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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. What, they're not attacking the folks running away from the Terminus?
  2. Blue Jay was still in the Terminus. She had begun to fire on the drones down almost by reflex, but soon it become evident that the drones were not attacking. They were in fact leaving, and soon it was just Silex, the heroes, and a few fighters who stayed behind to to safeguard the crowd. It was an eerie moment, made all the weirder by the backdrop o the Doom Coil sucking up her planet in the distance. Well, not so distant at all, actually... Jay kept retreating, keeping between the shrinking crowd of refugees and the watching figure. She felt the hair on her arms and the back of her neck stand up, goosebumps racing across her flesh as the strong, quiet moment stretched and stretched. The archer kept expecting a sudden explosion of violence, which just didn't come. And finally, there were no more refugees to herd through; just a few marksmen who stayed back to protect the crowd against a threat that never materialized, and the heroes from Earth. Blue Jay felt her stomach unknotting; they might all just get through this alive! She stood at the gateway, arrow still nocked, and waved the others through the portal ahead of her. "Crimson, Boldeuwodd," she called, gesturing towards the bright tunnel that lead to Sanctuary. "It is time to leave here!"
  3. Blue Jay hung outside Esther's apartment, doing a chin-up on the balcony to look into the unit. She hadn't been expecting it to be fully lit up; that added a wrinkle she hadn't considered. Not only would she be completely visible (for even farther away than she would be in the daytime) she couldn't even go around dousing the lights. That would draw as much attention as seeing an armed woman skulking about the apartment. The archer sighed and pulled herself up onto the balcony, then skulked over to the door and started picking the lock. Things wouldn't get any easier if she waited, after all. Slipping inside, she moved slowly and softly, keeping to the walls. On impulse she kept her bow stowed for the moment. It wouldn't do much good in these close quarters anyway, and it scare Esther less to haven armed woman in her house than just a strange, masked woman.
  4. Listening to the deliberations between Zandar, Giang, and the Roman (an actual Roman Legion!) commander, Gene started feeling a blush creep over him. He didn't dare to interrupt, so instead the teen sidled over the Kzara, whispering to her. "The Roman city is pretty far away, right," he asked, his voice full of trepidation. "And they're not by any mountains, or anything? There's absolutely no chance my little, uh, morning explosion would have bothered the city?" Even if it hadn't caused an avalanche into the town square, he worried if the Romans might not have taken it as an omen of some kind. Distant beat of war drums, perhaps, urging them to conquest?
  5. Gene watched the marching Legion approach, their armor and banners making a glorious and unexpected sight against the primeval jungle. And then what he could only assume was their commander showed himself, perched on top of something that look halfway between a chicken and an effect from Jurassic Park. If chickens were eight feet tall, that is, or the Jurassic Park involve man and dinosaur working together to fight... what? Zandar had mentioned that there was a Roman village around, but were the humans really at war with each other when there were huge dinosaurs to fight off and an entire world to explore and expand into?
  6. Initiative 34 - Fast Drone - Dead - GM 15 - Thoughtspeed - Uninjured - HPx1 14 - Stronghold - Uninjured - HPx2 10 - Mind-Set - Fatigue - HPx0 9 - Maelstrom - Uninjured - HPx1 8 - Flying Drone - Dead - GM 1 - Strong Drone - Bruisex2 + Daze (Maelstrom) - GM Thoughtspeed's up.
  7. The drone turned, its attention temporarily split between several targets. It could track them all, but it only had so many limbs to utilize, and its primary target was getting away. It released Thoughtspeed and moved to intercept the alien, trying to impose its bulk between the ship and its prey. The other heroes weren't going to let up, though; Maelstrom tore a storm of rocks and logs from the forest floor and pelted the robot, smashing a rotted log over its head in particularly dramatic fashion. The drone was unable to mount a serious defense against it, and a number of rocks ended up getting wedged in its joints, and as they were crushed showers of sparks fell to the forest floor.
  8. Sorry, forgot to mention. It cannot make that check, so!
  9. Maelstrom tried the big blast before, time to do lots of tiny things! Maelstrom's ranged attack check w/ +5 Accurate Attack, vs. Strong Drone's Def. DC 25 Tou + Autofire (1d20+10=15) Well at least it hits. Strong Drone's Toughness check, vs DC 25. (1d20+14=20) Heeeeey it's Dazed! Yay, it starts taking damage...
  10. Rachel's mask and cape settled just as Valerie came to the climax of her plan. She spun back around, eyes glowing behind her orange contacts. "Wait just a second," she interjected. "Are you saying that you need someone to follow Valerie Cain around as she goes on a debauched tour around town?" She stepped forward, fluttering her eyes coquettishly. "Do I have time to fly home and grab my camera, or do I have to use the one on my phone?"
  11. Gene was entranced by the sights of real, living dinosaurs -- big dinosaurs, small dinosaurs, dinosaurs that rumbled and hooted and dinosaurs that slipped through trees with furtive movements. He was entirely unprepared for Juno to call out that someone was following them. After all, who would consider that someone might be following them? That was a thought, after all. Who knew they were even out here? "You know,it could be someone from the village," he pointed out. "What if we're going to ambush some villagers looking for their chief?"
  12. Rachel turned just in time to see a petite, tattooed blur of death leap at her. She went down with an undignified squack, doing her best to fend off Amanda's hands while not hurting the girl too much. The fact that she was half-naked and the other girl apparently planned for a romantic tryst when chose her outfit, did not make the fight any easier. Valerie Cain's voice cut through the air and froze Amanda in middle of her assault, giving Rachel enough time to get her composure back. She reached out with her mind and lifted the blonde, suspending her in midair. Rachel stood slowly and sniffed, her clothes resettling and rearranging themselves. "Please listen to your disembodied idol, and don't start a fistfight with the lady trying to fix things." A quick once-over confirmed that she hadn't picked up anything worse than scratches. Her clothes reanimated and drifted over to her, and she raised her gaze to look over Amanda and the inhabited microphone. With a quick "Excuse me" her braid untwisted and her long, thick hair floated out and covered her.
  13. Rachel rolled her eyes, both at Valerie's come-on and the fainting superfan. "You don't want to be dating me," she said blandly as she placed the microphone on the dressing room counter, leaning the guitar up next to it. "There won't be any pillow talk, just 'How did it feel to meet Axel Rose? Why become a rock star and not a chartered accountant? What's with the scarf?'" In just a few moments she was in her skivvied and her outfit started swirling around, gloves and spandex and mask fitting into place. She paused, half-dressed, clothes suspended in the air. "Although, if you want to give the intrepid reporter who already stopped your big opera gig from becoming a big opera riot, I'd love a copy of your latest CD. You really rocked your first couple of numbers out there."
  14. Rachel hurried off the stage, holding both the instrument and the microphone. She slipped through the backstage crowds, sometimes using a touch of subtle psychokinesis to keep roadies from crushing her. She needed an out-of-the-way place to slip into her costume; Valerie Cain, or someone that sounded like her, was trapped in a microphone, and her body had just gone storming off, leaving a riot behind her. This was way beyond a story for the Word. This was a situation that needed Maelstrom. Rachel finally found a door whose handle opened at a psychoactive touch and she darted inside, already psychically untying her shoes and pulling her purple outfit free from its confines. Only to spot a blonde with tattoos and piercings and a short at least two inches too short for decency sitting back there. She gaped for a minute, too stunned to simply retreat. The hell is going on here, she wondered. Is Valerie Cain stashing a fan for the after-party?
  15. I would switch the color scheme around. It looks a bit dark for a jokester hero.
  16. Her fluff looks good. My only questions with her back story are 1, if the Lor rescued her why not send her back home? As far as I know the Lor don't have a Prime Directive, so why not send the Earthling back to Earth? And second, what happened in the intervening time? I'd like a few sentences describing what she did in space if she did anything, why she built a suit and went out crime fighting,etc.
  17. GM Stronghold's magic tore at and through the hulking drone, punching a hole clean through the armor plate that began to leak some viscous fluids. Its blazing green eyes turned to regard her, but before it could make anymore blazing pronouncements the alien visitor dashed into view! The drone's attention fixed on the suited figure. "Fugitive-escapee-display located. Engaging primary mission: retrieve-remove-recover fugitive-escapee-display." The alien capered in the clearing for a moment, before running for the crashed ship. "Ohgodohgodthiswasater'ribleideawhy'dIeverDOthis!"
  18. Let's have the friendly alien goes now. He'll use the Aid action to give the next person attacking a +3 to their roll. Mind-Set's up next!
  19. "Woah, w-wait up!" The reverend hurried after Cho, though truthfully the only reason he caught up was because she had to wait for the elevator back up. He was breathing hard by the time he caught up to her. "Haven't had to run like that for... well, quite some time. Quite some time indeed!" He smiled at the angry teenager, trying to get through her hostility. "So how bad did things go?" He was expecting to hear a tale of drama and woe; she was a teenager, after all.
  20. Happy birthday, Ecal, and don't let the froshers get in the way of your drinking!
  21. Strong Drone's Toughness save, vs DC 22. (1d20+15=20) Yep, you managed to hurt it!
  22. Blue Jay slapped Cord's face lightly, and when the agent didn't respond she did it again, harder. "Hey! Stay with me, Cord. I'm going to find something to... merde. Something to bind your chest with. Then I'll get a fire going. In the morning we'll all set out." She limped over to the wreckage and started sorting through it as best she could, taking loudly. "There's some one-lane road out there, just a few miles away. I'll hike out there and flag down a truck. Then we'll get you both to a hospital." She found a metal box, painted white with a red cross on it. It had been smashed nearly flat in the impact; Jay picked it up and could see different fluids running out of it. She felt her hopes plummet; without actual supplies, she didn't know if Cord could survive. The archer had been born in helpless circumstances, though, so she kept speaking while she sorted through the rubble for anything she could use. "You'll meet a pretty nurse and get half a year off because of your heroism. Then you'll marry her and have many fat babies." Something bright caught her eye and she extracted it with what seemed like a maximum of grunting. She carried it back and dumped the dented, scratched orange box in the pilot's lap. "What is that," she asked.
  23. Corona Gather Information DC 10 Corona is a superhero who wears an odd, golden battlesuit. It lets her fly and fire energy blasts. DC 15 Corona’s powers have something to do with radiation. The suit doesn’t have anything to do with her powers; I saw her going against the Tech Triad and even after they disabled the suit, she just shucked it off and kept fighting! DC 20 I got close enough to hear her talking, once, and she wasn’t speaking in any English language. DC 25 One time, I saw Corona fly way up high and disappear, then a shooting star streaked away into space! Anya Corazon Gather Information DC 15 Anya Corazon is a junior biology & botany teacher at Joseph Clark High School. Ms. Corazon is a hard-ass teacher, but she seems to be able to inspire her students to work harder in all their classes. DC 20 Anya was supposed to have been born in Atlanta, but everything she knows about Georgia and the American South seems to have come out of a tourist book. Anya’s a fitness nut; she started an after-school exercise/health class, and sometimes even the school’s athletes have a hard time keeping up with her. DC 25 When she’s really angry, Anya talks in a language that isn’t any Earth tongue. Aya K’Zan Galactic Lore DC 15 Aya K’Zan is an officer of the Outback Overwatch Patrol & Survey, currently assigned to the sector containing Earth. DC 20 Aya K’Zan was born on Hala, an old world in the Lor Republic, and she’s the archetype of the proud, hardworking, stick-up-her-ass government agent. Aya was transferred to OOPS from RIP. DC 25 Aya was a decorated officer of the Republic Investigation Patrol. The rumor is she tried to arrest a Senator without any evidence. When she was a Lor officer, Aya often tussled with the mercenary group called the Maw, a loosely affiliated coalition of smugglers and mercenaries and generally amoral folks. They are undoubtedly aiming for her and she is probably aiming for them.
  24. Blue Jay listened cooly to what information Penny had for them, and then gave the card a blank stare. Thankfully, the outburst of the woman with the gun let her ignore the offer in passing rather than ignore it outright. "Neither of them could be guilty," she pointed out, "but if they both might run away then we should look at both of them." She glanced at the woman in the suit but added, "I will focus on the friend, Henson. If she was taken, then I can find her." Jay looked around at the nearby buildings, already considering which were best to swing off of.
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