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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. The question threw Tona, and she opened and closed her mouth several times as she tried to come up with a reasonable response to it. "He was an Annhilist," she said finally, "trying to get onto Sanctuary! All he cares about is machines and power, he would ruin that world. And even if he didn't, he would have told the Terminus all about it, and my people would be in danger all over again." She clenched her teeth as emotions swirled inside her. She didn't want to consider more about her last encounter with the Steam General. "I guess... he was standing on a planet that was dissolving. He wasn't going to do a lot to us before we got away"
  2. "Yes." The word was curt and clipped off. Tona's walk was slowly changing from an easy gait to something stiffer, harder, angrier. "Mon pere told me how he betrayed everyone on the planet, built an army for the Terminus and conquered the planet even before a single Omegadrone appeared. That all happened before I was born, but I grew up fighting his clockwork drones and tanks. I ran away when his ships were in the skies. I watched him take people I had known my entire life and turn them into soulless monsters." She took a deep, shuddering breath, suddenly wracked by anger and sorrow and anxiety and doing her best not to show it in front of her idol. "So yes, I killed him. And even if everyone else hates it, I would do it again without blinking."
  3. Tona didn't answer for a long minute, simply walking next to Wander and gathering her thoughts. Finally, when they were standing at a crosswalk waiting for the light to change, she started her reply. "It was... harder to get out then it should have been. The world was being eaten as we escaped. The Anhhilist, the Steam General, caught up with us and... and asked to come with us." Tona clenched her teeth, fighting the urge to spit or swear or lash out. "I told him no, and I killed him, and I escaped through the portal to Sanctuary." She took a deep breath. She hadn't dared to looked at Wander through the entire explanation, and when the WALK sign flickered on she took off again at a good clip.
  4. Tona frowned at the mention of a superteam. "People are trying to introduce me to Bowman, but I don't think I want to be called Bowlady for the rest of my life." She shrugged, picking up the walking pace a notch when she noticed that Wander wasn't exerting herself in the slightest. "I think Mali's going to the University next year. I don't know if my other friends are going to stay in the city once we graduate Claremont. I just... want things to stay the same, you know?" She shook her head and turned the corner towards the river. "And Dr. Marquez won't leave me alone! Ever since we got back from the Terminus, I've been talking to him every week. It's all because I killed that Annhilist, I don't get why everyone is so worried about that."
  5. Miras put a hand on Meatheral's arm and broke out her most reassuring smile. "He's not my god," she said. "I'm sure that if you don't want it, he's not yours, either." She stood back and considered the hulking mass that was the Hydra's 'corpse.' "The Egyptian military could tear that to shreds pretty easily," she said, "or else someone like Captain Thunder. Maybe even ASTRO Labs will want to take a look at it. We should really be more worried about everything else." She turned to regard the corpses and silvery guts strewn over the tombs. "We should at least clean this up before we leave, I think."
  6. Tona thought back to her day on the Curator's false Earth, and when she connected the dots about Steve she nodded sagely. It made sense that Wander would want to keep an eye on the Omegadrone; if anyone could destroy one without much warning, it would be her. "I'm working at Silberman's," she said, "and living in the apartment above it, with a friend of mine. Um. I ran some errands for UNISON and AEGIS. And then there was the thing at Halloween." She ticked each one off her fingers, sure that the Brave wouldn't be interested in such mundane doings. "I guess I'm sort of at loose ends. I mean, I saved my people from the Terminus in the summer -- I'm not really sure what else I want to do."
  7. Launching the fireballs left Miras in a classic pitcher’s pose, which meant she was all sorts of unbalanced when the Hydra exploded. The blast wave pitched her back down the dune she had just climbed, and she landed at the bottom with a bone-jarring halt. She rolled over onto her back and watched the rising fireball tinge the clouds far above. After a few moments, she rolled onto her side and forced herself upright, feeling like her entire left side was one big bruise. This time, rather than standing up on the crest of the dune, she walked through it and out the other side. Miras stared at the blackened corpse of Typhon and his children, until she was certain that it wasn’t going to start moving again. When she was convinced that it was dead, she moved to Meatheral, looking carefully as the young man emerged from stone and rock. “Are you feeling okay,†she asked him, trying to find any evidence that he had tangled with a bird the size of a Greyhound bus. She pulled out the half-empty water bottle she had started earlier and a fresh one, offering him the unopened water.
  8. Tona considered heading inside. It would be warmer, and she could even offer Wander a smoothie, but she didn’t want to disturb Mali. If she was truthful with herself, she might admit that she didn’t want to share any of the time she had with the Brave. However, she was starting to really feel the cold. “Let’s start walking,†she said. The sidewalks were clear of snow, so Tona felt safe by setting a brisk pace. It started to warm her blood up again, and in a few minutes she was feeling more human and less like an icicle. “So you have a… job.†That seemed like a weird situation. Tona had seen security guards at Millenium Mall, and sometimes at the more expensive stores that Mali or Sam took her to. Wander should be striking down evil with her bat and her bare fists; the idea of her standing around in a boring uniform with nothing but a radio on her belt didn’t fit that image. But maybe these Halloman Advanced Experts knew something that was keeping Wander in bondage to them. “Is it… are you okay with it?â€
  9. The thread for rolls and suchlike intended to influence >this thread.
  10. Tona wrinkled her nose at the title of the book. “I don’t know if Lynn carries anything like that,†she said. “I don’t know what metaphysics is, but most of the books we have are… normal things.†She tugged the edge of her scarf back up over her nose, trying to keep warm. “I live up above the store,†she said, her voice muffled by the wool, “with a friend from Claremont. And I guess I’m working at Silberman’s now, but I don’t really have a key to open it up or anything like that.†She considered, for a moment, that she could probably pick the lock open if Wander really needed it, but she wouldn’t bother the Brave with that if she didn’t ask for it first. “Are you working for Headmaster Summers, now? I thought a hero like you would be…†She groped for the right words. She imagined Wander striding across dimensions, striking down demons and freeing the oppressed. The idea of her running errands across town for a mere mortal was too normal for someone of Wander’s caliber, too mundane, too everyday, too… small, for the sort of person that the Furians still sand about. “... Busier,†she settled on, feeling rather lame about it.
  11. Tona blinked as the pale woman turned around and saw who it was. "Wander?" She pulled down her scarf, revealing her own face, pinched with the cold. "Yes, it's me." She paused an arms-length away, not sure how to feel. On the one hand, the Brave setting foot anywhere near her home was a lot more than she had expected today. On the other hand, she had no idea why such a hero would be coming to her home. She wasn't dressed in anything Tona recognized as combat gear -- in fact she barely seemed dressed for the weather at all -- so she wasn't just on patrol. Which suggested that she had come here for a reason. Try as she might, though, Tona couldn't think of anything in Silberman's that should interest a tyrant-dethroning hero. The young archer felt the cold beginning the seep into her muscles, and she knew enough about exercise to know that if she just stood out here she was going to get cramps. She started bringing each leg up and squeezing it in sequence, trying to keep her blood flowing. "So. Um. Why are you all the way out here, Wander?"
  12. Miras breathed a sigh of relief as the archer shook the sand off himself and got back to her feet, apparently none the worse for wear. She'd have to keep an eye on him, but for now they had bigger issues at hand -- or at least really, really big issue. The monster still towered above them all, but the flurry of attacks seemed to be wearing it down. The mage eyes the horror and called forth her fire, tossing it from hand to hand uneasily. She had read Greek myths, she remembered Perseus fighting the original Hydra. Once the heads started coming off, she was more than ready to start tossing her fire at it and cauterizing the stumps.
  13. February 25th, 2015 Outside Silberman’s Books, Freedom City Dawn The city was never really quiet at any point in the day. Tona Baudin had crawled through the city’s guts and swung over its rooftops, and it never became entirely quiet. In the morning, though, before the streets were clogged by cars and the sidewalks were clogged by pedestrians, there was a sort of peace and calmness and attention that the city possessed. The fact that it was a dozen degrees below freezing also helped keep the streets clear. The cold didn’t stop Tona from taking her morning jog. She was wrapped up in a fleece jacket, a torque, a scarf that wrapped around her face twice, thick socks with warming pads, and mittens with warming pads. She was also carrying her bow and quiver tightly lashed to her back, though to most people it probably just looked like a Camelback. The archer had finished her first circuit and was returning to her apartment above Silberman’s, to wake up Mali and set out on the second circuit. As she closed on the building she noticed someone standing outside the store, which should not happen. The store didn’t open until just before noon, so there was no reason anyone should be here this early. Tona’s fingers twitched in her mittens and she adopted a looser, more rolling gait as she approached the tall, pale figure.
  14. Setting it up through school makes sense, but Jay is going to be suspicious if it starts at Claremont. If she's brought into this with the notion that "your personal hero is going to talk to you about Why Killing Is Bad" she's going to start pretty closed off. Tona's living above Silberman's now, between Duncan Summers and Grim they should be able to arrange an 'accidental' meeting.
  15. Corona hung in space for a long minute, watching the last of the Communion vessels be consumed in fire. She felt... not at peace. Some part of her hoped she would be once she saw them all dead and destroyed, but instead she just felt anxious. She kept going over cold calculations in her mind, trying to decide how many shuttles and cruisers and battleships they would have to sacrifice to drive off the Communion, and each time the numbers were depressing. She shook herself out of her fugue and flew back towards the Aphelion. The pirates were breaking off the attack, but she still didn't trust them to not resume the assault on the civilian freighter. If that happened, Corona would need to be on-board to defend it.
  16. ... Here's an idea. I'm halfway certain that Blue Jay has met Wander before, so this might not fit your requirement. But, Jay is supposed to be going to therapy because she, you know, killed a person and didn't show any remorse over it. I haven't done much with it story-wise, but it might be interesting to have Wander talk to her about it.
  17. That Corona/Miss A/Citizen thread ON THE MOON is still in the pipe for after Incursion.
  18. Ranged Attack Check vs. Anti-Hydra: 1d20+10 16 Whelp, that's a thing to reroll. Ranged Attack Check vs. Anti-Hydra. Reroll: 1d20+10 28 There we go!
  19. Miras worked her mouth unhappily, not sure if she liked the idea of boldly going up to someone and demanding answers. After some thinking she had to admit that it might work, but she still felt apprehensive about making her presence known. Which was just silly; she didn’t look or sound anything like the meek California girl who had studied here for two brief semesters, but she still had the wild idea that some boogeyman would jump out from behind a tree and reduce her to a greasy smear for daring to return. She took a deep breath and set off through the corridors, walking like she could leave those fears behind. She found the records office almost without thinking about it. The door was closed, but she didn’t knock. Instead she walked directly into it, bursting into a million tiny dots of color and coalescing into a solid shape on the other side. It probably wasn’t necessary, but somehow she felt better when she was staring at the shocked looks on the faces of a bunch of administrative workers. Miras took a deep breath and tried to project an air of mystery and power. “Someone here was working with Brian Akanu,†she said. “I’m here to find them.â€
  20. Miras knelt beside Arrowhawk, drawing arcane power into herself and concentrating on the archer's broken and blasted form. She hovered her hands over his back and silver clockfaces appeared in the air around her, the hands running backwards as she worked to heal the damage that Typhon's missile salvo had done to him. "Thgif eht ot mih nruter dna ydob sih wener! Efil sih dnem dna truh eht odnu." She let out a long breath as the energy passed through her hands and into the battered archer, the burns on his back closing and smoothing over. She watched him carefully, not sure if her magic would be enough to save him.
  21. Okay. Switching off the Insub, switch Working of Deosil array to Healing. Healing 5 on Arrowhawk. If Ecal makes the DC 10 check, he should lose the Unconscious condition. Then switch the Insub back on.
  22. Slight OOC edit. Meaty is still up, so Miras will end her turn next to Arrowhawk instead. Still Insubstantial, though.
  23. Miras tried to run through the hail of missile fire slamming into the desert bed. She zipped and dodged, but the rain of shrapnel was too dense and she was blasted off her feet by the many close detonations. She fell heavily, rolling down a dune and finally coming to a rest with her head ringing. She blacked out for a heartbeat, and when she opened her eyes again her head was full of a high-pitched ringing. She rose to her feet unsteadily, looking around, making sure that the monster's assault was at least paused. Panting, Miras ran back up to the dune so she could see the battlefield. It was disastrous; Set was down and not moving, and Sekhmet was obviously trying to get the boy up again. Miras took a step forward and her foot hit something heavy. Looking down, she saw the unconscious form of the black-clad archer, an angry-looking wound on his back. Despair crushed her heart for a moment. And then she heard Meartheral's screaming battle cry. She looked up just in time to see the monkey man's heels impact the hydra's metal head, saw a crack forming in the creature's formidable armor. Rage surged to the forefront of Miras's mind and she called forth two handfuls of blazing fire. Screaming, she thrust them both out in front of her. The flame hit the cracks and swept inside, burning the mechanical horror from within!
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