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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Regeneration in an array is a headache and will probably be nixed by the refs. You could give him some Healing with the Source Flaw. For becoming a hero, he can start out solo and meet people. Or yeah, you can say he's been fighting crime for the last exty time period.
  2. The most pressing thing that presents itself to me, is that this character doesn't hit their combat caps. Defensively he is PL 7, while offensively he is something like PL 6.5. I would ask if you're trying to intentionally undercap him, but if so those exotic saves don't make such sense.
  3. Made the calculations for Leaping. I lost Improved Grab and a point of Ref save to get her an extra point of Base Attack, so she should still hit caps.
  4. Miras blinked away stars in her eyes when Starlight disappeared, waiting as the light faded from her. She glanced at Fast-Forward's outstretched hand, but shook her head. "I appreciate the offer," she said, "but I have my own go-fast juice. I don't know how it would interact with yours, and I don't really feel like finding out just now." Wasting no more time, Miras blinked into superspeed and fog, and was gone. She didn't keep an encyclopedic list of Fens restaurants in her head, but she moved outward in a spiral pattern and found it quick enough. Deuce was in a corner unit of a mostly-abandoned office building. The neon sign in the front window read OPEN 24 HOURS in buzzing fluorescent. It was indistinguishable from any other greasy diner in the city, and just thinking about the menu made Miras's arteries harden. The parking lot was hypothetically illuminated by big sodium-halogen lights every couple dozen feet, but most of them had blown out and not been replaced. The result was big patches of semi-darkness, one of which held a rusting pick-up truck. Jase said he was coming in a white vehicle, and it was technically white under all the rust, and in any case Miras thought it would be better to warn the driver in case the drug dealer brought something dangerous with him. The man behind the counter was young, and thin, and defiantly muscular. He was dressed in a ratty Halestorm tee-shirt, and as Miras approached his passenger door at something approaching Mach 1 she saw a big, chrome handgun in his lap. His driver window was open, so she came up behind him and plucked the gun out of his grasp. "Hello, Jase," she said, cheerily lobbing in the bed of the truck. "I'm Alison's friend. Want to have a chat?"
  5. Happy birthday, Moira & JP. I hope you're having a great year and I hope you return to us someday.
  6. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Brigandine Power Level: 7 (110/111PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 1 In Brief: The latest heir to an ancient legacy. Alternate Identity: Ami Jennifer Rask-Martel Identity: Secret Birthplace: Lyon, Rhone-Alps, France Occupation: Student, superhero Affiliations: Claremont Academy, Rask Aeronautics, Martel Industries Family: Walter Rask-Martel (Father), Brigitte Rask-Martel (Mother), Caroline Rask-Martel (Older sister), Jack Rask-Martel (Younger brother), many more. Description Age: 18 (April 1999) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Danish-French-Swiss Height: 5' Weight: 90 lbs Eyes: Green-gray Hair: Black, dyed blonde Ami Rask is a little slip of a girl, skinny enough that she looks even younger than she is, with a boundless energy and an enthusiasm for life that shines through in everything she does. She hair is long and straight and naturally dark but dyed a honey-blonde color. Her eyes are green-grey and bright and usually open very wide. Most of the time Ami is dressed in simple, elegant dresses and skirts in solid colors or complex patterns. She's a stickler for cleanliness and will usually check her clothes once or twice an hour for stray hairs, fuzz balls, or uncut threads. When Ami knows she's going into combat, she wears a jumpsuit designed by Martel Industries to maximize her psychic potential. It's grey-black, with large circles of channeling material over her chakra points and lines connecting them all. When she pushes her powers to the max, she lights up like a fiber-optic Christmas tree, but it helps to keep her powers under control. Her telekinetic 'suit' is a large, vaguely human-looking form with trunk-like legs and arms. Power Descriptions: Ami can create telekinetic fields that she layers around herself, creating an energy suit. While the suit is active, she is in the center of a ten-foot tall vaguely humanoid figure, with huge arms and legs and fingers. The suit is created from her will and her mind, so it reacts to her emotional state; when she's angry it may develop spikes and long, jagged claws. When she's scared it may become sleeker, more compact, more able to hide. When she's showing off it will gain a more defined and more clearly feminine form. History: Ami Rask has always lived in interesting times, and loved every minute of it. Her family is wealthy; about the same time as her parents married, Walter's engineering firm was brought under the wings of Martel Industries. So Ami and her two siblings were born into the Martel family, with the usual high standards Martels demanded of all their family members. Ami approached every test with zeal and elan, and even when she failed she came through it with a smile. Even from a young age, there didn't seem to be any limits to her courage or her desire to explore, and when she started moving things with her mind she accepted the new training with open arms. Soon, in addition to her regular schooling, Ami found herself given more specialized instruction and inducted into some of her family's secrets. She already knew the Martels traced their line back to Charlemagne; she didn't realize that the family had spent centuries battling to protect civilization. Now that Ami had some of the very special skills that the Martels had cultivated over generations, she would be expected to take a more active role in their fight. Despite the danger and difficulty of the drills, Ami approached every day with new enthusiasm and progressed through the training with speed. At the same time, her cousin Eve Martel was learning things at the Claremont Academy that she never could have understood if she stayed under the family's protective wing. Sage was one of the most effective soldiers the line of Charlemagne had ever produced, and the decision was made to enroll Ami in the school. After graduating from Claremont Ami moved west. Rask Aeronautics has recently opened a design and manufacturing plant just outside of Beldam and has leased space just outside the city for its offices. Ami has a very junior position in that branch while she takes college classes online, slowly progressing towards an MBA. At the same time she's living in a bohemian apartment in Terminal Drive. She's the first sign of gentrification in the city, but since she's genuinely French her neighbors tolerate her. Personality & Motivation: Ami Rask is a gregarious woman, always upbeat and outgoing. She loves meeting new people, trying new things, going new places, and she very rarely says 'no' to anyone. She works hard to keep an upbeat outlook no matter what the situation may be; even if things seem bleak, she is always looking for the silver lining and trying inject as much positivity into a situation as she can. Ami is intensely aware of her family's place, as the heirs of Charlemagne and longstanding protectors of the world. More specifically, she tries to live up to the standard set by her aunt, Eve Martel. While not everything the intense young Martel has done is openly discussed even within the family, she knows that her aunt has become a respected hero in Freedom City. Her name her family is a challenge to live up to, but her aunt is an example to emulate. Powers & Tactics: Brigandine isn't very subtle in her approach. She gets into melee distance to the most dangerous enemy on the field and engages them directly, wrestling them if she thinks she can overpower them with brute strength, or else keeping them busy so any allies she had can deal with other threats. If an enemy is keeping away from her, she can use almost anything lying around the battlefield as an effective javelin, or close the gap with a powerful leap. If she can, she likes to sneak up close beforehand to guarantee that she can start the fight by immobilizing the biggest threat Complications: Secret The decision was made a long time ago to keep Charlemagne's legacy a secret from the world at large. Ami strives to keep that secret, which means she has to keep her own superheroic activities a secret. Thrill Seeker Ami will try anything once, the more dangerous the better! She might choose an unsafe action simply because it's more thrilling. Psychosomatic Backlash The suit is a psionic projection, and while Ami is protected inside of it what affects the suit can affect her. Major physical damage to the suit could translate to her own body, i.e. if the suit's arm is cut off Ami might not be able to use that arm. Rousseau Was Right, You Know Ami can be idealistic, and if an enemy tries to surrender she'll probably accept it. This means ruthless foes can take advantage of her better nature. Agent of Charlemagne As a Martel, Ami may be called upon to undertake special missions for her family's mission. This could lead to a conflict of interest with other superheroes, even her friends. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 8 = 26PP Strength: 25/10 (+7/+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20/16 (+5/+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +2 Attack: +7 MeleeLarge/+8 MeleeMedium, +3 RangedLarge/+4 Ranged, +7 ThrownLarge/+8 ThrownMedium Grapple: +8/+21 Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus, -1 Size), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -7/-1 Saving Throws: 0 + 1 + 3 = 4PP Toughness: +7/+3 (+5/+3 Con, +2 Protection) Fortitude: +5/+3 (+5/+3 Con, +0) Reflex: +3 (+2 Dex, +1) Will: +6 (+3 Wis, +3) Skills: 72R = 19PP Bluff 8 (+12)Skill Mastery Concentration 8 (+11)Second Chance Diplomacy 11 (+15)Skill Mastery Drive 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Intimidate 0 (+6Large/+4) Knowledge (Business) 4 (+5)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+5) Language 9 (American Sign Language, Arabic, Danish, English, Farsi, French [N], French Sign Language, Italian, Mandarin, Japanese) Notice 8 (+11) Sense Motive 8 (+11) Stealth 8 (+6Large/+10) Feats: 16PP Attack Focus (Melee) 4 Attack Specialization (Thrown) 2 Benefit (Martel Family) Benefit (Wealth I) Dodge Focus 4 Second Chance (Concentration) Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Drive, Knowledge [Business]) Quick Change Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 29 = 29PP All powers have the psychic & telekinetic Descriptors Alternate Form 5.9 (Mind Improves Matter) [29PP] Enhanced Strength 7 [7PP] Growth 4 (Large Size, +8 Str, +4 Con, -1 Att/-1 Def, +4 Grapple, -4 Stealth, +2 Intimidation, Flaw: Permanent) [12PP] Leaping 2 (x5, running jump 85 ft, standing jump 42 ft, high jump 21 ft) [2PP] Protection 2 [2PP] Speed 2 (25MPH) [2PP] Super-Strength 2 (Str 40, Heavy Load=3.2 Tons) [4PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Melee DC 22 Toughness (staged) Damage (Physical) Thrown Thrown DC 22 Toughness (staged) Damage (Physical) Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (4) + Skills (19) + Feats (16) + Powers (29) - Drawbacks (0) = 110/111 Power Points
  7. Initiative: 1d20+7 21
  8. Gizmo, any chance the commanders can attack those anti-air cannons?
  9. Miras nodded at Starlight’s information. “If it’s just in this city and they’re making it here, maybe we can stop them cold here. Stop them from making anymore Alisons.†When Fast-Forward started scrolling through the cellphone, Miras did her best to read the names over his shoulder. “Her dealer’s number? That’s a pretty good lead.†She made a motion with her hand and a smartphone with a cracked screen appeared in her hand. She quickly dialed the number for JASE and waited, tapping her foot. The voice that answered was low, fast, tense, and suspicious. “Who is this? Who the ^*@# are you? Why are you calling me?†Miras threw her mind back to her darkest times, trying to fit back into her old skin. She hunched her shoulders and licked her lips, trying to project nervousness and desperation through the cellular connection. “Yeah, I, uh, my name is Sophie? And Alison said you could, um, could get me some Doze?†Her voice came out higher, younger, and she hated it. She felt like she was swimming through heavy oil, like something was dragging on her. “Oh, yeah, Alison. Man. Alright.†Jase’s voice got smoother. Miras imagined him leaning back in his chair, growing more relaxed. Tipping his fedora. “Yeah, yeah, I mean. I can’t sell you Doze, you know? But I think I can sort of, you know, help you if you need some. If you need the help, alright?†Miras rolled her eyes; she could feel his wink through the phone. She managed to keep it together for a couple more minutes, simpering and wheedling a meet out of Jase. Finally she tapped her phone off and made it disappear. “I’m going to need a chemical bath with acid and a steel wool brush to get the stink of this guy off me. But first we have a meet. There’s a restaurant called the Deuce around here, apparently, where this piece of garbage hangs out.â€
  10. Maybe her last landlord was a Jason? Nah, this guy is street scum.
  11. ... Does he not have Immunity vs. Visual attacks?
  12. In Earth'e Mightiest Heroes, SWORD starts off by using captured Kang starship for their space station/base. I wonder how the Lor would react if Earth had a Grue cruiser under their control -- or a Lor warship!
  13. Starlight has heard of Doze. It's is a depressant and a pain killer -- it makes you feel as war and floaty and all your worries just drift away. There's no stories about who brings it in -- it must be manufactured in the city. Fast-Forward tosses Alison's place in a matter of moments. He finds a bunch of unpaid bills and a burner cellphone. It's out of minutes, but scrolling through the contacts he finds "JASE" and in the notes, "DOZE."
  14. Stealth check: 1d20+24 27 Eventually you get enough dice that even a bad roll is pretty good.
  15. Blue Jay swung up to the window ledge and paused there, one hand steadying herself against the wind, another at her ear to listen to the police radio. Police were calling for units at a bank, where a man in a suit and boiler was calling someone out for a fight and had deployed robots to help him. The archer showed her teeth in a predatory smile; her life had been complicated and messy lately. Swinging down and punching something made of metal sounded like just the sort of activity she needed to relax. Turning to face the street, she fired a grapnel arrow and swung off, leaving a shocked office worker to stare out the window. The grey, stony edifice of the Freedom City Bank rushed up at her and she landed softly on the slate roof, peering over the edge at the scene developing out front. Someone had landed out front in a ridiculous, huge powered suit and was putting on some kind of display. It drew everyone’s attention perfectly, letting the archer pad over to an access vent, jimmy it off, and slip inside. Blue Jay didn’t have the layout of Freedom City Bank’s air ducts memorized, but she had a vague idea that they converged in the big, open area in the middle of the bank. They had to, right? That’s where everyone went, so that’s where you needed all the air. So she could sneak to there, and start picking off the robots one by one. The thought made her smile in the darkness.
  16. A couple suggestions: folks can make Gather Info or Know/Streetwise or Know/Life Sciences (for biology) or even Medicine (for pharmacology) checks to know more about Doze. Or you can try a Search check to find some clues in Alison's apartment.
  17. Because he's not a Martel by birth, and I figured a family that proudly traces their history back to Charlemagne would be rather traditional about that. Fixed that. Something to think about, surely. I brought this up a couple times in chat, and the Attack Spec was given the green light by a couple of refs. Here's my thinking: she hits damage caps with her Str, and attack caps with her Thrown Attack. Therefore, she should be able to pick up anything with resonable mass (a car, a tree, a hot dog cart -- not a penny or a Frisbee) and throw it and deal a DC 21 Toughness save. Truth. All of this is planned for later on. Balencing Exotic saves is tricky when ability score boosts can be turned on and off, and extra tricky when the character is PL 7 and thus such low-powered. Still, I shifted around some numbers. That should look better.
  18. Hah, no. Corona hates the Communion. It's Blue Jay who hates all robots.
  19. Miras ground her teeth at the other woman's tone and took a deep breath, trying not to let her anger get the best of her. She was doing that a lot. "I'd you need help, because someone's dead." Her anger immediately flipped into despair and she sighed, all the tension leaving her in a moment. "We all need help, or Alison would still be alive and telling us to get out of her apartment." She took out a shard of the bottle she'd crushed, showing the defaced pharmacy label. "She OD'd on something called Doze. This is a new street drug to me. It's injected, obviously, but that's all I know. Can anyone shed some light on it?"
  20. And there's her Complications. ... Does no one have an opinion on this character? Or even the build?
  21. I have a hero who hates robots. Does that count?
  22. Parkhurst is an example of a current HQ with magical defenses, and if you can dig up Robin Cross's sheet she had another set of such defenses on her HQ. The exact specs of how it all works is up to you, H, as well as how the magic is done. Some passkeys would make sense if people other than her are supposed to open the store up, but exactly how it all shakes out is down to you.
  23. Corona swayed with the motion of the ship, her aura snapping on for a moment to help her stand steady against the turbulence. She stepped up to the cockpit, her steps heavy and deliberate on the bucking deck, and grabbed the sides of the cockpit door. Partly it was for stability, partly it was to keep the other commanders out. "Get us to the LZ and hover," she said. The Lor glanced behind her, at the joker and the cyborg and the superhero. "The commanders will clear the LZ and then the soldiers will drop."
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