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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. I'm going to say Walsh weighs ~200 lbs. That puts Sil at a Heav Load, -6 on all actions and 2/3rds speed.
  2. Not even going to touch that one.
  3. Hey! That's Gene's shtick! Is everyone getting laid on this trip?
  4. TNTeen wouldn't like to join the competition, but he would. ;)
  5. Blue Jay had been preparing to avoid a beam of energy or bouncing spheres of destruction or even huge, glowing hands chopping at her. One again, though, this world had surprised her as the very air around her seemed to explode. It was impossible to avoid the effects of it, but Jay's body move on instinct, somehow finding a way to slide between the expanding pressure waves. It rattled her teeth, but she was still standing when the dust cleared. "You still have a lot of fight left in you," she hissed, nocking another arrow. "When I got here, you almost looked dead. Seems like you actually still care for your family." She loosed and was on the move, heading for an outcropping of rock that would at least get her out of Gold's line of sight. "Could have fooled me!"
  6. Blue Jay balanced on the beam, watching the fight below. Cannonade was getting overwhelmed, but the archer couldn't do anything about that. She didn't have enough arrows to deal with everyone in the crowd, but luckily the one in charge of all of this had had the hubris to single herself out. She had her bodyguards, sure, but no one ever expected an attack from up high. Jay nocked, drew down -- -- And had to drop the arrow to grab at her perch, as a volley of red rubber balls arced from below and threatened to overbalance her. She turned and watched, incredulous, as the rubber balls fell back to the mind controlled crowd, who picked them up and prepared for another volley at the archer. "Oh, what's the matter, little miss bow-and-arrow?" The girl at the center of this chaos craned her neck to look up at Blue Jay. "Too much time at archery camp, not enough time playing dodgeball with everyone else?" She turned back to Walsh, already dismissing Jay. "I'll get to you in due time, don't worry. Business before pleasure, though."
  7. Initiative 31 Blue Jay -- Uninjured -- HPx1 17 Silhouette -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 Cannonade -- Uninjured -- HPx3 5 The Crowd -- Uninjured -- GM Since Crowd Control was so nice as to yell out her position, Blue Jay will bombard her from a height. Blue Jay's ranged attack check, vs Crowd Control's Def. (1d20+15=16) Rassin' frassin' critical... At least it's another HP for Jay. Sil's up.
  8. these all look like excellent ideas. I'm just sorry that none of my current PCs fit into any of these.
  9. Happy birthday, Azuth! May you and your lady have many more years of bliss together.
  10. I don't think Gene has Know/Giant Robots... TNTeen's Ini. (1d20+6=11) TNTeen's Know/Tech. (1d20+10=12) Nope, sure doesn't know anything about giant robots.
  11. GM Silhoutte's blow made the security guard reel, but one woman working alone couldn't hold back a crowd. It was useful, then, that Cannonade crashed down at the front of the stage and blew up a mighty wind, knocking down a good many of the spectators-turned-crazed-thugs, and forcing Blue Jay to hunker down against the wind. As the crowd struggled to its feet, a woman on the bleachers spoke up. A woman who was surrounded by the more muscled members of the crowd, and who wasn't throwing herself so blindly into the attack. "Superheroes," she said, sighing petulantly. "This could have been so easy, so... well, not neat. Someone getting beaten to death with bunch of bare hands usually isn't very neat. But it's very easy when it's not your hands beating them!" She laughed briefly before settling down again. "Oh well. Let's see how you heroes react when you're not just blowing them all down!" Her eyes glowed red, and the same color was soon glowing in the eyes of the crowd. They scrambled to their feet and rushed Cannonade, bowling him over and burying the young man in a mass of pummeling bodies!
  12. Jay was broken out of her quiet reverie by an explosion and a rising cloud of smoke. Just the sort of thing to spice up a day, if you were already the sort to dress up in colorful clothes and run at explosions anyway. The archer nocked her bow and carefully chose a perch, then leapt off the building. As she fell she loosed, and the arrow lodged in a helpful gargoyle. The line went taunt and the archer was propelled forward in a long arc, eventually coming to a halt on a new perch. In moments she had selected her next swinging point, and was ready for the next leg of her journey. And not for the first time, she wished she could just fly around the city.
  13. Crowd Control's Reflex save, vs DC 21. (1d20+6=15) No on the half. Crowd Control's Str save, vs DC 14. (1d20+5=10) And they're on the ground! Crowd Control spends her/their turn standing up and charging Cannonade! Crowd Control's melee attack, vs Cannonade's Def. (1d20+12=32) ... Well. +1 HP for Cannonade and a DC 30 Tou check.
  14. Gene glanced around the hut, and it didn't really take more than that to see the entire thing. Well, at least it was somewhere to drop his bag. With that done he wandered off, looking all around the village. In other circumstances he might have found it fascinating, but for now he was rather overwhelmed; the odd journey, the profusion of foreign languages around him, and he just wanted something familiar and normal for a little bit. Even if that would be impossible in the Lost World. Gene ended up shimmying down a rope and wandering around a lower level, where he came upon a boy braiding a rope. He wasn't much older than Gene, and seemed very intent on his task. He still looked up when Gene approached, talking rapidly. The words were incomprehensible but his tone was warm. Gene spread his hands, doing his best to look harmless. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're saying. I don't know what you're saying. Oh, you want me to take this?" The boy pushed some of the braids into Gene's hands and began working his fingers. "So you do it like that... and that... and that?" Slowly, with a lot of back and forth, the young Claremonter began to go to work.
  15. Blue Jay's reflex save. (1d20+12=23) Oh you've got to be sh---ing me! Blue Jay's Toughness save. (1d20+10=23) ... Okay, I'll take this one fair and square. Hm, if he's always going to be AoE'ing, then there's no point to going Def while talking at him. Blue Jay's ranged attack, vs Gold's Def. DC 20 Tou + Autofire (1d20+15=30) Well that should at least hit!
  16. Use the car to woo a bridesmaid and take her on the vacation with you. ;)
  17. Blue Jay moved further away from Gold, nocking an arrow as she moved. "Life was a lie? That's a tough one," she said. "That changes everything, right? You didn't find a woman and fall in love. You didn't start a family and make a life. All of that's a lie?" She loosed the arrow, forcing Gold to duck; she didn't really want to hit him, just keep him ducking and unable to draw a bead on her. "Because you sound angry about it."
  18. Blue Jay's going to make an attack with full Defensive Attack. Def is +15 for this round. Blue Jay's attack, w/ full Defensive Attack. DC 20 Tou + Autofire (1d20+10=12)
  19. Raveled


    Gene frowned and opened his mouth at the "little larger" line, but before he cold say anything they were halfway across the city and facing a suit of combat armor that towered over all of them. And a lady in a dress was pinned to a building, but that was frankly normal for Freedom City. He didn't argue with Giang's tactics and just concentrated on his power. "Right, right," he muttered to himself. "Blow up the big man, without blowing up the angry lady." A ball of red and black energy appeared between his hands and began subdividing into smaller and smaller spheres. "Hope that dress can take a little singing."
  20. Blue Jay's Initiative check. (1d20+15=22)
  21. Anyone have something else they want to get done in this thread, or shall we wrap this up?
  22. Crowd Control's Fort save, vs DC 22. (1d20+8=28) Whelp! Ba guys are getting the rolls out quickly, at least. Sil does get an HP as a Setback, though.
  23. It was a good day. The sun was shining, the wind blew warm, children laughed and played, and Blue Jay was invisible. It was a lesson she had learned at a young age, that even people who can fly rarely think to look up. So like when she was young and learning to hide from the very footsoldiers of terror, she was perched as high above the street as she could physically manage, snugged up next to an art deco statue of a man throwing himself into space. Very aspirational and very appropriate for Freedom City, but for now the archer was content to sit and watch the city life pass by.
  24. Initiative 31 Blue Jay -- Uninjured -- HPx1 17 Silhouette -- Uninjured -- HPx3 11 Cannonade -- Uninjured -- HPx3 5 The Crowd -- Uninjured -- GM Jay's climbing up to a perch, so Sil's up next.
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