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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. For reference, Mali and Tona are watching the competition while Maxima participates.
  2. For rolls and suchlike that happen in this thread.
  3. A hand dropped, two men screamed at each other, and they came together, limbs blurring as they struck and blocked and parried and countered. It was an amazing display of physicality, martial prowess, and controlled fury. Controlled, because when the man in the blue robe stuck the flat of his hand into the neck of the man in the orange robe, they both froze. The referee shouted, the men separated and bowed, and a few of the more knowledgeable spectators applauded. Tona Baudin was one of them. She had been especially interested in the arm-lock the tai chi master had attempted, and the way the snake-style specialist had slipped out of it almost bonelessly. Her eyes glittered in anticipation as she looked at the next few fights coming up on the docket. She hadn't even know this martial arts tournament existed a month ago, until her friend Mali mentioned that she was going to watch. In just a couple of weeks though, the young archer had become obsessed with the idea. A place where she could see all sorts of fighting styles on display, measured against each other? It was a thrilling notion to her, and she had waited impatiently for it. Tona wasn't happy that she was restricted to sitting in the bleachers, but registration had closed months ago. She had eventually, reluctantly, agreed that her own style was too wilde and improvisational to be judged in formal competition, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy what she was seeing.This was her Super Bowl, her World Cup, her PAX, all rolled into on, and Tona was determined to take in as much as she could.
  4. Corona kept up the bombardment, aiming away from where the Terran was clubbing and smashing and tossing antibodies with wild, frankly frightening displays of strength. However many she exploded, though, there always seemed to be more of the monsters. It didn't slow her down for a moment; instead she pushed herself to move faster and fire more detonating spheres of energy into the Communion lines. She encouraged the soldiers behind her, too. "Keep movin' yer feet," she radioed back. "Keep up the fire an' don't stop movin'!"
  5. WEll. Better that than nothing, I suppose. I never knew the young male model was called Prodigy!
  6. So is there an actual translated version of HeroFactory, or did someone just translate a few screens and post the images?
  7. Alright, then Corona's going to let loose with the Blast again. That's another DC 27 Toughness save from, oh, let's say Regiment 1.
  8. The man squirmed on the ground under Starlight’s boot, a touch of fear in his voice. “Hey, hey! You aren’t allowed to hurt me, you’re superheroes, I know the rules! I gave up, call the cops and leave me alone!” “Well, that’s kind of a funny thing.” Miras walked over to the man and squatted near his head, her tone conversational. “See, me and Richard, we’re superheroes. We’ve got the powers, the costumes, the moon base, all that stuff. But her?” She jerked a thumb at Starlight. “We just picked her up ‘cause we like her moxie. She’s not really part of the team.” Miras stood back up and walked over to the foot of the stairs, near where Richard was standing. “I mean if we see any head crushing, we’ll be morally obligated to stop it. But you have a big place and we have to find the drug lab if we’re going to find it.” She paused and added, “It’d be terrible if we handed the wrong yuppie drug lord to the police.” Asli knew what she was doing wasn’t really a heroic thing, leaving this guy to squirm on the floor and imagine his head getting stomped flat. On the other hand, this guy was a scumbag who maybe deserved to have his head stomped in. Just a little bit. But on the gripping hand if this was Starlight first time out, she shouldn’t be learning habits like this. Miras started forward to pull her back, when the guy finally started yelling. “Second floor! It’s in the guest room, the extra bedroom! It’s all in there, just take a look! God dammit, tell this woman to take her boot off my face.” Miras turned to Richard, taking the steps two at a time. “Watch him,” she said, and then there was a blur and she was gone.
  9. Hrm, hrm. I'm a little unclear on how stunting Alternate Powers work. Does Corona have that AoE blast until she switches to something else, or did she only have for one round?
  10. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya moved to the devices, picking one up and turning it over in her hands. She wasn’t an engineer, she had no way to determine how the machinery worked, but it gave her something to do while she thought about the problem. She had fought alongside Za’akis in the war, and she didn’t like the notion of of fighting them here. Maybe if she had a battlecruiser of her own in orbit, but with the tiny shuttle she had been granted the fight would be over before it started. “The Za’akis don’t rightly have an empire no more,” she said, squaring her shoulders, “but I can jaw with th’ captain. If they can help us get all this junk workin’ again, maybe we can work somethin’ out between us.” She put the piece back and turned to face the magistrate again. “I’ve got another question for you to answer. What kinda folk are those bug-folk? I’ve never laid eyes on their kind.”
  11. Tona frowned as she listened to Toni’s story. “Wait. Slow down.” She tapped the filter hard on the edge of the sink, knocking out the grounds before turning on the hot water. Even as she talked she was cleaning the machine, going through standard, almost ritualistic motions as her mind whirled. “You have speed powers from lightning and chemicals, okay. Where did you learn to use a bow and arrow?” She put the clean filter back on the machine and turned to face Toni head-on. “Where is your people, your father? What… How is your mother?”
  12. "I don't know the next time I'll be in these parts," Aya admitted. "My last postin' gave me plenty of time on your home turf, but I'm... on a bit of a vacation now. I'd appreciate if we could sort this sooner instead of later." She stood and followed Sharl through the corridors of the building, to a room that spoke "hospital" across all language boundaries. She looked around at it and nodded curtly before turning to her guide. "Should I, ah, remove the armor? I'm not quite up on how Terrans work all this.' She had to admit to herself that she was feeling rather nervous. Lor science mostly dismissed superpowers as an aberration limited to a single, strange planet in a distant corner of the galaxy. The initial examination she had undergone, after the accident, had been both through and perfunctory; Aya had been prodded and probed and bombarded by all sorts of robots and radiation, but she had never had the feeling that the doctors really knew what they were looking at. She should feel safer now that she was in the hands of someone experienced with superpowers, but she didn't enjoy the idea of leaving her well-being in the hands of a Terran. Having another Lor in the room helped calm her nerves greatly, but the butterflies in her stomach refused to go away.
  13. The man's eyes flicked between Fast-forward, Miras, and Starlight, his mouth working like he was trying to get a nasty taste out of it. "Okay," he said, his tone curt. "What do you want?" Miras blinked, looking at the other heroes. She had expected some resistance, at least a perfunctory claim to innocence. "You're not going to try and deny it," she asked. "Maybe try a few rounds of 'it's not me, you've got the wrong guy, this is all a a mistake'?" The man's neck wriggled, and after a minute they realized he was trying to shrug with frozen shoulders. "You walked out of my hidden door," he said. "Unless you're sewer folk getting really angry at gentrification, I know who you are." His gaze settled on Fast-forward. "I've seen you around on TV. When you do the recreation for your little show, don't get one of those fat actors to play me. I put work in the gym and I want it to show." Miras shoved herself right in the man's face. "Hello! Earth to yuppie scumbag, you're going to jail! Does that not get through to you?" He sneered right back at her, anger and pride twisting his expression into something ugly. "I made a product, a better painkiller than any opiate derivative. But the FDA said it was too addictive and the company downsized the team, me included. So I found another market for it. I'm a capitalist, that's all." "You're a murder," Miras retorted, poking him hard in the chest. "You put poison on the street. People are dead because you decided it would be easier to sell street drugs than get a new job!" "Some drug addict ODs on my stuff, I really doubt the city is worse off."
  14. Don't feel bad about cribbing builds! At least two of the characters listed in my signature were lifted wholesale from build threads. The fluffy bits of a character are far more important to us than the mechanics. We're just trying to steer you away from bad, frustrating mechanics that will drive you away from the game.
  15. Uh, no. You are not creating separate clones who each have their own powers. You are utilizing differently-named effects (different from Duplication itself) to model having several clones. Damage with an Area is sending all of your guys out to punch everyone in the room at the same time; Communication 3 is sending everyone out to spread the same message. ESP is physically sending a clone out to look at a place and then report back. Super-Strength is having 20 guys to lift a car instead of one. Snare is a dog-pile on one target.
  16. 2E is a little weird about stats. The total skill bonus is not capped, but you can only have a number of skill ranks equal to PL + 5. So 15 ranks at PL 10.
  17. Aya’s attention snapped to the door and she stood quickly as a tall blonde in a suit entered. Perhaps she moved a bit too quickly; talking about the destruction of Lor-Var had set her on edge, and now she was too full of nervous energy to react smoothly. She took a deep breath to calm herself before answering. “Earth’s help has been noted in the fight against the Communion,” she said, “an’ it’s appreciated. If you’re the lead researcher here, then you’re the one I wan’ to talk to.” She raised a hand, clenching it into a fist. A gold-red glow gathered around her fist, oddly reflecting the colors of the armor underneath it. “This started a few years ago.” She let the power fade and dropped her hand to the table. “I’ve had my armor for much longer, but just recently it’s been going… sideways.” She drummed her fingers heavily against the table, trying to work through how to say what she needed to in the Terran language. “The power is… comin’ through my armor. I’d like you to take a look at it. In return, I’d give you a look at a modern Lor combat spacesuit.”
  18. It took some time and some finesse, but the Communion antibodies were cleared out without any losses to the troops. Corona personally spent a few minutes on the ground next to the troopers, smashing heads and throwing the bodies to the side. She was doing a visual inspection when the ground starting heaving and split open, and the huge mole-slug creature burst forth. She looked around, trying to take in all the details at once; the mole-slug charging them, the waves of antibodies coming from the opposite direction. She bit her lip inside her helmet; if she was alone, she would go up and soar over all these obstacles and land directly in the communication center. But then, if she was alone she would have been overwhelmed on the way down. She needed to act fast and decisively, she realized, so she shouted as loud as she could. "Alright! Everyone with two arms an' a gun, listen up. Mission hasn't changed! We still need to get to the comm tower and put a nice, big hole in it. Commanders, I say it's high time we went right down tha' throat of those Communion troops. Everyone else, stay close and stay moving! We'll blow you a path and you come along tight behind us." Corona didn't give anyone time to argue or countermand her orders; in a blink she was in the sky and heading straight at the on-rushing swarm of antibodies. The Lor fired at the antibodies, her shots landing and merging and swelling into huge conflagrations of radiation and energy. She just hoped that if she could disrupt the leading edge of the swarm, the other commanders could sweep in behind her and open up a corridor for the troops.
  19. The leader of the group, or at least the one ordering everyone around, took the blast full in the back and stumbled forward. He spun and fired, but the photokinetic was already back in the basement and he just smashed a chrome object d'art. "Dammit, we're getting overrun here!" He turned back to the stairwell, putting a hand up to where his ear would be. "Evens, did you find an entry point yet?" He paused, listening to something and glancing around the battlefield. Miras took the opportunity to snake up the stairs and get a line of sight on one of the soldiers, with a bold 7 on his chest. "Take some free advice," she said, flicking her fingers at the armored woman's face. "You don't want to be here. Why not go relax on a beach somewhere?" Miras's fingers moved like she was flicking water, but it was mote of smoke and cloud that traveled across the space and clung to the soldier's face. They cleared in a moment, and the soldier found herself standing on a tropical paradise. A man approached her holding a tall, iced glass with some red and alcoholic in it; she waved the illusion away, pointing her gun all around her. 1 took stock of the situation, pushing out a breath, "No, Evens, pull back. We're getting out of here. A payday isn't any use when you're in Blackstone! Seven, link your suit to mine and I'll fly you out of here. Five, grab Three and aim for sky!" There was a moment of rocket and flame and exhaust and noise, and when it cleared the armored mercenaries had disappeared out the front window, towing their disabled companion with them. Miras waited a moment, then crept out of the basement and looked around the floor. It was a spacious, well-appointed place, with modern furnishings and subtle touches of opulence. "Well, it's nice to see that you can get a good price when you sell your soul, at least." She turned to the stairs, watching the man Fast-forward had frozen. "Richard, is there any way to unfreeze him just enough to see his reaction to us? It's no fun when the evil doers can't talk back."
  20. Miras is going to hit... Hm, 7 hasn't been touched. Let's shoot an Illusion at him. DC 17 Will Save Will save: 1d20+4 6 ... Yeah, he's taken in. Totally taken in there. I think this will be the last round of combat!
  21. “Arcane studies?” Aquarius pulled at his long chin, patting his pockets absently. “I’m not sure what you mean by… Are you talking untabulated recordings?” “We’re talking magic,” Miras said. “On of your graduate students, Brian Akanu, opened a hole to some place that no one should look at it, and something from there killed him.” She looked around the office, at the frayed jacket covers and tapes carefully stacked according to some personal system. “We don’t think you gave him something dangerous,” she lied, “but we do think Brian was working on his graduate studies when it… happened. Do you know what he was working on?” Aquarius blinked owishly, but talking about academic matters seemed to focus him. “Brian was working on an analysis of group-generate music,” he said. The professor rose to his feet and began shuffling the papers and folders on his desk. “Spontaneous songs. Things that were not created by a single craftsman laboring away, but were generated by a crowd, without any one member leading the action.” He seemed to find the manilla file folder he was looking for and began leafing through it, looking up every few seconds to eye the mages. “I don’t suppose you could tell me what killed Brian?” Miras exchanged a look at Nick. “We think it was some manifestation of a being called Azathoth.” The folder hit the ground, spraying papers everywhere. Aquarius’s lined faced went gray, and he sat in his chair heavily. “Azathoth. No, it can’t be that. I would never… I never.” He suddenly leapt to his feet and pulled a particular, dog-eared record cover off the shelf. “It never left my office, you’ll see, I’m not responsible for it.” He opened the cover and showed it to Miras and Nick, and all three looked at the empty sleeve. “Oh merciful God,” Aquarius breathed. “It got out.”
  22. “No one at all could help.” Aya’s fingers curled around the arm-rests of the chair, gripping the tooled leather tightly. “I even… I heard that there were Star Knights up there. That didn’t make it.” Her jaw clenched hard and she looked straight ahead, visions of terror and desolation playing inside her head. For some reason, the fact that she hadn’t seen Lor-Van be destroyed -- that there was precious few records of the event, that most of what she had heard were the panicked stories of people who had escaped by barest measure -- made it all worse. It took her a few minutes to realize that Sharl had finished speaking and it was her turn again. She cleared her throat, feeling acutely awkward. “The, ah, the Republic thanks you for ya service,” she said. “All the folk, every free body in space, is grateful for what ya did."
  23. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Ami watched Nevermore have his conversation with... whoever it was. She didn't try to eavesdrop, instead choosing to watch the crime-fighter's posture and body language. And it wasn't just because that let her stare at his body for a few seconds. "<She certainly sounds like the sort of woman that shouldn't be left around impressionable young men! While you go talk to Endeavor, I will sit and talk with the young man.>" She paused, and smiled sunnily at Nevermore. "<I would not worry too much about more help coming. These sort of situations tend to accumulate superheroes, yes?>" She turned back to the thief, smoothing out her skirt. "Samantha sounds like an amazing person," she said to him. "But can we talk about you? What is your name? And is that your brother that you were with?"
  24. Okay, Corona is going to stunt off her Cosmic Empowerment Array. Blast 10 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Feat: Progression/Area 2, Flaw: Distracting) That should end up as an effective Rank 12 Blast vs. the anitbody battalion.
  25. Alright. I think the plan should be for the troops to rush forward, and the heroes run ahead of them to take care of the antibodies. Combined Attack time, anyone?
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