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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Nick looked around the room with his unusual senses. He could see a misty form that matched the torso on the floor, simple snatches of movement as the man went about his day. Nick watched him work at a table where an oozing monitor and a malformed computer tower sat, or else sitting at a deck with a mess of papers pooled underneath it. As the form went through its pattern Nick noticed little details; a stubble of beard grew into a shaggy, unkempt beard, his movements grew frantic and tense, and Nick noticed that he was wearing the same clothes day in and day out. The pattern continued, until suddenly the man was standing in the middle of the room, shouting soundlessly. Nick watched as he paced in an irregular, spiral pattern that itched at some detail in the back of his head. However, before the necromancer could put the facts together a great void opened in his vision. A tittering came through, a scratching at the edge of his hearing that quickly ramped into the supersonic. The noise cut like a scalpel through his brain, and the spot of void swiftly grew to encompass his whole range of vision. Miras sighed and stood, unaware of the psychic assault Nick was dealing with, and moved into the room. She regarded the mutilated computer with ill will and instead knelt at the papers, shuffling them and trying to put them in some semblance of order. It looked like the beginning of a thesis; she knew Brian was a graduate student at FreeSA, but she didn't know exactly what he was studying.
  2. I am trying to give Teriffia a special, unique clue to bring to this investigation, but you want her out there all loosy-goosy...
  3. Foreshadow would have an excellent reason to be there, in point of fact. How does this sound: Teriffica is contacted by an Internet friend who wants her to come to North Dakota, to this little town, to take a look at the oil that they're digging up out of the ground. It's some really weird oil, and he wants a second opinion from a noted genius.
  4. Okay, we'll say a local eco-group wants to stop the drilling because it's harming an archological site, and they've hired Corbin Hughes to come out and back them up. EP, any ideas for Teriffica?
  5. That's fine, KD, but why are either of them in North Dakota?
  6. I am looking for three to four science/history/mystic PCs to investigate a rash of murders in a small, North Dakota town. This sleepy burg has had its population double since the discovery of shale gas underneath the land, and this has created a lot of tension between the settled population and the itinerant workers; the newly-flush citizens and those who remain impoverished; the oil company's workers and a group of hardcore eco-activists; the sane and the mad; etc.
  7. Appropriately enough, the only thing that can keep up with the djinni is the fire elemental.
  8. Nick's beam pumped into the eldritch organ, igniting it in a wave of spectral energy. It burned away with a psychic scream, and the tentacles meted into a puddle of viscous liquid all around the necromancer. It swiftly evaporated, and the hooded woman lowered her hands and nodded to Nick. "Call me Miras," she said. "We need to find the man behind this." She turned and disappeared into the building. The lobby was austere and done in the sort of Ikea-chic style that gave the feeling it had all been bought out of the same catalog. Miras rushed up to the third floor, heading unerringly for a certain door. She didn't even pause before it, instead running right through the door, passing through the thin wood like smoke. Inside had been decorated in classic college student hand-me-down style, and looked like it had recently been redecorated with a sledgehammer. Miras moved from room to room, and quickly found the place the creature had erupted from -- or more precisely, the body. There wasn't much left, just a torso with ragged, blackened strips below and a pale face on top contorted in pain. She fell to her knees next to it, brushing her hands over his eyes. "Brian. What did you get yourself into?" She closed the corpse's eyes gently and mouthed a prayer for his poor soul.
  9. Happy birthday, Tiff, and hope you have a happy new year.
  10. Miras is activating Body of Smokeless Fire and In the Blink of an Eye, and zooming towards the explosions at 250 MPH.
  11. Miras rolled her concealed eyes at Arrowhawk's reply. "Cut down on the grouch, Grinch. Set's always been a trickster, I don't think you could get a straight answer from him under pain of death. After all, if you get angry at a lion for biting, you're going to be angry at every lion you see." Not that she was happy to be plucked from her apartment and dumped in the desert, but it said something that there had been a choice. Someone capable of sending the messages and the vortex at the same time could have simply plucked them away without warning. Of course she was fairly sure that she could use this place to make a spell to send them all back to Freedom City anyway, so she had a rather different view on things than the others. The sudden rumbling and plumes of smoke drew her attention to the horizon, and any spell she might have been planning evaporated. "I guess I can put that Cairo vacation off," she said, raising her hands and intoning. Her body became... flickery, just the edges of herself bending and disappearing into the wind like a candleflame. There wasn't much time to examine the effect, though, because soon she raced off towards the explosions, cutting directly through the ruins as she went.
  12. As Nick cut the tentacles to ribbons, the chunks fell to the ground and evaporated into greasy black smoke, that crawled along the ground and vanished into shadows. Still, for every one he cut away two or three grew out of the shifting mass. Years of going hand to hand with gribbly horrors kept him out of reach, even if a few did impact on his Lethe-infused leathers. It was a stalemate, but Nick would run out of stamina before it did. And then it all seemed to slow. Right. Down. The creature's strikes came slower and slower, its regeneration stalling in mid-air as the horror froze in place. A tall, robed figure stalked out of the same hole the hoodie-wearing woman had been thrown into. Both her hands were thrown out, her fingers splayed in specific, rigid patterns, silver gears shining in the air around her. The air between her and the creature was charged with the time between a tick and the tock, and she stalked slowly towards the beast. "Quickly," she shouted at Nick. "The thing has to have a heart, cut into it an find it!"
  13. Miras walked through the portal, muttering a quick prayer and keeping her eyes resolutely closed until she felt the warm sun on her face. She opened her eyes slowly to give them time to adjust to the harsh sunlight, but even beore they were open she felt the need to shield herself from a feeling like a harsh fire. The people standing there before her... She recognized Set mostly as a media-concious young hero who probably thought he was very edgy for taking the name of a villain who had been missing for years. As for the woman next to him, she vaguely remembered that she went by Sekhmet -- a poor choice of names, if she was regularly teaming up with Set. Probably she opened a book on myths and picked the first name she saw that was in a story with Set, she thought to herself. It would be easy to dismiss the pair as a couple of teenagers who didn't have any idea of the depths they had stepped in... if it wasn't for the fact of four simultaneous portals plucking people from across the world, and the feeling she got just by standing there. It was like being inches away from a blast furnace, a heat so powerful it was almost a pressure in her lungs, a level of sheet power she had never encountered personally. She few times she had read of such a feeling in Desoli's journals he had been dealing with... Hm. Maybe they weren't just kids with bad taste. Still, no matter who they were it wouldn't do to be to impressed. So she made sure to reach in her bag and grab a bottle of water, taking a deep pull on it before speaking. "I should've realized that most mages would have a more exciting way to reach out to someone rather than a YouTube video."
  14. Miras's Know/Arcane check. (1d20+10=17) Miras's Know/Current Events & Know/Theology roll. (1d20+5=14, 1d20+5=19) Skill Mastery gives her a Notice of 22.
  15. Blue Jay combed carefully through Esther's apartment. There were numerous signs that Esther had been planning to leave for some time, with not much food in her refrigerator and large portions of her wardrobe empty. Even her medicine cabinet had been cleaned out. Jay poked at the woman's computer in a desultory fashion, but she could only work her smartphone on odd-numbered days, so she didn't expect much from that. Instead she focused on any handwritten notes, searching the computer desk and when that turned up nothing she expanded the scope of her hunt. She searched drawers and flipped rapidly through a stack of bills in the front hall, but there was nothing from Skeevy Kidnappers LLC. Finally, she checked a notepad by the wall phone, coming on an address somewhere out on the Waterfront. She quickly memorized it, then considered if she should call the other heroes. The archer finally decided against the idea. If they were any good as heroes, they would find the address on their own, and if they did Jay could use the time to case the joint before they arrived. And if they never did, at least they wouldn't trip her up.
  16. Fancy Book Learn'd by HG Morrison Miras Some updates to Miras to bring her more in line with some house rules since she was archived, and to spend earned PP. Changed around her description a bit. Losing Accurate Attack, All-Out Attack, Defensive Attack, and Power Attack. Gaining Taunt and Challenge (Fast Taunt). Remove Know/Art from Skill Mastery and add Know/Theology & Philosophy. Detect and Awareness were folded into one power, so she gets +3PP from that. Spending 4 PP on skills. Putting 11 ranks into Bluff, 5 ranks into Perform/Singing, 5 ranks into Know/Streetwise, 5 ranks into Know/Theology & Philosophy, and 2 ranks into Concentration.
  17. Just making it clear, Tona is Readying an action to intercept anyone leaving Silberman's by the front door.
  18. The spirit of the season pervaded all of Freedom City, even the depressed districts like Greenbank. Asli Sadik could look out her tiny window and see green laurels strung from street light to street light, and if she turned on the radio Christmas carols would be playing on all the local stations. None of which meant anything for the woman bent over her laptop with early Rush playing. She felt the need for a hard guitar line as she looked over the latest ad copy sitting in her inbox; the piece wasn't supposed to be aired until April, and the company wanted a "smooth rocking soundtrack that won't scare off the soccer moms." For AC/heating repair. Sometimes she felt like her day job involved more magic than her night life. Of course, her night life didn't also involve sudden emails from 'seven@freedomleague'. The video attached made her forget entirely about the potential job and instead start inventorying her gear. She eyed the dark, swirling portal that grew in the air above her coffee table, edging around it as she grabbed up a canvas bag and dropped in her Walkman, a tube of sunscreen, the Diary that contained most of Deosil's musings on Egyptian magic -- and, after a moment's consideration, her travel Qu'ran and an Arabic copy of the Book of Going Forth by Day. If there was a magical problem in Egypt, it was even odds to be old-school Pharonic or new-school theurge. Either way, she wanted reference texts. She filled any empty space with bottled water, then with a rush of power called up her costume of flowing, mantled robes. At least they would keep her relatively cool in the sands and the heat; much more suitable than scraps of spandex and a too-long cape, that's for sure. Miras gave the portal another look, but she didn't have much choice. Taking a deep breath she stepped through the portal.
  19. That's not much of a desert at all!
  20. Miras is going to have to figure out a less heavy outfit for this thread.
  21. Happy holidays to everyone, and many warm wishes for your New Year.
  22. Fixed it for you, H.
  23. Tona took a moment to think. "Lynn shouldn't be. Madelyn's working today, and she doesn't know everything that Lynn can do. I should go downstairs and see what's happening." There were a few pleasant minutes as Sam learned how to dismount from an occupied hammock, then Tona was padding soundlessly down the stairs. The door to Silberman's was open, and through it she could see the new arrivals in their bright costumes. It wasn't unusual for new heroes to arrive in Freedom City every day, but something about these individuals struck her as unsettlingly familiar. She positioned herself just outside the doorway, listening closely. She didn't enter the shop or speak yet; sometimes it could be invaluable to have an asset that a potential enemy didn't know about.
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