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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Tentacle's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+8=25) Made that one.
  2. Geode's Reflex save, vs DC 21. (1d20+4=22) I did not expect that. So it's 'only' a DC DC 20 Tou. For minions. Toughness save for a bunch of Geodes. DC 20 (1d20+8=12) And they're rubble again. TH's Sense Motive vs. DC 24. (1d20+8=10) Yeeeeeeeeeah. Go post for Cannonade!
  3. Tentacle's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+9=22) Bruise x2!
  4. Metallic tentacles, spilling murky, dirty water wrapped around the heroine's golden suit, but she turned in a quick spiral and slipped free. She flew up to near the top of the sewer corridor, then turned back to the water and unleashed a blast of golden, actinic light that lit up the sewer tunnel and their attacker. It didn't seem to be much more than a mass of silvery-metallic tentacles sliding around themselves. Corona's blast struck one full-on, but it didn't seem to do much more than annoy the monster.
  5. Initiative 24 Corona -- Uninjured -- HPx1 20 Memorial -- Uninjured -- HPx0 14 Tentacles! -- Uninjured -- GM 7 Mechanized -- Uninjured -- HPx2 Corona's going to blast this thing with her blasters. Corona's ranged attack check, vs tentacle's Def. (1d20+10=26) That hits. Tentacle's Toughness check, vs DC 25. (1d20+10=23) Bruise. Memorial's up next.
  6. Corona fell into space, her suit sealing around her as it was exposed to the harshness of the void for the first time in... too many months. It had been too long since the Lor agent had been in space, a fact that was made evident when her stomach started flip-flopping. There was no up or down, things floated along in their own plane of reference or drifted in hypnotic spirals, and she felt bile begin to float up her esophagus. She swallowed, hard; she wasn't about to vomit inside her helmet but it made good sense for her to get gravity under her feet again. Aya's hardsuit registered a sharp electrical pulse near the pirate flagship, and she recalled that one of her passengers was a Tempestian. She angled her strange, inexplicable powers downwards, blasting off for the enemy ship. If she had been neglecting her hard-vacuum time she had not been neglecting her flight time, and it was easy to zip over the skin of the enemy cruiser and slip inside the hole Galvanic had made. She took in the situation quickly, and a blast of hard radiation slammed into one of the pirates, leaving him lolling limply. "Need a hand," she asked the other woman dryly, her powers easily anchoring her against the rushing escape of atmosphere.
  7. Okay, Corona is going to fly over and hit the pirates attacking Galvanic with a Blast. DC 25 Tou from one of them, please.
  8. Can Corona fly over, get LOS, and fire on one of the pirates this turn? Or is it all movement?
  9. Corona's Fort save, vs DC 15. (1d20+9=14) It's taunting me! Taunting.
  10. Nomad's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+13=32) The penalties for being the Zero-Gee suck, evidently, so Corona's going to be flying over to help Galvanic. Thev, did she break inside the ship?
  11. Corona's Fort save, vs DC 15. (1d20+8=11) :facepalm:
  12. Corona felt her anger rising at the pirate 'king's' statement. "This space is under the protection of the Lor Republic," she snarled. "If you can't understand a simple fact like that, I'm sure a few years breaking asteroids in a prison will serve to reeducate you." The Nomad danced in space, the Lor officer's light touch sending it sliding around plasma bolts and between missile blasts, keeping it from being so much as singed from the deadly energies flying around it. The vessel slid into position near one of the Aphelion's cargo pods, the bay doors sliding open as the civilian transport's own doors yawned wide. The door to the cockpit opened and Corona quick-stepped through the common area, tapping a last few commands to the shuttle on a wrist-mounted computer build into her hardsuit. "Memorial, Mechanized," she called out. "I want you to clear any boarders off the Aphelion." She didn't even pause at the edge of the bay doors, hopping out of the shuttle and into space. Golden energy surrounded her, as her hardsuit protected her from the pressures of the void. "I'm going to do something about those pirates," she said to herself.
  13. Okay, so this turn Corona is going to fly the Nomad near the Aphelion and open the bay doors so that Mechanized can jump out. Then she jumps out herself and gets ready for some dogfighting.
  14. Happy birthday, Morrison. May you and your enlarged family enjoy yourself today!
  15. Tona looked away, her fingers fidgeting against each other until she laced them together. She didn't understand why everyone seemed so worried about what she'd done. She had killed the Steam General! It wasn't like she was about to seek him out to kill him again; there were stories that Annhilists could some back from the dead, but even if he did Tona's people were out of the Terminus. There was no reason for her to try and start a fight with the Terminus now. She started to interrupt Sam to explain all that when she started talking about Stesha. Tona bit her lip at the mention of the plant controller; she owed the older woman so much. If even she thought this was a good idea... Tona looked down at her hands, fingers tensing against each other, absently trying for a crack. "I talked to Doctor Marquez when I first came to Claremont," she said, her voice quiet. "He wanted to talk to me about what it was like growing up in the Terminus." She paused for a moment. "We... we didn't get very far." It didn't seem like an unreasonable request; Marquez was right on campus, after all! "I... I could try talking to him again."
  16. Aya K'zan sat in the pilot seat of her shuttle, golden armor all around her, watching the pirates tear into the civilian vessel. Her starship wasn't half the size of ever the smallest raider -- hells, she didn't even have a single weapon on-board her ship! It was designed for experimentation and observation, not battle, but it was a battle she was throwing it into. Aya's duty was not officially to protect the Republic, not anymore, but grief had thrown her back years and she talked like the seasoned RIP officer she had once been. She keyed the widest possible frequencies the shuttle's comms could transmit on and spoke to the pirates. "This is Officer K'zan of the Lor Republic," she said beaming her voice into space. "This is Republic space, and by the authority of the Investigative Patrol I hereby order all craft to stand down and prepare to be boarded." She lips twisted into a snarl without her truly realizing it. "This is your only warning. Stand down or you shall be destroyed!"
  17. Corona's Initiative (1d20+7=12) Corona's gong to open up with an Intimidate check on these pirates. Corona's Intimidate check. (1d20+14=31)
  18. "My home is." Corona paused, considering if she wanted to get into the centuries of friendly and not-so-friendly competition between Halla and Lor-Vall, deciding against it. "I was assigned to Earth by the Lor Republic," she said. "There's an entire bureau of the government devoted to keeping an eye on underdeveloped planets like this one, and I'm part of it." She didn't mention that the bureau was the perennially underfunded step-child of the Lor military/investigation complex. The trio turned a corner and realized they had reached their destination. It was kind of unmistakable, a large hole punched into the roof letting much brighter light fall into the sewer. It wasn't difficult to consider that whomever had bashed a hole in their floor to access the sewer had bashed this rough hole to get out of it. Something moved under the water and Corona stopped in her hovering, peering into the dense, murky liquid. She certainly saw something moving in there, and that intuition combined with her combat training gave her just enough of an edge to avoid the first set flailing, stainless-steel tentacles punching out of the murk.
  19. Corona can't fail this Notice check, so she sees it coming. Good thing because it's coming after her! Corona's Initiative check. (1d20+7=24) Sewer monster's Initiative check. (1d20+3=14)
  20. Alien's Will save, vs DC 25. (1d20+8=20) Alien man is Dazed + Bruised and the fight is on. Alien's Initiative (1d20+5=15) Maelstrom's Initiative (1d20+2=19) I don't know if Thoughtspeed and Stronghold want to roll and get in on this 'combat' as well.
  21. Tona swallowed and looked down at her feet, trying to sort out her emotions. Part of her was very happy to see Sam; part of her wanted to rush forward and hold her girlfriend and say that all was forgiven. Another part was still very, very angry at her, was screaming at Tona to slam the door in Sam’s face. That part was teaming up with Tona’s fear of the party and added on the idea of retreating to the apartment. It was the retreat that made her set her feet, oddly enough. The archer had conquered the Terminus -- she wouldn’t retreat before anything, certainly not her girlfriend. She took a deep breath and stepped back, giving Sam room to enter the anteroom. At least this wasn’t going to happen in the middle of the shop, in front of all of her coworkers. She wasn’t sure that she could handle a confrontation in front of everyone like that. Tona made to cross her arms, thought better of it, and hooked her fingers in her belt instead. The silence between her and Sam was getting long and tortured, so she decided to break it. “I agree,†she said. “You were being unreasonable.†She peered at Sam’s face, trying to find what kind of change this was. “I am not going to abandon my people.â€
  22. Corona examined the information as it came up. "If this Redback's coming into town," she said, reasoning aloud, "then he's likely to try and hook up with them once he's around." She glanced at the pair of presenters. "It sounds like they're pretty unstoppable altogether, so we should try and hit them before that. If we can put at least one of them in cuffs, we stand a much better chance against Redback when he shows up." She pointed at Monument. "If Linewalker's a teleporter, then capturing her is going to be a real challenge. What about the big guy, have any leads on him?"
  23. Not before we reach the ship. Inventor takes hours,unless you want to jury-rig it.
  24. Aya focused on the scans, interpreting the data, tweaking the specifics of the sensor sweep (and tweaking it back a minute later) and collating it all according to, unconsciously, the specifications of the Republic Investigative Patrol. It was all needless busy work, but that's what she needed at the moment and so that's what she did. Until an actual distress call came through to the shuttle, though. She listened to it carefully before activating the intercoms. "We've picked up a distress call," she informed the other women. "A civilian merchant ship is under attack by pirates. We are moving to help them." She paused and added, "Prepare for immediate contact with hostile forces." The Lor turned her attention from the command console to her hardsuit, running it through its basic diagnostic checks.
  25. Sorry, should have been clearer. The whole car and Cannonade were caught in the wave, as well. Although I suppose I should roll for Walsh as well, then. Walsh's Ref save. (1d20+6=26) o.o Walsh's Tou save. (1d20+5=14) Fumbled it at the finish line, Walsh.
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