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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Can't let the guy jump out of the plane. Spending Jay's last HP to stunt Snare 5 (Feat: Chokehold, Tether) off the Bow Array. Attacking. Blue Jay's ranged attack w/ +5 Power Attack, +5 All-Out Attack. DC 25 Ref. (1d20+15=31)
  2. Blue Jay is graduating from Claremont, but she's perfect for street stuff. TNTeen is still at Claremont, though.
  3. Maybe not in the middle of the galaxy, but if Earth is in the space-boonies then a run-down space station being out here makes sense. I nominate that it be run by Quark.
  4. Tona's hand snapped up and she stepped to the side, moving gracefully out of the path of the tennis ball even as she snatched it out of the air. She raised an eyebrow and waited for an opening in Sam's monlogue, examining the ball as she did so. Squishy an green, with tiny hairs all over it... She would never get the appeal of throwing them back and forth. Though they were pretty bouncy, and as such made good practice targets. Ah, there it was. Sam had taken her 'now-it's-time-for-you-to-agree-with-me' breath and there was a bit of quiet. Tona grinned devilishly, and stood on one foot as her arm made a complete revolution, fastballing the tennis ball straight back at Lynn.
  5. Gene had dressed in his best denim shorts and a dark shirt, trying his best to expose some skin so he could radiate heat. Of course, he was blushing furiously when Zandar appeared. At least the Jungle lord didn't seem bothered by the huge explosion that had rocked his village in the early morning hours. He had to realize who was responsible for it, but maybe he was too nice to mention it. Gene fell into line behind Zandar as they set off, though he did tend to lag into the tail end of the line on the rope bridges and suchlike. Everyone was lining up at the edge of the platform, though, as Zandar flew off into the jungle and... dropped. Just dropped, like jumping ten feet straight down was the most natural thing in the world. The teen grabbed a vine, swallowed hard, and just sort of let himself fall off the cliff. He felt every pore and hole in his body pucker in reaction to the flight, and at the end he screamed as he let go of the vine. He landed on his feet, barely even flexing his knees. He could feel the kinetic energy from the landing flowing into him, settling into what he could only think of his batteries. At least if he had to do something, he'd be well-charged for it.
  6. Rachel reached for Valerie again, and then recoiled when Valerie shouted in her head. She stared blankly at the retreating rock star. Okay, two things. First, Valerie's a psychic. News. Second, she is not in her mind, she's on the... stage? She took two steps and looked out on the stage. All she saw was the microphone stand and... Marianne. That made perfect sense, for Freedom City at least. She stepped out onto the stage and grabbed the neck of the guitar. And then she turned and saw hundreds of fans, staring at her with bated breath. The theater went quiet, as the audience tried to digest this latest scene, this woman in a pantsuit handling Marianne with such a casual air -- mishandling Marianne, in point of fact. Rachel, for her part, felt her throat go dry at the sight of so many hundreds of eyes watching her every movement, weighing and measuring her and finding her wanting. Stage fright had bolted her feet to the floor.
  7. Blue Jay didn't answer Blodeuwodd in so many words, but just shot the other girl an angry look over her shoulder. She would have words with her... but not in front of everyone, and not when the Omegadrones were such an imminent threat. She just led the way back to the encampment, and joined the circle. She closed her eyes as Kit's coldness and darkness enveloped her, as the world sped away and her stomach flip-flopped in primal denial of the possibility. Once light and warmth returned, she opened her eyes and looked around, quickly nocking an arrow. It wasn't needed, though, at least not right away. She let out her breath and turned to Kit, nodding slowly. "Good job Kit, you got everyone out of -- Kit? Sam!" She rushed in as her girlfriend fell to the ground, grabbing at her shoulders. The air above her brand was too hot to bear, though, and she snatched her arms back, rubbing at her skin. Tona shifted her position and pulled Sam into her lap, cradling her. "Sam? Sam, please wake up. It's time to wake up now." She brushed the hair away from Sam's face. "S'il vous plaît ne pas vous êtes morts."
  8. Blue Jay's Sense Motive check, vs DC 20. (1d20+15=19)
  9. I'd wonder at a Strike 3 Knife as equipment. That's as much damage as a full-sized sword! "It's space" doesn't really justify that. Of course, if it's just the situation that the 8-foot alien archer considers it a knife and to everyone else it's a full-sized sword, that would be different.
  10. Tona tried her best to get some sleep, but she just couldn't. Either she was staring out the window at the slowly moving landscape sooooooo far away, or she was staring straight at Gold. She could feel her nerves tensing up, just preparing for his eyes to fly open and fix on nothing and send everyone rushing out into the void of the -- Tona started when the pilot spoke to her. She hadn't been sleeping, exactly, but apparently her exhausted mind had lapsed into a sort of meditation. She berated herself internally for letting her attention lapse; Cord wasn't watching Gold, so if the living bomb woke up she would be the only one who could stop him before he killed them both. The heroine finally answered the pilot's question. "Blackstone, at first," she said. "He can't control himself, so they'll teach him that. After that... maybe he'll be able to go back to his family." She inhaled deeply, remembering her father, the resistance, her doomed homeplanet. "I hope he can see his family again, at least."
  11. Damn, Lynn knew how distract Tona during the negotiations. At least Sam was around to handle all of that stuff. To take her mind off it, she moved off to examine the lifting bench. After a moment she realized that everyone had stopped talking and used the situation to jump back into the conversation. "I can work in the store," Tona said. "Anything you need moved around, I'm the gal for the job." She flexed one arm, letting her muscles show off. She worked hard to be as strong as she was, and a job right at home moving stuff around sounded like the best option she had.
  12. Fixed those, noted the suit's connection to her ship. I added the notes and brought Alarm down to 1 rank to pay for Concealment. I originally just bought enough Impervious to equal her Toughness, without considering the house rules. I added the note to Blast.
  13. I like the Restricted on the Bow. The Exotic Saves are a touch high. You could salvage some points there if you need to. I would note whether the Affects Others on the acid arrow is the +0 version, which would make it able to only affect objects and not living creatures, or the +1 version, which lets it affect both. The AoE on the Dazzle needs to be noted as either General or Targeted AoE. The first two paragraphs of the Description are rather unnecessary. I'd love to see a News post detailing her planet and her culture and her people's history, but it's not necessary to lay all that out in the description.
  14. "Yeah, I'm sure my life is going to turn right around after I get out," he said. "I'll walk into a great job making, what, Christmas decorations? And everything will be just great after that." He hugged himself again, seeming to almost shrink into himself. "Or maybe I'll just end up in here for the rest of my life." Clive's chin dipped towards his chest and he started to shake, quietly.
  15. Tona followed along behind Lynn and Sam, peering into the back rooms as they passed. A kitchen and a bathroom, and a couple of closets. She had been holding out hope for a smaller room at the back, or maybe the rear deck would be enclosed; no such luck. Maybe that was something they could work on later. She wondered if she could handle sleeping in the same room as Mali, or if they could sling a hammock in the living room? That would be a pretty nice feature piece, actually. The gym was sparse, but three people being considerate should be able to share it. Of course, Lynn's acrobatics made her start fantasising about working out while she was around. Her mind started drifting off to a world where she and Lynn and Mali were exercising together, and then Sam came in with smoothies... And then that same Sam started speaking gibberish in English. She shook herself out of her daydream and looked at her girlfriend. "Sorry, what is all that?"
  16. CoronaPower Level: 10 [12] (168/182PP)Trade-Offs: +2 Tou/-2 DefUnspent Power Points: 14 In Brief: A Lor security officer empowered by weird cosmic experiments. She is assigned to work alongside ancient aliens and proven allies. Alternate Identity: Aya K'zan Identity: Public Birthplace: Firstdown, Hala Occupation: Agent of ALIENS Affiliations: Lor Republic, Allied Liaison/Intelligence Extra-National Service, the Praetorians Family: Genus K'zan (father, deceased), Mar'as K'zan (mother, deceased). Description Age: 32 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Lor, appears Hispanic Height: 5' 4" Weight: 135 lbs. Eyes: Brown/Gold Hair: Black Aya K'zan is a woman of average height but with a stocky, muscular frame. Her skin is brown and smooth, her dark hair is styled up in a faux hawk, and her eyes are deep and liquid. She moves with a confident, almost angry gait, and her round face is usually fixed in a scowl at whatever her latest problem is. She prefers to wear anonymous, sturdy clothes, usually a jumpsuit or trousers and a blouse. In a formal setting, she may instead wear rank-free set of Lor Navy dress blues. When acting as an official agent of the Lor Republic or when she expects a situation to be dangerous, she wears a Lor combat spacesuit. The suit is all hard angles and reinforced sections, painted a bright gold with a crimson starburst on her chest. The suit's paint is usually chipped, though, showing a neutral cream base. Power Descriptions: Corona can manifest a golden-tinged cosmic energy, which she can put to any number of applications. She naturally projects a forcefield micrometers above her skin, which offers better protection than any mortal suit of armor. She can use the energy to supercharge her muscles or focus it into a damaging ray of energy. She can even blast that energy behind herself to fly. Even her biology has been affected by these cosmic energies, as she longer has to breath or eat to sustain herself. She still possess a Lor-designed combat spacesuit, designed to withstand the rigors of combat while keeping one safe from the dangers of hard vacuum. It can preserve her life in any number of hostile environments, and after receiving modifications from Miss Americana it can safely channel Aya's cosmic energies. History: Aya K'zan was born on Hala, an old world of the Lor Republic, near the center of their galactic expanse. Her father was one of the Republic's top scientists and so she was raised as part of the upper class of the Republic, learning duty and loyalty and pride from a young age. When she came of age, instead of going into the Lor-Van Science Academy she joined the Republic Naval Academy. Her grades drew attention from higher-ups and upon graduation she was invited to join the Republic Investigative Patrol. The RIP is an investigation and enforcement group with extensive powers within the boundaries of the Republic. As an agent, Aya traveled to the outskirts of the Republic and the spires of powers, searching out corruption and treason. She took her job seriously, perhaps too much so; no matter was too small for her attention, and she pushed her authority to the limit pursuing her ideals of justice without regard to rank or connection. It was only a matter of time before she came up against someone powerful. It was a missing persons case -- a case of missing children, disappearing off the streets of a planetary capital. Aya took charge of the investigation and tracked the disappearances down to a particular corporate lab; she lead local law enforcement in raiding the structure. Inside were the children and other people, missing vagrants and adolescents written off as runaways. And there were mercenaries. Aya lead from the front, freeing the civilians and driving the hired guns back. Her zeal caused her to push too far ahead, and her group was ambushed; the local law enforcement agents with her were killed, but she survived. She found her way to the heart of the complex, where she discovered a Senator, hastily destroying the evidence of his involvement! Aya tried to arrest him, but the Senator hit her with a blast of weird cosmic energy from a laboratory projector. She came to in a hospital. There was no evidence of the Senator's involvement, but she reported it anyway and insisted on pressing the case. There was a brief trial, one word against another, and the Senator walked off a free man. Aya, having burned the last of her favors, was kicked out of RIP. After the destruction of Lor-Van and the battle against the Communion, Aya was tapped to form part of a new branch of the Lor government. The Allied Liaison/Intelligence Extra-National Service was designed to work with all militarily-significant, non-Republican forces in the galaxy, and in recognition of the service the Praetorians were assigned one of the first agents. Personality & Motivation: Aya K'zan is a direct, even forceful woman. She dislikes lies or even elaborate plans, preferring to live her life as a straight line between two point. Some people would claim that she's as graceless as a mad bull, but she prefers to think of herself as cutting through superfluous nonsense. She tends to come off as rather rough and she's not inclined to take less than 100%, but she can be surprisingly gentle to people who are genuinely out of her depth. Aya's greatest concern is justice, the simple notion that the rules apply to everyone and that everyone will get what they deserve. Trying to shirk your responsibilities or a just punishment is about the worst thing she can imagine. Powers & Tactics: Aya can talk about escalation backwards and forwards, and she follows it to a tee. She'll start by playing nice, then trying to scare opponents into surrendering, and only if that fails will she start fighting. Against baseline enemies she'll stick with grapples and Nauseate to get them to stand down, but against superpowered enemies she'll use every power she has. Once combat starts, though, she focuses on protecting civilians over and above everything else. Complications: For Great Justice! Whether it's the rule of the law, karma, or comeuppance, Aya has always been focused on balancing the scales. Responsibilities Aya is first and foremost an agent of the Lor Republic. It will take something extraordinary to get her to abandon her duty. Superior Lor Et Cetera Aya is loyal to the Republic through and through, and tends to trust Lor technology and Lor opinions above anything else. Like Pulling Teeth As a RIP agent Aya clashed several times with the Maw, a nasty group of smugglers and mercenaries without a moral between them. If they ran into her, it would inevitably descend into combat. Like a Shining Star Corona's powers all involve her glowing like a flashlight. Whenever she's actively using her powers, stealth is all but impossible for her. Prejudice Aya has worked for the Lor Republic all her life, and is extremely loyal to it. She will have a very negative reaction to any of the traditional enemies of the Lor, such as the Grue or members of the Khanate. Hatred Corona will go out of her way to fight, denigrate, or inconvenience the Communion any way she can. Neuvo Bureaucrats ALIENS is a new branch of the Lor government, and formed during a time of great uncertainty in the Republic. That means the exact extent of their responsibilities are unclear. That can be a boon and a burden Abilities: 8 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 6 = 30PP Strength: 30/18 (+10/+4) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 10 (+0) Charisma: 16 (+3) Combat: 12 + 16 = 28PP Initiative: +7 Attack: +6 Melee, +6 Ranged, +10 Unarmed, +10 Blast Grapple: +10/+21 Defense: +8 (+8 Base), +4 Flat-Footed Knockback: -6/-24 Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 8 = 17PP Toughness: +12 (+4 Con, +8 Protection, 0/10 Impervious) Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +8 (+3 Dex, +5) Will: +8 (+0 Wis, +8) Skills: 108R = 27PP Diplomacy 7 (+10) Gather Information 7 (+10) Intimidate 11 (+14) Investigate 11 (+13) Knowledge (Civics) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Galactic Lore) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 4 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 9 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+5) Language 4 (English, Galstandard, Grue, Lor [N], Mandarin) Notice 11 (+11) Pilot 7 (+10) Sense Motive 11 (+11) Feats: 7PP Accurate Attack Attack Specialization (Unarmed) Benefit (Native [Lor Space]) Improved Initiative Interpose Power Attack Startle Powers: 2 + 26 + 9 + 14 + 8 = 59PP Flight 1 (10 MPH) (Self-Propelled Flight) (Cosmic, Radiation) [2PP] Cosmic Empowerment Array 11.5 (23PP, Feats: Accurate, Alternate Power 2) (Cosmic) [26PP] BE: Immovable 13 (Extra: Linked [+0] [impervious Protection]) + Impervious Protection 10 (Extra: Linked [+0] [immovable]) (Shall Not Be Moved) (Cosmic, Mutation) [23/23PP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Accurate, Affects Insubstantial 2 [DAM 10]) (Cosmic Blast) (Cosmic, Radiation) [23/23PP] AP: Enhanced Strength 12 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Super-Strength]) + Super-Strength 5 (Str 55, Extra: Linked [+0] [Enhanced Strength], Thunderclap) (Strength of the Cosmos) (Cosmic, Mutation, Radiation) [23/23PP] Immunity 9 (Life Support) (Cosmic Genetics) (Cosmic, Mutation) [9PP] Lor Combat Spacesuit 3 (15PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Restricted 2 [DNA Check]) (Alien, Technology) [14PP] Enhanced Feat 3 (Environmental Adaptation 3 [High Gravity, Low Gravity, Zero-Gee]) (Blood Flow Regulators) [3PP] Enhanced Feat 2 (Alternate Power 2 [On Cosmic Empowerment Array]) (Archetech Modifications) [2PP] AP: Damage 10 (Extra: Area/Cone [General], Extras: Progression 2 [Area] [50 ft per rank]) (Flat-Hand Blast) [22/22PP] AP: Flight 9 (Stacks with Flight 1 for Flight 10 (25 000 MPH), Extra: Linked [+0] [Super-Movement]) + Super-Movement 2 (Space Travel 2 [Interstellar],Extra: Linked [+0] [Flight]) (Cosmic Thrusters) [22/22PP] Communication 6 (Radio, 20 miles, Feat: Subtle) (Suit Comms) [7PP] Super-Senses 2 (Radio) (Radio Receiver) [2PP] Protection 8 (Skin-tight Forcefield) (Cosmic, Mutation, Radiation) [8PP] Drawbacks: (-0) + (-0) = -0PP DC Block ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 19 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Strength of the Cosmos Touch DC DC25 Toughness (Staged) Damage Physical)/(Cosmic, Mutation) Cosmic Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Cosmic, Radiation) Thunderclap Touch/Cone DC 20 Reflex/DC 20 Fort Deafened (Cosmic, Mutation) Flat-Hand Blast Touch/Cone DC 20 Reflex/DC 25 Toughness Damage (Cosmic, Mutation) Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (28) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (27) + Feats (7) + Powers (59) - Drawbacks (0) = 168/182 Power Points
  17. Telekinetic acrobat? That's a character with wings. I see a few issues off the bat. Our version of Defensive Roll gives +2 Toughness per rank, not +1. However, Toughness is all it gives, no Reflex bonus or anything else. Please look at other sheets to see how skills & powers should be formatted. Why are you creating a brand-new villain group instead of tying the PC into an existing group, like SHADOW or the Labyrinth? It's not required, but it will help tie your character into the world more fully.
  18. "Enterprise, one to beam up." I also believe I have a free character slot, but I may be mistaken on that.
  19. anyone have any other thoughts on Corona, or shall we get her over to the C-Bank?
  20. I don't understand what you're digging at there, Thev. +6 Base Attack, +2 Accurate on the array level, and then +2 Accurate on the power itself. 6 + 2 + 2 = +10 attack bonus on the Blast.
  21. Morphing into any form, with the same coloration?
  22. Yay, that allows for stuff.
  23. Ack, I made this mistake with another build. What's happening with me and pricing abilities? Well that's another point to play with. There should be 16 ranks of Equipment there. Momentarily. The Ebon Hawk fitted an infirmary, a workshop, and a dozen or so people on long flights without anyone climbing the walls or getting into fights -- in the first game, at least. And it's only ~80 ft long. Since we can't do partial size ranks with ships, I rounded to the closest figure. Can I get another ref's ruling on the Life Support, though? I don't want to strip it out and then be scrambling for points later.
  24. Tona summoned up enough energy to give the sheriff a nasty smile. “Look for someone with aching feet,†she said. “I made them walk all the way back.†With a little help from the deputies they managed to wrestle gold aboard the plane and into a padded chair. Tona buckled him in and wished for a lot more rope. Of course, if the fight in the forest was any indication, he’d have in issues with detonating the entire airplane from the seat. And then I’ll be falling through the air and when I reach the ground I won’t bounce, I’ll splat like wet meat, I’ll fall for minutes and be awake the entire time, oh god oh god oh god. The archer blanched and swallowed hard, focusing on keeping her expression under control as she let the deputies walk out ahead of her. The only thing to do now was the get out of the town and get Gold back to the Blackstone as fast as possible.
  25. Raveled


    TNTeen had taken to tapping at the snake-headed armor, trying to discern where the hollow parts were -- well, the hollowish parts, since there was a person inside. He looked up when Set ducked into the safe, and reappeared holding a snaked-headed staff. It wasn't hard to draw the inference between the staff and the men in armor, but he wasn't expecting Set to pull a pair of gems off the staff and destroy them! He opened his mouth and stood up, and was left gaping and blushing when Set complimented him. "Do... don't try and sweet talk me! You just destroyed those jewels. What's going on, you can't just break stuff that's not yours!"
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