona fell silent, her hands slowly tracing the hard, metal grip of the pistol. A cold tingling, feeling almost like it was spreading from the gun itself, filled her body as she realized what Sam was talking about doing. Tona stood Sam back up and stood herself, walking deeper into the apartment. She was conflicted; she had an irrational urge to retreat as far as she could and jump off the back deck and disappear into the city, running away from this problem and getting as far away as she could. At the same time she had an urge to turn on her girlfriend, berate her: if Sam was going out into the world prepared to kill her teacher, how was that different from when Tona killed the Steam General? And she wanted to embrace Sam, to hold her tight until she abandoned this plan. Tona walked to the end of the short hallway, as far away from Sam as she could get, and thought furiously. She wouldn’t run away from this problem, she wouldn’t abandon Sam even if she couldn’t see a good ending to this situation. She mentally discarded ideas as fast as they came to her, until one floated to the top. Moving quickly, the young archer strode back into the front room, walking over to the corner where her hammock was closed up. Underneath it was a canvas bag, with a folded compound bow sitting next to it. Tona picked up the bow and shouldered the canvas bag, turning back to Sam and standing easily with the weapon. “I should leave a note for Mali,” she said, “and for Lynn. Then we can leave.” She was really concerned with asking for time off, but Lynn had been a good boss so far and at least deserved to know where Tona was going to disappear to.
  11. Hm. I guess Corona will focus on Reggy 4. Maybe my last DC 27 Tou savesave out!
  12. Are the troop in among the antibodies? Can we still do AoE stuff without hitting our own people?
  13. How many PCs do we have that have connections to space heroes? I don't mean how Wander and Roulette and Corona all fought together for one thread, I'm more looking for Earth PCs who could dial up space PCs if it became necessary.
  14. Asli Saffiyah Sadik Gather Information DC 10: Asli Saddik is DJ Eclectic. She’s produced stuff under the Stone Soup record label. DC 15: Asli’s albums are listed as hip-hop by Stone Soup, but Amazon and iTunes list them as World music or Fusion or even Miscellaneous. A lot of Asli’s music is about her life experiences, including her drug addiction when she was younger and her experiences as a Muslim woman. Hey, DJ Eclectic’s going to be at this club tonight! DC 20: Along with her music career, Asli is a freelance musician who produces work and remixes for commercials and short films. DC 25: Hey, I know someone who can get us tickets to DJ Eclectic tonight! Asli also volunteers with Narc-Anon. Knowledge (Art) DC 10: DJ Eclectic is a rap artist based out of Freedom City. She does a lot of remixes and overlays. DC 15: DJ Eclectic’s stuff is on Amazon and iTunes under “World” or “Fusion” or “Miscellaneous.” DJ Eclectic’s real name is Asli Sadik. A lot of her songs are about her drug addiction or about being a Muslim woman in America. DC 20: DJ Eclectic works in almost every musical genre. Sometimes she’ll be rapping over Gospel hymns or traditional ballads, other songs will be remixes of Shakespearean sonnets, and some make use of competing rhyme schemes sung in Arabic or Turkish. Eclectic hates being labeled a rap artist; she calls herself a hip-hop artist, and will talk trash for days about gangsta rap. Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy) DC 20: Some of DJ Eclectic’s songs are specifically about Islam. She offers a very liberal view of the religion’s tenets. Miras Gather Information DC 15: Miras is a superhero who is usually seen around Greenbank. She seems to do some kind of magic or psychic stuff. DC 20: Miras really hates drug dealers. DC 25: No, she REALLY hates them. Remember that one time, with the guy and the thing that -- yeah, that thing! That was her, man. Yeah, nobody should do that to another person with a pizza box.
  15. "Oh, I think it," Miras agreed. There was a blur of motion and she was standing in front of the fleeing student. She let him bump into and off her substantial frame, grabbing him before he could fall. "Hi there, buddy. Seems like you're a big fan of that record! Did you, maybe, take it home to listen to it a couple of times?" "No! I never listened to it. I, uh..." Holiday looked between the superheroes and Eric Aquarius, eventually dropping his gaze to his feet. "Brian wanted help with his paper, and I knew Professor Eric had a bunch of that stuff from his old days, so I just sort of grabbed the first album I saw and ran off a recording for Brian." "Uh-huhn," Miras grunted, suddenly very happy that Brian Akanu's computer was now a pile of smashed components. "So you have the record now?" "Um. No. See, there was this lady, Irene Aquarius? I thought maybe she was Eric's sister or something, and she... well, she offered me a hundred gees for the album!" Holiday looked back at Eric. "I'm sorry, Professor, but it's really expensive to keep going here, and it was a lot of money..." "Irene Aquarius? Oh my." He sat back heavily in his chair. "I remember Irene, oh yes. She was always very eager to become more than a drummer. She was still with the group when I left. She really took Father Yod's death hard, but... Why would she want these records?"
  16. Blue Jay took a deep breath, calming herself down. She gave Vonnie a look, deciding that now wasn't the right time to give him the short version of her own life's story. Instead, she kept it short. "Someone is trying to trap us," she said. "We were a block away when that woman screamed, and the cops are here already? This is a set-up." She glanced around the rooftops, considering their options. "We need to keep a watch," she said. "Someone knows we're going to be here, and wants to see what's going to happen when we run into the cops." She pointed at a tall building with a garish orange-red neon sign at the top. "We'll watch up there," she said. It didn't have a good angle on the alley, but it would have an excellent angle on every place you could watch the alley from, and when you were hunting hunters you didn't stake out the prey; you staked out the blinds.
  17. GM The speakers turned on with an audible click as one of the announcers leaned in to his mic. "On mat two," he announced, "Cassandra Steel and Jon Yu. Karate." Across the mat from Cassie, Jon Yu was a few inches taller than the doctor, dressed in a white gi edged in blue. He had a white glove on his left hand and a red glove on the right, and she saw him exchanging a last few words with a much older Chinese gentleman wearing casual clothes. He came across the mat, keeping his eyes locked on Cassie's even as the referee gave a short summation of the rules, and as soon as the fight began he was coming after her. His fists moved quickly, trying to force Cassie back and herding her towards one of the edges of the mat.
  18. The last time they went out camping, they invaded the Terminus. That won't be hard to stop!
  19. ABC'D BY HGM Brigandine Fixed the formatting oddities caused by the forum upgrade.Investing 1 PP into skills, picking up four more languages.Renamed and modified a Complication.
  20. Earth-K-Omega/Pastoral-1 (Extinct) Information on Earth-Pastoral is sketchy and has been collected from oral sources only. Thus, all data should be considered unreliable until personally confirmed. The history of this Earth split off from Earth-Prime in the 14th Century CE. On Earth-Pastoral, the Black Death began in the mid 1340s and recurred every decade until the middle of the 1500s. Europe’s population was severely depleted, and stories began to spread that the continent was cursed by God. In the same hand, the Vikings had spread their stories of Vinland far and wide. In the early 1500s a group of Europeans decided that they would rather risk the seas and natives that were described as demons, rather than await another round of plague. They set out, crossed the Atlantic, and found a eastern American coastline that seemed ripe for expansion. While there was plenty of room to expand in the New World, Earth-Pastoral did not have the same population pressures that Earth-Prime experienced and so immigration and colonization was much slower. The expanding European population made treaties and intermarried with the indigenous peoples, and often honored them. Too, less population pressure made the competition for resources less fierce, and while steam engines were invented in the early 18th Century there was no rush for industrialization that marked the 18th Century of Earth-Prime. Altogether Earth-Pastoral was a much more agrarian and less urbanized society, even into the 20th Century. The most important figure of this time has to be a Prussian nobleman who would become known as the Steam General or the Brass General. No subjects interviewed would confirm his name, but they did give a brief sketch of his history; he was the last son of a minor Junker house and inherited very little money. He turned to industry and trade to build a fortune, but the leaders of Europe were aware to the ecological cost of his factories and most denied him land rights. Frustrated and at the end of his ropes, he became an arms manufacturer for the expanding German army. Around this time he made contact with the Terminus; it’s believed Shadian Steelgrave offered him the secret of entropic reactors, and with this the Junker made tireless robotic soldiers. He broke his exclusivity deal with the German army and sold them around the world, and before long every nation was racing to build up robotic armies. When the Terminus invaded, those self-same armies turned on the people they were supposed to protect. It’s hard to get an accurate counting, but it seemed that only one or two superpowered beings survived the first invasion. Before long the planet had been brought into the Terminus, and installed as one of the Hundred Worlds. The last superpowered being, an heir of the Spirit of Liberty, helped form the resistance movement that all the known refugees of Earth-Pastoral came from. Before long, though, she was warped from the Spirit of Liberty to the Spirit of Revenge, and was killed on a raid. Before that, she gave birth to Antoinette Baudin; Antoinette would be enrolled in Claremont Academy on Earth-Prime, and in 2014 she, along with Blodeuwodd, Crimson Tiger, and Kit, would return to Earth-Pastoral and save a large number of the remaining prole population. These refugees are now living on Sanctuary under the protection of Fleur de Joie. Earth-Pastoral has since been consumed by the Doom Coil. This planet is no more. All further inquiries should be routed through the Freedom League, ℅ Auxiliary member Fleur de Joie or known hero Antoinette Baudin. ====Flora & Fauna==== Much of the flora and fauna of Earth-Pastoral was identical to that of Earth-Prime. It can be assumed that many species that have since gone extinct on Earth-Prime endured long afterwards on Earth-Pastoral, but since that planet is now gone there can be no confirmation. There is one species of note, a particular tree found on Earth-Pastoral. This tree integrated a silvery-white metal into its cellulose matrix; the material is metallurgically similar to the Silver Tree of the Furions. Anecdotal evidence indicates that this metal worked in a similar way, scrambling Omegadrone sensors and, in large quantities, could cause them to shut down. Prior to the invasion, the material was primarily valued for its decorative value, and many of the Earth-Pastoral refugees have jewelry or small pieces made of this wood-metal matrix. 7.48 kilograms of the mineral has been voluntarily collected from refugees on Sanctuary, but this amount has no observable or reported effect on known Omegadrone Harrier. ====Notable Natives==== The following individuals are native to Earth-Pastoral and of particular interest to the Freedom League. Antoinette Baudin, aka Blue Jay.
  21. Aya moved over to the scanner, carefully positioning herself underneath it. She took a deep breath, consciously letting down her physical defenses. It wouldn't do any good, after all, if these scans were blocked by her own shield! As she stood at parade rest under the scanner, the Lor's mind turned over what Sharl had just said. She had seen Wander's destructiveness first-hand, seen a single woman literally dismantle a horde of enemies that would swamp a conventional defense, all without slowing down. Raw power was a scarey enough proposition, but Aya had also witnessed how inquisitive and perceptive individuals like Mechanized could be. The woman had analyzed the power planet Aya's last shuttle had used and seemed ready to replicate it on a much smaller scale, all in a matter of days! Making a technological leap like that bespoke a deeper ability. The idea that they were training such individuals, giving them teamwork and combat experience was a daunting proposition. Suddenly Aya K'zan realized why there were Lor who were seriously scared of Earth. She shifted, sudden uneasy that she was going to give them even more technology. "Is... Does Miss Americana teach at this school, then? Is that why you went there?"
  22. The refs made an Equipment spacesuit, for use in SPAAAAAAACE. I would put Brigandine up for a thread like this.
  23. Blue Jay recognized that the note was in her mother's language at the same time that she translated it, and the whole world went crystal and froze. She had the sudden, creeping realization that so many people have to deal with at certain points; that while you are watching the world, the world is also watching you. Adrenaline flooded through Jay's tiny body and she found that her heart was pounding and she was breathing in harsh gasps. She forced herself to calm down, to think clearly and collect herself. And then the sirens started, and she wanted to bolt. Instead she stood carefully, stowing the murder weapon in her quiver. "We need to get off the streets," she said to the younger Claremonter. She drew a grapnel and smoothly launched it to the rooftop, quickly ascending the line.
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