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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+10=19) Jay is going to reroll that, spending what should be her last HP. Blue Jay's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+10=13) So +11 to that, it become 24. Staggered + Disabled + Stunned
  2. Fixed the costs, but ended up removing the S-Sense. The description for the Protection is a common one for characters like Superman. It basically means that she can get his by hard attacks, but her clothes won't get shredded. Her suit conceivably could, but her clothes won't be. Brought the hardsuit down to 2 ranks and dropped a couple of feats.
  3. Alright. Changed this to my new PL 10 slot, added some heavy-duty comms gear to the ship. Clarified that first Complication. Should be good to go.
  4. Tona's mouth tightened a touch as Sam puled herself free, but the other girl was supporting herself; and there were more pressing issues at work anyway. She stood and narrowed her eyes at the departing Silex, making sure she would recognize him. One day, she promised herself, she'd see every Anhhilist put to their own bad end, and if he was going to be a new member of their number... Dismissing him, she turned to her own people. The Passport was cold and smooth in her hands, and as she flipped open the top she realized there was only the one button. She raised it high in the air as she addressed them. "Everyone, don't listen to this madman. You don't have to die with this Earth. You don't have to live in the Terminus anymore! There's another world out there, a fresh, new world, covered in forests and with endless room to grow." She pressed the button on the Passport, and felt the hair on her arms stand on end as she energy gathered around her. "Follow me, everyone. Follow me to Sanctuary!"
  5. Blue Jay >Vignette >Mission of Mercy >Cold, Cold War >1 BR, West End >All About the Franklins TNTeen >Some Things Should Never be Found >Vignette Maelstrom >Death to All But Metal >Welcome to Earth Corona >Metallic Mesozoic Monsters! >HellQ >Reputation GM >Visiting Hours >Welcome To Earth
  6. Could be built into a large asteroid or small moon. That would allow for literally high-rise developments to have their own landing pads, et al, while the folks forced to live underground have to trek for hours to get any access to space. And sunrises over the horizon of the gas giant your station orbits have to be spectacular.
  7. The shaking of Clive's body escalated until he was actually bent double; if Cho had an impulse to get a nurse, it was dispelled when Clive straightened out and revealed that he was laughing. "You capes! You are such easy targets. Man, I bet you were about to go the Warden and promise that I wouldn't be a problem, 'on your honor' or something." His expression changed suddenly and he was back to sneering. "You want to save me? You shouldn't have thrown me in Blackstone! Now leave me alone, lady." He turned away from Cho again and intently examined the far wall.
  8. Initiative 34 - Fast Drone - Dead - GM 15 - Thoughtspeed - Grapple'd - HPx1 14 - Stronghold - Uninjured - HPx2 10 - Mind-Set - Conceal'd - HPx0 9 - Maelstrom - Uninjured - HPx1 8 - Flying Drone - Dead - GM 1 - Strong Drone - Uninjured - GM Thoughtspeed's up.
  9. GM Who reached around without looking and smashed it out of the air, deflecting the blow effortlessly. "FELLOW UNITS DISABLED," it lumbered, moving forward and scanning the area. "UNIT DESIGNATE SPIDER, UNIT DESIGNATE ARTILLERY, DEACTIVATED. LETHAL FORCE WILL BE USED." The massive paw reached out with surprising deftness and captured Thoughtspeed, very nearly enveloping the teenage hero with its massive metal digits.
  10. The alien fugitive glanced at Mind-Set and then looked at the fight developing in the clearing. "You've gotta to be kidding me," he muttered, half to himself. "Yer all insane. This ain't my world, I should just be scampering... Oh, dammit, I'm going t hate m'self in the morning!" He vaulted over his cover and started running back towards the fight. Malestrom floated above the forest floor, cape flapping behind her dramatically. "Time to press your off button, you overgrown tin can." The heroine dramatically raised her hands and a car-sized chunk of the crashed spaceship rose from the rubble. She moved her hands and the metal moved at high speed, homing in on the house-sized robot.
  11. Strong Drone is gonna nab Thoughtspeed and cruuuuuuush him. Strong Drone's melee attack check, vs Thoughtspeed's Def. (1d20+5=24) Strong Drone's Grapple check. (1d20+30=46) Cruuuuuuuush.
  12. Alien Fugitive's Will save, vs DC 20. (1d20+6=15) So now he's Hopeful. You monster. I'll say that pushes the Diplomacy check over to Helpful. Maelstrom's ranged attack, vs Strong Drone's Def. DC 30 Tou (1d20+5=15) That will just barely hit. Strong Drone's Toughness save, vs DC 30. (1d20+15=33) ... But this is why we +Toughness shift.
  13. Gene grew more comfortable as he realized Zandar wasn't going to make a big deal out of early-morning explosions. His mood lightened further as they hiked over the grasslands, taking in the primeval scenery. It wasn't what the teen was used to seeing, but that fact alone made it exciting for him. When the first pack of knee-high dinosaurs bounded past, he simply stood and stared in slack-jawed amazement. He was entirely unprepared for the herd of triceratops below them. He sat on the grass, feeling the sweat trickle down his back and stick his tee-shirt to his skin. This was a magical moment; creatures that were extinct for sixty million years everywhere else were plodding along a few hundred feet away, like a group of multi-tonne cows.
  14. Going to invoke Luddite Upbringing. Jay is going to be useless for anything involving landing the plane.
  15. The only one those six posts are going to help is Maelstrom, so feel free to put them on her.
  16. After some discussion in chat re: space languages, I rebalanced her Skills to include Galstandard.
  17. "My phone does everything," Jay said, bracing herself as the plane tilted even more. "But it is in my luggage." Which had been loaded into the belly of the plane. It wasn't likely the phone could help, anyway; Jay's knowledge of technology was roughly on par with a grandmother who treated text messaging like a long-form letter. She curled her fingers tightly together and struck the pilot full across the face; his skull bounced off the carpeted floor and his eyes closed. The archer stood and lurched into the cockpit, and stared. It seemed like the entire front of the airplane was a solid wall of switches, dials, and blinking lights, none of which made any sense to the young woman. What arrested her attention instead was the view of the rapidly approaching ground outside the window. "Nous allons mourir."
  18. Jay's Intimidate check. (1d20+11=29) Woot woot.
  19. Jay hauled on the cord and hauled the pilot deeper into the plane, twisting her legs as he slid in close and ended up kneeling on her chest. "This guy started the plane crashing," she yelled, "and the started yelling something about being asleep! So if you can't fly a plane, find three more parachutes." She glared at the pinned pilot and tightened the impromptu noose. "What do you know about Gold," she demanded. "Who is the Sleeper? Are you the same one who was messing with the sheriff back in that town?"
  20. Something about the crowd's increasing hostility shocked Rachel out of her inaction. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was hero instincts moving her to action in the face of a riot, but she raised the microphone to her mouth and started speaking to the crowd. "Please, everyone, calm down! Valerie Cain is attending to a, uh, personal emergency right now. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that I'd rather have a clear-headed Valerie giving us her best performance possible!" A sudden bolt of genius struck her. "But if anyone wants to leave early, then I'm sure you can get a refund at the door."
  21. She won't know where to look!
  22. Rich kid. Jay gets to bust out her Tracking skills.
  23. So where could an enterprising space pirate find these crystals?
  24. Maelstrom's Cha check w/ Wayward's Aid, vs DC 10/25. (1d20+8=26) Oh wow, she actually did manage to do it! Now I've got to figure out how to write that.
  25. Blue Jay once against entered that meditative, half-asleep half-awake mode where her thoughts wandered randomly, without any memory of it. It took her a few seconds to come out of it when the plane started tilting, and she almost started screaming at the thought. She caught sight of the pilot trying to jump out, and while he was making his big speech she reached into her quiver and brought out one of her grappling arrows. She didn't have time to use her bow, though. She half-stood and whipped the line over her head, and then it fly. Her aim was true, and she caught the pilot around the throat, choking off his speech about sleepers and power. The archer set her feet as best she could on the tilting plane and pulled, tightening the line and pulling the archer back into the plane.
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