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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Raveled

    Tech Support

    I'm looking for a tech-savvy hero for a future thread. PL 10ish would be appreciated; someone with enough savvy to some some hacking and Internet detectiving. This thread will also involve the Murder League, so some assassin-foiling will be in order.
  2. Blue Jay felt her stomach sinking as Arnuad brought her up to speed on the situation. Things had gotten worse than she ever could have imagined -- and so fast! Was it only two years ago that she was walking through these forests herself? "We'll save who we can," she said. "No one else is going to be taken by the Annhilists. There's a plan." They crested the hill and Jay paused there, going to one knee so she wasn't such an obvious silhouette against the horizon. (Only back a few hours, and already the old evasion skills were coming back.) Looking at her home she felt a rush of emotion; relief that so many were still here, pain and grief that so many were gone, anger at the General for preying on them all. She almost missed Arnuad's question, but she caught it."None of them can do what ma mere could do," she said, "but don't underestimate them. Crimson Tiger is the best hand-to-hand fighter I've ever seen. Blodeuwedd is quiet and fast. I would trust them both against a dozen drones. And Kit cheats." She moved next to her girlfriend, smiling and squeezing her hand briefly.
  3. Happy birthday, Electra! And many more to come.
  4. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Gene laid back on the grass, staring at the clouds. "Mr. Marquez turned me onto it. He gave me a biography of Alfred Nobel. Did you know he came up with dynamite? He thought it would be good for mining, but then they started putting it in artillery shells and he started feeling bad for all the people his invention had killed. Um. I mean." Gene sat up on his elbows so Cho could see his face. "You know what I mean, right? And anyway, since I'm still figuring how to use my powers without blowing stuff up, it seemed like a good name to me." He laid back down. "I can't keep it forever,,though? Being twenty-five and being called TNTeen is just creep, you know?" He sat up and looked Cho's designs over more closely. "So you're trying to come up with a name? What do you have so far?"
  5. I'd be up for this. Miras could decode an imminent prophecy she has to delay, or TNTeen could be caught in a collapsing building (that he collapsed!) or maybe Blue Jay is challenged to a 'game' of skill by the likes of Orion.
  6. Happy birthday, oh errant Brain. May your Portlandia lifestyle treat you well.
  7. Blue Jay smiled at the bird call, and turned just as the ragged man stepped out of hiding. "Arnaud, I never thought I would see you again." Her expression turned serious when she took in his condition. "Arnaud, you need to calm down. The drones can't find us in the forests, the trees see to that. So what are you talking about?"
  8. Gene King was more intellectual than physical, but even he could only play so many video games when it was so nice out. He always enjoyed running, and being quick on his feet was a useful skill when fireballs and bullets were flying. After the second mile he felt the need to take a break, though, and so wandered off onto the grass. Pretty quickly, he spotted Cho sitting on the grass. He wandered over and gave her a wave before splaying down on the grass next to her. "Hey, Cho. How does it go?" He raised his head and took in her sketch pad and pencils. "Working on an art project?"
  9. What exactly do you want the character to do? You're never going to be able to cover the grab-bag of poses that Silver Age Supes had (super-friction! Super-baket weaving!) but that's where stunts come in. Give the PC two or three ranks in Luck and stunt what you need.
  10. Go goetic! No, seriously; a person with a demon in them, drawing on the trapped infernal being for power. Infernal Captain Marvel!
  11. Jay turned her glare up a notch, but nod one else was talking. She rolled the bottle around in her hand, and eventually came to a decision. She uncapped it and sprinkled the solvent on the stuck hunters. "That should dissolve in an hour or so," she said, standing. "Get yourselves back to town and you can forget you were beaten by a teenage girl. Come back after us, and I'll make you walk back barefoot." She led Cord away from the group, easily picking up the trail once more. She moved in silence for a while, before breaking. "I don't talk to many people," she said. "If we get any more prisoners like that, you should do the talking."
  12. Gene's head swam. Romans and Incans, and Serpent People -- and dinosaurs! He had thought that the worst part of the day would be hiking in this humidity. From Zander's description, though, it seemed like the Lost World had more than enough dangers to keep a group like Young Freedom busy, not to mention the mismatched group of Claremont students that were here. And then Zander jumped off the edge of a cliff, and a moment later Kazra joins him. Gene crept up to the edge, looking down at the rushing water and sharp rocks below. "Um. Is this one of those trust-building exercises?" He looked back at Giang and everyone. "Like, for work this one time, my mom went out into Wharton and everyone had to fall. Is this what this is about?"
  13. If you go down to the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today You'd better go in disguise! For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, Because today's the day the Teddy Bears have their... Birthday party. ;)
  14. Blue Jay freed her bow and gestured the rest of the team, moving towards the thermal glow of the village. The darkness was their ally, and even if there weren't any drones in sight she wasn't going to give up any advantage. Not in the Terminus. She stopped just short of the village and crouched in the darkness. She raised one hand to her mouth and let out a trilling, high-pitched cry. She could only hope that the resistance's calls hadn't changed much in a year.
  15. Blue Jay swallowed past the sudden lump in her throat. "You're all mad," she said, "and I love you all for it." She fit her mask and turned back to the portal. Somehow it looked even meaner through infrared and UV, like seeing more of it just revealed more evil. "Remember, stealth. Once we're through, evade and avoid, don't engage. We will always be outnumbered." She had turned in the Claremont yellow and blue for a dark blue windbreaker from the mall. Now she zipped it up and turned up the collar. "Allon-z, friends." With that, she stepped through.
  16. Blue Jay held the Passport in one hand, turning it over her fingers before she caught herself and forced herself to stop. Her heart was hammering in her chest, but she was determined to look calm and collected. This is what she had trained for and dreamed of for so long, and she was resolved not to show weakness in the face of it. Despite the fact that the Termnius had killed everyone she ever loved. Almost. She looked at the other women in the room, people she could have never imagined before training at Claremont, people who were willing to walk into the most terrible place in all the universes to help her. It seemed insane, but she promised herself that they would all come home. She stepped up to the portal, taking a deep breath as she felt it tug at her clothes. She turned her back on it, looking over the group one last time. "Last chance to do the smart thing and walk away from this, you know."
  17. So I now have a functioning computer. In fact since my dad's company was bought out and liquidated, I have THREE functioning computers, and my monitor will not plug into any of them.
  18. My computer is spazzing out and the only thing working is the backup keyboard. Things will be slow until that issue is resolved.
  19. I'm still trying to push this forward, I've just got writer's block in relation to Miras's songs. Not being able to write song lyrics is kind of bad when your PC is a performer, after all.
  20. Jay's head swirled for a moment as the world shifted around them and revealed the modern park that had been hidden by Merlin's magics. She cautiously stowed her bow and arrows, figuring that it wasn't a very good idea to threaten the no-doubt-as-clueless-as-Freedom-City's-had-been civilians. "Do need to get home, yes," she said. "Hope my note went away, or my friends will be... confused." She looked around, trying to spot the man behind the whole thing. "What happened to Merlin?"
  21. That will miss.
  22. If necessary, one of these. Jay's Intimidate check. (1d20+11=24)
  23. "He blew up a lot of stuff," Blue Jay pointed out, considering the man she'd just knocked unconscious. She went through his pockets quickly and thoroughly, looking for identification; not that she expected to find any, but if this guy was wearing dog tags or had his wallet in his pocket and she just missed it, she'd feel like an idiot. Finished with looking him over, the young archer rolled the man on his side and picked him up in a fireman's carry, grunting under the weight as she straightened. She took heavier steps, but handled the weight well, dumping him near the group of hunters she had pinned to the ground. The young woman fished a spray bottle out of her pocket, the same shade of white as the fletching on her glue arrows. She knelt down where the hunters could see her. "We can't take you with us," she told them. "So I'm going to let you free. Against my better judgement." She fixed them all with her best glare. "I suggest you get back to town. Next time, I won't be so nice."
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