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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. She has been retired. ... I should update my signature.
  2. I have no problem with continuing this story, but I have no particular investment in it, either.
  3. Shall we say that Maelstrom hands over the microphone with Wayward in it an exist stage left?
  4. Corona ripped herself free from the cockpit, smashing the console and bending the seats out of her way. The shuttle would never fly again, but if she could trade a Lor shuttle for a Communion cruiser she would not begrudge it. Instead she was practically whistling as she tore free of the confining metal. It was slow going, though, and by the time she managed to get to the shuttle lounge Communion drones had already boarded her. She bared her teeth in a fierce snarl and launched herself forward, her fist destroying what had been a Grue skull, before it had been invaded and subverted. She turned to the other drone, glowing with power and rage. "One at a time or a whole ship at once," she whispered. "One way or another, I am going to kill you all."
  5. Corona's going Power Attack +1/-1 and taking 10 to hit the Communion drone, so DC 26 Tou.
  6. Just by Grandma cookies.
  7. Energy gathered in the forcefield dome, swirling around the rock, casting light in the dome and making everything purple. Maelstrom watched it, feeling powerless to do anything. It was all she could manage to keep the dome intact, as she felt the strange energies of the field the alien was creating pull at the materials she was using. Even as she watched, the stone vibrated and a hole opened in the middle of the air, a swirling vortex that slowly grew and grew until it was a good four feet or so across. The alien manipulated something on his machine and the image beyond the vortex moved, landscapes flashing through too fast to follow. The alien turned to the heroes. “This would be the point where I tell you to have a good life,†he said, “but that would be wastin’ time. So instead, I’ll just be takin’ my leave.†He ducked through the portal, taking his machine with him and leaving the portal behind him. After a moment though, it started to spin, slowly moving faster and faster, a sense of power and danger growing around it. Maelstrom noticed that the stone was lying on the floor, vibrating slightly, pulsing at the same speed as the spinning portal. That gave her an idea. Still keeping most of her power in the dome that would, hopefully, contain at least part of the blast, she reached out and lifted the rock into the air. She paused, watching carefully as the portal spun faster and faster; she would have to time this just right… The portal was full-on to them, and Maelstrom threw the rock. It sailed into the opening, and there was a terrible thundercrack and a blast of light. When the noise and light faded, there was no rock, no portal, no alien. Maelstrom let the dome fall, rubble piling around their feet. She looked around the museum; there was no more terrible building of energy, no more keening wind. “Did we… did we just save the world?â€
  8. ... That being said, there have been at least two different AEGIS superheroes in the past. I think the real issue is that there's never been a lot of AEGIS PCs, and certainly never enough that had the correct mix of personalities to make a successful team.
  9. Tona Baudin stood at the prow of the boat, her legs easily bracing her against the swell and roll of the ocean as she considered the island hanging on the horizon. She could see the deep greenery that embraced the edges of the spit of land, hinting at darkness deeper in. She turned just slightly, still keeping her attention focused on the island. “You said the plane went down over the island?†“Not quite,†the AEGIS agent said, adjusting the tiller a touch. “They went down twenty miles off-shore, but this is the only bit of land close enough for them to reach.†Tona nodded slightly. She distantly wished for a map of the surrounding ocean, something that would tell her exactly where else the agents might have washed up, but she wasn’t a dozen different women; if AEGIS thought the agents were here, she would look for them here. It was a hell of a lot better than swinging through the chill air of Freedom City, at least. She considered the island, and the waters surrounding it. Behind her the agent went on about the local governments and what some folks called the island, but the archer had different concerns. Moving more to the center of the boat and taking a seat, she began unpacking and repacking the survival gear she had chosen for this situation. “I want to get between the island and the place where the agents plane went down,†she said, planning her next few days. “Drop me off about a kilometer off-shore.â€
  10. It wasn't difficult for Corona to find a target; space with growing thick with Communion ships. In fact it would have been harder for her to dodge through the Communion fleet and escape, but she would never consider doing that. Instead she aimed the Nomad's nose for the closet Communion cruiser and set her thrusters at full. The ship filled her forward window, and there was a horrible crunching and crashing and trembling. The lights cut out, and the Lor was left in darkness, still strapped into her seat, panting heavily. She couldn't hear anything -- not the shuttle's reactor, not the forces of the Communion, just her own heartbeat. And then she screamed into the darkness, banging on the dead, unresponsive console. "Yehaw! How d'ya like it when someone hits back atcha y'all, you !@*($s!!"
  11. Okay, Thev: I want to run smash into a Communion ship. What kind of run-up can I get to make that Slam this turn, and what kind of damage do I deal?
  12. Are they all getting there by plane? Because I wasn't joking about going the B.A. Baracus route for Blue Jay.
  13. Corona flew into her shuttle, flying straight into the cockpit and bringing the vessel around to face the Communion fleet, and hesitated. She listened to the feed from inside the Aphelion, to Memorial and Mechanized fighting the Communion boarders. She fingers twitched over the thrust controls, as part of herself screamed to get inside the civilian freighter and start fighting the Communion hand to hand. However, she could see the Communion ships right there in front of her! They were horrible, like solid nightmares taken straight from the destruction of Lor-Vaan. That decided her. The Lor bared her teeth in hatred and ramped her thrusters up to full. She thumbed off the feed from the Aphelion as her tiny ship accelerated towards the incoming Communion fleet.
  14. ... Do any of them have big, open windows over the bridge she could smash through?
  15. Is there one Communion ship in the lead, or otherwise some kind if flagship? And how many Move actions for the shuttle to get to the approaching fleet?
  16. Blue Jay >Dead Island >Empty Mirror >All About the Franklins TNTeen Corona >Incursion: Opportunists and Opposition Maelstrom >Welcome to Earth Miras >Azathoth Remix >Incursion: God Squad GM
  17. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Tyr Power Level: 7 (105/105PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A teenager with the biggest hand of all. Alternate Identity: Identity: Secret Birthplace: ??? Occupation: Student Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Orphan? Description: Age: 17 (DoB: Year [Optionally, Day & Month]) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian/Demon? Height: Middling Weight: Thin Eyes: Hair: (Describe what they look like!) Power Descriptions: History: Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Complications: Name: [Description] Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 10 (+0) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 10 (+0) Combat: 0 + 0 = 0PP Initiative: +0 Attack: +0 Melee, +0 Ranged Grapple: +0 Defense: +0 (+0 Base, +0 Dodge Focus), +0 Flat-Footed Knockback: -0 Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Toughness: +0 (+0 Con, +0 [Other]) Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con, +0) Reflex: +0 (+0 Dex, +0) Will: +0 (+0 Wis, +0) Skills: 0R = 0PP Feats: 0PP Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT (NOTE: The easiest way to get your DC Block to line up is to write it out in a word processor in a Courier font, then just copy/paste it into your post.) Totals: Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 105/105 Power Points
  18. Tona quirked her head at the look Lynn gave her, the subtle social cue going right over the head of someone who literally grew up in a forest. She followed the other woman's eyes, though, and once she realized they were flicking between herself and Sam she put the pieces together. "<We talked,>" she said in French. "<There are some things we have to talk about more, maybe. Or maybe I need to talk to someone else?>" She ran a hand through her hair, taking a step away from Sam as the other woman started talking to Tona's coworkers. "<She wants me to talk to a therapist. I don't know if I can do that.>"
  19. Corona frowned and turned to Galvanic, opening her mouth to question the Tempestian, but then the alien turned to a living stormcloud and melted through the ship and was gone. Aya was left opening and closing her mouth dumbly for a few moments; then she remembered that the pirates were watching her. Determined not to show weakness in front of them, she set her jaw firmly and marched out to the hole Galvanic had made in the ship. Corona stepped out into the void, swallowing the surge of SAS she felt as she flew towards the Nomad. She resolutly kept her gaze on the shuttle, not once venturing to look at the tiny dots that were the approaching Communion fleet. And it wasn't because she felt another panic attack coming on, not at all.
  20. The biggest issue I see is that the character doesn't hit their combat caps. It's highly recommended that starting characters, especially at PL 10, hit the caps for Attack, Damage, Toughness, and Defense. Right now he is PL 9 offensively (Att +13, Dam +5) and PL 8 defensively (Def +6, Tou +10). I would recommend freeing up the points elsewhere on the build to boost your respective scores. You have Evasion 2 listed up by your Saves. It shouldn't be there, and you only list Evasion 1 among your Feats. You have Improved Critical in your Feats and Improved Critical in the Guns power itself. So do the guns have Improved Critical 2 overall? If you mean those to stack, you should say so.
  21. Corona trusted the pirate 'prince' about as far as she could throw his flagship, but she still connected with the Nomad's comms systems. "Mechanized, Memorial, lay of tha pirates. We're gonna be workin' with them for a lil' while." She paused, not wanting to broadcast this on an open channel, but the heroes deserved to know what they were facing. "Communion ships are comin' in after us. We're gonna be fightin' them off alongside the pirates. Meet me back on tha Nomad." She nodded to Dovox. "We're going to be takin' tha fight to tha Communion. If'n you want to sit back here and take pot-shots, that's your choice. Otherwise, we're gonna do what we just did in here, to them." The Lor turned on her heel, nodding to Galvanic to follow her and making her way to the hole the had already ripped in the hull.
  22. Mind-Set's power battered at the alien's mind, but he wasn't able to get a hold on it. The alien threw the psychic out, then glared at them from inside his forcefield bubble. "Oh, you're right about one thing. Once I finish this, I'll never have to worry about this planet, or the Curator's bots hunting me down, ever again!" He turned back to the rock and started adjusting his machine; the rock started to glow with a purple light that hurt Maelstrom's head. "If you had just asked," Maelstrom protested, "you could be off this planet already. You're insane!" The alien whipped his head back around, his eyes glowing the same color as the rock. "You have no idea what I've been through," he sneered. "If you were in my position... you'd do the same thing."
  23. IN THE DEPTHS OF SPACE by Thevshi Corona Corona is picking up another rank on her suit. This will give her a few feats and the Radio Super-Sense. [-4PP] Corona is going to pick up a Complication about hating the Communion because. Features [80EP] [*]Alarm 2 (DC 25 Disable Device) [2EP][/*] [*]Navigation System 3 (+15 to navigation-related checks) [3EP][/*] [*]Remote Control [1EP][/*] [*]Fire Prevention System [1EP][/*] [*]InfirmaryMasterwork [2EP][/*] [*]Laboratory [1EP][/*] [*]Library [1EP][/*] [*]Living Space [1EP][/*] [*]Power [68EP][/*] Comms System 8.5 (17PP, Feat: Alternate Power, Subtle) [19PP] [array]BE: Communication 8 (Radio, 2 000 miles, Extra: Area, Feat: Selective) AP: Communications 16 (Radio, Nearby Solar Systems, Feat: Subtle [for Subtle 2])[/array] Concealment 6 (All Radio, ESP, Mental, Feat: Close Range) (Cloaking Device) (Alien, Technology) [13EP] Flight 10 (10,00 MPH) (Quantum Thrusters) (Alien, Technology) [20EP] Super-Movement 2 (Space [Interstellar]) (Quantum Slipstream Drive) (Alien, Technology) [4PP] Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Lor Hardsuit]) (Ship-to-suit Ansible) [1PP] Super-Senses 6 (Radar, Accurate, Analytical, Extended 3 [x10,000 increment]) (Sensor Suite) (Alien, Technology) [6EP] Super-Senses 5 (Visual, Analytical, Extended [x100 increment], Thermovision, Ultravision) (Sensor Suite) (Alien, Technology) [5EP] 4 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 80 = 90 EP[/equip] Powers: 2 + 26 + 1 + 14 + 8 = 51PP Flight 1 (10 MPH) (Self-Propelled Flight) (Cosmic, Radiation) [2PP] Cosmic Empowerment Array 11 (22PP, Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power 3) (Cosmic) [26PP] [array]BE: Immovable 12 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Impervious Protection]) + Impervious Protection 10 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Immovable]) (Shall Not Be Moved) (Cosmic, Mutation) [22/22PP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate, Affects Insubstantial [DAM 5]) (Cosmic Blast) (Cosmic, Radiation) [22/22PP] AP: Nauseate 10 (Extra: Area/Cone [General], Feat: Progression 1 [x25 ft per rank], Progression 1 [x5 ft per rank], Flaw: Limited [Sicken Only]) (Flat-Hand Clap) (Cosmic, Mutation) [22/22PP] AP: Enhanced Strength 12 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Super-Strength]) + Super-Strength 5 (Str 55, Extra: Linked [+0] [Enhanced Strength]) (Strength of the Cosmos) (Cosmic, Mutation, Radiation) [22/22PP][/array] Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison Flaw: Limited [Half Effect]) (Lor Genetics) (Alien) [1PP] Lor Combat Hardsuit 3 (15PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Restricted 2 [DNA Check]) (Alien, Technology) [14PP] [device]Enhanced Feat 3 (Environmental Adaptation [High Gravity, Low Gravity, Zero-Gee] 3) (Blood Flow Regulators) [3PP] Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP] Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [the Nomad]) (Suit-to-ship Ansible) [1PP] Super-Senses 2 (Radio) (Radio Receiver) [2PP][/device] Protection 8 (Flesh-tight Forcefield) (Cosmic, Mutation, Radiation) [8PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed/Strength of the Cosmos Touch DC19/DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)/(Cosmic, Mutation, Physical) Cosmic Blast Ranged DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Cosmic, Radiation) Flat-Hand Clap Touch/Cone DC 20 Reflex/DC 20 Fort Sicken (Cosmic, Mutation) Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (22) + Feats (6) + Powers (51) - Drawbacks (0) = 154/155 Power Points
  24. Corona nodded slowly, feeling the knot in her stomach ease a bit. "Now, tell yer men on the Aphelion to put down their guns, and we'll all go and see off the Communion." Before we see you off, she didn't say. It wouldn't help this impromptu alliance to point out just how angry they all still were at each other. "You've gotta get yer men to stand down," she said to Dovox. "Otherwise we're gonna be turning our guns on the Communion while we still have our knives at each other's throats!" She paused, considering her words. "That metaphor got away from me, but I'm still right!"
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