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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. I generally steer away from anything that messes with the combat caps of other characters, like Boost'ing Str or Con. You could give Divine a couple of, well, divine artifacts as Devices if you want her to have a more diverse powerset.
  2. I think four is plenty for this. I need to confirm a couple of details, but this should start pretty soon.
  3. Gene fell in line with the rest of the students, following closely behind Zander as they plunged into the forest. He was relieved when they started ascending the rope bride, though. He didn't care for the idea of trying to navigate the endless trees right at prime stomping height; of course now he was at prime biting height, but he tried to put that out of his head as Zander lead them on. The walk was long, but Gene kept up. He was breathing hard by the time they stopped, but he stopped breathing entirely for a moment when he looked down. "Holy crap," he breathed. "Those are... that's a stegosaurus! And that's... a silly-looking one with a big pompadour. But that's a stegosaurus!" He looked up at Zander. "Can we go down there? And pet him, or something? Man, I've got a sister, I have to show her me petting a stegosaurus."
  4. I would point out that there's been some pretty major shake-ups to the Psions lately. 2 might not be valid anymore.
  5. With the approval of Miras, I am now working to get her into threads. There's one I've had bubbling in the back of my brain while putting the finishing touches on her. Basically she is doing her set at a club when a fight breaks out, with some minor superpowers mixed in. So I'm looking for two or three other PCs, all around PL 10, all of age to be in a club/bar at night.
  6. Jay's Grapple check. (1d20+10=16)
  7. There are indeed things about! A tent would probably be the most practical.
  8. The speedster gets the first move. Shocking! Initiative 33 Thoughtspeed - Uninjured - HPx1 18 Stronghold - Uninjured - HPx2 10 TNTeen - Uninjured - HPx2 7 Cho - Uninjured - HPx2 2 Ice Age - Uninjured - GM
  9. Gene laughed. "Yeah, movies are the things with moving pictures. You know, I really wish I had brought some on my phone. Hm, I wonder if maybe Sam has something downloaded?" Before he could ask, Zandar made his demand, holding up the weapon before him. Giang and Sam had very formal answers, but Gene was wrong-footed. Oh god, oh god, he panicked quietly. Did Giang say something about this? Did I sleep through it? Still, he held up his hand in what was as close to a Boy Scout's salute as he could remember. "I, um, promise. To not take anything away from here. Except maybe some bug-bites," he added. Lowering his hand he looked around and noticed Cho, standing off by herself. In a rare moment of empathy he stood next to her, talking to her in a low voice. "Only take pictures, only leave footprints. That's how it goes, right?"
  10. MirasPower Level: 10/12 (172/184PP)Trade-Offs: NoneUnspent PP: 12 In Brief: A hero trained in music and magic protecting those the world may have looked over. Alternate Identities: Asli Safiyyah Sadik, DJ Eclectic, Sophie Identity: Secret Birthplace: Los Angeles, California Occupation: Superhero, student, DJ, musician. Affiliations: FreeSA, FCU, Stone Soup Musical Group, Starlight Family: Father (Kemal), mother (Fehime), 2 brothers (Aydin, Mohammed). Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Turkish/Djinn Height: 6' 2" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Asli is a tall woman, with a solid, curvy frame. Her skin and hair are dark, and her eyes are a deep, unclouded blue. Her features are rounded and her teeth are very white against her skin; it's noticeable because she's usually talking or laughing. She deliberately avoids makeup, and she usually keeps her hair just long enough for a ponytail. She does like to use wilder styles for her stage show, though. Asli's everyday style is an urban-punk asthetic. She favors heavy boots, tight jeans, and layers that usually end in a hoody or a leather jacket. As Miras her clothes transform into a hooded robe of summer green, with a purple stole over her shoulders. The stole has white letters in Arabic script that always seems to be changing, and the robe's cowl manages to hide her features no matter what happens. She has a pair of green gloves that complete the look, with white stars on the back of her hands. Power Descriptions: Asli's power comes from two distinct sources. Her magic is rooted in the writings of Lord Deosil, a Master Mage who was skilled in time magic and prophecy. With that she can turn aside attacks, speed up her own passage through time, or freeze others in place. With a great deal of effort, she can even turn back someone or something's personal timeline. These spells are often accompanied by chiming bells, or gold or silver clock faces or meshing gears appearing in the air. Her other source is her own djinni heritage. Combined with her understanding of magic, she can do quite a lot to manipulate the world around her. She can throw bolts of magical fire, change one thing into another (if she concentrates), make the air solid enough to trap a man or fool the senses, or take a form as substantial as smoke. Using these powers often results in colored, geometric traceries appearing in the air. History: Asli was born in a small Turkish community in California, and her early days were filled with sun and surf and the same group of people she saw every day. She was a talented singer even as a very young child, and when she came of age and started sending out college applications, the Freedom School for the Arts offered her an impressive scholarship. She accepted FreeSA's invitation and moved out to Freedom City, studying dance and songwriting professionally for the first time in her life. It was an exciting, exhilarating time. It was also a scary, stressful time, as the girl was away from her family for the first time in her life. Sophie (she started going by that in college) tried drugs at a party first, and then started self-medicating for stress. Before she knew what had happened she was kicked out of FreeSA and working dead-end jobs, getting wasted at night and waking up the next day to start it all over again. Asli might have ended up another burn-out junkie, a cautionary tale for the next generation of students, if she hadn't gotten caught. She was buying for herself and all her friends and was charged with possession with intent to distribute, but her public defender pleaded down to a misdemeanor with rehab. The potential of a felony conviction scared her straight; she cleaned up her life, went back to school, and rediscovered her faith. She got a degree in Media Communications from FCU and started writing music again, taking an apartment in Greenbank. In a corner of the apartment she found an old cardboard box filled with yellowing journals. Asli began reading them, and discovered that they were the writings of a 18th century clockmaker named Hans Lorcano, who became the Master Mage Lord Deosil. She experimented with his style of magic at the same time as she was experimenting with her music. Her skill in both grew, and when a burglar tried to break into her apartment she froze his personal timeline in place, at least long enough for the police to respond. That emboldened the young woman, and she started venturing out at night in a mask. Around the same time she released her first album, and she hasn't regretted either decision. Personality & Motivation: There's very little that Asli doesn't have an opinion on, and it doesn't take much to get her to speak her mind. She's not argumentative exactly, but she does prefer to say something and hash out issues rather than letting them fester. Of course, sometimes not knowing when to shut her mouth can make problems worse. Asli tends to work off emotions rather than logic, reacting to things by her gut feeling rather than carefully reasoned considerations. She also tends to see issues in terms of how they'll impact individuals, and has a hard time balancing that against a larger picture. It means she can irrationally focused on one thing in a fight when her emotions get the better of her, but it also means she's less likely to get caught up her in own fame. Asli has a lot of reasons for doing what she does; zakat and sadaqah, the excitement and thrill of it, the chance to test her courage and her magic. The truth of it all, though, is that it would have been very easy for her to end up on the other side of things, under the thrall of some two-bit supervillain or crime syndicate, controlled by her addictions. If she'd had a hanging judge, or had washed out of rehab, or had gone for harder drugs, she might have not been saved. She fights in order to make sure that those borderline cases have a chance to turn their lives around. Powers & Tactics: Miras doesn't have a lot that could hurt a person. She'll normally use her Snare or Paralyze to lock an opponent down. Against a crowd of lesser enemies, she can weave impressive illusions to fool the group. Complications Fame Asli may not be a megastar, but she's had enough success that she could be recognized on the street. Prejudice Asli is a Mulsim woman trying to make it as a hip-hop artist. That's plenty of reasons for people to not like even the idea of her. Protector of Greenbank Asli lives in Greenbank, and works hard to make sure her neighborhood is as safe as it can be. Checkered Past Asli was not always on the side of the angels, and even now some of her friends are (minor) criminals. Deosil's Prophecies Asli is the current owner of the Locarno Dairies, which contain a number of enigmatic prophecies. She spends a good deal of time trying to decipher them and avoid any bad fate they predict. Hatred Asli reserves a special antipathy for drug dealers. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 8 + 8 = 24PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +4, +10 Ranged, +10 Paralyze Grapple: +4 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Force Field) Fortitude: +6 (+0 Con, +6) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) Skills: 128R = 32PP Bluff 8 (+12) Concentration 10 (+14) Diplomacy 11 (+15) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 13 (+15)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Art) 13 (+15) Knowledge (Current Events) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Streetwise) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 13 (+15)Skill Mastery Language 3 (Arabic, English [Native], Latin, Turkish) Notice 8 (+12)Skill Mastery Perform (Dancing) 1 (+5) Perform (Singing) 16 (+20)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 8 (+12) Feats: 18PP Attack Focus (Ranged) 6 Challenge (Combat Diplomacy) Challenge (Fast Taunt) Dodge Focus 4 Ritualist Set-up Skill Mastery (Knowledge [Arcane Lore, Theology & Philosophy], Notice, Perform [singing]) Taunt Well-Informed Powers: 1 + 10 + 27 + 6 + 2 + 14 = 60PP All powers have the Magic descriptor Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) (Air) (Illusory Robes) [1PP] Force Field 10 (Time) (Slow the Blow) [10PP] Ruh Kalit 12 (24 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 3) [27PP] BE: Flight 3 (50 MPH, Extra: Linked [+0] [Immunity, Insubstantial) + Immunity 5 (Environmental Conditions, Extra: Linked [+0] [Flight, Insubstantial]) + Insubstantial 2 (Extra: Linked [+0] [Flight, Immunity], Feats: Selective, Subtle) (Air) (Body of Smokeless Fire) [23/24PP] AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2 [DAM 10], Homing, Split Attack) (Fire) (Fling the Fires) [24/24PP] AP: Illusion 5 (All Senses, Feats: Progression 4 [50 ft radius]) (Air) (Weave the Wind Solid) [24/24PP] AP: Snare 10 (Feats: Obscure Senses 3 [Auditory, Olfactory, Visual]) (Air) (Cage of Smoke) [23/24PP] Super Senses 6 (Magic Awareness [Olfactory, Tactile]) [6PP] Super Senses 2 (+Ranged on Magic Awareness) [2PP] Working of Deosil 6.5 (13PP, Feat: Alternate Power 2, Drawback: Must have Hands Free) (Time) [14PP] BE: Speed 6 (500 ft, Extra: Linked [+0] [Quickness]) + Quickness 6 (x10, Extra: Linked [+0] [Speed]) (In the Blink of An Eye) [12/13PP] AP: Healing 3 (Extras: Action/Standard, Affects Objects [+1], Feat: Stabilize) (Reverse the Flow) [13/13PP] AP: Paralyze 10 (Feats: Accurate 3, Flaw: Action/Full) (Time Stop) [13/13PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Fling the Fires Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Magic, Fire) Time Stop Ranged DC 25 Fortitude (Staged) Helpless Weave the Wind Solid Perception DC 15 Will Illusion Cage of Smoke Ranged DC 20 Snare (Staged) Slowed Abilities (24) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (32) + Feats (18) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 172/184 Power Points
  11. TNTeen's Ini roll. (1d20+6=10) Par for the course. Ice Age Clive's Ini. (1d20=2) Hah, lovely.
  12. One of the boys flanking Will snickered. "Clive can't make an ice-cube on his own," he laughed. Clive broke off his glare from Will to seethe at his friend. "Ben," he hissed. "Shut up, man! You're making me look bad." Haukea walking up to the group made the other two boys back up. Whatever adolescent bravado that was propelling them forward wilted when it seemed like they'd have to fight a girl instead of showing off for one. They backed off, finally turning and hustling away. Gene tracked them with his eyes, but they disappeared into the parking lot. He relaxed, thinking that the worst was over. In a corner of the parking lot, next to the huge snowpile the plows had left behind, the three young men drew together again. Clive pulled an inhaler from his pocket, and a glass jar full of what looked like red sand. The jar went on the inhaler and Clive took a hit, then passed it around. The sand turned to gas and as soon as the gas hit the lungs, the world slowed down. The snow turned pink and the sky went red, and everything suddenly seemed like it was very, very far away. Ben and the other boy started laughing, running through hands though the packed, pinkish snow pile. For Clive though, things were very different. The red fog expanded to fill his brain and his body, making him restless and jumpy, making him almost feel like there were sparks jumping from his fingertips. His mind, restlessly swirling around the confrontation with Will, fixated on the speedster. Clive's vague unease grew into humiliation, into anger. While the other two laughed and played jerkily in the snow, Clive turned and stalked back towards the festival. Gene was looking in that direction, so he happened to see the young man from before return, without his two friends. He seemed a lot angrier now, though, and more focused. As Gene watched, the pressure of the crowd forced an older woman against the angry man -- and a film of ice grew from that point of contact, covering the woman entirely! Shocked gasps arose from the crowd, and Gene felt his guts freeze. This was quickly turning into a dangerous situation.
  13. Jay's been hit by enough traps so far! Raven can go first.
  14. Raveled

    Miras (PL 10)

    It's 4PP when you stick a Flaw on it! ;)
  15. Blue Jay's head swam from the sudden jump, but she managed to focus on her new surroundings and the pair at the focal point of the scene. She was still and staring for a minute, trying to take in what she was seeing. Even on Jay's world, they had had stories of Merlin and King Arthur, and while she dimly remembered the Lady of the Lake she didn't remember trees or Satan coming into the story anywhere. In any case, if this was what it seemed to be... She half-turned to Wander, still keeping her eyes on the new pair. "So, Medea's not responsible?"
  16. Switching to the bonus Def for Favored Environment, and Charging for the bonus attack. Total of +2 Attack, -1 Def for this round. Blue Jay's melee attack roll, DC 20 Tou. (1d20+17=27)
  17. Blue Jay huffed out a breath, slinging her bow behind her back. Cord makes his reappearance just to talk to this guy. She was beginning to seriously doubt UNISON's competency, sending an agent like him along on a mission like this. She couldn't draw a bead on the lead hunter, but there were other ways to engage him. She sprinted across the snow, running broken-field style to keep him from drawing a bead on her if he had a weapon in reserve. The archer charged the tree the hunter was hiding behind. At the last moment, she made a leap and grabbed the trunk, managing to turn her momentum into upward motion. Quick as a wink she grabbed a branch, swung around the tree, and aimed a double-booted kick straight at the back of his neck.
  18. Thousand Yard Stare by Thevshi Blue Jay Spending 3 PP to give her 12 ranks in Intimidate. That's... about it.
  19. Tona crossed her arms, looking away from the group and giving a random guard her best death-glare. Finally she looked back at Mr. Landis. "I don't understand any of this," she admitted. "If these things," she gestured to the jade pieces, "are so valuable, don't put them out. If they're supposed to be looked at, then don't be angry when people want to take them home. But... I won't try to fight my way out alone. I won't make trouble -- if we're all kept together." She scanned the group of museum-goers who had gathered to watch the confrontation. "But first." She plunged past the guards, moving decisively and ducking under fire lanes. In a moment she was between them, and in another moment beyond them, her hand locked around the arm of the woman who had called out Sam. "Who are you, bête vieille femme?"
  20. Raveled

    Miras (PL 10)

    So here's my latest character, a singing spell-slinger with a djinni in her family tree. I dropped the nephilim idea, mostly because I thought the potential problems outweighed the potential pluses. My main worry is the Personality section. I know it needs to be expanded, I'm just not sure how to do it.
  21. Raveled

    Miras (PL 10)

    Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Miras Power Level: 10 (150/150) Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 0 In Brief: A hero trained in music and magic protecting those the world may have looked over. Alternate Identities: Asli Safiyyah Sadik, DJ Eclectic, Sophie Identity: Secret Birthplace: San Diego, California Occupation: Superhero, student, DJ, musician. Affiliations: FreeSA, FCU, Stone Soup Musical Group Family: Father, mother, 2 brothers. Age: 30 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Turkish/Djinn Height: 6' 2" Weight: 220 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Asli is a tall woman, with a solid, curvy frame. Her skin and hair are dark, and her eyes are a deep, unclouded blue. Her features are rounded and her teeth are very white against her skin; it's noticeable because she's usually talking or laughing. She deliberately avoids makeup, and she usually keeps her hair just long enough for a ponytail. She does like to use wilder styles for her stage show, though. Asli's everyday style is an urban-punk asthetic. She favors heavy boots, tight jeans, and layers that usually end in a hoody or a leather jacket. As Miras her clothes transform into an open, hooded robe of rich purple, over a gown of deep green. The robe's cowl manages to hide her features no matter what happens. Power Descriptions: Asli's power comes from two distinct sources. Her magic is rooted in the writings of Lord Deosil, a Master Mage who was skilled in time magic and prophecy. With that she can turn aside attacks, speed up her own passage through time, or freeze others in place. With a great deal of effort, she can even turn back someone or something's personal timeline. These spells are often accompanied by chiming bells, or gold or silver clock faces or meshing gears appearing in the air. Her other source is her own djinni heritage. Combined with her understanding of magic, she can do quite a lot to manipulate the world around her. She can throw bolts of magical fire, change one thing into another (if she concentrates), make illusions to cloud the senses, or take a form as substantial as smoke. Using these powers often results in geometric traceries appearing in the air. History Asli was born in a small Turkish community in California, and her early days were filled with sun and surf and the same group of people she saw every day. She was a talented singer even as a very young child, and when she came of age and started sending out college applications, the Freedom School for the Arts offered her an impressive scholarship. She accepted FreeSA's invitation and moved out to Freedom City, studying dance and songwriting professionally for the first time in her life. It was an exciting, exhilarating time. It was also a scarey, stressful time, as the girl was away from her family for the first time in her life. Sophie (she started going by that in college) tried drugs at a party first, and then started self-medicating for stress. Before she knew what had happened she was kicked out of FreeSA and working dead-end jobs, getting wasted at night and waking up the next day to start it all over again. Asli might have ended up another burn-out junkie, a cautionary tale for the next generation of students, if she hadn't gotten caught. She was buying for herself and all her friends and was charged with possession with intent to distribute, but her public defender pleaded down to a misdemeanor with rehab. The potential of a felony conviction scared her straight; she cleaned up her life, went back to school, and rediscovered her faith. She got a degree in Media Communications from FCU and started writing music again, taking an apartment in Greenbank. In a corner of the apartment she found an old cardboard box filled with yellowing journals. Asli began reading them, and discovered that they were the writings of a 18th century clockmaker named Hans Lorcano, who became the Master Mage Lord Deosil. She experimented with his style of magic at the same time as she was experimenting with her music. Her skill in both grew, and when a burglar tried to break into her apartment she froze his personal timeline in place, at least long enough for the police to respond. That emboldened the young woman, and she started venturing out at night in a mask. Around the same time she released her first album, and she hasn't regretted either decision. Personality & Motivation: There's very little that Asli doesn't have an opinion on, and it doesn't take much to get her to speak her mind. She's not argumentative exactly, but she does prefer to say something and hash out issues rather than letting them fester. Of course, sometimes not knowing when to shut her mouth can make problems worse. Asli tends to work off emotions rather than logic, reacting to things by her gut feeling rather than carefully reasoned considerations. She also tends to see issues in terms of how they'll impact individuals, and has a hard time balancing that against a larger picture. It means she can irrationally focused on one thing in a fight when her emotions get the better of her, but it also means she's less likely to get caught up her in own fame. Asli has a lot of reasons for doing what she does; zakat and sadaqah, the excitement and thrill of it, the chance to test her courage and her magic. The truth of it all, though, is that it would have been very easy for her to end up on the other side of things, under the thrall of some two-bit supervillain or crime syndicate, controlled by her addictions. If she'd had a hanging judge, or had washed out of rehab, or had gone for harder drugs, she might have not been saved. She fights in order to make sure that those borderline cases have a chance to turn their lives around. Powers & Tactics: Miras doesn't have a lot that could directly stop a fight. She prefers to use her illusions or mobility to tie up opponents, waiting until they make a mistake and let her freeze them in place or trap them behind a quickly-made wall. Complications:Fame Asli may not be a megastar, but she's had enough success that she could be recognized on the street. Prejudice Asli is a Mulsim woman trying to make it as a hip-hop artist. That's plenty of reasons for people to not like even the idea of her. Protector of Greenbank Asli lives in Greenbank, and works hard to make sure her neighborhood is as safe as it can be. Checkered Past Asli was not always on the side of the angels, and even now some of her friends are (minor) criminals. Deosil's Prophecies Asli is the current owner of the Locarno Dairies, which contain a number of enigmatic prophecies. She spends a good deal of time trying to decipher them and avoid any bad fate they predict. Hatred Asli reserves a special antipathy for drug dealers. Abilities: 0 + 4 + 0 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 26PP Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 10 (+0) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 18 (+4) Charisma: 18 (+4) Combat: 8 + 12 = 20PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +4, +10 Ranged Grapple: +4 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18PP Toughness: +10 (+0 Con, +10 Force Field) Fortitude: +6 (+0 Con, +6) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +10 (+4 Wis, +6) Skills: 60R = 15PP Concentration 6 (+10) Diplomacy 6 (+10) Knowledge (Arcana) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Art) 7 (+10)Skill Mastery Knowledge (Current Events) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Streetwise) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Popular Culture) 2 (+5) Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+5) Language 3 (Arabic, English [Native], Latin, Turkish) Notice 8 (+12)Skill Mastery Perform (Dancing) 1 (+5) Perform (Singing) 6 (+10)Skill Mastery Sense Motive 8 (+12) Feats: 17PP Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Attack Focus (Ranged) 6 Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 4 Move-By Action Power Attack Ritualist Skill Mastery (Knowledge [Art, Arcana], Notice, Perform [singing]) Powers: 1 + 10 + 24 + 6 + 1 + 12 = 54PP All powers have the Magic descriptor Enhanced Feat 1 (Quick Change) (Illusory Robes) [1PP] Force Field 10 (Slow the Blow) [10PP] Ruh Kalit 10.5 (21 PP, Feat: Alternate Power 3) [24PP] BE: Insubstantial 4 (Feat: Subtle) (Body of Smokeless Fire) [21/21PP]AP: Blast 10 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial) (Fling the Fires) [21/21PP] AP: Transform 5 (Inanimate to inanimate, Feat: Affects Insubstantial, Flaw: Range/Touch) (Shape the World [21/21PP] AP: Illusion 7 (Visual & auditory) (Weave the Wind Solid) [21/21PP] Super Senses 6 (Magic Awareness [Tactile], Detect Magic [Visual]) [6PP] Super Senses 1 (+Ranged on Magic Awareness) [1PP] Working of Deosil 5 (10PP, Feat: Alternate Power 2) [12PP] BE: Speed 5 (250 ft, Extra: Linked [Quickness]) + Quickness 5 (x50, Extra: Linked [speed]) (In the Blink of An Eye) [10/10PP]AP: Healing 5 (Extras: Affects Objects [+1], Flaw: Distracting) (Like it Never Happened) [10/10PP] AP: Paralyze 10 (Flaw: Action/Full) (Time Stop) [10/10PP] Drawbacks: (-0) = -0PP DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 15 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Blast Ranged DC 25 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Magic, Fire) Paralyze Ranged DC 25 Fortitude(Staged) HelplessAbilities (26) + Combat (20) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (15) + Feats (17) + Powers (54) - Drawbacks (0) = 150/150 Power Points
  22. GM The police took the arrival of the diminutive psychic with ease; a couple of rookies started and began to reach for their sidearms, but most were used to the masked men and women appearing during crises. It wasn't hard to find the one in charge, either, a middle-aged man wearing a Kevlar vest his sportcoat. He was typing on a laptop as Blue Fox approached, and spoke to her without turning his head. "You showed up just in time, if you want to help," he said. "We're about five minutes from sending STAR in." He finally turned to her, looking the heroine over. "So what's your plan? We've got about twenty, twenty-five civilians inside and one very pissed off Blackstone inmate." Toxic looked around and her jaw dropped as Kit's Chesire-skeleton thing leered at her. "Of course I'm bananas," she said, rubbing at her eyes. "I woke up in a vault holdin' a bag of cash. And now I'm seein' dead cat... things." She eyed Sam's sending. "What are ya supposed to be, anyway, Bones? My death wish, or somethin'?
  23. TNTeen has gone, changing into his uniform.
  24. It took Gene a moment to reply to Kazra's question. "There was a movie. Like, twenty years ago. About a place sort of like this. Scientists brought dinosaurs back to life and put them on an island. John Williams did the music to it. And it was awesome." He shook his head at the grazing, moving, beautiful monsters out in front of him. "I brought my Walkman, but the battery died on the trip up here. And I doubt I can get a wireless signal out here." "Oh yeah," he sighed. "I climb mountains every day. Back and forth from school, you know? The view's just taking my breath away," he added sarcastically.
  25. Once the vehicles were out of the line of fire, Ironclad felt safe to unleash more devastating weapons on the slashing, pirouetting craft. Blowing it out of the sky only solved one problem, though, and the day quickly unfolded into a myriad of other problems. The setting sun set fire to the edges of the Hercules' wings as the last of the computer equipment was rolled aboard. Amid the packed PCs were a pair of crates labeled DRONE MISC., all that the inventor had been able to salvage of her piloted units after she had ripped them apart underwater. Sighting, Jessica turned to Doctor Farber and Agent Aita. "I'm very sorry again, Professor," she said. "I don't have any idea why the drones tried to bury the temple again. If that darn aircraft hadn't attacked maybe..." She shrugged, feeling helpless. Farber sighed, polishing his glasses. "I do not hold you responsible, Miss Parker. I'm sure that whoever attacked us would have come up with some other way to stop the dig. At least this way, no one died. And we know the temple is still down there, buried under the silt, waiting to be dug out." He squinted at the cargo plane. "I'm surprised you're leaving so soon, though. You won't even stay the night in Tel Aviv or Degania Alef?" "I want to get home quickly," she said, still watching the loading process. "I need to analyze the data still on the drones and figure out who was behind this attack, and the best place to do that is the Lab." She turned and flashed a smile. "Don't worry. With any luck, I'll be back before the year is out, to help dig that temple up again!"
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