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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. The young man stopped, brought up short by Mess. He scowled past the short PI’s shoulder at the jockey. “Because, I don’t know, the police said he did it? They already investigated and arrested him! He should be in prison right now.†Yuri folded his arms and glared right back. “It’s called bail. It means I don’t have to rot before my trial. You remember the whole trial thing, I get one of those before the cops decide what I did.†The young man snorted and turned to address the Hound. “My name’s Jerry Vendetti. My dad runs these stables, and I knew Tony Ito. Hell, everyone around here knew Tony, and they all know that about the fight Yuri had with Tony. Let me ask you, if someone threatened your buddy with a shovel and then your buddy shows up dead, beaten with a shovel, who would you think did it?â€
  2. Ankly's Reflex save, vs DC 20. (1d20+6=25) It managed to actually get away from the flames! Ankly's Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+14=17) It still gets a Bruise, though!
  3. Is that a general or targeted AoE.?
  4. Yuri rubbed at his cheeks, at the day-old stubble on them. “Yeah, okay. I can take you to Vendetti’s stables.†He followed the investigators out of the building and climbed into his coupe, idling until the big Caddy was ready to come follow. The drive took the private detectives way outside of their comfort zone, which is to say outside the dense, urban core. The landscape turned green and pastoral, the trees still alive and glorious. Yuri’s car took an exit marked BUS RD 61 and continued down unmarked turnings, until he pulled up to a white picket fence that seemed to extend into infinity. Behind the fence was a compound of wooden barns with corrugated roofs. Yuri walked up to the fence and leaned on the lower beams, pointing out certain parts of the campus to the detectives. “That’s the barn where they found Ito,†he said. Before long a young man with dark features and tanned skin approached them, his angry gaze fixed on the jockey. “You’re supposed to be in prison, murderer,†he spat.
  5. The dinosaur bellowed and its beak-like mouth latched onto Mechanized's robotic arm! There was a screaming of metal as it began to compress, shearing the metal between impossibly strong jaws. "Right, this is roughly how much I'm willing to put up with." The space-suited heroine flew into the air and over to a lathe. She gripped it, and with a yell ripped it from the ground. Ironmongery in hand she returned to the beastie and began beating on it, the blows ringing through the workspace. Its thick shell distributed the force of the blows, though, and it didn't seem like any real damage was being done.
  6. The dino is going to try and chomp on Mechanized. Ankly's melee attack check, vs Mechanized's Def. DC 27 Tou (1d20+12=28) I believe that it is a hit. Corona's gonna find a table to hit this thing with! Corona's melee attack check, vs Ankly's Def. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=25) That'll hit handily. Ankly's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+14=31) Awr.
  7. Blue Jay felt the electricity ping-pong around her nervous system, making her fingers and toes twitch and sending her bow clattering to the ground. For a moment she flashed back to gun turrets that popped out of walls and left her writhing on the floor, and a surge of anger let her push past the burning in her muscles. She growled and leapt for Olive, her hands moving in short, brutal motions. "My banter must be off," she said, "because I'm worried about the little girl I'm trying to find that Esther knows about! What is it going to take for you to listen to reason about this?"
  8. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs DC 22. (1d20+10=12) I... you... Ugh.
  9. I wonder how this is even a support character. Her combat caps are PL 5 and it's not like she has Healing or even Creation Object (for making walls and the like). How would she support in combat?
  10. "You'd have to ask the head of my security," Walsh said, shrugging. "Or my secretary. What I knew is that today I was supposed to talk to the people, and then meet up with Chloe and Lana for a fundraising dinner. A visit by a psychic assassin wasn’t on my schedule.†He examined Blue Jay closely. "Are you absolutely sure that we haven't met before, young lady?" "Entirely sure," the archer said, speaking the absolute truth and lying through her teeth. "I've never even seen you in the flesh." The congressman frowned and opened his mouth, when the car suddenly lurched. They were stopped at a streetlight, and as the group looked out the window they could see the people, and the police escort, and the street itself. And they could watch it going up. Blue Jay felt the weird weightlessness she associated with elevators and plane rides, but only for a moment. The car stopped hard, maybe ten feet below the level of the street, in a loamy cavern with plenty of room on all sides. That wad all Blue Jay managed to take in before the hole closed up and the cave went dark.
  11. Blue Jay's Fort Save, vs DC 17 (1d20+8=11) :facepalms: ~Hello Stunning, my old friend...~ Alright, Jay's going to spend a HP to remove that... whatever it is. Minimum amount she can get on a reroll is 19, anyway, so it's easily resisted. She'll go for punching Olivia's face in. Blue Jay's melee attack, vs Olivia's Def. DC 20 Tou. (1d20+15=20) :facepalm:
  12. Maelstrom sniffed at her brother’s reliance on Stronghold’s platform. “I have never dropped you more than once per flight,†she said haughtily. The alien somehow folded his weapon down into a hand-sized device that he slipped into an inside pocket, and climbed onto the orange platform. The quartet rose into the air together and made a beeline for the Hunter Museum on the edge of town. They landed without incident and after a quick conference the heroes were let inside without paying. The rock in question was in a displayed in an exhibition that cheerfully announced it was about “PARTICLE PHYSICS -- THE SCIENCE OF THE FUTURE!†Diagrams of the Large Hadron Collider and of the structure of quarks and leptons decorated the walls. Plaques talked about how sub-atomic particles interacted and the strange ways quantum physics said they could work. The sentences were active and single-subject, but the halls were empty. the rock in question wasn’t much to look at, being an oblong chunk of dark rock with silver-white veins running through it. The alien approached the rock and pulled out his folding tool again, running it over the front of the rock. “Oh, my yes,†he said. “I think this will work nicely!â€
  13. Well if she missed her TOU save by 7, she is Dazed. You can spend a HP to shake it off, but if you don't she can't act this turn.
  14. Well, if Mechanized missed her You save by 7 then she's Dazed. You can spend an HP to have her shrug it off, but otherwise you can't act this turn.
  15. I didn't realize you were moving into a commune or something. Well here's hoping you get a quick visit from Internet Installation Guy!
  16. The monster roared, rattling the windows and burying Corona and Mechanized in a wave of halitosis. The Lor officer gagged behind her helmet and almost didn't notice it when the creature pivoted, swinging its long, club-like tail at the duo! She turned at the last moment and took it on her shoulder, though, deflecting most of the force. Corona looked the creature over, considering her options. She couldn't very well punch it since it could just throw that back in her face, but if the laser was any indication then blasting it from afar was out as well. Well, she still had one trick up her ultra-strength sleeve... She leaned back for room and brought her hands together in a forceful clap, sending a wave of displaced air through the shop. In anything with ears the pressure wave should have scrambled its brains, but the dinosaur merely looked at her dumbly and tried to take a bit out of her arm.
  17. Corona's going to bust out the Flat-Hand Clap... buuuuut it doens't work for some reason! Initiative 19 Corona -- Uninjured -- HPx1 16 Mechanized -- Uninjured -- HPx2 14 Memorial -- Uninjured -- HPx1 7 Anklyosaurus -- Bruisex2 -- GM The impossible girl is up.
  18. The anklyo is going to do a tail swipe on Corona and Mechanized, since they're the closest. DC 22 Ref from both; if you make it, it's a DC 21 Tou save. If you don't it's a DC 27 Tou. Corona's Reflex save, vs DC 22. (1d20+8=14) That's a no. Corona's Toughness save, vs DC 27. (1d20+10=29) Woo! Dice roller coming through!
  19. Tona closed her eyes and shook her head. "No. You do not understand, Sam. I am what I am now because of what I went through. I can't just abandon that now. I can't just abandon my people. And I can't believe you would ask me to do that." She jabbed at Sam, her movements curt and angry. "I never tried to get you to learn martial arts or join me in the gym. I never tried to control your diet or any part of you, and now you’re trying to control my life? Trying to tell me that I’m broken? I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you, Sam.†The archer turned on her heel and made an angry beeline for the door to the infirmary. “I hope you enjoy your breakfast,†she said venomously.
  20. "And what if Chicago was being attacked?" Tona snapper. "What if some big monster was threatening Chicago? Would you be content to sit back and let other people fight for your hometown?" Frustration and anger crept into the archer's tone and she punctuated her sentences by jabbing a finger at Sam.. "If Hiroshima Shadow was attacking Chicago and you had a, a, a bomb that would stop all the radiation, and not hurt anyone else -- if you could save the whole city but had to kill Hiroshima Shadow to do it, wouldn't you? Would you even hesitate to do it?"
  21. I'm afraid the cut has already been made, and Elite wasn't around to make it.
  22. Tona stood and walked away from the bed, her hands clenching into fists. "I can't believe you would... If you had any idea... He was a..." She bit her words off and turned away, stalking angrily to a nearby window. Like every window in Sanctuary it showed a quiet, pastoral scene out of Earth's unreachable past. Tona imagine seeing the sky dark with flights of Omegadrones, the sun replaced by the hellish glow of the Doom Coil, the ground ripped up by Omega's warmachines in their constant thirst for more to consume. The idea of this bastion of peace and life subjected to the cruel whims of the Terminus, of her people enslaved again, made her literally tremble with rage. "No." She turned back to face Sam, crossing her arms over her chest. "I killed him because he needed to die. The things that he did against my people meant the he needed to stop living, and I was the one who was there to make him die. And if I see him again." She paused and thought for a moment, considering her next words carefully. "I will do whatever it takes to drive him away again."
  23. Ankly's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+15=23) Bruisex2! And a DC 20 Tou save, please, horn.
  24. Yuri took a deep breath before continuing. "The police think I did it, yeah. A couple days before he died we... kind of had a big screaming argument. I might have had a few too many any showed up at Vendetti Stables, and I might have threatened him with a shovel. Okay? But I was at home when he was killed! I didn't do it!" Yuri jumped off the couch and started pacing around the office, angry and purposeful. "So the cops arrested me, and now they said they're going to prosecute me! Listen, I'm out on bail now, but in two weeks I go before a judge. I need some evidence that I didn't do it!"
  25. Yuri Wyzocki is a jockey working for Olandra Stables. Anthony Ito worked for Vendetti Stables. Anthony Ito was found dead in his stables six weeks ago. The autopsy concluded that he had been beaten to death with a blunt object. Yuri Wyzocki has a very vocal argument a couple days beforehand, focusing around an endorsement deal from BP. Freedom City PD believes Yuri to be the main suspect.
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