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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. I'd like to plug horngeek's excellent listing of >the legacies existing in the Freedom City universe, both canon and player-made ones.
  2. Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 Later morning DeCosta High School, Freedom City The crowd had swelled beyond the gymnasium's bleachers, leaving many spectators standing on the basketball court or out in the hallway. The low murmur of conversation was an effective white noise, but the young girl perched on a top row was still able to pick out a few strains of conversation. "... Hope I can ask him about the tax on... " "... Wonder what he was thinking when he voted for... " "... Just who is running against him, again?" "... Whatever happened to his son after that fight with... " The Tona Baudin winced and purposefully turned away from that last one. It was more than a year ago that her robotic duplicate had tried to kill Aaron Walsh, and had then turned that same homicidal programming on her friends and allies. She had since repaired those relationships, but now the Congressman was back in town on the campaign trail, which her friends insisted had nothing to do with killing people. Still, Tona was making sure that no one else was going to try and attack Representative Walsh this time. She turned up the hood of her dark green hoodie with a fletching design and settled into her seat. Walsh was supposed to be out at any moment, and this town hall meeting was supposed to go on until past lunch, so she had to be ready to wait all day.
  3. Blue Jay waited and watched Gold, making sure he wasn't about to turn and see her. Sure that he was obsessed with his internal ruminations, she moved forward, still keeping her motions quiet. By a combination of her skill and his obliviousness, she managed to make it to a few arm's lengths away from Gold. Without a better idea of what to do, she coughed to get his attention. She was still holding her bow, but she made sure she wasn't holding any arrows. "Mr. Gold," she said, flicking her eyes around the hilltop. "My name is Blue Jay. I'm working with UNISON. I'm here to protect you."
  4. TNTeen's shoulder was the binding center of his universe, alternately burning and freezing as the ice sculpture ground its spiked feet into his flesh. He knew he couldn't focus on it, though; there were people, even his whole family, relying on him! He brought up his free hand, focusing power in it, building a sphere of energy from grain-sized, to marble-sized, to baseball-sized. With a grin he squeezed, releasing all the power at once. Light and force rippled out, blowing the snow away in a wide circle and ripping a heating tent from the ground... And doing almost nothing to the glacier-carved soccer player, or the motorcycle revving for another pass.
  5. TNTeen is going to burn a HP to clear the Daze, and throw a Big Boom around himself. Immunity to his own powers means that he isn't affected. DC 17 Ref for the AoE. Minions' Ref save, vs DC 17. (1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=13) And they both fail! Minions' Tou save, vs DC 22. (1d20+10=23, 1d20+10=25) And they resist. Durn it! Cho's up next.
  6. Minion's Ref save vs DC 17. (1d20+5=6)
  7. Thoughtspeed's blades sliced into the permafrost prehistoric predator, carving out great chunks with each blurred pass and soon he reduced it to a pair of quivering leg-stumps. That was only one of the eight, though, and the speedster soon found himself fending off ax blows from a brawny lumberjack and swipes from a roaring grizzly bear. Which is why he didn't notice the boxer dance up behind him and lay a cracking blow to the back of his head. TNTeen winced as the fist landed, but he soon found himself under attack. The motorcycle gunned across the snowy field straight for him, forcing the teen hero to throw himself to one side to avoid being crushed. Unfortunately that put him in the prefect position for the soccer star to step on his shoulder with iced cleats. Gene howled as his shoulder flared in hot agony and pounded uselessly at the glazed leg. The remaining ice statues didn't bother to charge the heroes; instead they turned their anger on the crowd, spreading panic through the civilians. If someone didn't do something soon, there could be a full riot.
  8. Ice dino goes down. Remainder split up into three groups of 3, 2, and 2. First group goes up against Thoughtspeed, using Aid Another to boost the third one's Attack. Aid Another check, vs DC 10. (1d20+8=21, 1d20+8=10) Last one has +4 to hit Toughtspeed. Ice Minion's melee attack, vs Toughtspeed's Def. DC 23 Tou (1d20+12=25) That hits. God do I love Aid Another. Second group is going after TNTeen. Ice Minion's Aid Another check, vs DC 10. (1d20+8=12) Yup, +2 to Attack. Ice Minion's attack, vs TNTeen's Def. DC 23 Tou (1d20+10=28) That hits. TNTeen's Toughness check, vs DC 23. (1d20+7=17) Whelp, Bruise + Daze. The last two go after the fleeing civilians. Stronghold's up!
  9. I've been wanting to put Blue Jay against Orion recently, so I'd be up for an evil opposites thread.
  10. Blue Jay >Protection Detail >Mission of Mercy >Cold, Cold War >HellQ TNTeen >Ice Age >Something Things Should Never be Found >Extracurriculars >hunting Season Miras GM >Protection Detail
  11. Well it is a rhyme, and it is by an old Englishman. ;)
  12. JUMPED UP BY SUPERCAPE TNTeen Buying All-Out Attack [1PP]. Buying two ranks of Leaping [2PP].
  13. Happy birthday, Arich. May you consume far too much sugar for your own good.
  14. Tona paused at the edge of the tent, struck by her father before her. No one on this world was ever hale and hearty, at least not how people on the Earth she had come to live on were, but her father had never looked quite so... old, as he did just at that moment. Still, she rushed forward as soon as he called her name, throwing herself into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Me pere." They stood there for a moment, quiet, as the young archer let the flood of emotions pass over and through her. Eventually they moved apart, Tona wiping her eyes. "<Yes, father,>" she said, slipping into their first language. "<I found a place -- another Earth -- that's almost empty. There's forests and fields, just like you said this world used to be. Absolutely everyone could go there and be safe.>" She wiped her eyes again, almost overwhelmed just thinking about her father and her people on Sanctuary. "And yes, these are my friends. They're going to help us get everyone away. But... we have to do it all at the same time, me pere."
  15. GM Ice Age's blind strikes continued to connect with nothing but the frozen air around him, as he tried to see through TNTeen's flash-blindness. His blows became wilder and less controlled as his breathing became more ragged, and e suddenly let loose with a primal scream that plunged the temperature another ten degrees. Gene started worrying seriously about frostbite, when he heard a snapping, crackling sound coming from the direction of the competition. As he watched, brawny men and knights in armor, bobcats and bears and even the dinosaur, all carved from sparkling ice, slowly pulled feet and claws free of the frozen earth. They turned, each winter mannequin focusing on the heroes, and began advancing through the drifting snow.
  16. Ice Age is blind, so time for part two. Good guys are suddenly facing a >bunch of ice minions at PL 8. Everyone gets an HP for this stunt. Initiative 33 Thoughtspeed - Uninjured - HPx2 20 Ice Minionsx8 - Uninjured - Minions! 18 Stronghold ? - Uninjured - HPx3 10 TNTeen - Uninjured - HPx3 7 Cho - Uninjured - HPx4 2 Ice Age - Uninjured, Blind - GM
  17. Blue Jay wasn't expecting the explosion, but she reacted before Cord shouted his warning, dashing under the heavy bower of an evergreen. The branches caught most of the dirt and small rocks, while the bigger ones rained down outside -- and knocked the UNISON agent unconscious. The archer stayed under her over until the rain of debris stopped, then, against her own better judgement, darted out to grab Cord and drag him back underneath the tree's protection. With the agent as safe as she could make him, Jay resettled her mask and zoomed in on the outcropping. If she could identify Gold, or even who or how many enemies he was facing, she would be much better prepared to handle the situation.
  18. Gene was sweating despite the arctic chill. The bully in the parka had shrugged off his explosions, raised an ice shield against Thoughtspeed's blades, and nimbly sidestepped the orange prison. If this was in the Doom Room this situation wouldn't had worried him, but there were too entirely many civilians around for this fight to drag on -- not to mention that his entire family was in the crowd somewhere. He pushed those thoughts out of his head. If this guy was too strong to take out head-on, that just mean they needed an advantage. And very few people could handle losing their sight. Concentrating, TNTeen crafted a hand-sized ball of gleaming light and force between his hands. When it was solid, he briefly took a pitcher's stance, rotated his arm through a full circle, and fast-balled it straight at Ice Age's face. The energy flew true though the howling wind, and a small sun briefly exploded in the other teen's face, along with a shockwave that set off car alarms. The teen screamed, holding his suddenly watering eyes. "My eyes! What did you do to my eyes? I can't see!" Ice Age lashed out at random, ice shards springing out of the ground and berms of packed snow rolling away from his footsteps, but none of the civilians were close enough to be in danger and Thoughtspeed danced nimbly around the blind attacks.
  19. Executive decision. This thread has been dormant too long, we're bypassing horn's turn. ... Which means it's up to TNTeen, isn't it? Okay, Dazzle time.TNTeen's ranged attack, against Ice Age's Def. DC 22 Ref (1d20+7=11) Ew, Hero Point. TNTeen's ranged attack, against Ice Age's Def. DC 22 Ref (1d20+7=24) And that will hit! DC 22 Ref from the big guy. Reflex save, vs DC 22. (1d20+5=10) And now he is blind and deaf. Rob, Cho is up next.
  20. Blue Jay managed to sty quiet as Blod went off on her own. She trusted her friends and she wouldn't have brought them if they weren't fierce fighters, but she worried about anyone being alone in the Terminus. Still, she knew that she couldn't keep her eyes on her friends all the time, so she contended herself with checking that their comms were still working and followed. Arnaud down to the village. Blue Jay could hardly have prepared herself for what the experience. Stepping past the perimeter of the lean-tos and wagons was like stepping back two years in time; if it wasn't for her full stomach and warm clothes, she could have been returning from a hunting trip or a mission. The quit hum of activity, and silent guardians watching the sky as much as they were the horizon, was exactly as she remembered it. Then she was swept up in the crowd and broke into a huge smile as she tried to answer everyone at once. "I'll how you how to wear it some time! Don't let Crimson Tiger hear that or she'll knock you out. There are amazing crafstmen on their Earth, I have to show you what this does!" And then Lena pulled her into a hug and she was silenced. "Um. Okay. We have to get everyone together -- and I mean everyone, all the villages and teams. We can only do this once, and I won't take any chances with 'drones or the General's soldiers soldiers getting through. But before that... Can I see me pere?"
  21. Roll of 25 without trying work?
  22. Just for the record. Blue Jay's Reflex save, vs DC 15. (1d20+12=29) Much more pertinent! url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4480820/]Blue Jay's Initiative check. (1d20+15=30)
  23. Gene watched Sam swing across, disbelieving at how easily she took to the concept of traveling by jumping across spike-filled chasms. And then she reappeared to do the whole thing over again. Gene took a firm grip on a wayward vine and tugged it, swallowing. "I thought role models were supposed to stop you from doing insane stuff." Not able to put it off any longer, he hung on tight and stepped off. He did his best manly scream, which was somhow at a higher register than Sam's. He made it across in one piece, though, and quickly retreated from the edge. "If we get down to the village," he gasped, "and there's a freight elevator down there, I'm going to practice clear-cutting with dynamite. Just do we're all clear."
  24. Blue Jay >Mission of Mercy >Cold Cold War. TNTeen >What's in a Name Anyway? >Somethings Should Never Be Found >Ice Age Cometh GM >First Taste's Free >Ice Age Cometh
  25. GM "The Marko, huhn? Well I am the Lindsey. I don't think I've ever seen you in here before. You listen to a lot of punk?" She looked across the bar, trying to vainly catch the attention of the bartender. He was consumed with hitting on a Hispanic woman closer to the door, though. "Magic, huh? Awesome. My sister used to be into this massage therapy stuff, called it rain-leaky or something like that." He shifted his stance, leaning in closer. "If you're into the mosh scene, I heard there's a band playing down at the waterfront tomorrow. Kings of Hell or something like that, supposed to be some kind of thrash/death metal thing." He grinned and his eyes shone. "Bet I can get myself and plus one in the door, what do you say?" "I'll keep you company, I'll keep you entertained, I'll keep you nice and warm, baby." Tight Shirt moved closer, his eyes moving down Dee's figure and back up. "That's a hell of an accent. You from London, baby?"
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