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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Spending 1 HP to get rid of the Fatigue. Ranged Attack check: 1d20+10 23 That should hit. As a free action, switching the Ruh Kalit array to Insub and using Speed to get near Meaty. With luck, she'll avoid the next round of attacks and get a chance to heal.
  2. Miras snapped out of her funk and was startled to find that they were already standing in the lobby of FreeSA’s music building. She forced her dark thoughts deeper into her mind. She had to focus on the here-and-now, not get distracted by her past. She stepped up a listing of the professors that was prominently displayed on the wall. “I don’t even know which professor was Brian’s,†she said, running a gloved finger down the wall. At Freedom City University this would be an easy decision, but FreeSA had several tenured teachers who could have been working with Brian. Miras tried to remember who liked what kind of music, but her memories of that period were infuriatingly hazy, and every time she tried to focus on the details she felt the old despair and humiliation creep over her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to banish the negative emotions . She couldn’t let dark thoughts overwhelm her, couldn’t let the memories of bad decisions and failure paralyze her, or Brian’s death would be totally meaningless. An idea began to form in her head, and she half-turned to Nick as she began to verbalize it. “If there’s a teacher who’s interested in this stuff,†she said slowly, waving the papers from Brian’s desk in the air, “then they’d want to talk about it. If someone was maybe going to write a documentary or a book about it, they would want to be interviewed for it. Right?†She caught Nick’s eye, a tricky deal with the magical darkness under the hood of her cowl, and waited for his response.
  3. There's some formatting errors with the code, Arich, down in the W's.
  4. I for one look forward to serving under our new monkey overlord. Doc, it's terrible to hear that you're not going to be around. You rescued this site from an early death. This is an end of an era. I hope one day a scientist with a body like Fabio will ride his sonics back into town.
  5. This place is going to be the lesser for you being gone, Supercape. You were an amazing GM, and I hope our paths cross again someday. Until then, vaya con dios man.
  6. Reflex Save: 1d20+8 16 Well the math suggests Miras is never going to make the save, so I guess I'll just go with that. Miras: 1d20+10 14 *Sigh* Rerolling that. Toughness Save Reroll: 1d20+10 26 Barely enough to be just a bruise. Phew.
  7. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Brigandine Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: The latest heir to an ancient legacy. Alternate Identity: Ami Identity: Secret Birthplace: ??? Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Description: Age: 16 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: Tall Weight: Thin Eyes: Hair: Black, dyed blonde (Describe what they look like!) Power Descriptions: History: Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Complications: Name: [Description] Abilities: 0 + 4 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 8 = 26PP Strength: 25/10 (+7/+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 20/16 (+5/+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +7 Melee, +3 Ranged, +7 Thrown Grapple: +7/+20 Defense: +7 (+4 Base, +4 Dodge Focus, -1 Size), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-1 Saving Throws: 2 + 2 + 1 = 5PP Toughness: +7/+3 (+5/+3 Con, +2 Protection) Fortitude: +7/+5 (+5/+3 Con, +2) Reflex: +4 (+2 Dex, +2) Will: +4 (+3 Wis, +1) Skills: 52R = 13PP Bluff 8 (+12)Skill Mastery Concentration 8 (+11) Diplomacy 11 (+15)Skill Mastery Drive 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Intimidate 0 (+6/+4) Language 1 (English, French [N]) Pilot 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Stealth 8 (+6/+10) Feats: 15PP Attack Focus (Melee) 4 Attack Specialization (Thrown) 2 Benefit I Benefit (Wealth I) Dodge Focus 4 Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Drive, Pilot) Quick Change Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Powers: 29 = 29PP Alternate Form (Mind Improves Matter) [29PP] Enhanced Strength 7 [7PP] Growth 4(Large Size, +8 Str, +4 Con, -1 Att/-1 Def, +4 Grapple, -4 Stealth, +2 Intimidation, Flaw: Permanent) [12PP] Leaping 2 [2PP] Protection 2 [2PP] Speed 2 (25MPH) [2PP] Super-Strength 2 (Str 40) [4PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT (NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post.) Totals: Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (5) + Skills (13) + Feats (13) + Powers (25) - Drawbacks (0) = 99/105 Power Points
  8. Miras gritted her teeth, covering her head as the backwash of magical energy completely flattened her own little illusion. She blinked back after-images, turning to see... Oh. Oh. Well that was a bit different, at least. Miras narrowed her eyes, wrapping herself up in a bubble of time as she considered her options. The mythical Hydra needed its neck-stumps cauterized with fire; she didn't know if smokeless fire would do the job, but it would be down to her and Mearetheal to find out. "Typhon, we've got to talk," she called out. She raised a trail of dust as she raced around behind the multi-headed monstrosity, feeling the tingle as mystic fire raced down her arms. "It's great that you've got the kids for the day and you want to make a big impact before they go home to Echidna, but you're going about it all wrong. I mean, top points for pulling together like a family." She tossed the fireball, and swore as it passed through an empty space in a girder to disperse harmlessly in the sky. "But you're supposed to take them to a museum. Not a mausoleum."
  9. Free action to switch Ruh Kalit array over to Blast, switching Working of Deosil to Speed. Zipping around the back of the Anti-hydra and flinging some fire. Going to use full Defensive attack, so she'll be +5 Def this round. Oh, and spending a HP to clear that Fatigue. Ranged Attack Check w/ +5 Defensive Attack: 1d20+5 8 Chk. Can't all be glorious, I suppose.
  10. Raveled

    Coming Clean

    Tona stood in the back of the room, quiet and withdrawn through Lynn's confession. She already knew about her employer's secret habit, and despite what her girlfriend thought Tona didn't regard it as very important. She had gone to Claremont with much weirder folks, though most of them didn't furnish their home by imagining it. As far as Tona was concerned, what Lynn could and couldn't do was her own business. Though the Mrs. Nussbaum thing bothered her. She hadn't interacted with the old woman enough to have such a strong reaction as Cred0, but she did understand how it felt to have a loved one, a person you trusted and relied upon, revealed to be an entirely different individual than you thought they were. She understood betrayal, and she understood why Cred0 was so angry when he left. Even if she was the sort of person to try and change a person's mind with words, she would not have tried to stop the young man. When almost everyone had left, Tona walked up to the table and picked up the envelope with her name on it. She was much more interested in the letter than the money; she still didn't have much of an appreciation for the money, but she did wonder what positive things Lynn would say about her. She turned the envelope over in her hands a few times before looking at the older woman. "You shouldn't have lied about being someone else," she said, "but as long as you are yourself, then it is fine." She stopped, and peered closely at Lynn. "You are still yourself, right?"
  11. Miras nodded, glancing at the hole in the wall. “We should probably leave before the cops show up, yes.†She moved to the door, then paused and stepped back into the room. She carefully removed the group picture from the wall and secrets it within her robes. “We might need to talk to these people, if Brian’s professor can’t give us a good idea of what happened.†She ran down the stairs faster than the eye could follow. She waited patiently for Nick to join her on the street and get into his car, and then the pair started racing across the city. Miras wrapped herself in time and turned to smoke, and the world became slow and lazy. She stepped out into traffic, easily dodging around the hypothetically speeding cars. On occasion she had to step onto the sidewalk to get around a traffic jam, which is when her body burst into a dense fog and she literally flowed around pedestrians and other obstructions. With abilities like that, she should have crossed the city in an eye-blink, but she conspicuously tarried around Nick’s car. Even when they reached the grounds of FreeSA, she waited at the edge of the campus for the necromancer to find a parking spot before heading onto the grounds. Miras pulled her cowl more forward as uncomfortable memories surfaced. This was supposed to be her home on the East Coast, where she would blossom and have a great career. Instead she faltered and fell into drugs, and now her life was a decade behind where it should have been. As she considered how her life had gone wrong, her feet unconsciously carried her towards the music building.
  12. Tona frowned at Cerys's explanation. "So she's you, but she's not you?" She fixed the short woman in a dark outfit with a hard look. "You must be Sam." Her voice was steady, but not exactly inviting. She knew her girlfriend tended to think sideways and that she would have to keep an eye on a different version of her. Last of all she turned an appraising eye on the archer who was making herself at home behind the bar. Perhaps the hardest thing to believe was that this archer was a version of Tona herself. She snapped her head back when Lynn started speaking in French. Her eyes quickly flicked back to the other archer. There was every chance that she spoke French just as fluently as Tona herself did, which meant she shouldn't give up too much. "<Sam is around,>" she said. "<I'm sure she'll be keeping an eye on all of us.>"
  13. For posterity, is the island close enough to forests to count for Jay's Favored Environment?
  14. Tona crept silently though the forest, her feet naturally finding the places where she could tread without snapping branches or disturbing the undergrowth. Even though the pair behind her were cutting the equivalent of a highway behind her. Still, her senses were alert and as she caught sight of the distant motion, she froze, putting one hand in the air to stop the two following her. Keeping her eye on the rustling underbrush, she stepped backwards until she could whisper to Cannonade. "One hundred paces ahead," she informed him. "Movement, in the bushes." It took a few more instructions before she was sure that they were both focusing on the same portion o the undergrowth, but she kept at it. "I'm going to break left and approach from an angle," she told him. "Wait two minutes, then approach it. I'll be flanking." With that the archer stepped off the path and disappeared into the jungle. She moved quickly now that she wasn't following someone else's trail, but she was still soundless and impossible to pick out from the surrounding foliage. She pulled out her bow and took several arrows in hand, but for now she mostly used her hands to steady the brush as she moved through it. Soon though, she started cutting back towards where she had spotted the movement. With luck the heroes would catch whoever or whatever it was in a pincer.
  15. Corona grunted as the drone's attack drove her back a few inches. She felt the pain through the protection of her hardsuit, and could just imagine the bruises forming underneath it all. She didn't hesitate, though, punching forward and embedding her fist in the drone's chest. "If that router that you replaced your brain with is still transmitting," she hissed, "make sure you transmit exactly what I'm doing to you." Her aura grew brighter and brighter, red-gold light painting the inside of the crashed shuttle as she let her anger grow. "If it takes the rest of my life, I'm going to hunt down every last one of you soulless husks and tear you apart limb from limb, just like --" She cut herself off, as the golden light began shining from within the Communion drone. All of a sudden, the poor creature fairly exploded in a burst of cosmic radiation, vaporized from within; Corona stared for a moment, open-mouthed, before the cruiser shook around her and reminded her where she was. The Lor officer stumbled out of the shuttle and into the corridors of the Communion cruiser itself. The walls stretched out of sight, and she couldn't see anything like an airlock. Rather than search, though, she concentrated her power into a finger-thin line and cut herself an opening. She flew out into space and started putting some distance between herself and the Communion ship.
  16. Blue Jay >Dead Island >Empty Mirror >Coming Clean >I Know What You Did Last Summer Corona >Incursion: Opportunists and Opposition Miras >Azathoth Remix >Incursion: God Squad >Drugs & Death, Inc. GM
  17. Corona's going to Take 10 and punch the Communion drone; DC 25 Toughness save. Then it's time to GTFO.
  18. Toughness Roll: 1d20+11 17 Ugh. Going to reroll that. Toughness Roll: 1d20+11 23
  19. Edit on hold per discussion with player by Thevshi Corona Giving Corona Life Support outside of her suit and some comms, instead. 9 PP into Powers, buying Immunity 9 (Life Support). Losing Immunity (Life Support) from Lor Hardsuit. Adding the Comms array to the Lor Hardsuit.
  20. Concealed inside her own sandstorm, Miras smiled to herself as the three-headed monster struck against where she had been only moments before. Confident that the power she had pumped into the storm would last some time, she instead drew on her knowledge of the Master Mage Deosil, reaching out for Typhon's child and intoning in Latin. "Tempus observat and tempus occido. You are a monster out of your time. Feel the unlived centuries drag at your feet, terror from prehistory!" A silver clockface appeared above each of the monster's three heads, the hands of the clocking slowing down to a slow tick, as the temporal magic sought to drag it to a standstill.
  21. Blue Jay chose her line and carefully played out the proper length. She cast about for an anchor, and once the snare was set she began lowering it down the side of the building -- only to see someone look up and lock eyes with her. She froze instantly, but the damage was done. He looked up at her, smiled, and then simply walked inside. Jay's mind whirled. Had the guard spotted her? He had to have, who simply looked up at the night sky and smiled like that? But if he'd spotted her, why hadn't he sounded the alarm? There wasn't time to wait for the answer to appear. Jay lowered the snare line and looped it around one guard's throat, then dropped. The line tightened at once and the guard found his airway cut off, the archer's entire weight coming down on him as she plummeted. A few yards from the ground the line hit its length and the guard was lifted off the ground as Jay was counter-balanced by the much heavier man. She hit the other guard with merely concussive force rather than bone-shattering force, and the second guard dropped. Jay hit the ground and released the snare, and the first guard collapsed, choked into unconsciousness. She looked up and nodded at the other two women. "They knew we're here," she said, not wasting any words. "We have an entrance on the top, but it's no good. Can either of you tunnel?"
  22. Alright. Miras is going to switch her Working of Deosil array to Paralyze, and hit the Anti-Chimera. I'll go with a full +5/-5 Power Attack and +5/-5 All-Out Attack. With her Fatigue working, that should make her Def 14, but she still has the miss chance. And hopefully a fully-stopped Anti-Chimera... Paralyze vs. Anti-Chimera: 1d20+4 19 Ah-ha! Okay, so DC 30 Fort save from the Anti-Chimera vs. Paralyze.
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