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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Tona felt something hitch in her throat. She pulled back from Sam, her mind reeling under the request. "I... how can you say that Sam?" She almost felt wounded; it sounds like her girlfriend has asked her abandon everything she was. "Why would you ask me that," she said softly, almost whispering. "Everything we fought for yesterday -- everything I've ever dreamed about -- is here on Sanctuary. And you want me to just give it up?" The enormity of it was overwhelming to her; it was simply too big of an idea for her to consider. "Sam, I... I have to help Stesha here. I have to be on call for Sanctuary. Not even if they were attacked." She moved forward, taking Sam's hand in her own. "Months ago, I helped Stesha here when people were stealing from this settlement. If something like that happens again, I will help again. I can't possibly turn down anything she asks me to do."
  2. Do you want to roll for the Hound's Well-Informed?
  3. Anklyasaurus's Toughness save, vs DC 26. (1d20+16=22) That's a Bruise!
  4. "Right. Time to put tha uppity lizard in its place and go lookin' for the owner." The space-woman glowed golden and the power gathered in her arms and fists. With a cry she fell from the sky, striking the dinosaur squarely on its armored plates. The shockwave was a spectacular particle effect, but the beast didn't seem bothered by the hit. In fact, it seemed to siphon off some of the her golden energy. It traveled up the spines, arcing from one to another, growing in power as it went, until it zapped back to Corona! She crossed her arms and caught the blast on her bracers, and seemed unaffected. "Okay," she shouted back to the other heroes. "Is that a normal thing for them ta do?"
  5. Corona is going to start out by punching it. Corona's Unarmed attack, vs Dino's Def. (1d20+10=26) That hits but it doesn't hurt it! But does it hurt back...? Corona's Toughness save, vs DC 21. (1d20+10=25) Nope!
  6. Initiative 19 Corona -- Uninjured -- HPx1 16 Mechanized -- Uninjured -- HPx2 14 Memorial -- Uninjured -- HPx1 7 Anklyosaurus -- Uninjured -- GM
  7. Tona wrinkled her nose when Sam grabbed the vegetable juice out of her hands. "That wasn't for..." She sighed and unscrewed the top of the thermos, letting the bitter smell of coffee fill the room. The archer found it borderline undrinkable, but other people apparently liked it when they woke up. She took a bit of bread and drizzled honey on it before popping it in her mouth. She smiled at Sam's ravenous hunger, chewing forcefully. She was layering strawberry jam on a bigger chunk of bread when Sam pointed out the obvious. Tona's jaw clenched in tension but her tone was defiant. "Then the Terminus made a mistake," she said. "I don't have any reason to go back there, and if they attack Sanctuary they'll be facing a goddess, and she can call in every hero Earth has." It was slim comfort to imagine the protectors of her adopted home dying for Sanctuary rather than Earth, but she had hope -- if not confidence -- that they would succeed.
  8. Tona recoiled at the look of fear in Sam's eyes, but she pushed it aside. Maybe her girlfriend had a bad dream; maybe she didn't expect to see someone so close to her when she woke up. "A very good morning," she agreed, helping Sam sit up. "The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my people are safe. The Terminus is behind me, forever. I never thought I would live to see the day, but here it is." She sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the bowl with her. She flipped off the cloth and revealed the contents; a loaf of bread so fresh that it steamed when she broke it in half, jars of honey and preserves, some dried fruit, and a thermos. Tona handed the thermos to Sam and pulled a can of V8 juice from her pocket. "I can't begin to thank you for everything you did," she said, "but this is a start."
  9. The short man took a sip of the coffee and made a spectacular face at it. "I didn't realize they sold paint thinner in styrofoam cups," he grumbled. Still, he composed himself and started talking. "My name is Yuri Wysocki. I'm a jockey for the Olandra Stables." He paused for the Hound to sound impressed, and when he didn't the jockey muttered under his breath and pushed on. "Anyway, a couple months ago I got into an... altercation with another jockey, Tony Ito." His hands bunched into fists as they rested on the couch. "That little rat-b----- stole the BP sponsorship from me. Just because he rode a horse called Green Mile and someone thought Green Mile, company colors are green..."
  10. The short man looked past the disheveled PI. "Looks like your maid is the one who should be charging extra." He returned his attention to the Hound, who was still blocking his way into the building. "Listen, I want to hire you, and I promise it isn't following my girlfriend." He waited and when the Hound refused to move he sighed dramatically. "Look, I need you to investigate a murder. I need you to find out who murdered someone." He licked his lips nervously. "I need you to prove that it wasn't me."
  11. Rolls and suchlike to be made in >this thread.
  12. August 30th, 2014 The Fens, Freedom City Morning The morning was crisp and cool, just enough of a tang in the air to drive one to wear a coat. The battered coup idled outside the building for the Bloodhound Investigative Agency. It was a humble building, for a humble organization, and at the moment that humility wasn’t earning it any brownie points with the car’s driver. Necessity won out over disdain, though, and the car was parked properly. The driver popped out and strode up to the door of the building, stepping neatly aside when a mob of school-age children rushed down the street. They turned and shouted insults at him; he made a rude gesture back and they walked off, hooting and hollering. He walked up the door and reached over his head for the button marked “BLOODHOUND INVESTIG,†and the rest of the label had flaked off. There was a loud buzzing from the intercom system, and when the door didn’t unlock immediately he stabbed the button several more times. “Hey, wake up,†he shouted into the speaker grill. “Is anyone working in there today?â€
  13. Technically speaking, of it's a real dinosaur it should be oxygen-deprived at these heights. But you know, there is a rather sharp smell of sewage coming from somewhere. It's too faint to be the dino, though.
  14. It was a brand-new day in every conceivable use of the word. The sun had risen barely an hour earlier, but Tona Baudin had worked hard the other day, saving her entire homeplanet, and so she had celebrated by sleeping in for a time. Of course, there was even more work to do this morning, and a lot of special people to visit. One person in particular had been her priority. Tona walked through the front door of the infirmary carrying a large mixing bowl, covered with a dish towel, lovely smells drifting out from under it as the girl's movements caused it to flutter in the breezes. She hummed a light, tuneless song to herself as she checked the various beds, until she found the one containing a slim redhead still curled in sleep. Tona set the bowl down on the nightstand next to the bed and crouched down so that her head was level with Sam's. She watched her girlfriend slumber, marveling at the look of peace on her face. Just yesterday this (beautiful, brave, clever) girl had teleported a few thousand people many miles out of danger, and it had cost her mightily. But looking at her now, Tona couldn't imagine that there was anything wrong with her, anything wrong with the entire world. She reached out and brushed Sam's hair back, resting her hand on the other woman's cheek. "Bonjour," she said softly, not wanting to disturb the rest of the patients in the infirmary. "Time to wake up, mon amour."
  15. "My ship will not be moving," the alien said, "and it won't be a danger to the environment. As far as I am concerned, y'all can keep it all. And I as I said," he added, "my interest is in getting off this planet as soon as I can. If you want to hang a sign off your moon asking the Curator to attack, that is your business. But let me leave, first." Maelstrom licked her lips, uncertain. On the one hand they probably should hand him over to the Freedom League, or at least the police; he did create a rather large hole in the forest. On the other hand, she didn't savor the idea of trying to restrain him against his will. "Taking him to the Hunter Museum shouldn't be too bad," she said finally. "It's still inside the city, after all."
  16. I'm going to put that Notice check to the side for now, because it's Initiative time! The Anklyosaurus is using Ecal's >Powerhouse Archetype, maybe with a couple of extra tricks. Corona's Initiative check. (1d20+7=19) Ankly's Initiative check. (1d20=7)
  17. Corona flew off after the other two women. 'Whatever she did best' was emphatically not barreling in through the front door, but no one wanted to discuss a more complicated strategy. She followed in close behind the armor-suited woman, and once through the door she angled herself upwards. The rood was crisscrossed with exposed girders, and she ended up hovering just below them. "Throw down y'all weapons," she commanded, glowing like a flashlight, "and y'all can walk out under yer own power!" She wasn't prepared for her canned speech to be met with a basso roar. The floor of the shop was crowded with heavy machinery and wooden workbenches, scattered here and there. More than a few had been upset or crushed to splinters under the weight of a massive quadrupedal reptile. Its back was covered in overlapping plates, and as the women menaced it the plates began to turn upwards and outwards to form nasty-looking spikes. Its long tail was tipped with a bony protrusion that it swung heavily. Corona blinked. Her briefing this planet hadn't included anything the size of this monstrosity! "So we all gonna call this a pet violation, then?"
  18. Crowd Control kept her mouth shut, and after STAR showed up to to take her off safely the Congressman was put in the back of his own vehicle and and it moved off into the streets, a police escort helping them cut through traffic with flashing lights and side-riders. Changeling had peeled off to keep an eye on Crowd Control but Cannonade and Blue Jay were seated in the back of the car with Walsh. "They're taking me to Freedom Hall," he grumbled. "I have the best security system in the city, I don't need superheroes protecting me." He glanced at the heroes. "No offense. But I don't need coddling." He did a double-take on Blue Jay. "You look familiar, young lady. Have we met before? Maybe your parents worked on one of my campaigns?" The archer shook her head and sunk even further into her hoodie. She didn't even dare speak in front of the Representative.
  19. The alien's unease was evident in his shifting stance and his darting eyes. "I appreciate your help with tha Curator's trio," he said, "but I can't say that I'm in a hurry to meet and greet. I'm more of a mind to beat feet, if I can just find a good neutrino source." Maelstrom didn't exactly know what a neutrino was, but she did know where she had seen that word before. "The Hunter Museum of Natural History is running a display on particle physics," she offered. "There's some rock there from Antarctica, supposedly full of neutrinos. Or something." She wasn't up on the latest scientific jargon.
  20. Blue Jay blinked when Esther pulled back and starting shouting about being alive and needing a cure. "I don't care about what merde you're wading through," the archer spat. "I'm looking for whatever you can tell me about -- ane." Esther and Jay's only lead disappeared in a flash of green light, and she reoriented on the woman with the gun. "You have the choice to bring that woman back," Jay said, unfolding her bow and nocking a white-fletched arrow into it. "Or we can do it the hard way." She paused and cocked her head. "Je m'en fiche. I'm in a hurry, let's just go the hard way." She loosed the arrow, and almost immediately the radar range-finder detonated it and Olive was facing an expanding ball of sticky goo.
  21. Blue Jay's ranged attack check, vs enemy Def. DC 15 Ref save (1d20+15=35) Ah-ha ha. Make that a DC 20 Ref save.
  22. Blue Jay's Initiative check. (1d20+15=26) Where does that put her?
  23. "I put the disagreeable into a arrestible frame a' mind." Brandt gave her a sideways look and shrugged with one shoulder. "I always talk to 'em first" she sadi. "I don't take pride in hurtin' folk. But I make sure those sort of folk ain't gonna be hurtin' the right sort of folk."
  24. Okay, sure. I'll let anyone who follows Mechanoid's advice to use that as their Initiative modifier, for the first combat inside. If it gets to combat.
  25. I'll be frank, I had a more elaborate situation in mind to take this thread though, but this is only thing keeping Arich involved day-to-day. Are there strong objections to moving towards a simple wrap-up post?
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