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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Corona gritted her teeth as the drone's energy arced over her body. She stared into the eyes of the Lor man that held her, circuitry spread over his cheeks and even his eyeballs. "You are not a traitor, my brother," she hissed through her teeth. "Your soul has fled here and is blameless. But your body acts in service to the enemies of the Republic!" Corona pushed free of the drone, reaching behind her and picking up a fragment of her cockpit door. She swung it in an upward arc, turning the metal on its edge to cut through the drone's arm.
  2. Tona Baudin was enjoying Sam's presence far more than the movie. The idea that it was a comedy film was mysterious to her, and the references would have gone over her head even if she had been old enough to be alive when the movie was made; having grown up in the Terminus, the pop culture of the last couple of decades had been lost on her. That meant the only thing she had left to do was critique the archery, no matter how many times Sam tried to explain what a parody was. "And who tries to catch a crossbow bolt? He should've just pushed Robin out of the way. And an assassin showing up should really stop the competition, don't you think? No matter how evil Prince John is, he has to keep the illusion of a rule by law." She leaned back in the hammock, watching the tiny screen Sam was holding bob up and down.
  3. Wynn Epstien is a rebel-helper!
  4. Corona's going to use Defensive Attack, +1 Def/-1 Att, and smack a Communion minion. DC 25 Tou and her Def is now 21.
  5. What's the Def on the drones that Corona is facing?
  6. If Riff is lead guitar, Miras can do lead vocals.
  7. Tona looked between Lynn and her apple, then returned her attention to the blender, frowning as she finished preparing the smoothie. She put plums and strawberries and ice in it, and when she was done it was a gory whirlpool shot through with streams of clear. The young woman posed it on the bar, admiring her work for a moment before pushing it over to Sam. Tona wiped her hands and stepped out from behind the bar, eyeing the apple and the offer. It was tempting to take that, to show off for her coworkers. And then she would be known as the weird smoothie girl who could bullseye a thrown apple at one hundred feet. Her mind suddenly recoiled from that, from the idea of being known as ‘that girl.’ She wasn’t sure exactly why, but she didn’t want to be pushed outside of this group she found herself in. So instead of walking outside she walked up to the laptop and scanned the songs on the screen. One title jumped out at her as being… well, appropriate if not a particularly good idea. With a little help from Gretchen she got it queued up properly and waited for it to start, her heart pounding. When the words started scrolling she opened her mouth and started in. “Oh, death. Oh, death. Won’t you spare me, uh, over, to another year.†It wasn’t pretty. She warbled and cracked, and she didn’t sing so much as speak the words with awkward pauses. She had no rhythm and she was so focused on make sure she got the current line correct that she often stumbled across the next line. When the song switched characters halfway through the cognitive dissonance caught her up for most of the verse, her surprise and question evident in her voice; when the song switched back she almost lost the thread entirely. Through it all, though, she persevered and stuck with it. She was blushing fiercely from the embarrassment at having to sing, but she managed to make it to the end of the song. With that hurdle past, Tona set the microphone down with an air of finality and she retreated back behind the bar.
  8. As they approached the site, Tona busied herself with the lifejackets. She bound up her supplies in a single, compact back, her bow and quiver sitting on top, then threaded the uninflated life jackets through the webbing. The boat came to rest in place, the AEGIS agent turning and eyeing the package. “Uh, you left me a jacket, right?†Tona smiled at him and wordlessly lifted the package up to the railing, pulled the line on each lifejacket in turn, and then jumped into the water with it. She treaded there, double-checking the knots and experimentally pushing the package down into the water, watching it buoy back up again. The jury-rigged contraption seemed to be working, so she slung the extra rope around her chest and set off for the island. It was just a smear on the horizon, but with each stroke it grew steadily closer. There wasn’t much to think about on the long swim. She checked the island’s position regularly, to make sure she wasn’t drifting off course, but mostly she focused on her form. One stroke after another, her head going under and then coming back up. If the AEGIS agents had survived the crash, their swim would be much longer, but hopefully they would wash up on the same stretch of beach she was headed towards. With any luck the young woman would be in the same state of mind as the missing AEGIS agents, and that would give her an edge in finding them.
  9. I have no particular plans for Jay's Vignette. Have to decide on a villain to use first, though.
  10. I'll kick Miras into this. Corona's already had her chance, and we'll let Blue Jay take the vigentte.
  11. Tona applauded for Sam’s song, and then sat back with her to quietly enjoy her boss’s over-the-top performance. She was smiling tightly as it ended; even if she didn’t recognize the song, she at least realized from everyone else’s reaction that Lynn had sung it well. She watched the rest of the crowd quietly, wondering who would go up next, when Sam volunteered her. Tona’s eyes went wide as the suggestion sunk in, and she slipped out of Sam’s hand to retreat behind the bar. “No no no. You did not miss anything. There is nothing to miss.†She needed to do something she understood, and Sam didn’t have a glass in her hand, so the archer’s nimble fingers started picking up whole fruit and dropping ice cubes in the nearest blender. “I do not sing and I do not dance.†Not in front of people, anyway; in a club with her friends she would swing her hips with enthusiasm, but she could not imagine performing.
  12. Everyone you've talked to is angry or sad about Tony Ito's death. Big Tony, though, is worried. And he definitely doesn't want you to see the wounded jockey.
  13. Tony wiped a hand across his face. “Yeah, everyone was really affected by Tony’s death. It’s hard to believe that Yuri would have done something like that, but there you go. You’re, uh, looking into for Yuri, then?†he added. “The police sounded pretty certain that they had the right guy. You usually work in the other direction from the cops?†As they were talking, a jockey stepped out of the farmhouse and jogged over. He sported a large, bulky gauze wrapping around one hand, and as he got closer Mess couldn’t help but smell fresh blood. The wound couldn’t be more than a couple of days old. “Tony, we’re not done talking about this. If you think I’m getting on Green Mile, you’re out of your skull. That monster almost took off three fingers last time I tried to touch him!†Tony turned back to the jockey. “Leroy, just go back in the house, okay? We’ll finish this in a little bit. I’m just want to talk to these gentlemen for a moment,†he said, jerking a thumb at Mess and the Hound.
  14. The squamous beast turned its ineffable attention to Asli as she began tracing shapes into the air. She flicked her hood up around her head, and shadows deepened underneath it until the darkness was impenetrable. She had no problem seeing out herself, though, and as the tentacle monster -- Prophet’s Beard, if I have to deal with tentacle monsters can’t I at least be playing in Tokyo? -- lurched towards her, she put her power into the boards underneath her feet. Her magic traveled along the wood, lighting up the knots and whorls with multifarious color, and pooled beneath the creature, turning the wood to mud and causing it to sink in! Asli didn’t have time to savor her victory, though, as the creature rolled unnaturally and suddenly it’s bulk was past the hole and it was detaching the tentacles still in the quagmire, leaving them behind in its rush to reach her! Tentacles swung at her and caught the big woman full in her mid-section, pitching her through the door of the building she had been about to enter.
  15. For rolls and such related to >this amazing adventure.
  16. Freedom City, New Jersey December 3rd, 2014 Afternoon It always began with tentacles. That was a lie. It usually began with a poor fool who stumbled on some book that no soul should ever read or even consider. Such books usually had ideas that were not simply intriguing, but were actually infectious. The ideas were impossible to get out of your head, to bury under the everyday and dull with mundanity. They strove to get out, to be expressed, to be birthed into the material world in all their hideous glory. It was one of those hideous glories that burst out of a third-floor window, tearing a hole in the wall as it fell to the street below. It landed with a wet splat and shivered, curling back into itself as it gathered its glutinous mass together again. The creature seemed impossible, a squid-like mess of tentacles that lashed and pulled and moved without any apparent intelligence. Asli Sadik found herself staring at the monster with the rest of the crowd. When the first stirrings of panic swept through everyone else, though, she merely stared up at the hole in the building for a moment, her stomach sinking as realizations piled up all of a sudden. Still, there was an eldritch beast to deal with, first; she put her bag down and stepped forward and shaking her arms free as she gathered her power to her. “Okay, big boy,†she called out, doing her best to get the creature’s attention. “It’s time to leash you back up and take you home.â€
  17. I'm looking for two or three other PCs to be a thread involving alternate universe counterparts of themselves. These are going to be friendly, or at least non-hostile versions; the focus of the thread is going to be Jay confronting the fact that there are no alternate versions of herself. EP has graciously volunteered to GM, so he has final say on things.
  18. Corona's Toughness save, vs DC 24. (1d20+10=16) :facepalm:
  19. ... We need two people on this trip, who are not admitting their mutual attraction.
  20. Everyone insisted that their next trip just had to be in the Terminus. Clearly after this we'll be going to New Freedom.
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