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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Gene forced himself to eat a variety of foods at the celebration, and the combination apparently did not agree with each other. As the teens climbed into bed, he prayed that someone thought to bring along some Pepto Bismol. His dreams were strange things of surfing along green waves and hunting pizza-shaped fish under the veridian sea. He woke up with an empty feeling in his head and stumbled out to the porch/patio/outside part of the hut, stretching absently. Giang was already into her exercises, and Gene watched her spin and strike for a minute. It slowly occurred to his sleep-addled brain that maybe he should get ready for the day ahead, too. The teen moved to the side of the hut and started to drum on it, varying changing the rhythm and strength from moment to moment with no plan in mind. He caught Giang’s eye and shrugged, feeling a blush of anxiety begin. “I absorb kinetic energy,†he said. “I have to recharge my batteries everyday. So that I can turn this,†he added, snapping his fingers ,†into this.†He snapped his fingers again; but rather than a short, sharp sound, there was a moment of silence. Gene frowned at his fingers and, concentrating, snapped his fingers again and again and again. All of a sudden, there was a dazzling light and a deafening noise, like a Roman candle had just exploded a few feet from Gene’s hand. The noise echoed off far trees and startled birds into an early-morning flight. The teen was bowled over and rubbed at his eyes, blinking to clear his vision. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,†he said, his tone halfway between embarrassed and petulant.
  2. Rachel usually didn’t like this part of the job. Standing in a crowded room, pressed up against folks high on hormones and less-natural mood enhancers. If the band was at all good enough or big enough to give her article a chance of appearing, the venue usually didn’t allow her enough room to escape the push of the crowd, so if she wanted recognition she was usually too focused on her own discomfort to enjoy the music. That wasn’t the case tonight. Rachel wasn’t sure if it was due to the size or the different atmosphere of the opera house or just down to Valerie Cain’s skill, but the sound swept through her and carried her away. All of Rachel’s failed relationships bubbled to the surface and she found herself crying, mourning all the possibilities that did not happen and even more, mourning all the relationships that were locked away in her forgotten years. And then the song ended, and the reporter came back to herself. She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes with a kleenex, paying a care not to smudge her makeup. She wasn’t sure what had just happened for those last few moments, but she knew two things; she had to get all of Valerie Cain’s albums, and she had to get the interview of her life.
  3. "Gimmie a Coke." Rachel Coletta met the bartender's raised eyebrow with a level gaze. "I can ask for milk in a clean glass if you want to try that joke." She didn't feel like explaining that she was on the clock, and that her psychometric powers burned enough calories that even one beer would make her a bad reporter. So instead she would indulge her endless sweet tooth. She wandered the edges of the crowd as they milled and catcalled the opening act, which had the presence of mind to spell their name with leet speak so it would catch her spellchecker throughout the entire article. Rachel was already working out how to describe them in as few words as possible without mentioning the band's name, and words like 'screeching,' 'banshee,' and 'ear-murder' were going to feature prominently. She jumped back from a sudden surge in the crowd. She hoped Valerie Cain came on stage soon, or she would be reporting on the riot at the opera house.
  4. Gel-coated arrowheads. Blunted arrowheads. Taser arrowheads that deliver an electric shock when they hit their target. As for dealing lethal damage, it might be as simple as choosing your target (hitting a joint with a blunt arrowhead is going to be a lot different than hitting someone's gut) or maybe your character keeps some bodkin or barbed arrowheads around for lethal damage.
  5. It's going to be the Hound's group, the Claremont girls, and the Huntsman sitting lonely in the corner. :P
  6. That hits! It only has Def +5. Of course, it has Toughness +15... Strong drone's Toughness save, vs DC 22. (1d20+15=18) But still a Bruise!
  7. Tona flashed a grin at Sam, and darted in put a peck on her cheek. "You're my one," she reassured Sam. "Of course, if there could be a two or a three, that could be fun." The first thing that struck her about the apartment was the size; it wasn't large by any means, but that wasn't a downside to Tona. She enjoyed the smaller, more defensible areas. The furniture seemed solid, and as far as she knew neither herself nor Mali had anything to move in, besides trophies. The windows were a striking feature, much more colorful than anything else she was used to seeing in a home. Of course, as pretty as they were they blocked sight to the outside. Tona put her face against one of the clearer portions and peered through, spying an out-of-doors space that seemed at least partly enclosed. It perked her interest, and she turned back to ask, "Is that another room out there?"
  8. So that's DC 20 on Gather Information and Know/Art, and DC 15 on Know/Pop Culture.
  9. Maelstrom can hit DC 20 on Gather Info without trying; can we say there was sufficient time before hand to take 10 on Know/Art and Know/Pop Culture?
  10. How do you figure 1 EP for all the stuff on the utility belt?
  11. Blue Jay is street level. She could be part of this.
  12. If this happens at a show, Maelstrom could be reporting on it as it happens.
  13. Tona started breathing again when Lynn piped up with her own suggestions on home defense. At least, it seemed like Lynn wasn't too fazed by discussions of extreme home defense. The young archer reminded herself that she was living outside of Claremont now, and she would have to keep discussions of superhero work on the quiet. She wondered if she and Mali would have to soundproof the apartment. The young woman reached out and stroked the plumage on the stone griffin. She had never seen anything like it in the real world, but the idea of a monster protecting them while they slept was a comforting one. They had fought enough monsters, after all, they deserved to get a little back up from one once in awhile. Tona glanced at the door that lead out onto the first floor of the building, at the large SILBERMAN'S BOOKS sign. It was weird to think that there would be strangers under their feet at all times, but she would have to get used to it. She climbed the steps, staying just far enough behind Lynn to keep an appreciative eye on the older woman's rear end all the way up the stairs.
  14. TRANSCENDED by Thevshi Maelstrom Adding Flight 1-11 (Stacks with Flight 1 for Flight 2-12, 25 MPH to 50,000 MPH, Feats: Progression 3 [Affects Others, 25 targets], Extra: Affects Others [+1]) to Psychokinesis Array.
  15. Blue Jay's attention kept wandering, and she had to concentrate to keep it focused on the task at hand. When the sheriff suggested moving Gold to one of the police cruisers, she waited for Cord to respond. When eh didn't she glanced over and realized that he was dozing on his feet, chin nearly touching his chest. She slapped the body paneling of the truck, waking up the UNISON agent before she addressed the sheriff. "We'll keep the truck," she said. "It'll get us to the airport. But, uh, maybe one of your deputies should drive."
  16. There are two types of skills: contested skills, where you're rolling against someone else, and set skills, where you're rolling against a table of set DCs. With set skills, it is always most efficient to buy them in ranks of five, as you very rarely come across a situation where the DC is not a multiple of five. Knowledge, Craft, and Climb are all set DCs. Lowering all your Knowledge and Craft by 2 ranks would free up 8 ranks/2 PP that I would suggest putting into your saves.
  17. "No. When I turned fifteen I was visited by an alien zamboni. He told me that I was destined to be the champion of his people, to break the bonds of their slavery to humans. And so Reicing was born! But I changed my name because not enough people watch hockey to get the reference." He rolled his eyes. "See? It's fun to make fun of superheroes. "So what's the plan, white mask? We talk and the warden signs your paper and you go back to get your Reform a Supervillain merit badge? Collect enough and you can get your own cape!"
  18. "Mm. Tona, yes. Lynn." She took Sam's hand and looked up at the building, doing her best to judge the defensibility of the structure from the outside. "Stone facade, good resistance. Lots of handholds though. Mm, will need oil. Or maybe weaken obvious holds, rig for alarms. Could hide caltrops there, but they rust. Mali opinion on --" She turned to the other girls, about to mine their opinion, when saw Lynn watching her and realized just how she sounded. Her mouth hung open for a minute while she tried to figure out how to salvage the conversation. "... Opinion on windows?"
  19. The car pulled up smoothly to the curb, but the way Tona Baudin was clinging to the door it might as well have fish-tailed out of an explosion. She jumped out of the vehicle and staggered to the building, whispering her normal post-ride mantra of "Never again, never again, never again" to herself. After a minute her face had regained its usual pallor and she turned to the woman in front of the door, running a hand to settle her short hair and tugging at her shirt half-heartedly. Her friends had talked to her about how important it was to make a good impression on a future landlord, but all she owned were tee-shirts and jeans. At least these ones were clean. "Um. Are you Miss Epstien?" Sh didn't look like a miss. Se didn't look anything like the instructors at Claremont or the older heroes.
  20. Raveled


    "Right. Secure the area." TNTeen meandered across the battlefield more or less as his whims took him. After all, unless someone wanted trip-wire bombs, he couldn't do much to 'secure' anything. He kneeled next to one of the cobra-headed soldiers, poking at the armor, looking for a release catch. They looked like something out of Nineties SF; if the suits could be deweaponized, they'd make incredible cosplay... "Set, did you say you knew these guys? Why are they robbing a bank?" Besides the obvious, of course.
  21. Blue Jay chewed the inside of her cheek, going over different plans in her head. "Okay. I'll get to the roof and cover the police. You go out and let them know we have the Representative. If they attack, I'll cover you while you fall back. We can pin them down and steal --" She was cut off by the door opening and several of the Representative's security barreled through. They moved to surround Walsh, but they slowed and simply put themselves between Walsh and the doors. "Heroes. Thank you for keeping the Congressman safe while the, uh, supervillain attacked." No one seemed to want to mention that the villain was attacking through the security personnel. Blue Jay seemed content to pull her hood forward and try to blend into the shadows. Crowd Control gave a short, nasty laugh. "Oh no. Can't go betraying clients, not for any profit. So go chuck me in Blackstone, big, dumb, and handsome. I'll get out and double my fees on the street cred alone."
  22. As much as I would like to see more Kit teasing, I think the thread needs to move on.
  23. Back at the clearing, the fight was hating up. Malestrom reached out with both hands and 'gripped' the flying drone; it thrusters roared it jerked to and fro as it fought to escape, but with a wrench the floating heroine tore the machine in two, tossing the pieces near the spaceship. It almost seemed like the heroes had the situation handled, when the gorilla-esque robot smashed the glowing orange fields with a swing of its hammer-like fists. It stepped through and regarded the assembled heroes coldly. "Earthling-human-Lor, this drone-extension-agent will give you a final opportunity-chance-opening to return the fugitive-escapee-display."
  24. Maelstrom's ranged attack w/ +5/-5 Accurate Attack, vs. Flying Drone. DC 25 Tou (1d20+10=22) That hits. Flying Drone's Toughness save, vs DC 25. (1d20+8=13) Number two, down! Stronghold, take a HP. I'm going to have the big guy just break the CO down. Initiative 34 - Fast Drone - Dead - GM 15 - Thoughtspeed - Uninjured - HPx1 14 - Stronghold - Uninjured - HPx2 10 - Mind-Set - Conceal'd - HPx0 9 - Maelstrom - Uninjured - HPx1 8 - Flying Drone - Dead - GM 1 - Strong Drone - Uninjured - GM
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