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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Happy birthday, trollthumper. May the stories always rise to meet you, and may the LARPs always be in your favor!
  2. ... Which was designed to control the entire moon, which is the Gorgon's older sister.
  3. I think with Drawbacks, you actually have to buy them off.
  4. You might want to have her suit counteract that Weakness, or walking around in summer could kill her
  5. I never said the system was on an airless moon; it could be on a worldlet that is outside the Goldilocks zone, and so is uninhabitable for the majority of species without environmental suits.
  6. I would like to think that the major powers have hard control a quarter or so of the galaxy, which means there are regular patrols and the citizens tend to be pretty loyal. They claim perhaps half of the galaxy, with most of the difference being outback areas, or lightly patrolled, or just dead and uninhabited systems that they claim like various real nations draw borders across the Sahara or Mojave. A third of the galaxy is virtually unexplored 'wild' space where anything could exist; and the last bits are either independent systems like Earth, or controlled by self-contained sovereign forces, like the Curator or the Gorgon or the Communion.
  7. Every cantina band in the galaxy cycle through Primus at some point, even if it's just to get some street cred.
  8. Raveled


    Introduction Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence. I am a proud officer of the Lor Republic, serving alongside the Praetorians Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume? I was temporarily known as Corona on Earth, and some people insist on still calling me that. What is your full birth name? Aya K’Zan. Where do you live? I have a berth on the Praetorian flagship. How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)? I am thirty-two years old by the common reckoning. Physical Traits What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain. I’m a woman, fully female. How would you describe your heritage? My family lived on Hala for generations. How tall are you? I am 1.6 metres tall. What is your body type? I have a lot of muscles on my body. Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities? My genetics is optimized. I do not suffer from allergies, and Lor medical technology is advanced enough not to leave weaknesses after I heal. How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence? I will never be a gymnast, but I have martial arts training from the greatest military in space. I’m well-coordinated, and yes, I’m confident. Describe your skin, eye, and hair color. They are all dark. How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair? I used to keep it very short, but lately I’ve let it grow long and just put it in a high ponytail when I am being active. Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others? Mm. I’ve never filled out a dress well, but I’ve had a few relationships over the years so someone must be attracted to me. Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks? Lor regenerative therapies don’t tend to leave scars, and I’ve avoided tattoos and piercings so I can go undercover more easily. Do you resemble anyone famous? Many people have told me I resemble many famous individuals, but usually when they’re trying to have sex with me. Do you have a dominant hand? I’m right-handed. What kind of clothing do you wear? Something that hangs loose and leaves me plenty of room to move. Do you wear makeup? Not really. Not enough time in the day to worry about that. What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way? Is loud and commanding a vocal range? I have been told I have a liquid accent, but that’s usually by men trying to get to sleep with me. Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people? I’m a compulsive exerciser. Isometrics, push-ups against the wall, stretches, whatever. if I don’t have enough room to exercise, I crack my knuckles, and that does annoy people. History Where do you come from? I was born in the capital city of the planet Hala, in the Lor Republic. Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown? I move around all the time. Even by the standards of an interstellar society, I’m a bit of a nomad. Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country? My greatest loyalty is to the Republic. It may not be perfect, but no other stellar government allows as many liberties and freedoms to so many people. How do you feel about the place you come from? Halayans and citizens of Lor-Vell have a rivalry going back to the earliest days of the Republic. It… seems like a very unimportant thing now. I guess I would have to say that I miss Hala. Where is your home town? What was/is it like? I grew up in the capital of the planet Hala, Firstdown. It was the capital of a core Lor world, it was beautiful and crowded and I loved it. Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you? My family was in the upper echelons of society; we always had money for what we wanted. My family tended to associate with others of our class. Looking back, I think that reinforced the values of loyalty to the Republic that my parents imprinted in me. Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life? I’ve always been pretty driven, does that count? Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)? Traumatic? No. My childhood went well. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life. In primary school I was in a martial arts club. One day, one of the older students was being cocky and challenging everyone to try them on. I went against them and got my ass kicked, but I kept coming back. I learned that it isn’t so important to win the first or second or third time, but it’s a lot more important to keep standing up and trying again. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? I didn’t have time to do stupid things. I was in too many clubs and activities. Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it? After primary and secondary school, I joined the Royal Naval Academy. I attended for four full years before joining RIP and finishing my training them. My time training was very... satisfying, more than enjoyable. It was harder than I had ever worked before, but I knew I was making progress and taking steps towards an amazing future. Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not? Not exactly from my childhood, but I have a few holo-images of my homeworld in my apartment. As a field agent of the Lor Republic I’ve learned to live and travel light. When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision? I don’t know if I was a hero, but I chose to become a member of RIP to hunt down corruption and treason within the Republic. I was always taught that serving the Republic is the greatest good one can aspire to, and so stopping individuals who would work against the Lor from within can only strengthen the Republic. Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? I... may have watched a lot of noir holos when I was younger. And I might have been impressed by the courageous and quick-witted protagonists. But my years of experience have disabused me of ideas like that. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? Mm. I have a few things I wouldn’t like being publicized, but they’re not exactly secrets. It’s all public, but not wide-spread. Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why? I wouldn’t want to hide myself everyday. Undercover work is exhausting in every sense of the word. Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge? I’m a law-abiding citizen and always have been. Family What are your biological parents' names? My father was Genus K’Zan and my mother was Ma’ra K’zan. Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you. They raised me, yes. What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living? My father is… was one of the top genetic researchers in the Republic. My mother worked on the planetary council, working to set policy for the entire planet. Where are your parents now? They were on Hala when the Communion destroyed it. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? We lived in the middle of the city, near my father’s lab. How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable). I can’t say I was ever exactly close to my parents, but they gave me good morals: duty, loyalty, responsibility. We never talked as much as we should have. I regret that now. How do your parents view you now, or how would they? I know they were proud of having a daughter who is serving the Republic instead of her own interests. They stood by me because I followed my ethics, not my career. Do you have any siblings? No, I’m an only child. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? I don’t hate my father, but we never got on very well. Our relationship is very… formal, very strained. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain. I’m probably the closest thing to a black sheep there is. I was booted out of RIP and into OOPS, after all. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life. Kly K’Zan was one of the first Lor settlers on Hala, back during the first Republic. My father still works at the K’Zan Memorial Hospital. Do you have a partner and children currently? No partner, no. I’m married to my job. If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind? Maybe if we adopt? I can’t see myself taking nine months off my job to have a kid. What type of person would be your ideal mate? It would have to be someone who understands my pursuit and how important my job is to me. Relationships Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them. Agent Jns was my partner on several cases. It’s impossible to work with someone on something like that and not grow close to them. I don’t have any close friends among the Praetorains. It’s hard to grow close to people when you’re supposed to be observing them. Do you have a best friend? I’m far away from most of the Lor I know. It’s hard to keep track of people like this. If you were to go missing, who would worry about you? I wager that ALIENS and the Praetorians would want to find out what happened to me. Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do? A few fellow RIP agents that I got closer to than I should have. Mostly they died in the line of duty. I... continued the investigation. And I always closed those investigations. And then there was Jon Starchaser, but that’s a longer story. Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you. The Maw. They’re a group of pirates, mercenaries, smugglers, and amoral assholes in general who’ll do anything for a bit of credit. Their considered heroes by the Stellar Khanate, which is about all you need to know about them. I’ve busted up more than a few of their bases and their bosses, but there always seems to be another one. If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future? Mm. Well the Maw might send someone or someones after me. They’ve grown stronger and bolder in this post-Coalition universe. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? Some stupid Senator wasn’t willing to take his medicine, and got me out of where I could do the most good. Where do your loyalties lie? In what order? The Republic, ALIENS, and the Praetorians. Who or what do you trust the most? Why? Myself, of course. Who or what do you despise? Why? Traitors. Spies. People who create rules but don’t follow them, who think they are above the law. What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess? Insight. Tenacity. A devotion to one’s ideals despite what path that might lead down. That describes me pretty well, yes. What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities? Secrecy. Superiority. Arrogance. Making rules that apply to others and not yourself. ... Secrecy is a necessity for me in this line of work. I don’t think I’m superior or arrogant, but someone else might, I can’t control that. I do know that I apply the same rules to other people that I live by. Do you have a secret identity? Not at the moment, no. I’m serving openly as Aya K’zan of ALIENS. Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower? I work well when I’m leading groups. I can have problems following orders. Are you on a super team? The Praetorians aren’t exactly a traditional super-group, but I fight alongside them, yes. What does ALIENS stand for? What is their remit? Allied Liaison and Integration Expert for Non-Lor Sympathizers. We’re agents of the Lor Republic who work alongside non-Lor organizations and governments who are themselves sympathetic to the Lor cause. Hypothetically, any group that isn’t integrated into the government falls under our purview, but it’s hard to affect established bureaucracies. Personality & Beliefs Who are your heroes? The tales of the Terran hero Daedalus are inspiring. He’s risked his life many times for the sake of justice and what was right. Of course it’s hard to sort the truth from fanciful stories; if you believe everything people say, Daedalus actually has died several times, and come back! I’ll admit to something of a fascination for the Star Knights. They are usually such dashing and inspirational individuals. I may have… had a few Star Knight dolls when I was younger. Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances? Well I’ve never met Daedalus, if that’s what you’re asking. Do you like being a hero? What is the most rewarding part? I very much enjoy my job. Knowing that I’m helping people, that I’m providing a good example and setting a level playing field for everyone makes me feel good. Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides? Mm. Hero work is a relative term. If I was assigned to a different sector, I’d be doing the exact same stuff I’m doing now. I’m always on the side of justice. I hope that’s always the side of the law. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? I should form stronger interpersonal ties with the Praetorians. I know about them on an intellectual level, I need to know them as people. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? Become a senior field agent. I never want to be behind a desk. What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear? I try to do good. I know that I’m a small part of something much bigger, and I know that I could be a dangerous person. I place a lot of trust in my superiors not to send me to be evil. Is there anything you would give you life for? I’d give my life for the Republic and the people who live in it. How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it a mark of success, or a means to an end? Money’s nicer than no money, but I know plenty of people with money who are assholes and plenty of people with no money who are actually good people. I hope that if I ever have money, I don’t become one of the assholes. How do you generally treat others? I push people, I know that. A lot of people are happy to sit on their laurels, and I don’t like to see that. I do my best to make sure everyone gives one hundred percent in everything they go. Are you a trusting person? It’s hard for a law officer to be trusting. I’ve seen every way someone can lie, and I’ve seen people lie over just about every subject. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence? I’m confident, I know my place in the universe, but I don’t tend to go out and talk to people. I’m much more comfortable watching other people. How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex? Directly. I’m usually not in a given area for long, so if I like someone I let them know it. What are your most annoying habits? Mm. I can be nit-picky. I like things to be exactly a certain way, and it they’re not then I want to change it. Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why? Pirates and mercenaries. They don’t have any sort of loyalty to anyone, and will do just about anything for the right amount of money. Usually the difference between a pirate and a mercenary is just whether or not they’re being paid to do what they always do anyway. What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? I like noodles. There’s lots of things you can do with noodles. I especially like things that are sweet and spicy. What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)? I like a number of wines, especially fruity wines. What is your favorite treat (dessert)? ... There is no other planet in the galaxy that has chocolate... Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? I’ll try anything once, but I think a lot of seafood is disgusting. Salty and rubbery and ew. What is your favorite color? I have a preference towards bright red. What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate? I don’t listen to music much. If it’s not too loud and distracting, I don’t care out it. If you have a favorite scent, what is it? I like freshly laundered clothes and linens. Do you have a favorite animal? The Skyllian flying snake. I’ve always enjoyed its movements through the air and the scintillating colors it makes before it strikes. What is your most treasured possession? Why? I tried not to get attached to things. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? Oh, I very much prefer living in a city rather than having to live out the wilderness. Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do? I refuse to stand down or stand aside. Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life?How important is it to you? Spiritual? No, I’m focused on the material world, on the here and now. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? Well, my father’s a pretty big scientist, so I guess it wasn’t so much that I was raised to be disinterested in science but I was raised to look to science and be practical instead. Could you kill? Have you killed? No. I’ve been lucky enough not to have to employ lethal force in my career. What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action? When I went into the military, I knew that I may eventually have to take a life. I never fought for that option when I was in RIP, but sometimes a suspect or convict doesn’t give you an option. Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they? When you have exhausted all other options, and the sophont you have under your gun is still a threat to everyone around them, then you take the shot. How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours? If I agree with why a given person has to die, then I wouldn’t do anything. If I didn’t, then I’d intervene. How would you react if something important was stolen from you? I would do everything in my not-inconsiderable power to get it back. How would you react to public humiliation? When a Senator embarrassed me to my entire department, I ended up on the far fringes of the Republic. How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you? I have had a few good friends and fellow agents killed by the people we were facing. I always got revenge for that. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? Treason. A traitor is someone who was accepted as part of a group, and then stabbed it from within. If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours? I suppose I would try to get my affairs in order and prep the agent sent to replace me. Career & Training Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it? Heh, I spent four years in Academy and almost a decade in the fields, honing my skills. Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person? Oh, way too many people to name. I’ve learned from explicit teachers, from superiors and partners and rookies. Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them? I know a lot about the situation in space -- not many Terrans can say that. Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to? For a time I was a biology and botany teacher at Joseph Clark High School. It was just a cover, though. What is your preferred combat style? Anything that stops the other person from fighting. Have you ever received any awards or honours? A few for exemplary detective skills or breaking important cases. What skill areas would you like most to improve in? I should polish up on some of my basic investigative skills. I’m used to coming into cases that have hit a snag or have suddenly gotten a lot bigger. Here, I don’t have the support staff I’m used to. How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn? I always watch them and try to learn from them. Lifestyle & Hobbies What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine? I try to train or exercise in the morning and the evening, but it’s pointless to try and set a routine on this job. I’m supposed to adapt, after all. Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up? I don’t have time for hobbies, and even if I did this is what I’m interested in. What do you do for fun? I... sometimes like to cook elaborate meals. But since I’m the only one at home most times, there isn’t much point to it. Do you have a costume? What does it look like? I wear a Lor hardsuit with a clear faceplate. It’s painted crimson, with a golden starburst, and a crimson mask over my eyes. How do you normally dress when not in costume? Whatever feels comfortable and won’t draw stares. It’s usually a jumpsuit. What do you wear to bed most nights? Nothing. Do you wear any special jewelry? Nope. Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables? If I didn’t trust the Praetorians I wouldn’t be aboard their ship this long. What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance? The Praetorian flagship has runabouts for ship-to-surface travel. And I cant fly. Miscellaneous Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make? All good Lor agents have wills. Mine’s very short, it just leaves everything to the naval orphans’ fund. If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body? The Lor government have my DNA and other biometric data on file. What would you like to be remembered for after your death? All the criminal I put away. Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not? No, I don’t consider myself a threat. I know myself well enough and I know a situation well enough to keep people safe from me. What do you perceive as your greatest strength? My tenacity, my resolve to check every fact before putting a case to bed. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? I find it difficult to accept that the Lor way of doing things isn’t the superior one, sometimes. I need to learn to accept how others operate rather than force my way on them. As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice... Is this going to be where you live for the rest of your life? If it is, then don’t resent it. Don’t treat it like just another job, just a pit stop. Build a life here, and decide if you’re going to be loyal to the Lor or your friends.
  9. An idea I brought up that Primus is not a proper station floating in the the voidy-void of space. It's a series of installations built into a moon or asteroid; maybe the moon of a gas giant. This means that poorer folks are literally living undergound, in habitats melted or dug out of rock. Rich individuals and organizations have soaring spires, with their own private landing pads. There's also the idea of how Primus came about. If it started as some abandoned Lor base, that opens the door for a Secundus, Tertius, etc, for dungeon crawls.
  10. Blue Jay usually distrusted technology, but even she had to admit that the police scanner radio had bee a good investment. Even if she did have a tendency to yell on it when something exciting was happening. It had alerted her to the situation here in the Southside, and she had responded. Which is why she was running over the roofs of the apartments late at night. She would have preferred to swing in dramatically or climbed up stealthily, but two-story buildings rather limited her approaches. She slowed to a brisk jog and eventually ran to a stop at the edge of the roof, eying the woman in the dark spandex and gun. Blue Jay herself was wearing a grey-and-green windbreaker with a blue-and-gold Claremont tee-shirt underneath it, cargo pants, boots, and her mask. And her bow and quiver, of course, though the quiver was capped and the bow was stored. After a long moment of evaluation, she gave Red Rat a nod and approached Penny. "You have the missing kid?" she asked with her usual lack of tact.
  11. Only thing I can say to that is it must've been calculated using the original S-Str. Done. I always mess up Radar. Spent those EP boosting the Alarm and Nav systems. MOAR SUPER-STRENGTH!!
  12. Tona felt the tension growing between Lynn and Sam and did what she did best; stayed quiet. If this was a fistfight, she wouldn't hesitate to step between them and break it up, but a war of words and numbers was outside her comfort zone. Of course if Sam kept pushing, it might just become a fistfight. And then Lynn went off in another direction entirely. She eyed the magic display warily, having fought her share of demons and insane spellslingers, but Lynn seemed stable enough. And she apparently knew enough about Claremont to expect them to be different. She stepped forward and put a restraining hand on Sam's arm. "You went to Claremont?"
  13. Alright, Stronghold's up. horngeek, to the plate!
  14. "Maybe I'll run away to New Freedom," he sneered, "or Socotra, and get in Typhoon's amry. I'll be a real menace then, you'll never be able to touch me!" It seemed apparent that Cho wasn't going to get anything else out of him, and so she turned to leave. She found herself riding up the elevator with a stately man with silver wings in his hair and a Roman collar around his throat. He greeted Cho with an open hand and a smile. "Hello there. I'm Reverend Maxwell. I don't think I've ever seen you visit here before."
  15. The Boys of Summer The surf washed up the beach, creating a slow, steady rhythm in the background of the day. The sand was covered with bodies playing and running and relaxing in the sun. Gene King splashed in the shallows, holding off the assault by his three little sisters. Cassandra threw a brightly colored beach ball and Gene batted it away, catching Candice in the face and making her fall on her butt in the wet sand. She squealed with delight and joined her sisters in a three-pronged attack on Gene, launching water-logged sponges and other sand toys at him. He managed to dodge the majority of the attacks; combat training at the hands of Mr. Archer turned out to be surprisingly effective at keeping sand and sea water out of his hair. The fight was pretty evenly matched, until Derek intervened. The older boy snuck up behind Gene and then pulled his younger brother into a bear hug. “C’mon, girls, get him!†Gene kicked and struggled weakly, but the triplets rushed in and were merciless in their tickling. After only a few minutes, he was laughing, gasping for breath, and begging for mercy. Gene was released and he retreated to the sand, leaving the girls to play with each other in the water. On an impulse, he pulled on his flipflops and started wandering down the boardwalk. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just letting his mind and attention wander as it would. It settled on a shaded stand selling chilled lemonade, and the blond boy working at it; Gene approached the cart, doing his best to pay attention to the chilled wonders promised within the cart. The blond boy greeted him with a smile and Gene raised his hand in response. “Hi there. Looking for something to beat the heat?†Gene studied prices on the side of the cart, trying not to focus on the blond boy’s cleft chin, or the spray of freckles across his nose, his green-grey eyes. “I… yeah. I will, uh, take a regular?†The boy reached into the cart and started shoveling ice chips into a styrofoam cup. “Are you sure you don’t want a large? You’re looking kind of hot today.†Gene would’ve turned red if his skin wasn’t already mahogany, but he did turn several shades darker. “I, um, wha-- what did you say?†The boy pumped lemon flavoring over the ice and mixed it all up with a steel rod. “I said you look like you’ve been out in the sun.†He handed over the lemon-ice, with something dancing behind his eyes that suggested he had meant everything Gene had read into his statement. Gene tried to cover his sudden embarrassment with a laugh. “No, everything you see is all natural. What you see is what you get.†He gestured at himself, and only in the middle of the sentence did he realize how pathetic he looked; all he was wearing was a pair of wet swim trunks and thongs, revealing his scrawny chest and twiggy arms and legs. The whole presentation made him feel pretty lame. But the blond boy with the cleft chin laughed, leaning over the cart to take in the flipflops. “Yeah, I can see pretty much everything from here.†He reached his hand over the cart. “Philip.†Gene took the hand. “Gene. King.†He took the other boy’s hand and shook it. “Just here for the holidays.†Philip smiled broadly. “Yeah, me too. But I get paid to be here.†He looked to the side, and Gene followed his gaze to see a large group beelining for the cart. “I’ll see you around, Gene.†It the sun was down over the horizon, but Gene could still see its light reflecting off the clouds. Gene ambled down the sidewalk, taking in the air and trying to clear his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about the boy with blond hair and a cleft chin and freckles over his nose. He felt silly asking the hotel staff if they knew how to find the boy who ran the lemon-ice stand. How could he explain that he had a summer crush and didn’t want to miss it? Gene’s head was so high in the clouds that he didn’t notice the police cruiser rolling up behind him until they hit him with the spotlight. He shrank away from the sudden brightness, trying to make out the approaching figure and only succeeding in getting a vague glimpse of broad shoulders and a trim haircut. “What are you doing out here so late?†Gene felt his mouth go dry and his throat constrict, but he managed to stammer out, “I-I-I was just going for a walk. Sir.†“You’re staying at one of the resorts around here?†Gene could hear the skepticism in the officer’s voice, and past the light he just barely see someone else get out of the cruiser. His palms were sweating and he couldn’t help his mind playing out doomsday scenarios in his head; he’d be arrested for walking around, his family would have to bail him out, they’d be exiled from Nantucket in disgrace… “Hey, Gene!†Gene and the officer turned, and he saw an angel approaching. An angel with blond hair and a cleft chin. Philip walked up, fearless in the face of the police. “You got my text about the party, then?†Sometimes Gene could be as thick as two short planks, but sometimes he actually managed to be somewhat clever. This was one of the latter times. “Yes! The, uh, the party. Which I was going to, with you. Philip.†Philip smiled at the police officers and the pair walked off, and Gene felt a different kind of tightness, a much more enjoyable sort, settle into his chest. The party turned out to be at another stretch of beach owned by a different hotel, lots of people mixing around several big bonfires. There were several sets of speakers and people were playing music from their smartphones and the whole atmosphere was intoxicating. Or maybe Philip was intoxicating; Gene spent most of the night within arm’s reach of him, sometimes dancing almost nose to nose. Eventually it was after midnight and they were just walking down the beach together, hand in hand. It was just about the perfect night. Gene sat in the little kitchenette, doing his best to look contrite as his mother spoke. “Almost two in the morning when you walked in! I swear, Malcolm has his football and Derek has his rap music and now you’re coming and going at all hours of the night -- you boys are going to give me a heart attack. Grey hairs and a heart attack! Is that what you want to see from your poor mother?†Gene squirmed, doing his best to seem contrite and apologetic, while his heart was still on that beach. “I know, Mom. I’m sorry. The time just got away from me.†His mother wasn’t fooled. “And you didn’t hear your cellphone ringing? You didn’t realize that when the sun was going down, maybe you should head back? God, Gene, I almost called the cops and told them you were missing!†Gene looked at the floor. Now he really was feeling contrite and downbeat; he didn’t mean to ignore his phone or keep his parents up, he had just wanted to spend more time with Philip. But he couldn’t very well tell his parents that… “Renee, why don’t you let me talk to him?†Gene and his mother turned to look at Adam King, a look of shock forming on Gene’s face. He never stepped in when Renee was mothering, and he wasn’t particularly close to Gene. But now he was taking the bullet for him? Renee threw her hands in the air and stomped off. Adam grabbed a chair and sat across from Gene, bringing their eyes onto the same level. Gene squirmed under his father’s gaze, unsure of what to do. Adam was squeezing his hands alternately, for squeezing his right fingers with his left hand, and then switching. It suddenly occurred to Gene that his father was nervous to start talking. He did eventually break the silence, though. “So you were at a party,†he said. “I know you’re not the sort to just find parties, Gene. Someone took you to that party. You found a girl, didn’t you?†Gene gaped. His father had just read the situation perfectly, and missed the point entirely. His father reached over and squeezed Gene’s shoulder, smiling. “Don’t worry, I know what it was like to be sixteen. I’ll talk to your mom and sort things out.†He winked, smiling at his son. “You might have to do some work, though.†Gene did end up working, by carrying packages. He thought his mother was still angry at him, but she took him into town with Launa and her, and as they picked up bits of pieces from the different, crafty stores they handed their packages and bags to him. He took them, uncomplaining, enjoying the sun and letting himself remember last night with -- “Gene!†He shook himself out of his funk and looked down the street. It was Philip, waving and smiling that smile. Gene smiled back and started to wave, then he panicked. His mother and sister were in a narrow boutique that more than made up in depth what it lacked in width, and it seemed to mostly sell scarves and wide-brimmed, floppy hats. He could just barely see them at the counter, paying for a couple of those floppy hats. Philip reached for Gene’s free hand and he twisted it in a certain martial arts way and broke the hold effortlessly. Philip’s eyebrows came together in a hurt, quizzical manner, and Gene tried to cover his reaction with a hearty, fake laugh. Gene half-turned and watched his sister and mother leave the shop, and saw them stop and take the scene in. “Hey Mom, Launa. This is Philip.†“Uh. Hi.†Philip half-waved to the two women, who returned it with just as much confidence. “i’m, uh, Philip. I met Gene last night.†Renee’s eyes narrowed. “At the party? The party that lasted all night?†Gene cringed inwardly and tried to send psychic signals to Philip to retreat, but he couldn’t. “Yeah, I was at that party, with Gene.†He tried to take a step closer but Gene retreated by a step. Renee gave a small, stiff nod. “Well. It’s nice to meet you. Let’s go, Gene, there’s still a lot of stores to go.†“I’m sorry.†Gene squinted into the light, trying and failing to shield her eyes from the nearly horizontal light. Philip leaned against a building, looking away from Gene, looking cool and lovely in the sunset. “I’m really sorry. My mom went ballistic about that party, when you brought it up she was never going to like you!†Philip sighed and looked at Gene. “So what was that stepping-away thing, then? Did she think you would be cheating on your boyfriend back home?†Gene wrung his hands, feeling his stomach tie in knots. He’d spent most of his free day walking across the town, hoping to find Philip. All the time, he had been dreading just such this conversation. “She doesn’t really know that I have a boyfriend.†A pause. “No one does. No one, in my family.†Philip huffed. “So you can come out to folks you’ve never met before, but not to your family.†Gene cringed, but he reached out for Philip’s hand. “To cute folks.†Philip demurred, but he didn’t pull away from Gene. “Are you going to stay in the closet forever?†“Not forever,†Gene said quietly. “But for the trip, yeah.†Philip made a noise in his throat. “You’re going to have to tell someone eventually, or maybe someone else will. Maybe I will, if you can’t keep my mouth occupied.†He darted in suddenly and his lips brushed against Gene’s. He gasped in shock, but in a moment he started kissing back. “Well,†he said once they parted, “I’ll just have to keep your mouth occupied, then.†The ferry crawled through the water, oh-so-slowly making its way back to Hyannis on the mainland. Gene stood at the back, a little aways from anyone else, staring back at the island. He didn’t hear his father come back and jumped when the big man clapped him on the back. “Hey there, son,†he said. “Thinking about your Nantucket girlfriend?†Gene looked back at the island, rubbing his lips wistfully. “Something like that, Dad, yeah.â€
  16. Blue Jay could be tailor-made for Apex Predators even without her bow, and she'd have a good time in Fire & Fists, too. TNTeen has a pre-existing connection to the Lost World. If someone told him Zandar's abs were in trouble, he'd be on the next plane out! Corona (once she's approved) would work well for Little Problems, Full Throttle, or Purple Haze.
  17. Jay's Initiative score. (1d20+15=34)
  18. Blue Jay's mouth dropped open in shock. Here he was, the monster who had reduced her planet to a baking, wasted cinder, who had slaughtered her people until they were a few thousand lonely survivors, and he was begging for mercy at her feet. The shock passed quickly and Jay's face twisted into an ugly snarl of pure hatred. In one fluid motion she pulled an arrow from her quiver, holding it like a dagger, and charged the Steam General. She plunged the arrow in his organic eye, and it struck metal or bone inside his skull her knees met his chest and she rode his body to the ground. Her free hand came up, pointer and middle finger held out rigid and the other digits curled against her palm; she plunged the two fingers into the hollow of the General's throat and held them there. She kept him pinned to the ground as the last vestiges of life shook out of his corpse. She spat on his corpse and rose, blood on her hands, anger and determination mixing in equal parts on her face. She unfolded her bow and nocked an arrow, taking a step forward to stand between the last of the refugees and the approaching metallic abominations. "Cerys, Mali, keep the drones away from the civilians," she called out, already picking a target from the crowd. "Ma pere, get Sam through the tunnel."
  19. Blue Jay was breathing raggedly as she came up to Cord. She ignored the pilot at the moment; it wasn't logical, but she was still feeling resentful for how the plane had simply dropped out of the sky like a sack of potatoes. Besides, if he could yell and scream, he was a lot better off than Cord. Jay knelt next to the collapsed UNISON agent, her leg screaming at her as she put her full weight on it. It didn't buckle, though, so she figured it couldn't be hurt too badly. She checked Cord over quickly and professionally, making sure he was still breathing and that he didn't have any major punctures or breaks. She had no idea where they were, and she didn't cherish the thought of dragging him for miles and miles through the woods.
  20. Oh wow, I didn't realize this existed. If i want to kill the General right now, do I have to roll anything?
  21. KABOOM!!!! by Thevshi TNTeen Dropping the one rank of Dodge Focus and picking up another rank of Force Field, making him +1 Tou/-1 Def shifted (PP Neutral). Picking up 8 ranks of Impervious Toughness (Limited: Physical Attacks Only) (-4PP). Fixed up a bit of formatting, expanded Family section, added Descriptors to powers section.
  22. Blue Jay felt her meager breakfast rise in her throat as the forest floor rose to meet them. At the last moment she let go of her death grip on the sides of the cockpit partition and covered her face, shrieking in an unnaturally high register. And then -- There was a terrible noise. There was a terrible violence. There was a terrible silence. Blue Jay awoke, confused and hurting. She stood woozily and turned in a circle, trying to understand what happened. She could see a trench in the dirt behind her, and she realized that her own body must've dug that furrow. Beyond that was the plane itself, but horribly and sickeningly foreshortened. She could see that the window was busted out and missing, and her mind could only play horrible images of her being ejected from the plane like a cork. The archer took a single stumbling step towards the plane and felt pain ripping through her frame. She looked down and saw a line of blood seeping down her pants leg. She groaned and limped towards the plane, calling out hoarsely. "Cord! Cord, can you hear me?"
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