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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. As one the crowd moved towards the stage; even Walsh's security turned and made a grab for the Representative. Tona was about a far away from the stage as possible, and not in much of a position to get closer. Still, there was a back left temptingly open for her, and the archer aimed a low kidney punch at the man in front of her. The blow was textbook and the man crumpled without a noise, but soon several blank-eyed adults turned and began advancing on her. "Merde," she breathed. "If you can't all wait in line, I'm not going to play nice with you!" She scooped up the bag underneath her seat and turned, jumping off one wall to the other and to a sports banner hanging from the ceiling. She shimmed up to the rafters and crouched there, beginning to assemble her weapon.
  2. I think I would prefer them to enter the scene separately.
  3. Jay took a chance and approached, kneeling down to get a better look at Gold. He didn't look well, his face already pale and pinched by the cold. She stepped back and scanned the horizon, thinking. "Alright then," she said finally. "You want to die out here, alone? Fine. Just don't explode any caribou, they're more fun to hunt when they're not limping." She turned away from Gold and walked away, the snow crunching under her soles as she maneuvered back to where Cord was laying. She stopped a good twenty feet or so from Gold, talking to him over her shoulder. "Que est what should your tombstone say?" she paused to let the question sink in. "You know, the one your wife and children will want to put up. Should it just say 'He Couldn't Handle Life'? Or should we go with the whole, 'Ran Away And Died Sobbing in the Forest'? How do you want your family to remember you?"
  4. Blue Jay blinked for a moment as she processed Blodeuwedd's warning. A cold feeling swept through her as she felt all her old fears rush back full-force; being buried under an avalanche of Omegadrones. Mixed up in there were images of her friends with implants that glowed red and black, or brass plates that hissed steam. She tapped at her ear, trying to get the silent warrior's attention. "No, Blod. Don't fight them, just get clear and get back to the camp!" She turned to her father, cinching her quiver tighter. "Papa, one of my friends says there are drones approaching. We must leave."
  5. Raveled


    Class was out for the day, and Gene King was enjoying the good weather and his good fortune. All his papers were written, his homework time had been scheduled carefully, and he had a full twenty minutes to himself. He could've spent it inside on a video game... but he could play those any day. The weather was fine and he decided to go for a walk around campus. He was not prepared, though, to be flagged down by a young man with bronzed skin wearing what looked like a stylish bath towel. The teenager felt a blush creeping over him as he changed direction, and he quickly looked for something else to focus on. Thankfully William Cline was nearby and so Gene didn't have to walk over while looking at the ground. "Hey Will. Who's your, uh, friend? Is he coming by the borrow some clothes or something?" He smiled at the young Asian girl approaching them. "Hey there, miss dinosaur."
  6. It's a Mind Control effect, actually (Which Walsh is immune to!) but the PCs don't have to roll for it.
  7. Initiatives, please! Blue Jay's Initiative. (1d20+15=31) The Crowd's Initiative. (1d20+4=5)
  8. Tona found herself nodding along with the Representative's words, and shook the effect off with some effort. It wasn't hard for her to see why this man had become a leader, with speaking skills like that. She sat back, calmed and certain that he was a lying liar, look at him standing up there so smug, we should just bash his face in just rip and tear AND CRUSH AND KILL AND. Tona stood suddenly, breaking out in a cold sweat as the red rage washed over her and swept away. Slowly, the rest of the auditorium stood, eyes fixed on the Representative. She suddenly feel the tension rising in the room, and it seemed like the crowd was in breathing in synch. It didn't take a genius to realize that things weren't normal, and she reached down to her bag. Walsh ran a hand through his grey-streaked hair as he watched the crowd literally rise up against him. "Now I think you should all calm down. I'll get to all your questions in due time."
  9. GM Walsh didn't seem surprised by the question, but he did take a moment to collect himself. He took a deep breath and gripped the side of the podium, his knuckles going white. "I have made some mistakes in the past, held to misguided opinions. Now, anyone who remembers the invasion of '93 would never discount the danger of the Terminus." His hand rose to brush against a not-quite healed scar. "They cost us our mightiest hero, and created a whole new breed of superhumans. "However, we must be careful not to paint all peoples with the same brush. There are individuals in the world today with powers from the Terminus, yes. And there are individuals with powers from nuclear reactors, and lightning storms, and earthquakes, and ancient monsters." Walsh leaned forward suddenly, almost seeming to lock eyes with every member of the audience. "But none of those people are the forces they they control! "Superheroes are a diverse lot, as diverse as the people the protect. To come down on one group is to do a disservice to them all. I support full prison sentences for those who use Terminus powers in the commission of a crime, just like anyone who used a ray gun or a magic staff or super-strength. But T-Babies should have the right and the opportunity to grow up as individuals, and make their own way in the world, just like any other free man or woman."
  10. Peak human is more 20-24, FYI. Are you sure you don't want any of those stats to be Enhanced?
  11. Happy birthday, Semi-Auto. Wherever you may be, may your roads lead back home.
  12. You can still run Orion, you just need permission from the refs.
  13. Con would also affect Tou and Fort save, and Dex would affect Ref save, so there would still be problems if they are turned off. Still, I agree that making Enhanced Abilities of Sustained Duration is a little off. I recommend making Man Made Whole a Container with the Sustained Duration, with the powers inside it Permanent Duration. In general, take a look at the PCs Willow and Fleur de Joie. Both are plant people/plan controllers, and looking at how they are built could give an idea of how to build some of these abilities in a way that would be accepted by the moderators around here.
  14. I have an idea for a thread where Orion and Blue Jay et into a knd of competition -- maybe Orion marks out targets and Jay has to protect them?
  15. I have a hilarious mental image of Kit stealing an invitation and forcing Jay to wear a frilly dress.
  16. An android Foreshadow could be really different. Maybe their predictive powers are based on analyzing data on a quantum computer or something. It would certainly be a different method of precognition.
  17. Is anyone going to check the supervillain, or are we done with him?
  18. More security pushed into the gym and the babble died down as Representative Walsh made his entrance. Applause greeted him and he responded with a smile and waves. He went down the first row of bleachers, pressing the flesh and calling out to individuals and groups he recognized in the crowd. It would be easy to pass it off as the normal crowd control from a career politician, but there was an undercurrent of openness and honest that had helped propel Walsh to his high office. Tona wasn’t interested in that, though; like his security detail, she was scanning the crowd, watching for people reacting too much or too little to Walsh’s arrival. It went smoothly, and before lone the representative was up at the podium. The stump speech passed smoothly, and before long citizens were lining up at the microphone to ask questions. To the archer in her perch, all of this was more white noise as she continued her vigil. “Representative Walsh, I’m a member of the local school council, and I wanted to ask…†“… And given your votes on Bill HS 67-09…†“Mr. Walsh, I’m a vet, I served my country, and I hope I can talk you man to man…†“As a father, I’m sure you understand the dangers…†“What do you think of T-Babies now?†The question startled Tona out of the half-sleep she had fallen into, the wash of questions and lack of danger sapping her attention. Now she was focused again. Representative Walsh had been one of the strongest voices against Terminus-powered superhumans, after all, until his son had come out as having Terminus powers of his own. Tona hadn’t paid attention to the congressman’s own political revolution, but she had to admit more than a little curiosity.
  19. Gene’s eyes grew wide and he started panicking. “No no no, I can’t just leave, I… my family’s around here.†He gritted his teeth. “If I just disappear my mother’s going to go ballistic. Um.†He looked around the site of the battle, trying to see all the possibilities. “My coat’s back in that warming tent over there. If Thoughtspeed can put a hole in the shoulder, I can pass it off as just happening when I was running away.†Probably, he added to himself. Lying wasn’t his strong suit, but he was banking on his mother’s protective instincts to stop her asking too many questions.
  20. Getting back on relativly solid ground made Gene feel better, but now the trees were closing over their heads and it seemed more like going down a wide tunnel, rather than walking through a forest. It made his stomach feel fluttery and his heart race, but he took a deep breath and reminded himself that he outside, above ground, had plenty of room on all sides, and that it wasn't good form to explode nice people. To take his mind off the situation, he focused on the lamps they were passing. "How... how are those crystals glowing," he asked Zandar. "Is it a chemical reaction?"
  21. Ice Age didn't have a chance to dodge Cho's blow. He folded around her fist, rising into the air and landing a good few feet away. The snow and the frost hung on the air for a moment, then fell to the ground, coating everything and everyone in a fine, shimmering coat of ice. In TNTeen's case, this meant soccer cleats frozen inside his wound. He groaned; he knew it was going to be painful, but he did his best to create a small, careful charge and blew the statue's leg apart, letting him roll away from it and push himself to his feet with his good hand. Gene looked over the scene quickly. The statues were still again and it looked like the bystanders had managed to stop from stampeding. Now they were simply watching the heroes, the statues, and the insensate villain. Gene turned and stomped over to Ice Age, looking down at him while he clutched his wounded shoulder. "Wonder what got into him," he muttered, giving the unconscious man a half-hearted kick.
  22. So they can switch back between human and cat forms?
  23. That will drop the bad guy.
  24. For rolls and whatnot concerning >this thread.
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