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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Are the Anti-Lamia and Anti-Chimera flat-footed? It makes sense since all their senses are Obscured.
  2. There's a few things that leap out at me. First and foremost, Seahawk doesn't seem to have any attacks. At all. No way to disable an attacker, whatsoever. That's sort of the big one, everything else is small fires compared to that. Re: Skill Mastery, Concentration is explicitly called out as a skill that cannot be used with Skill Mastery. With that in mind, you have two more skills to choose for that feat. Skills that have SM should have it called out in the Skills section of the sheet. I don't think Security Clearance to Archetech is a big enough deal to warrant a use of the Benefit feat, but that can be debated by others. How do the G-Compensation on the suit and the G-Leggings interact with each other? The first gives Adaptation to what I'm assuming is High Gravity environments, but the other gives outright Immunity to 'high-gee maneuvers' (however that works out in game). It seems like this is an unnecessary overlap. Her exotic saves are a good deal higher than they really need to be, but that's not a huge issue. And you should call out what her extra Language is, as well as her native language, in the skills section.
  3. Spider-Verse argues that What If You Were Spider-Man has plenty of variety. Okay! Miras's vehicle form would be a banged-up delivery van, the sort of thing that could fit into any part of the city and not look out of place. In fact it can look like any delivery van, since her special ability is a holographic projector that lets her change her outward appearance. In addition to her robot form she can also turn into a mix table and a full sound system. I have no idea about Pokémon. Something that's only found in a city? She'd be an evolved form, anyway. She'd be a Blue Lantern, since her own story is one of hope and transformation. As an Apple product she would be an iHoodie, which only comes in white but has inner pockets for all your iDevices. As a Spider-Man she'd be Kamehla Kahn if she used her shapeshifting powers to emulate Peter Parker instead of Carol Danvers. Blue Jay actually has two vehicle forms, an ATV and an ultra-light gyrocoptor. In both forms she's usually in a camo pattern, which mysteriously changes into a blue-and-white pattern when she transforms. As a robot her weapon is an energy bow. As an Apple product she'd be an iBow, which can synch with your other Apple products to record speed, adjust pull strength, and suggest ways to have a better form. As a Spider-Man she'd be him in one of his more techy phases. Spider-trackers and special tech-tech guns built in a basement lab to defeat the menace of the week. She'd be some kind of bird Pokémon that's only found in the wilderness. Corona is... incoming after I think a bit.
  4. What if they were a member of the Lantern Corps. What if they were an Apple product. What if they were Spider-Man.
  5. So it's still only one reroll per turn, then.
  6. I'm pretty sure you can only spend 1 HP a round.
  7. Miras looked up at the monsters towering above all of them and felt a touch of fear. She forced herself to put that aside, though; there were sayings about what happened when big things fell, after all. And suddenly, the magus smiled as the perfect idea popped into her head. Shaking back the sleeves of her robes, she rose her hands into the air and began chanting in Arabic. "<As mice hide from cats, hide us from these devils,>" she said as color gathered in geometric patterns, racing out to cover an area hundreds of feet across. "<Oh God, shield us from their sight and grant us victory!>" With a sudden roar that filled the senses, the sand sprang up from the desert floor and swirled around the battlefield, creating a blinding, choking veil that effectively put everyone in their own little chaotic bubble. Before they could react, though, the storm faded to transparency around the heroes, like a bad animated effect. They could see clearly across the battlefield to where Typhon and his children were still flailing blindly.
  8. Okay, I have 21PP to pull this off. Better get to it, then. Free Action: Stunt the following off Miras's Ruh Kalit array. Obscure 7 (All senses, Extra: Independent, Selective, Flaw: Phantasm, Range/Touch). This is an illusory sandstorm that only affects Typhon and his kids. Standard Action: Use the Obscure. Move Action: Use Speed to move to behind the Chimera, and wait. So Miras will be Fatigued and under full Concealment. EDIT: Based on conversations in chat, edited the construction of this power.
  9. Miras on a government-backed team would be hilarious for at least three reasons.
  10. That still runs the question of why these people stay together. It's not good to have a team where half the members are a part of it 'just because.' First find a group that does well together, then make them into a team.
  11. Anya Corazon stared out at a group of angry hippos backlit by fire, through a metal mesh, and decided that she was not having a good day. She had been in the lavatory when everything happened. She was separated from the Joeseph Clark students, and her first instinct was to fly into the sky to get back to them. Caution won out over that plan, though; if she wanted to stay assigned to Earth, she needed to keep a low profile. She didn't have her armor with her, which meant she needed some other disguise. There was a souvenir stand nearby, complete with a stand showing off the zoo's mascot. Anya had grabbed a bright yellow tee-shirt (discarding her forest-green blouse in the process) and a mask of an overly-happy lion. Clad like that, she had finally streaked through the skies and landed as close to the fire as she could. Now, though, she realized that the group from Joesph Clark had retreated from the fire into a nearby building. She needed to save them; after that she could deal with the fire.
  12. Well what ties the different potential members together?
  13. So are we using the same Initiative as before, or... ?
  14. Have fun and stay safe, LTB.
  15. In think that giving a superhero guns, and then making their quote something along the order of 'Do you feel luxky unk' is asking for trouble.
  16. After a long swim, Tona felt her toes begin to touch sandy bottom with each kick. She kept going, though, until her fingertips started to catch sand with each stroke. Then she stopped and moved from swimming to walking, carefully dragging her floating gear up onto the beach with her. She was panting and beaming a happy smile at the dense undergrowth of the forest, feeling the happy burn in her muscles. She would be sore in the morning, but right now everything felt right with the world. “Bien sur, Cannonade,†she said. “AEGIS said they lost their people on an uninhabited island. I couldn’t get out here fast enough!†She nodded to the pale woman she didn’t know and sat down on the beach, pulling her bag into the circle of her legs and rummaging through it. With her feet in view, it was clear to see that there was a long gash on the sole of her right foot. She pulled out a package of gauze and wrapped it around her limb many times, until the blood stopped seeping through. “I cut my foot on some coral around the island,†she explained, digging out a pair of boots and some socks. “The agents should have gotten cut on it, too. That means they’ll be leaving blood behind them.†Properly shod, Tona moved to the edge of the foliage and started searching. It wasn’t long before she found a break in the undergrowth, and a reddish-brown smear on the grass. “Through here,†she called out to Cannonade and Revenant. “They passed through at this point.â€
  17. Miras flipped through a handful of the pages that she had picked up from the floor, scanning them quickly. From the different styles and topics, she considered that there must have been quite a few books on this table, before it was destroyed. They were all about music, but all different kinds of musicians: Jimi Hendrix and the later Beatles, the Monkees and the Beach Boys, and even books on organic cooking. There wasn’t any immediate connection she could determine. After all, if listening to Grateful Dead summoned ineffable horrors, every teenager in the 1970s would have been devoured! “I wasn’t that close to Brian,†she said, sighing. “I was just coming over to work with him on a song.†Her gaze settled on Brian’s corpse, and her throat closed up. There was a dead man on the floor, someone she had eaten lunches with and discussed music with. He was dead, torn to pieces by some creature from beyond sanity, and all Miras could consider was how Brian had brought this doom on him! She felt like a ghoul, but at the same time she needed to figure out how this had happened and how she could stop it from happening to anyone else. Her gaze wandered over the walls, and a thought suddenly occurred to her. “On the other hand, Brian was taking classes at FreeSA.†She stepped forward and straightened a framed picture on the wall. It showed a group of adults, some young and some old, all holding instruments and seated in particular positions, like an orchestra. At the front was a young Polynesian man holding a conductor’s baton; with some squinting and a mental addition of a torso, it wasn’t hard to recognize it as Brian. “If this started as a school project, his professor might know what he was working on.â€
  18. As usual in comic books, Pepper asks a damn good question. Alright. So this is Wail, Corona, and Queenie? Giz, do you want Wail to handle the police line and Corona saves the kids by the fire, or vice versa?
  19. Miras looked at the young man posing on the tomb, at the chitin and platinum armor, at the all-black eyes and the pointed ears. This person certainly wasn't a human, but they were doing a poor job imitating a local. They even had power, she could feel that much, but nothing like Set and Sekhmet; it felt that there was too much power in them and at any moment it was going to burst free and consume him. And then Set spoke a name, and she felt her skin prick. Asli had read Greek myths, anyone who willingly associated with some a name like Typhon wasn't someone she wanted to be around. Still, they were here and she wasn't about to retreat before just a name, so she cleared her throat and stepped back from the tomb so she didn't have to crane her neck so far back to see him. "You're the one responsible for the cyborg zombies, then? The ones that just attacked us?" She paused, and then added, "A conga line of them dancing would have been dramatic, too. Death tends to ruin the joke, since there's usually no one left afterwards to laugh at it."
  20. I don't want to reveal too many details, because it will tie into other storylines I have in mind, but there are a few questions I can answer. Why Europe? Europe is sufficiently industrialized and liberal that I feel like a team can move about there with more-or-less freedom. If I set this in East Asia there'd be a lot of trouble with government regulation controlling where people can go. If I set it in South America or south or central Africa, well our mostly-Caucasian PCs would stand out there, which I feel would detract from the feel of the game. Why play it here? Because the people I want to play with and the character I want to write for are here. I have no trouble imagining that I could run this as an Agents of SHIELD-inspired game without trouble; but then I couldn't have the characters I already know and enjoy be part of it.
  21. I'm not advertising yet! This is just a proof of concept discussion.
  22. Know/Theology Roll: 1d20+5 22 Miras probably knows enough that anyone calling themselves Typhon is bad news.
  23. Corona is all sorts of up for this. Gizmo, want both of Joesph Clark's teacher out there?
  24. Survival Check: 1d20+20 36 Notice has Skill Mastery so 25 on that.
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