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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Corona followed the security guards down, forcing herself not to worry about the ones behind her back. Her powers and her armor should protect her from any Terran weapon, but then she wouldn’t be in this building if there wasn’t a genius here. A genius could arm her guards with any sort of devices. She actually relaxed a touch when she was shut away in a meeting room. She only had a moment to look around and orient herself, though, when the Lor suddenly flickered into being. Aya suppressed a tic when he mentioned not recognizing the OOPS colors, carefully placing her clamshell on the table while she considered her words. “I don’t know if there are any Lor civilians anymore,†she said. “Anyone who didn’t point a rifle at an antibody worked to supply the military.†She raised her eyes and met gazes with the other Lor. “Aya K’zan, formerly of Republic Investigation Patrol, formerly Outback Overwatch & Survey Patrol, currently unattached.†Aya walked around the table until she could see the holoemitter this Lor was coming out of. “<I didn’t realize this building had an AI,>†she said, switching to her native language. Of course there was a chance that this was just a personality construct on a non-sentient computer system, but why would a Terran program in an alien for their helper?
  2. Okay, Blue Jay is putting her Favored Terrain bonus to Def, so she is still at Def 20 despite being slowed. She's going to take a few swings at this thing in hand-to-hand. Melee Attack: 1d20+14 21 If that hits, DC 20 Toughness save.
  3. Sense Motive check: 1d20+9 29 He sees through your Taunt! Fort save, vs Paralyze: 1d20+6 14 He is frozen.
  4. Corona reflexively threw up her hands as the canyon walls literally exploded inwards like mines, raining shrapnel on the troops. It all bounced off her golden aura, though, leaving her unharmed -- though the Communion antibodies rushing towards her looked like they wanted to change that! The Lor shot up into the sky, leaving a pair of antibodies to collide into each other on the ground. From her higher vantage point, Corona could look around and see the ground troops, engaged with the antibodies across the entire field. Her blood boiled as she saw all manner of sophonts fighting for their life. She knew it was worse even than that. She knew that if they died here, they would be dragged away and turned into more mindless soldiers for the Communion, more antibodies infested with shining cybernetics. These soldiers wouldn't just be dead, they would be spreading this foul cybernetic tyranny to other star systems, maybe even to their homes. Her cosmic power flowed from her core down to her hands, pooling around her fists until they shone like a pair of suns. With a yell, Corona rocketed across the battlefield, firing off shots as she went. She couldn't see any place where the soldiers could form a line against the pressing enemies. Everywhere she looked, antibodies and soldiers were mixed among each other. She tried to focus her attacks on a set area, doing her best to clear out an area for the soldiers to group in.
  5. Okay, that attack will bounce off Corona's Impervious. For her round, she'll fly up into the sky ~20 ft and switch to the Cosmic Blast AP, and get to shooting. Range Attack Check: 1d20+10 23 That should be DC 25 Toughness against, oh, Antibody Group 1.
  6. Initiative 38 Fast-forward -- Uninjured -- HPx1 21 Three -- Uninjured -- GM 21 ??? -- Uninjured -- GM 21 ??? -- Uninjured -- GM 21 ??? -- Uninjured -- GM 18 Starlight -- Uninjured -- HPx2 9 Miras -- Bruisex1 -- HPx0 Let's see that punch, AA!
  7. Hestina can only really 'talk' to one or two people at a time, so maybe it's more showing her around the campus. An upperclassman would be perfect for that, or I'm sure Brigandine is comfortable enough around psychics to do it herself.
  8. Initiative: 1d20+6 9 Initiative: 1d20+5 21 Well we see where the dice roller's loyalties lay.
  9. The boys on the ground are twins.
  10. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Ami slowed down as the pack began to pile up, and she jumped up on a bench just in time to see Nevermore's quick, economical takedown. She was impressed with the speed of his moves, with his strong stand and quick, sure moves. She watched him as he walked towards her, her own feet shifting slightly to give her a chance to jump away if he come at her with the same moves. But, at the end, he simply handed her bad back to her and she took it, quietly. "Merci beaucoup, monsieur oiseau de nuit. I am sure it is fine. It is only clothes, after all." She hopped down and walked up to the man, shooting a glanced between the twins. "Hm. I wonder what he wanted? He wasn't really acting like a thief. He was too scared for that." She walked up to the other man, nodding slightly at the two girls. "Bonjour et excusez moi, do either of you know these persons?"
  11. "Pretty much, yeah." Miras walked to the bottom of the stairs. She didn't think her own frame would fit next to Fast-forward and Starlight and the white-collar drug lord. "Ask him somewhere along the way if he's feeling at all remorseful. Or if we should smash the lab and drag him straight to the cops." She paused, watching the man's frozen body. "You know, he really can't answer us if he can't move, Fast-forward." As they stood there, they could hear heavy footfalls the floor above them. The door at the top of the staircase was flung open and a man in a silver and black armor was standing there, a large 3 emblazoned his chest piece, pointing a chrome pistol square at Fast-forward. "I'm afraid you're going to have to walk away unsatisfied, people. Or, you know, crawl away. Your choice."
  12. Will Save: 1d20+7 17 Whelp. Let's reroll that, shall we? Will save, reroll: 1d20+7 26 Literally, one point below what would have saved her.
  13. Reflex save: 1d20+8 9 I think this is punishment for staying on the ground. Or possibly for being an ass.
  14. This guy is a scrub, and a scared scrub. Drop 'em, Nevermore.
  15. AA, what exactly is Fast-forward doing to the guy? Is it just a punch?
  16. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    The running man's eyes grew wide as Nevermore seemed to just appear in front of him. He gave a harried shout and threw his shoulder into the crimefighter. He had good form and plenty of momentum, but he clearly wasn't interested in the follow-through. His twin continued to pull fruitlessly at Casey's bag, even as Sakurako stepped into the light. "You don't understand," he said, his tone desperate. "I won't go back empty-handed. I can't! I need to get her something to show how I feel!"
  17. Miras frowned as she saw Fast-forward draw back and prepare to strike. He didn’t look like one of those huge, muscle-bound types, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe he had super-dense reptile muscles and could lift a car with those noodle arms. Richard Cline’s fist struck the metal door, and suddenly there was a Looney-Toons style fist-shaped hole in the door. A couple more blows cleared a sizeable chunk of it out; beyond the door was a genuine man-cave, with a long, plush couch along one wall opposite a huge television, and racks and racks of game consoles and A/V equipment. If there was any alarm, it had to be already screaming, so Miras had Fast-forward step back while Starlight cut the rest of the door away. The trio stepped through onto plush carpets, the mage’s robes dripping stinking, salty water on the floor. Before anyone had a chance to dry off or admire the electronics or look for a stashed drug lab, they heard heavy steps coming down the stairs from above. They watched as a clean-shaven man in his early thirties stepped down into the basement. His Oxford shirt was partly unbuttoned, and he had a cell phone in one hand and an open bottle of beer in the other. He goggled at them for a moment, taking in the sight of three strangers standing in his rumpus room, having stepped through a door in the wall; then he turned and sprinted upwards, taking the stairs two at a time.
  18. Raveled


    In general, the boards default to UP and the core rulebook. There are a few options from the Mastermind's Manual that are explicitly allowed, but both Warriors & Wizards and Mecha & Manga have been disallowed before. At best, these feats would be allowed on a case-by-case basis. That being said, Beautiful Voice is available in Mastermind's Manual as a Challenge Feat, Combat Diplomacy, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone here use Attacks of Opportunity so Martial Artist shouldn't be necessary, either.
  19. Corona cursed and widened her stance as the ground started shaking all around them. She couldn't see any enemy to attack, anything to direct her anger against to stop whatever this was from happening, so she turned to the troops instead. "Spread out," she called to them. "Fireteams, put some distance between yourselves!" At the very least, she would make sure that anything coming after them wouldn't be able to get more than two or three troopers at once. She was struck with the urge to leap into the air. It would certainly make it harder to attack her from the ground, but she squashed that impulse. She kept her feet firmly on the ground, knees bent, ready to leap to the rescue of any troops pulled under.
  20. Corona touched her feet onto the helipad, the glow around her fading as she released more and more of her power. She reached up and unsealed the clamshell of her helmet, popping it off and running a hand through her faux-hawk. "You can call me Aya K'zan," she told the security guard. "Citizen and officer of the Lor Republic." She paused and after a moment added, "Visiting here for a personal matter."
  21. Raveled


    I don't recognize some of those feats. Where are Beautiful Voice, Defensive Strike, Improved Defense, Martial Arts, an Zen Strike from?
  22. Happy 65 million year +1 birthday, Geez3r! Just how many tiers are on your birthday cake, anyway?
  23. Miras ducked and covered her face as Fastforward's accelerated departure lifted a rooster tail of dirty water in his wake. She and Starlight waited as the water settled, and Miras gave a sigh. "I didn't really know her," she admitted. "I just saw her at meetings. And then I wasn't seeing her anymore, and I got worried." She rubbed at one arm with her hand, the movements centered around her elbow and moving inwards. When she realized what she was doing, the magus snatched her hand away, sticking them straight at her sides. After a moment though, she gave a sheepish laugh and relaxed. "I guess it's true that you never really get over addiction," she said. "You just let it stop letting it control your life." She shook her head, anger surging up in her again. "It's just... Allison did beat it. She cut it out of her life. I remember her talking about finding a new job, at a place she really liked and she liked her co-workers and her managers and the shifts were good and everything was perfect. Then she found out one of the managers was dealing from the loading docks, and when Allison tried to report it she was the one who got fired. She was doing so well to keep clean... and then this comes and it's like no time at all has passed." She shook her head sharply to dispel the mood. "You're right. We are going to find the person behind this, and we're going to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else." Miras set off into the sewer, following the string of lights into the distance. The journey didn't take very long, and in moments she was standing beside Fastforward looking at a steel door set into the end of the sewer. The door was shiny and new, and where there would normally be a keyhole there was instead a number pad, with a red LED burning steadily at the top. The mage looked closely at it, but there wasn't any helpful piece of gaffer tape with a combination written on it. "Anyone want to try guessing this time," she asked, tapping the door experientially. It didn't shock her, but it did sound very heavy, solid, and thick.
  24. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya gave the chitinous aliens a hard look, evaluating the weapons grafted on and into their flesh. Lor worlds welcomed all species -- well, nearly all -- but some planets were predominantly Lor. To see so many of another species so prominent, and so prominently armed, on a Lor colony was unusual. and it pricked her investigator’s senses. She had a different job to do here, though, and as long as the creatures didn’t attack her she wasn’t going to bother them. She approached the magistrate’s offices, barging straight through the front door like she owned the place. The interior looked as half-finished and misused as the exterior; she grabbed a flunky running from one room to the next. “I’ve got some business to be getting on with the magistrate of this here planet,†she said. “I’d appreciate it if you could point me in the proper direction.â€
  25. Notice Check: 1d20+11 15 Whelp. Corona has no S-Sense herself.
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