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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ice Age's Toughness save, vs DC 20. (1d20+7=23) Deflected off ice armor! Stronghold's up.
  2. Gene deflated when Zander said they couldn't pet the stegosaurus right now, but he did have to admit that it probably wouldn't be a smart idea to try and come between a mother dino and her child. The saber-tooth cats, though, he would leave to Juno. He fell back in line as they resumed their hike, gaining a bit more confidence across the rope bridges and perilously tall platforms. When the Jungle Lord mentioned their home for the night, though, the gears in his head started spinning. "So, there are other humans here?" He glanced at Kazra. "I mean, of course there's a few more, but there's whole tribes? As in, plural?" He was already trying to imagine how a paleolithic society would protect itself from the bigger, carnivorous dinosaur types.
  3. Happy birthday, Moria and JP. May the next year be ever brighter.
  4. The fight was on, with Fast Forward zipping forward and pulling out... something. The speedster's body blocked Jay's view of it, but from the way Merlin stiffened at the sight of whatever it was, she was glad she didn't catch a glimpse. She took a step to the side, nocking and drawing as she did so, bringing her arrow to full extension before letting fly. And then another, and another. She watched them wobble through the air, her tight draw sending them on an imprecise path. The archer cursed her aim, but at least one arrow found its mark and hit Merlin in his stupor.
  5. Blue Jay's attack check w/ +5 Power Attack, vs Merlin's Def. DC 25 + Autofire. (1d20+10=16) I hate you too, dice.
  6. Take a paint scrapper to your lungs! Or, you know, rest and take your meds. Either way, get better, Sand!
  7. Happy birthday, Gizmo. Many happy returns for this year.
  8. Jay's Ini roll. (1d20+15=28)
  9. GM The bartender dropped Marko's beer off before pouring Carmen's double. He put it in front of her, holder the glass lightly and smiling. "You know, pretty lady," he said, "I know a guy who can get you something to help with that leg. Then maybe we could find some time to bust some moves out there tonight, you know? Folks get shaking once the guest DJ starts in, this bar'll be empty." On the dancer floor, Dee had a few admirers, but as the music wound down one plucked up the courage to approach her. He was around her age, dressed in tight pants and a shirt that showed off his figure. "Hey there, cute chicka," he said. "You out here all alone tonight?" As Marko sat by himself, feeling miserable for himself, a lady slid into the vacant bar stool next to him. She was punk chic, with hair color not found in nature and strategically ripped jeans. "Sitting alone, hot stuff," she asked. "You know, they say drinking alone's a danger signal."
  10. The dance music wound down. Backstage, Asli knew that was her cue. She walked out on stage just in time to hear the tail end of the house DJ introduce her. "... So I'm gonna hand things off to the lady, DJ Electric." She took a slap on the palm from him and stepped up the turntable, plugging her own headset in. She fixed the microphone at a comfortable height and settled into her set. "Thank you, it's very nice to be here tonight, but I have to correct one thing at first. It is not DJ Electric. It is DJ Eclectic." She enunciated the word slowly, melding it into a smooth, bass beat as she started up the table. "It's eclectic, and while my work is electric, (finding those tunes that bounce around the room, gettin' you pumped and makin' you jump) that's not what I want you to hear, it's merely a side-effect, indirect, of what I select For you to sample off my table. What you should take away, how should I say, it. Is how smooth I move from the tunes That get you movin' (Yeah) get you groovin' (Yeah) To gettin' you think. Take you to the brink Of my experience."
  11. GM Clive's eyes narrowed even as he side-stepped Haukea's attempt to entrap him. "Get out of my way! I'm here to fight someone a lot more annoying than you." The angry teen reared back, holding his hands above his head. Air seemed to be sucked towards him, swirling into a head-sized ball of ice and snow between his hands as the temperature in the whole area plummeted. "And I'm not a snowcone," he yelled over the gathering winds. "I'm an Ice Age!" With a scream he flung the ball of wintry energy at Thoughtspeed, several dagger-sharp blades of ice forming in mid-air. The ice missed the agile speedster, though, and fell harmlessly to the ground.
  12. The bad guy is Clive, not Gene. Gene's a hero (this time)! Clive is running a slightly modified version of AA's >Ice Princess build; the array is not dynamic, but the Environmental Control is outside the array. With that in mind, he's popping Enviro Control to make things even colder! DC 10 Fort save for Thoughtspeed and TNTeen. He'll toss a Blast at Thoughtspeed, as well. Ice Age's ranged attack check. (1d20+5=14) Miss! TNTeen's Fort save, vs DC 15. (1d20+4=16) W00t. Initiative 33 Thoughtspeed - Uninjured - HPx1 18 Stronghold - Uninjured - HPx2 10 TNTeen - Uninjured - HPx3 7 Cho - Uninjured - HPx3 2 Ice Age - Uninjured - GM Thoughtspeed's up.
  13. Supercape, I wanted to ask. Did you want to put Sunset into this instead of Pitch?
  14. >The thread is up, along with >the OOC.
  15. Rolling and suchlike for >this thread. Jiggity.
  16. Saturday, February 1st, 2014 Before midnight (but not by much) Winter had descended with a vengeance on Freedom City once again, but bitter cold and blowing snow couldn't keep young and restless music fans at home. After all, inside the Wall, the press of bodies on the dance floor provided plenty of heat, and the bustling bar provided a different kind for the club goers staying at their tables. Asli Sadik sat backstage, listening to the dance music and to the people outside moving to it. She took deep breathes, calming the butterflies in her stomach. She'd been going on stage for a little more than a year, but somehow every single time she did it she got scared. To distract herself, the woman leaned forward and examined her stage makeup once again. She had decided on a grey-and-black camouflage; she avoided makeup in her daily life, but on stage everything was fair game. A touch there, a careful smudge there, and she had to sit back. Anything more would ruin the effect. Now it was just time to wait.
  17. Gene's parents pulled back as the tough from before reappeared, and quickly froze a woman. Most people would have panicked in this situation, and there was a ripple of fear cutting through the crowd, but these people lived in Freedom City. If they ran around like a chicken with its head cut off they wouldn't have survived this long. Everyone started moving away from the walking snowstorm -- although those closer were pushing harder and trying to move faster than the ones in the back. Gene took advantage of the chaos to slip away from his parents and duck into a heating tent. Everyone was rushing out of it, so it was easy for him to step behind a table and shed his parka. And then rethought the matter, grabbed the liner jacket, and hoped that wouldn't be too recognizable. At least he had time to grab his mask and pull it on.
  18. Blue Jay >Medieval Times >Cold Cold War TNTeen >Ice Age Cometh >Some Things Should Never Be Found Miras >First Taste's Free GM >Ice Age Cometh >First Taste's Free
  19. That will miss.
  20. That will miss, amazingly.
  21. You have to make an attack check. Ranged by default.
  22. Blue Jay winced as the turret open up on Raven, but the black-clad cowl managed to roll out of the line of fire with more grace than the archer had managed that day. As the gun fell silent, she saw a chance to make her move and did so, rolling into view in the doorway just long enough to fire off one, two arrows. And then disaster hit. She nocked and drew on the third, and her bowstring broke. Instant panic in her mind, but her body was already dropping the arrow and getting out of the line of fire. Jay swore under her breath in three languages as she pulled a new string and began the tedious task of running it through all the gears on the compound bow.
  23. Blue Jay's attack check. DC 20 Tou _ Autofire (1d20+15=17) Well, it's not a complete miss.
  24. You could attempt to separate him from the civvies, yes. You could also try to box in him; I think Stronghold has enough CO for that.
  25. Cho could waste spend her turn ditching her parents and getting into costume, yes.
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