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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Miras closed her book and put it away in her bag. She could sit here staring at old crypts all day, but she didn't have any real idea of what any of it meant. Instead, she pulled out a bottle of water and took a long swallow. She'd be useless if she couldn't think straight because of dehydration, after all. "This is just a guess," she said to Sun Walker, "but this whole thing feels like magic. People don't investigate ancient Egyptian tombs hoping to find ancient Egyptian robots, after all. Places of power tend to be either out of the way or underneath major cities." She shrugged. "We should be happy this isn't in the middle of Cairo or Istanbul."
  2. Sounds like it's Freeballin' February. Enjoy the quiet, EP.
  3. Miras moved in a wide circle around the battlefield, eying the bodies with intense scrutiny. She did her best to stay out of Set's line of sight, but she did find herself kneeling next to one of the corpses, peeling necrotic flesh back from shining metal coils. It was a confounding sight; a necromancer would use magic to animate the dead, not technology like this, and someone who could build robots shouldn't be ransacking crypts for bodies to control. It didn't sound like any supernatural threat she had ever heard of. She moved to the crypts themselves, examining the hieroglyphs and other carvings. The mage was careful not to touch any of the tombs, but she did pull out her translation of the Book of Going Forth By Day. She couldn't read the hieroglyphs, but she could still cross-reference with the translations in the book.
  4. This sounds like an awesome idea, but I don't have a good PL 7 for it.
  5. Have a very happy birthday, Thev, and He stole my line! :argh:
  6. This is more of a discussion thread than anything else. I have an idea in mind for a big adventure. It's inspired by the X-Men's hunt for the journal's of Destiny. This is going to be a big, multi-thread adventure in Europe, doing some skullduggery and big fights. My reservation is that this is going to take the involved PCs out of circulation for a long time, maybe a couple of months; it's really more like a classic game campaign. I'm just wondering if FC PbP is even the correct place to tell this story.
  7. Know/Theology Roll: 1d20+5 12 Miras don't know s--- about gods, either.
  8. Miras drifted out of the dunes and settled onto the sand, her feet finally making impressions in the dunes as she released her power. She frowned at the approaching line of fast, angry corpses. Mobile dead men she was used to -- but the strange green glow was something new to her. Still, they fell to fire easily enough, so she summoned a handful of flickering, smokeless fire in one hand. She wound up and pitched it, the mess of flame striking one of them square in the chest. "Hope this doesn't mess up your ka or ib or shet or whatever," she said, "but we kind of need to get past you all."
  9. Miras is going to switch her Ruh Kalit Array to Fling the Fires and Take 10 on her attack roll against the nearest unbound antimummy; DC 25 Toughness save. Sense Motive check: 1d20+12 15 Miras is a very busy woman, she doesn't have time for your god-angst!
  10. Happy birthday, Absurdist, and many happy returns.
  11. Happy birthday V and MS. You know, we don't get many birthdays on the same day around here. It's weird when you consider how... many... people we... have... Has anyone seen V and MS in the same room at the same time? :tinfoil:
  12. Edited my post because i am an idiot. Hoo-ray.
  13. Blue Jay >Empty Mirror >All About the Franklins TNTeen Corona >Incursion: Opportunists and Opposition >Great Zoo Robbery Miras >Azathoth Remix GM
  14. Happy birthday to Osprey, and many happy returns in 2015.
  15. Miras looked at Nick, unseen eyes blinking as she processed the question. “Slayer? Chris Brown?†She brought her hands up and rubbed at her eyes. “Sorry, bad joke. Uh, lots of monsters used songs to lure men to their death. Sirens, some version of ghuls. Pazuzu was rather chatty in the Exorcist but I don’t think he's traditionally was much of a talker. Really, there’s a lot of demons who will talk to a potential victim, to lure them into greater sin, but I can’t think of many who could use it in an attack like that.†She sat back on her heels and blinked, staring into the middle distance as her mind ground through possibilities. "Wasn't there some elder god that sits in the center of the universe and sings? Aza-something? Or he..." She trailed off and closed her eyes as she struggled to push aside the weight of Brian's death and remember something she read in a story a decade ago, while high. "Azathoth is an idiot creator-god that sits at the center of creation. He has to be kept asleep by his pipers, or he'll wake up and destroy everything that is to create it anew again." She opened her eyes and looked at Nick. "Does that... do you think Brian was involved with something like that?"
  16. Tona felt her phone vibrating against her leg and she glanced down at it. She pulled out the device and watched contact with Lynn's name and a weird pastoral scene pulse on her screen. She had never asked Sam why she chose that; she was just happy that she didn't have to wrestle with her phone herself. Instead she stepped around the edge of the doorway, revealing her to the people in Silberman's for the first time. "Hello, Lynn." She folded her arms and considered the group grimly. "Cerys, do you know these people?"
  17. Corona sneered at the Drone and its booming voice. "I don't need to be refashioned to have 'great purpose,'" she said. "I have a purpose. I'll protect the entire galaxy from people like you!" She surged forward, cosmic power rushing through her frame. In an instant she slammed against the Drone, easily lifting it above her head. "Now go ahead and die like a good little space plague, why don't you?" She charged the Drone with her cosmic energy and tossed it at the other one, the pair colliding in a fantastic explosion that filled the shuttlecraft with golden light.
  18. Corona's going to switch her array to Strength of the Cosmos, attack the nearest Drone, and hit automatically. DC 25 Tou save from the Drone and grapple it. Grapple check vs. Drone: 1d20+21 35 I assume that beats anything the Drone can throw up, and so she'll throw the Drone at the third Drone. She only has +6 on her generic Ranged attack, so she'll need to use +2 All-Out Attack and +1 Accurate Attack to get her attack up to +9, which should be enough to hit the Drone. Not sure on the Toughness save of that, so I'll let you handle it.
  19. Blue Jay swung and climbed and moved with catlike grace and speed, creeping soundless into position until she was hanging just below the lip of the roof. She listened to their conversation, all her weight hanging on her fingertips and her toes wedged into the top of windowpanes. She quickly decided there was nothing she was going to glean from listening in; neither of them seemed to know who exactly they were working for, and the conversation quickly veered into talking about a recent ball game. The archer rolled her eyes, shifted her weight, and settled in. It didn't take long for an argument to develop between the two thugs, and one went pacing off in a different direction while the other one lit a cigarette. Jay peeked over the edge, sure that the flamer of the lighter had ruined his night vision, and noticed with glee that the man wasn't even facing towards her! The archer clambered up the side and continued up the man's back, wrapping around his shoulders. Her additional mass and momentum overbalanced him and he went down; she cushioned the fall with her legs, then wrapped her thighs around the man's neck and squeezed. A few seconds later he went quiet. With one down, Jay turned her attention to the next sentry. She dashed off across the gravel roof, reaching the man just as he turned to investigate the noise. She leapt at him and hit him around the midsection, just off-target of his center of mass. It twisted his body around and he hit the ground; Jay made sure he hit hard, his head bouncing off the ground, and waited to make sure he wasn't moving. Once she was certain, she crept towards the edge of the roof again, positioning herself over the pair flanking the door and reaching for a particular pouch on her belt.
  20. Okay, time for Jay to get her Predator on. Moving into a better position, 25 on her Stealth check with Skill Mastery. Are the guys on the room standing close to each other? Are there any cameras or window or skylights?
  21. So Nick isn't bothered by the piping, but he does recognize the music as something he's heard quite often while breaking up cults of the Unspeakable One.
  22. What you're talking about sounds mechanically correct, but it may be a bit hinky rules-wise. Other than that, the biggest problem I see is that the character does not hit their offensive attack caps. It is recommended that a PC hits their defensive caps at all times (which you do) and their offensive caps with at least one attack. Right now your best shot is with your shurikens, which... I'm not sure what that is. Blast 1 (Feat: Mighty 1)? How are you building that?
  23. That is going to be a Will save vs. a DC 15 Mental Blast, and Nick can give me an Arcane Lore check as well.
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