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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Memorial managed to get her hands on some of the writhing tentacles, crushing and tearing one apart, shredding it into scrap. Mechanized's force cannon missed, though, splashing sewer water right up to the ceiling, and Corona was very glad for her sealed suit. As the dirty water rained down again the Lor officer took aim at the moving mass. It tried to wrap around Mechanized's limbs; Corona sent a blast of cosmic radiation and caused it to shy off from its attack.
  2. Melee Attack Check, vs Mechanized's Def.: 1d20+10 16 ... I think Mechanized went out of order. Initiative 24 Corona -- Uninjured -- HPx1 20 Memorial -- Uninjured -- HPx0 14 Tentacles! -- Bruisex2 -- GM 7 Mechanized -- Uninjured -- HPx2 In any situation, Corona's going to go next and blast the thing. Ranged Attack Check, vs Tentacle's Def.: 1d20+10 17 That's a miss. Memorial's up next.
  3. Corona looked over the sights coming in from the shuttle and she felt her stomach sink. They were already engaged with the pirates, fighting on their very flagship! And now, here were the creatures that were overrunning the galaxy. There was only one solution that she saw, and it didn't make her very happy. She minimized the shuttle feed to a smaller window in her vision. "Listen, I don't like this idea anymore than you do, but I think we should hold off on fighting each other. If we don't see off the Communion fleet, none of us are gonna get out of here with our skins."
  4. Corona's going to delay until after Sovriegn's next action, to see if he goes for it.
  5. Power Level: 10 (150 PP) Trade-Offs: None Abilities: 10 + 6 + 6 + 2 - 2 + 4 = 26PP Strength: 20 (+5) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 16 (+3) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 8 (-1) Charisma: 14 (+2) Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +10 melee, +10 throwing, +4 ranged Grapple: +25, +30 w/ Move Object Defense: +10 (+4 Base, +6 Dodge Focus), +2 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 6 + 3 + 10 = 19PP Toughness: +10 (+3 Con, +7 Protection) Fortitude: +9 (+3 Con, +6) Reflex: +6 (+3 Dex, +3) Will: +9 (-1 Wis, +10) Skills: 88R = 22PP Bluff 13 (+15)Skill Mastery Concentration 7 (+6) Intimidate 13 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Arcane) 14 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (History) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Theology & Philosophy) 4 (+5) Notice 10 (+9) Perform (Air Guitar) 8 (+10)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 10 (+9) Feats: 35PP Attack Focus (Melee) 6 Attack Specialization (Grapple) 5 Attack Specialization (Throwing) 4 Challenge (Fast Feint, Fast Taunt) 2 Chokehold Dodge Focus 6 Fearless Improved Disarm Improved Grab Improved Grapple Improved Initiative Improved Pin Power Attack Skill Mastery (Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge [Arcane], Perform [Air Guitar]) Startle Taunt Powers: 3 + 7 + 22 = 32pp Leaping 3 (x10) [3PP] Protection 7 [7PP] Red Right Hand Array (20PP, Feats: Alternate Power 2( [22PP] BE: Move Object 10 (Str 50, Extra: Damaging, Flaw: Range/Touch) [20/20PP]BE: Strike 5 (Extras: Autofire [10], Penetrating [4] Feat: Mighty) [20/20 PP] BE: Snare 10 (Feat: Chokehold, Drawback: Duration/Sustained [Not Lasting] [20/20PP] Abilities (26) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (22) + Feats (32) + Powers (35) - Disadvantages (0) = 150/150 PP The ability to move objects without physically touching them is a common power among superheroes, whether it's telekinesis, projecting energy constructs, or controlling gravity or air currents around the object. This character combines them in a certain way; their Move Object is at Touch Range, so they can only lift things when they're in direct contact with it, but rather than lifting it with their bulging muscles they can manifest an energy limb capable of great feats of strength! Mechanically this build is based around grapples. >Our grappling rules are greatly simplified from the core book. I suggest looking them over and being familiar with them before using this build. In addition to simply grabbing folks and squeezing them, this build can also throw objects for a long-range impact, manifest multiple smaller hands and other weapons to beat an enemy up, or simply reach out and grab someone. The skills make this person a big mouth in combat, constantly poking and prodding the enemy with verbal taunts to make them drop their guard. Then a fully-shifted Power Attack to a vulnerable point to defeat their opponent in grand, flashy style. If you're taking inspiration from the same source that I am, then this character likely has a demon's arm grafted onto their body, or they may in fact be a full-fledged demon themselves, but that's not the only option for an origin. The often-underutilized concept of tactile telekinesis also works, though you might want to rearrange the skills for such a thing. Their powerful arm doesn't even have to be an energy construct, they might have some sort of nano-tech suit that can manifest huge lifting arms, but not so much in the way of blasters and explosions.
  6. "Your 'business' involves taking little children away from their parents and waiting until you get paid money for them," Jay pointed out. "That's kidnapping and slavery. Calling yourself an entrepreneur is just dressing up your evil in nice clothes." The archer retreated, retrieving her bow and drawing an arrow with black fletching. "And I don't think I even have to deal with you myself. Because guess what -- I'm not the only hero looking for Hannah Franklin." She notched the arrow, aimed, and fired -- straight up. The arrow landed on the fire escape a floor above Esther's balcony, and Jay began ascending up the side of the apartment building. She landed just outside of Esther's apartment, pointedly ignoring the teleporter on the ground.
  7. Corona considered the Tempestian's suggestion. It seemed like a good strategy, to tear apart the pirate flagship as they approached the bridge. It would disable the pirates one way or another. However, when the man with the staff entered the room she held up one hand, delaying Galvanic. "Your captain is in violation of sovereign territory of the Lor Republic," she said. "If he retreats now, he can keep his ship and his ragged fleet. Otherwise, we'll rip it apart ship by ship." She narrowed her eyes, sizing up the apparent envoy. "If he thinks he can fight the entire Republic with a few raiding vessels, he's sorely mistaken."
  8. That's... not how Diplomacy works. Diplo rolls against a set DC. EDIT: Also, setting Corona' array to her Shall Not Be Moved slot.
  9. Corona's Diplomacy check. (1d20+10=20) Appropriate.
  10. Tona went a little stiff at Sam's peck, but she forged on regardless. The sound level inside the shop was bubbling and indistinct, and when she pushed open the door, the zombie in the pads was yelling into a microphone. "And he's good, at relieving my TEEEEENsion!" The archer stopped in the doorway, blinking at the scene as the other employees howled their approval. He sucked in another breath for the next verse an caught sight of Tona in the doorway with a new girl. He paused, and the music played on without him. Pretty soon everyone followed his eye and were looking at the pair. Tona felt an unreasonable blush start to creep over her ears. "Um. Hello. This is my girlfriend, Sam."
  11. Corona hadn't been expecting such a huge explosion, but she couldn't complain about the results. Most of th pirates were down, and then the Tempestian put one of the Broans through a wall and laid him out. There was still one more hulking brute, but the Lor officer was more concerned with the ones who were firing their weapons at her. Correction -- still firing at her, even after she gave them two separate opportunities to surrender! This was seriously getting on her nerves. Corona ducked under the blaster bolt and closed with the pirate. Her hand closed on the weapon, crushing it into shards before her fist made contact with the pirate's jaw. He went flying and crumpled, out of the fight.
  12. Corona's going to try and punch one of the regular pirates. The one who shot at her, say. Corona's melee attack check. (1d20+10=17) Bleh.
  13. Tona’s eyes drifted to Sam’s fingers as she took the archer’s calloused hand, seeing the contrast between her tanned skin and Sam’s pale coloration. She squeezed the other woman’s fingers lightly; it felt good to have her there, but Tona felt an unease in her core that hadn’t been there before. She thought it was because there was such a visible rift between her and Sam, but maybe that wasn’t it. Maybe it ran deeper. Tona had thought that Sam knew what her life was like, since she had grown up in such a dangerous circumstance, just like Tona. When it came to punish her tormentor, though, Sam had argued for clemency. Now Tona wasn’t entirely sure what Sam would do, if the other girl would back her up in every situation. It was small a small thing, but it was a thing Tona was suddenly aware of and it pricked at her painfully, like a sliver in her thumb. “I… should go alone. This is going to be about me, and I need to talk about everything.†She trailed off, not wanting to spell out that one of the things she needed to talk about was Sam herself. There was a loud laugh from inside of Silberman’s and Tona was suddenly reminded that this was technically a party. With other people. “Oh, dead gods. Sam, please, promise me that you’re not going to go into there and pick a fight with my boss.â€
  14. Blue Jay shook her head. "Yeah, I get it now. You're a self-righteous pute. A double-talking and double-dealing connerie. The sort of person who thinks absolutely nothing about abducting a child to use for your little schemes." Jay approached Olive, her hands already moving in a blur of martial arts moves. "You're a piece of human trash, and I'm glad I already had gloves on before I had to touch you." Of course, the archer wasn't convinced that she would really be able to touch Olive. Their last few sparring matches had shown the woman to be frustratingly difficult to lay hands on, and Jay couldn't really think of anything to change that. She did, however, have one or two plans to get around that; as Olive swayed away from a jab the archer dropped into a leg sweep, her hands plucking a mini-tracer from her belt as she did so. They exchanged a few more blows, Jay managing to grab Olive by the shoulder and spin the other woman around. It didn't accomplish much, but when they separated the tiny device was hanging from her green jumpsuit.
  15. Jay's going to close with Olive and try to plant a mini-tracer on Olive. Blue Jay's Sleight of Hand check. HP reroll (1d20+10=21) BECAUSE INVISIBLE CASTLE INSISTS THAT THIS IS THE F---ING ROLL I'M GOING TO GET!!
  16. Aya side-stepped the blaster shot and it slammed into the comms panel. She tch'd and stepped away, glaring at the pirate. "If ya'll are really itching for a fight, you don't have to bust up your own ship to let me know." And then a whole new crew of pirates rounded the corner, bearing down on the Lor and the Tempestian! "More of you? Damn me, but if we have to knock out every single one of you renegades we'll do just that!" Glowing gold with accumulated energy she flew forward, her fist cracking an insectoid creature with scything arms upside its armored head. As her armored fist made contact there was a flash of light as her energy flared, engulfing the entire group in cosmic radiation!
  17. Corona is going to fly into the group of pirates that just rounded the corner and hit them with a Stunt off her Cosmic Empowerment Array. Strike 10 (Extra: Area/General [burst]) So that's a DC 20 Reflex save from the lot and a DC 25 Tou save if the miss it; if they make it then only a DC 20 Tou save.
  18. Alien's Will save, vs DC 20. (1d20+8=24) Iron will!
  19. Mind-Set's power rushed into the alien's brain, white static filling his mind and temporarily disrupting his train of thought. The extraterrestrial gave a pained grunt and squeezed his eyes shut, as the sudden migraine-levels of pain pounded down on him without remorse. "You... Damnable backwards fools! The Curator just sent a bunch of scouts... What do you think is going to come next?!" "Nothing Earth hasn't faced before." Most of Maelstrom's power was focused on keeping the barrier intact, but if they could just get him to drop that rock... She reached out with a trickle of her power and tried to separate them. It started to slip out of his grasp, but once he realized it the alien turned, curling around it protectively. "You've never faced anything like what the Curator can do!"
  20. Corona's going to move to a communications panel and spend an HP to make an Corona's Intimidate check (1d20+14=23) against the pirate crew.
  21. Corona's Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+10=20) Well, that works! Taking 10 to hit that last Minion, requiring a DC 25 Tou save from him. Thev, can I get the roll from him?
  22. "It doesn't pay to be overconfident," Corona said, raising her forearm and taking the energy blast without a reaction. "Everyone can use a little backup." She flourished her hand and a beam of condensed radiation shot out, catching another pirate across the chin and slamming him back against the wall. The Lor moved to a communications panel set on the side of the wall. It was a standard type of comms panel, and it took the experienced officer almost no time at all to patch into the ship-wide communications. "This is Aya K'zan, speaking as a representative of the Lor Republic," she said, her voice filling and reverberating around the ship. "Your 'Prince' Dovox has placed you direct challenge to the Republic; this is a fight you cannot win." She glanced over at Galvanic. "I am proceeding through this ship with a Tempestian. Surrender to either of us and you will not be harmed. If you continue to resist, you will be met with the full weight of Lor law."
  23. So Toughtspeed and Stronghold are sitting this one out. KD, horn, if you want to make some flavorful posts during all this, feel free. Initiative 25 Mind-Set -- Uninjured -- HPx0 19 Maelstrom -- Uninjured -- HPx1 14 Alien -- Bruise + Daze (Mind-Set) -- GM Maelstrom's ranged disarm check, vs Alien's def. (1d20+1=18) Well that's not gonna hit.
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