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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Corona almost hadn't accepted the invitation. She hadn't been expecting it, delivered as it was directly to her from something that looked like a pigeon who had just finished a particularly bloody meal, and she wasn't sure if her superiors at OOPS would agree with her getting this involved with the culture and history of a planet she was supposed to be watching. Though of course she was already acting as a superhero locally in Freedom City; branching out a bit to help elsewhere on the planet couldn't markedly increase her footprint, could it? That, and she did some searching for the sorts of crimes Redback was known for, and she now had a burning desire to haul him up in front of a magistrate. She had flown in a couple of days ago, and Anya Corazon had spent the time taking in Sydney's culture and clime. It was a pleasant city to be in just at the moment, and Corona had the headpiece of her armor folded back and away, letting her hair blow in the salt air. She still had her scarlet face-mask on, and when the representative of the Network called them she turned without a word and followed the woman into the building.
  2. I'll throw Corona into this, if there's room. She even has her own flight over there!
  3. Question. Is Redback more of a "drugs and money" villain or more a "take over the world" type? Or even a "blow up that opera house" type?
  4. "Sanctuary is Stesha's world," Jay said. "There was, uh, something bad that had happened there." Here her lack of interest in history showed itself again; Sanctuary's past had been explained to her at least twice, but each time it went in one ear and out the other. She just couldn't keep the information in her head without comprehending how it helped her live her life. "It's a fantastic place. Not very many people, but lots of forests and empty space for people to expand into." She shook her head. "It's the perfect place for my people. I'm just glad Stesha was willing to take them all in."
  5. "Yuri bashed Tony over the head with a shovel," Jerry said. "At least, that's what the cops said. They found a shovel with dried blood in the tool shed." He pointed out an alcove off one side of the barn. It was separated from the main room by what looked like a heavy plastic drop sheet. "It's not in there anymore, of course, the cops took it." He crossed his arms and looked at the PIs, a note like honest curiosity entering his voice. "What did you think of the police report, anyway? I read it, and I thought it laid out the whole situation pretty logically. I don't know how anyone can think Wysocki is innocent after reading that."
  6. Initiative rolls for Tectonic Hate and the Geodes! Blue Jay's Ini check (1d20+15=33) Tectonic's Ini check (1d20+5=17) Geode's Ini (1d20-1=2) That's what you get with rocks, I suppose.
  7. Cannonade climbed out of the vehicle just as the driver flicked on the headlights. The car was sitting almost smack in the middle of a large, empty space, rock curving up to the roof all around them. The lights only managed to light the area very dimly though, and Blue Jay, with her mask, caught sight of the figure first. “Over there!†She pointed and climbed out opposite of Cannonade, the heroes flanking the car and now looking at the threatening figure; not a very threatening one, normally, a slim man with messy black hair, dirty jeans and a heavy apron, and thick goggles over his eyes. He was messing around with, of all things, a camcoder on a tripod. He looked up when Jay called out and smiled, a bright point in a grimey face. “Oh, you have no idea. I am going to be famous.†He gestured with one hand and the ground started shaking; the dirty man frowned and stamped his foot against the dirt. “C’mon, get up here!†He gestured again, more dramatically, and the ground split as a dozen roughly-humanoid, hulking figures rose from the rock. Their faces shifted and ground as glowing orange eyes opened up. “Go, my servants,†the grimey figure shouted. “Go forth and prove the power of Tectonic Hate!â€
  8. The energy beam hit Jay square in the chest, and she ended up on her back, her muscles suddenly on fire. It was hard to breath for a few seconds, and she had a sudden, irrational feeling of dread that her heart had been stopped. After a moment she started breathing again and realized she wasn't about to die. She struggled to one knee, trying to sort through Olive's words. "Wait. You know where Hannah Franklin is?" Jay grit her teeth; she couldn't attack yet, she could still feel her knees wobbling when she tried to stand. "If she's with Aunt Esther, then why are her parents scared for her? Does her family even know where she is?"
  9. Jay can't actually do anything this round due to Daze, so.
  10. Character Name: Corona What She's Doing: Surveying backwater, colonial worlds, some with no conception of the wider galactic community. And grading papers. However, if the capitol world is attacked, Corona will return, orders or not. Since Corona can't return to the captiol, she will try to regroup with what remains of the Fleet. Failing that, she will drink heavily.
  11. Blue Jay >All About the Franklins >Protection Detail >It Was a Graveyard Smash >Protection Detail Maelstrom >Welcome to Earth TNTeen >Some Thing Should Never be Found Corona >Under the Australian Sun >Metallic Mesozoic Monsters >Incursion: Opportunists and Opposition GM >Sport of Kings
  12. Mechanized fired a jet of high-pressure fire directly in the creature’s face, causing it to open its mouth and squeal piteously. What no one was expecting, was for the fire to begin to burn the monster’s face off! Scraps of flesh began peeling off and falling away -- revealing not muscle and bone underneath, but burnish steel and moving actuators! Corona was gobsmacked. “A robot! Would you credit it?†The robot’s eyes tracked towards the hovering superheroine and with a chomp it fastened its beak-like jaw on her arm. Corona tugged mightily at it, but she could feel the creature begin to crunch into the armoring of her hardsuit. “Well I guess if it ain’t alive we don’t have to worry about bringing it in alive!†The Lor fired a blast of cosmic energy straight into the monster’s gullet, bypassing the reflective armor up top. She must have hit something vital, because the creature was rocked with internal explosions that rattled its frame. Once they died down the monster’s entire body fell to the floor, and lay still, even as the light behind its red eyes slowly went out. Corona gave a smug smirk and went to pull her arm free of the creature’s maw… and couldn’t. She tugged again, harder, but even though it had been defeated the robot’s jaw was still locked onto her suit! “Uh.†She looked over at Mechanized and Memorial. “A little help?â€
  13. Okay, the dino is going to chomp on Corona. I'm going to fiat that she fails it, so DC 26 Tou. Corona's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+10=26) Hoo-boy. Exactly. Corona's going to fire her Blast, without a chance for the reflection effect because she's firing it down the thing's gullet! Corona's ranged attack check, vs Ankly's Def. (1d20+10=30) Right in the gullet! DC 30 Toughness save for the beastie, wounded as it is. Ankly's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+13=14) Not resisting anymore, though. We are officially out of combat, folks.
  14. Tona’s eyes flicked around the room, then finally settled on her shoes. “School is… fine.†The young archer hadn’t had the academic grounding even Claremont’s most delinquent student had enjoyed; when kids on Earth-Prime would be learning Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmatic, Tona had been fletching arrows and practicing her bowshot. No one had taught her history, they’d been too busy teaching her how to sneak up on a robot and find the one soft part that would destroy it without setting off an alarm. As a consequence, she had entered Claremont almost at a primary school level. Still, once it was made clear that she wouldn’t be trained as a hero unless she could keep her grades up, Tona had thrown herself into remedial education with the same verve she attacked anything standing between her and what she wanted. That was in the past though, and now Tona was just treading water. Whenever a teacher warned her that she was going to fail she would throw herself into her studies again, but she simply did not think they were important. She didn’t expect to go on to college or any other kind of high education, a face fact buoyed by the expectation that she would die saving her planet from the Terminus. She still hadn’t adjusted her plans for the future. “My people are settling in on Sanctuary well,†she said abruptly, her expression brightening significantly. Lynn only had the roughest sketches of their exploits in the Terminus, but about once a month Tona received a long letter from her father on Sanctuary, and she poured over those. She still kept each one, like a treasured artifact. “Me pere is still sad that there isn’t anything to hunt,†she added. “I think I will have to bring him over here, explain what a hunting license is, and take him to shoot at some deer.â€
  15. Tona met Gretchin's eyes, spinning the tray so the one closest to her was a virulent green color, with a plastic spider cinched to the straw. "Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails," the archer said, her delivery deadpan. "Arsenic and mercury, all in a row." Once everyone was served the one drink left was the bloody red drink with the single finger rising out of it. Tona picked it out and sucked the bit of slush off the end, savoring the taste of raspberries. Of course none of the drinks were that far out there; most were just fruit smoothies, thought Tona had snuck in a few experiments of her own. She swallowed her drink and leaned back against the bar, watching everyone. She wasn't exactly sure what to do at a party. Her only experience with parties was with Sam, and this probably wouldn't turn out like that.
  16. Ankly's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+13=27) It's still resisting! DC 21 Tou save from Memorial, please.
  17. The alien was engrossed in his study of the rock, to the point where Mind-Set had to repeat his question in a louder tone. “Oh, no no no. This is a beautiful little piece of spaceship fuel.†“Spaceship fuel?†Maelstrom repeated, dumbly. “I thought it was a rock they dug out of Antarctica. I thought it was millions of years old!†“Oh, tens of millions, maybe,†the alien agreed. “This is what an expended Preserver fuel rod looks like, when it’s had time to sit for a couple of geological ages. But I’ve seen stuff like this, well, a couple times before.†He stepped forward and carefully lifted the rock reverently, almost cradling it. “Oh yes, this takes me way, way back.†Maelstrom shook her head. She didn’t understand what this alien visitor was going on about with his past, but one thing was clear to her. “If that’s a Preserver artifact, then it shouldn’t be in a museum, it should be in the hands of the Freedom League.†She reached out towards the alien, stepping forward quickly. Her fingers came into contact with something in the middle of the air, sparking and burning her as she quickly pulled back. She glared at him suddenly, rubbing at her blackened fingertips, while the alien just shrugged. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,†he said. “You’re all just going to have to sit out there while I finish this.†He paused and gave a half-shrug. “Or you might want to get everyone out of the building. Your choice.â€
  18. Tona stared at Lynn as she made her entrance, her expression open and uncomprehending. She glanced around; obviously everyone else realized what Lynn was dressed up as, but the archer didn’t get the reference. That wasn’t a new experience from her, of course, but it rarely came up in a situation like this one. She was among new people who didn’t know her own history, and Tona wanted to be a part of this group. If she was among her friends, she’d just state her ignorance, but she wasn’t among her friends. She tried to cover for herself by coming out from behind the bar, picking up the tray of drinks. “That’s a great… queen costume, Lynn.†She offered the tray to her boss, putting a patently fake smile on her face. “Smoothie?â€
  19. There's a lot of blood! Or at least there was. It's old now, and dried into the concrete floor and wooden stalls enough that it's prooooobably not going to come out (in Mess's expert opinion of someone who's seen a lot of bloodstains). In fact, there's some blood on the interior walls of the stall, as well.
  20. There was a lot about living in Freedom city and working a regular job that Tona Baudin did not understand. Holidays were high on the list, especially ones that involved consuming so many sugery sweets. Normal food in this world was so overloaded with sugar to her tongue, she couldn't imagine an entire night dedicated to amassing as many of these as possible was alien and strange to her. So she was happy to volunteer to work on Halloween, even if she didn't understand what kind of costume Lynn had been expecting her to wear. At almost the last minute, her roommate had helped her find a green tee-shirt that showed of his arms, a pair of green tights, a pointed brown hat and folded boots, and a ridiculously tiny felt bow that hung on her back by velcro. Mali swore it was an old archer-hero named Robin Hood; Tona was sure it was a joke, but she wore it anyway. At least the customers hadn't laughed at her, but more than a couple had been sneaking looks at her rear. Tona was concentrating too hard on her new job. She had long practice at sharing and communal living, but she couldn't get her head around the hissing, smoking, evil espresso machine that took up so much bar space. On the other hand, Lance though smoothies were just a bunch of fruit thrown in the blender, so while he handled the coffee she revolutionized Silberman's smoothies. Between the two of them they did a brisk business. Now business was over and it was time to relax. Tona reached under the bar and pulled out a group of drinks on a tray. Moving carefully, she moved them to the bar and arranged them carefully. Red, purple, green, orange, and inky black; they were all the colors of the season. Tona leaned back against the bar, watching her coworkers with a smile. "Et voila," she announced. "Time to pick your poison.
  21. How much area does he want to search? Remember that each five-foot square is a full action to search, and 20 turns (two minutes) to Take 20 on...
  22. Yuri made a face at the Hound’s broad, square back. “Geez, I’m supposed to be paying for this?†Jerry stared at his feet for a long minute, then threw his hands in the air. “Fine. Fine! If you want to look around a barn for awhile, be my guest. We’re not using it for anything,†he added. “The investigation and the blood meant we had to move the horses and everything, and the cops only closed it a couple days ago.†Jerry pulled out a smartphone and made a few calls, and opened the gate for Mess and the Hound. Yuri went back to sit in his car, and the two investigators were escorted to one of those long, corrugated metal-roofed buildings. They were met at the doors by a pair of stable hands, who lead them inside. The interior was divided up into a number of cubicles, presumably just large enough for a racing horse. There was an aisle going down the middle that was dusted with straw straw or maybe it was wayward hay. Larger open areas at either end held various tools, and boxes and bags of feed. It was easy to pick out the last stable Tony Ito ever saw. The concrete floor in front of it was swept clean, and someone had been scrubbing at it; but the floor and the walls of the stall were still spattered with a rusty red.
  23. She doesn't even have Life Support! How is she supposed to even survive in space?
  24. “Yeah!†Gene piped up, moving to join the other Claremont teens. “There’s no reason to think that we have to fight these new people. Maybe they just wandered into the Lost Wo--into this world,†he continued, realized at the last moment that a name like ‘the Lost World’ could be offensive to the people who actually live here. “Maybe we can find them and explain ourselves. And then nobody has to get hurt!†He looked at the Romans, and their gleaming armor and proud standards. “And that’s a good thing,†he added.
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