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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Samantha Cline was one of Raven I's rogues, a femme fatale with pheromone and flying powers.
  2. Anyone can roll those skills if they want to.
  3. Toughness Save: 1d20+11 26 And that's a Bruise.
  4. A roll of 16 will not hit him! Would you like to reroll that one?
  5. GM "Dammit, Three, don't make speeches!" The voice was high, and harsh, and coming from behind the frozen mercenary with the future-tech gun. Another armored form bobbed into view, throwing an arm around Three and pulling the stiff body back and out of the door frame. "We're clear! Take the shots!" As the pair of silver-and-black figures fell back, two more ran into view. These pair had 1 and 7 on their chestplates, and they quickly filled the top of the stairs with blaster fire. Fast-forward didn't just have speed on his side, though; the veteran metahuman had faced small military groups before, and knew the sort of ways they attacked. He was able to dance around their energy bolts, though a couple did get close enough to raise the hairs on his arms.
  6. Gueesssss who! Yup, it's all the prime number Power Corps! 5 is going to be pulling 3 out of the way, so 1 and 7 can take a shot at Richard. Ranged Attack Check: 2#1d20+11 25 14 And both of those will miss and scorch the woodwork. Starlight is up!
  7. Folks can make Know/Streetwise or Know/History checks to learn things about Samantha Cline.
  8. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    The criminal kept looking at the floor as Nevermore approached. "Sam knows the Raven," he insisted. "She says that she used to date the Raven, until someone stole him away." He frowned slightly. "Sam is sure that the Raven is a guy. I thought the Raven was a woman, but Sam is sure that the Raven is a guy, and Sam has to be right." He looked up, smiling softly into Nevermore's mask. "Samantha Cline. She's beautiful. She's got the biggest green eyes, and these wings, and the way she flies around... I could watch her for days. And I know if I bring back something to make her happy, it'll all be okay." Ami sat quietly in the chair, letting the thief ramble, her gut churning unpleasantly. This kid was deep under someone's spell, that much was obvious. The name Samantha Cline didn't trigger any memories for her, but her Martel training had included how to recognize brainwashing, and this was at least that. She hoped that there wouldn't be any permanent damage, once Sam was taken out of the picture. "Samantha Cline." The boy relaxed suddenly, like just thinking about the object of his obsession was soothing. "She's so beautiful. I never thought someone with wings or arms like that could be beautiful, but then I met Sam and she showed me how. I mean, she met Dad first and he brought her home and pretty soon I wasn't worried about school or Twitter or anything like that. I just needed to make Sam happy."
  9. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    “Sam’s back at home,†the thief said, speaking mostly to Casey even while he was answering Endeavor’s questions. “She mostly stays at home with Dad, or with Dad’s friends. She doesn’t…†He frowned and furrowed his brow, trying to remember something buried deeply. “She always wants to meet new men, but she hates it when they bring their wives or girlfriends along. I don’t remember what happened to Mom…†He grimaced and put a hand to his head, and shivered powerfully. “I’m getting a headache…†“It was all for Sam,†the boy muttered, his eyes mostly on the floor. From time to time his gaze would flick up, though, to look quickly over Nevermore. “Are… are you the Raven? I think that if I bring you home to meet Sam, that’ll be even better than buying something! She’s always going on about how she needs to find the Raven again!†Ami blinked in confusion, giving Nevermore a sideways look. With the armor and the cape he did indeed look something like Freedom City’s most well-known investigator, but usually villains wanted to stay as far away from the Freedom League as possible.
  10. Blue Jay alternated her attention between Noor’s story and the bustling street outside. She didn’t really expect to be attacked in the middle of a coffee shop, but constant vigilance was her default. She was silent for a few moments, turning over the Frenchwoman’s story in her head. “I have not seen… many people in this city that look like me,†she said. “And the one or two I have seen… they are not your princess.†She couldn’t imagine what would happen if a Curator drone was sitting on the throne of a nation, but she didn’t think it would be good. “You should not walk around this city alone like that, though. You could get seriously hurt.†Blue Jay shifted slightly to address her friend. “What are you doing today, Blodeuwodd? We should at least keep Noor safe while she’s in town.â€
  11. It won't be the first Henshin we've had.
  12. Blue Jay was shocked with the speed this thing moved at. It blurred and was suddenly in her face, striking at her! The touches were light, but blindingly fast, and she tried to defend herself in vain. It might have been her imagination, but the creature seemed to grin hideously at her with the last touch. It certainly wasn’t her imagination when she felt the cold moving in her body, making her heart ache and making her feel sluggish and weak. It was obvious that she wouldn’t be able to run away from the monster, so instead Blue Jay turned to an attack. She struck out with her hands and elbows, drawing on moves ingrained on her muscle memory. She was so slow though, that by the end it was futile. The creature swept her attacks aide and she wasn’t able to land so much as a finger.
  13. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    “<You speak several languages? That’s very European. It’s refreshing to find someone who doesn’t think that other countries just> speak English with an accent, or English BUT-LOUD-AND-SLOW!†She switched languages smoothly, and her last words came at a loud, heavy, stomping cadence quite unlike her normal speech. She giggled at herself, until she suddenly realized that her noise had woken up the suspect. Ami sat up straight, smoothing out her skirt and waiting for the young man to sit up, realize where he was, and react to Nevermore. She knew, though, that it was important to take control of the conversation before the cowl started in. “Good morning,†she said. “I would like to know why you were so very, very eager to steal my new bathing suit.†The boy sat on the chair, hugging himself, shooting looks between Casey and Endeavor. He finally focused on talking to the one that wasn't holding a live wire. “I, I, I had to get something for her,†he told Casey. “I couldn’t go back home empty-handed. You have to understand, I can’t go back empty-handed! She'll, she’ll…†He hugged himself harder, shrinking into himself. “She’ll ignore me! I have to have something to give to Sam. She’s so beautiful, so perfect. She deserves all of it!†He began shivering slightly, regardless of the temperature. It almost looked like a junkie who was being denied a fix, except that this was a tanned, healthy-looking teenage boy!
  14. Aya sat in one of the comfy, overstuffed leather chairs positioned around the meeting table. She raised an eyebrow at the mention of 'tightening down' Sharl’s program; changing an AI’s program was like mucking around in the brain of an organic being. Someone who would reprogram an AI casually didn’t seem like the sort of person she wanted to trust. And then the conversation wandered to the topic of Lor-Van, and anything else was banished from her mind. She grew tense all at once, hyper-aware of every fact in the room as her mind tried to find anything to talk about besides the destruction of the capital. There wasn’t anything, though, and Aya didn’t believe in running from confrontation, either. She opened her mouth to speak and it came out as a hard croak. The Lor cleared her throat and tried again. “You were… you were on Lor-Van when it happened?â€
  15. Happy birthday to the Brain. Many happy returns, Shaen.
  16. Being with the one Endeavor tazed is perfectly fine. Also, is Casey in costume now?
  17. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya let the harried bureaucrat go, making a beeline to the door she had pointed out. There wasn’t to suggest that a powerful individual made deals and world-shaking decisions behind it; she didn’t approve. If this planet was heavily colonized by other races, they needed to be reminded who they were talking to when they came to see the magistrate. She never broke stride when she hit the door, going straight through it and into the magistrate’s office. She glanced around quickly as she introduced herself. “Aya K’zan, agent of the outback Overwatch an’ Patrol survey,†she said. “I understand someone here found somethin’ interesting.â€
  18. Aya relaxed marginally when Sharl revealed he was another Lor. What she was here to do wasn’t exactly sanctioned by the Republic’s ruling powers, and it made her feel better to know that there was another Lor working with this Miss Americana. Aya was going to be trusting this woman an awful lot; it was good to know that at least one other of her people also trusted this Terran. Of course, that didn’t mean she shouldn’t find out as much as she can. Aya inclined her head towards Sharl, speaking respectfully. “The Republic thanks you for your service,†she said formally. “You been with this Miss Americana very long, then?â€
  19. Just to be clear, the two thieves have been taken into the back area and put in different offices. Brigandine and Nevermore are with one, I don't know where Miracle Girl and Endeavor are.
  20. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Ami's eyes darted over the scene, taking everything in. She was almost certain she had seen both these girls around the Claremont campus before, and her mind worked analytically to put two and two together. She was interrupted by Nevermore’s observation. “Mind control? That is a complicated matter.†She briefly wished that her powers had a more cerebral bent; she was sure that her aunt could have sorted out their minds with a few seconds’ work. Ami had confidence that she could do it herself -- she was a Martel after all! -- but it would take her some more time. It took more time and a few quiet words, but before long the two attempted thieves were in different offices in the employees’ area of the mall, resting on chairs. Ami sat near one of them, keeping on eye on him and waiting for him to wake up. She kept the other eye on Nevermore. “<You speak French excellently, but you still have an accent. Where did you learn ?>â€
  21. You can't be a Freshman at Claremont. Good-sized junior class, though.
  22. Blue Jay could just imagine the sort of questions her employer would have if some Frenchwoman started rambling that Tona was royalty. She suppressed a wince and just pointed across a street, at a Starbase Coffee. "Let's just go there," she said. It wasn't hard to dodge through the minimal traffic, and in moments they were inside the place. Blue Jay didn't bother ordering anything, instead taking a table near one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and staring out at the street traffic as she waited. Once all three girls were seated and situated, the archer turned her attention to the woman they had just saved. "Why do you think I look like Clementine," she asked. "And why were you looking for a European princess in Freedom City?"
  23. Miras shrugged with one shoulder. “He was an original hippie,†she said. “I don’t know if he ever had his name legally changed, but he was the kind of teacher who wore flip-flops in the summer and made us all call him Eric or Mister A. I can’t see him leading Brian into black magic,†she repeated, softly. “I could see him giving Brian a dime bag, but not tomes of eldritch lore.†It didn’t take long to locate Aquarius’s office. Both heroes could hear Jimi Hendrix playing from inside, telling whoever would listen about Seattle dance clubs. Miras opened the door and stepped inside, letting the music spill out into the hallway. “Professor Eric Aquarius. We have to talk to you.†The office wasn’t small, but the walls were covered in shelves containing vinyl records and CD cases. Anyone taller than six feet risked braining themselves on classic rock, and Miras had to almost stand in the doorway. Eric himself wasn’t a very impressive sort, a short, slim man wearing a tweed sportcoat over a tie-dye shirt and jeans. The hair on his head was thin, wispy, and white, and gave the impression that he had a cloud for a half-hearted toupee. He jumped at the intrusion, startled, looking between the large woman in robes and the man with the painted skull and leather jacket. “What… what is this? Who are you two? What’s going on?â€
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