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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. "<I've never been,>" Blue Jay said airily, more and more of her attention being consumed by the huge man she was corralling. "<I'm sure it's a... a lovely place. I hope you can -- excuse me.>" The archer released the foot and spun, stepping inside the man's reach and striking one, two, three times with the flat of her hands. He staggered, his eyes crossed, and he fell with a crash. Blue Jay nodded sharply at his unconscious body, and watched Blodeuwodd own the very last would-be mugger. With the alley clear, she turned back to the civilian and helped her stand. The heroines helped her step over the bodies and get back to the street. Blue Jay gave her a long look, then glanced between her and Bloduewodd before asking, in English, "Do you want to get some coffee?"
  2. Standing at the entrance to the canyon wasn't getting that comms station destroyed. "Lor to the fore," she called out, rounding up her squad and marching to the front ranks. "Keep yer eyes open and yer triggers itchy. You two." She picked out two troopers at random, a Lor with bulky cybernetic eyes and... a Grue with a pair of ray pistols. Corona blinked and shifted her gaze to the left, picking up the canid soldier. "You two," she said, pointing at the Lor and the canid, "sky patrol. Make sure nothin' comes buzzin' us." The Lor officer did a double-take when Roulette offered to take the rearguard. She nodded to him, suddenly more respectful. "Just keep yer eyes swivelin'," she said. "An ambush ain't gonna come from the front." Corona planted herself at the front of the formation, pumping more and more energy into her aura until it blazed brightly, a beacon for the entire group to follow. She considered trying an inspiring speech, discarded the idea, and started marching forwards.
  3. Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Freedom City, New Jersey, Earth Morning Archetech's North American headquarters saw more than the average amount of parahuman weirdness in a work week, even more than most places in Freedom City. Being the home of highly advanced sciences, the regular working space of superheroes, and the epicenter of a world-wide attack meant that a place started to attract a certain type of attention, and the security team had developed procedures for all sorts of situations. Like when a falling star landed at the top of the building. Corona glowed gold and red and perpetually angry, floating half a foot above the helipad. She glared as the security guards spilled out of the rooftop access and surrounded her. No one was pointing weapons at each other yet, but if looks could kill there would murder. Corona crossed her armored arms and rotated slowly in place, finding the one guard who looked the most in charge of his emotions. He was an older gentlemen, with a bushy mustache and an Archetech cap on his head; Corona inclined her head infinitesimally towards him. "I need to speak with your genius," she said, her voice amplified through the suit's speakers. "I have a trade for her."
  4. Miras climbed to her feet, still cursing lightly under her breath. She walked confidently, angrily, towards the building, and at the last moment stepped to the side and stepped through the wall next to the door. There was no way she was going to set of another trip wire or pressure plate if she didn't exert any pressure, after all. Inside the building was mostly one long room, an expanse of mostly-bare concrete littered with a few broken boxes and rusting metal shelves. The side rooms held the normal sort of junk that accumulated in abandoned buildings. What was distinctly lacking was a complicated lab churning out street chemicals and an evil, bald scientist cackling about his plan to take over the world. The space was empty, and yet the trap on the door hadn't been an accident or static electricity. The heroes prowled around the space, trying to find a clue. It was Fastforward who noticed that where the pipes came out of the wall was still a sharp cut; it hadn't been worn down with age. Starlight searched the rooms and found a particular square of cardboard that wasn't soggy from too many nights left out. Behind it was a keypad; Miras tried out a dozen combinations in a few seconds, until the building was filled with a demonic hissing. The trio watched at the entire concrete floor slid into the ground, riding on pneumatics hidden in the pipes. It continued into the sewer, stopping a few inches above the murky water. Miras floated down and examined the sewer as best she could, following a line of LEDs that stretched out into the distance. She looked down at the waste water, making a face beneath her hood. "If I had to launder these robes, I'd be really angry," she said, stepping carefully down into the muck. "Oh Prophet, and it's cold!"
  5. Blue Jay found a spot in the concealing brush and, after a moment's thought, nocked a white-fletched arrow. Whatever was making that noise, they probably needed to slow it down and talk to it, not knock it unconscious or burn it with acid. She waited, and as the shaking intensified drew the bowstring back to her ear. She didn't flinch when a pale human figure burst from the bush and flung himself at the other pair of heroes. She tracked it and waited, patiently for it to stop and turn and gesture, and then loosed the arrow. The shaft flew true through the concealing leaves, cutting a path straight at the strange creature. It seemed unawares, but at the last moment the creature spun and deflected the arrow with inhuman speed and precision. It bounced off into the woods somewhere behind the creature, and before anyone could react it was back in its stance.
  6. Corona turned to the other Lor, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Yep, these days I mostly ride with OOPS," she admitted, her tone falsely amicable. "Mostly keepin' a weather eye on Earth -- or to say it, the homeworld of Terrans. You met one of them." Corona jerked an armored thumb at Wander addressing her own knot of troops. "The lady that kicked a tower to death. Seems like they can all do stuff like that, and an invasion? That's just another workday for a Terran. So mostly, I figure I'm here because I know when to stand back. Or maybe it's down to the flying and blowin' up stuff on my lonesome," she added. "When we get back, I'll even talk about blowin' up a Communion ship from the inside. "But heck, none of that much matters. 'Cause we aren't really here for parade formations. All we gotta do is climb up there," she said, pointing at the comm tower, "and blow it sky high. If yer steppin' up to help corral folks, I'll take it gladly." She patted the other woman on the shoulder, steel in her posture if not her voice. "Otherwise, as long as people point their guns out of th' group instead of in, I'm not asking for much more."
  7. Blue Jay Dead Island Punk Princess Blood on the Sands Graduation: Proclamation Absolution Miras Drugs & Death, Inc. Azathoth Remix Corona Incursion: Troopers The Misery of Knowledge The Dig Brigandine Mall Madness GM Mall Madness
  8. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    GM As Casey and Sakurako stood at the mall entrance, debating where to go, a handsome man, about their age, approached them. He was dressed in skinny jeans and Oxford shirt, buttoned loosely at the neck, the outfit showing off a trim, fit frame. Despite all that, the man looked nervous and jittery. “Hey ladies,†he said, sidling up close to Casey. “It looks like you’re a little lost.†He reached out and put a hand on Casey’s hand, on the one holding her bag. “Why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for, I’m usually pretty good at --†The girls never found out what he was good at. They all heard a yell from further down the thoroughfare, and looked to see another young man running towards the exit, trailing a line of security guards. He looked incredibly close to the man they were already talking to, and was clutching a large, white bag to his chest. “I’ve got it,†he shouted at the man. “Grab it, Jase, and start the car!†The young man Casey and Sakurako were talking to sighed and visibly relaxed, and a moment later he roughly shoved Casey into Sakurako. At the same time he grabbed her shoulder bag and pulled, trying to rip it out of her hands, but the young superheroine’s inhuman strength prevented the theft. “Let go,†he yelled at her, his voice suddenly angry and his face twisting into a snarl. “Give me your damn money!â€
  9. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Ami waited a few moments, and then stood up, feeling her second wind. She had only gotten to maybe half the stores, after all! Her mental map of the mall said that there was a juice stand just around the corner; she’d check out a few more stores and then get something with proteins and carbohydrates to refuel. She approached the next storefront, eying the jewelry in the display cases. Many little pendants and earrings studs, set with a variety of gemstones. She really didn’t want to buy any jewelry today, but some of the pieces were quite eye-catching. Ami wandered into the store, the short woman’s nose practically on a level with the glass cases. She demurely deflected the sales people with a quick blurt of French, making a slow circuit of the display room; she was about two-thirds through, nearing a twitchy teenager in chinos and a polo, handsome despite his obvious unease. She looked up, their eyes met, Ami smiled briefly -- and then the man reached out, grabbed the biggest bag in Ami’s bunch, ripped it from her grasp, and sprinted out into the mall. The young woman gave a squeak of surprise and tried to follow him; but a crowd quickly gathered around, and while Brigandine could have parted them easily Ami Rask was effectively blockaded.
  10. KD, I'm going to give one more day, then we're going to have to move forward without Nevermore.
  11. Blue Jay frowned at the woman cowering behind a trashcan. “<I have never met four Clementines, and I -- wait a moment.†A big man, three times Tona’s size and with ugly scars over his face, swung a haymaker at the back of her head. The archer ducked the blow effortlessly, caught the follow-up kick in her armpit, and used the outstretched, rigid limb to control the bruiser. She went right and he hopped right; she went left and he hopped into a Dumpster. She twisted the dirty boot and the big man howled. The lithe little girl controlled the three-hundred pound knuckle-breaker with just his boot and returned to the conversation, talking casually. “<I do not know four Clementines,>†she repeated, “<and I do not know what Foix is. I did not think this Earth had any kingdoms anymore.>†She put her head to one side. “<Are you from space? I hear there are lots of space-people around these days.>â€
  12. Actually Ikea doesn't like building stores in the city. They tend to build stores out in the 'burbs or eve beyond, for two reasons. Firstly Ikea favors a wide-open, spread-out floorplan and that much space is much more expensive in a city than out in the sticks. Secondly, they have a philosophy that going shopping at Ikea should be an 'experience.' You shouldn't be able to swing by on your lunch break to pick up a new table; you should plan your day around your Ikea expedition! There's probably a Art Van's Warehouse in the mall, though.
  13. and for this story. Endeavor, Nevermore, Miracle Girl, come on doooooooown!
  14. Rolls and suchlike involving
  15. Raveled

    Mall Madness

    Saturday, March 28th, 2015 Millennium Mall, Freedom City, New Jersey Afternoon The Millennium Mall was a huge place, filled with shops of every description, and packed with roving crowds of shoppers, families, and couples. Ami Rask was indistinguishable in the crowd, and it was only partly because of her height. In the crowd she was just another young, pretty girl, holding big bags and with a hot credit card in her purse. She had been shopping for most of the morning; with the weather turning, it was time for her to update her spring wardrobe. It’s not that she didn’t have anything from the last couple years. It was just that she didn’t have anything new. Ami dropped into a heavy leather chair, one of the sets placed strategically to help exhausted shoppers rest and recuperate. As she breathed, she watched the crowds passing around her. A woman eight or ten years older than she was, pushing a stroller with a sleeping baby in it. An older man, with gray in his hair, walking hand in hand with a bald man. A harried man carrying his toddler in a baby bjorn, while texting. The displays of affection made her smile as she rested, a window into the lives of normal people. More people came by and she watched them, growing more pensive. A young couple, his arm around her waist, window-shopping. An older pair, with kids running around their feet. It made the young girl acutely aware that she was shopping, all alone, for herself.
  16. "Bonjour, Blodeuwodd," Blue Jay said, grinning. "It's good to see you, too. We should go get coffee, once we show these guys why you don't attack someone in Freedom City. This is going to be f--" She paused, the words of the woman behind her finally registered and she turned around, confused. "Clementine? <My name is not Clementine. Who do you think I am?>"
  17. Raveled

    The Dig (OOC)

    Notice Check: 1d20+11 28
  18. Can I get Search checks from Starlight and Fast-forward?
  19. Raveled

    The Dig

    Aya narrowed her eyes as the captain's surprisingly solicitous words rang in the quiet cockpit. Her few encounters with Za'akis had warned her that any attempt to order them around would end in violence, but this one was being downright... helpful. It set off all sorts of alarms in her head, but she couldn't very well fly over and arrest a captain for being polite. Instead she sat in her pilot's chair, her helmet sitting in a chair just behind her, the rest of her suit snapped into place and reporting green functions across the board. It was child's play to ping the local control tower and get an approach vector for the local spaceport. She circled the area twice and it slowly dawned on her that calling it a spaceport might be aggrandizing it. It was mostly just a collection of prefabricated platforms with a few buildings standing around it. She didn’t see any structure in the settlement over three stories tall, and altogether it seemed dirty and dirt-poor. Aya wondered if the local magistrate worked out of an office or the bar. Her shuttle settled on a pad and she walked down the gangway, helmet under her arms. She wasn’t inclined to linger on a backward planet like this, and a Za’akis warship in orbit just made her more vigorous in her work.
  20. Volt Scorpion? I think I fought him with Flame Mammoth's weapon.
  21. Jay's going to start off with a Glue Arrow against this guy. He's not an AEGIS agent, but maybe he can tell us where they are! Ranged Attack, vs Hopping Vampire: 1d20+15 27
  22. Initiative: 1d20+15 26 This is what preparation gets you!
  23. Corona watched the tower fall, nodding patiently to herself. Hopefully the troops would take heart from that; the Communion could be hurt, it could be killed. Although she had had a year to get used to the awesome power of some of the Terrans. She hoped it wouldn't intimidate any of them, but with luck they would just consider how Wander's power could be turned against the Communion. The Lor banked and flew in close to the LZ, watching the troops disembark. It was a hasty thing, everyone crowding around and jumping when they had the chance. She frowned behind her faceplate, wishing desperately for the good, clean order of a Lor marine special forces unit. She waited until her unit was on the ground, then floated down to the ground. "Alright, all of you stay on your toes," she called out. "Teams o' four, and watch yer buddy's back. Everyone keep t'gether, and we'll all get just fine."
  24. Miras stopped on a lot that surrounded on three sides by tall brick buildings and on the last side by a chainlink fence with razor wire at the top. The space had once been a grassy sward facing the ocean; now it was a sandy, gravel-choked and weed-infested backlot that face piles of coal dust. Miras had looked out over this place many, many nights, and not even considered the illegal activities it might be hosting. The building itself was a long, low structure built of red brick; there were skylights over most of it, but the glass panels had been broken or fallen out a long time ago and most of the spaces were covered with plywood or cardboard. "That's where they are," she said, nodding at the building. "And as for plans? &*@$ it, I'm angry. Let's go in and bust drug-dealing heads." The mage stalked up to the door, summoning fire in one hand and reaching out to the door handle with the other. She gripped the handle to the aluminum door, and every muscle in her body clenched at once. The night air -- technically very early morning air, actually -- was filled with a low hum, and Miras felt fire and pain race through her entire frame and settle in her heart. It only took a second, but it was one that lasted an eternity; and then the electrical current snapped off and she staggered back, sinking to her knees and clutching at her chest. It took her a moment to remember how to breathe, and she struggled to suck in air. "God, dammit," she gasped. "When the, hell do, druggies, wire the, front door, to the (@*%ing city grid!"
  25. Lllllllet's get ready to roooo~ooooooll! Toughness save, vs Trap: 1d20+10 13 Uh. Yikes. Let's have Miras use an HP, shall we? Toughness save, vs Trap. HP reroll.: 1d20+10 22 At least that one doesn't knock her out! She has a Bruise and no HP, though.
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