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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Blue Jay collected herself enough to take her place in the magic circle, making sure to nock an arrow as she did so. It would be a bad idea to appear in the middle of an enemy camp not ready to attack! With a familiar swirl and wrench the entire world changed around her, and revealed rolling green hills, a friendly banner, and a decidedly schizophrenic sight. She cocked her head and watched the couples war over a house halfway between eras, waiting for some comprehension. When none came, she instead looked to the other heroes around her. "House looks... weird," she said. "Should it look like that?" Jay had never been one for schoolwork, but that did not look like a smooth, natural evolution of architectural styles.
  2. Gene followed Zander, trudging through the warm, close air of the space under the trees. Amazingly it seemed to get even more humid under the trees, but the teenager kept his grumblings to himself and merely drank from his canteen more often. The mountain climbing was a different sort of hardship, but he managed to keep up. The narrow defile Zander led them down made Gene breath a little faster, but the walls weren't too closed together -- at least that's what the teen kept telling himself. And then the world changed, and they were standing in the middle of a jungle even larger and wilder than the one they had left, and there were dinosaurs in it. Gene's jaw dropped as he watched the great, lumbering beasts move, momentarily transfixed at the sight of seeing these creatures from the dawn, real and breathing in front of him. "I really should've brought that John Williams' playlist," he said softly.
  3. This might be a bit dark and current, but the news about a volcanic eruption in Indonesia got me thinking about super-powered relief aid. How would PCs react to a natural disaster of this scale? There's all sorts of complications that can arise when Mother Nature violently disrupts human life. There's got to be some sort of story that can be told here.
  4. Gene felt relief at the idea that he wouldn't be forced to walk all those miles. Of course with so many students from Claremont Academy, odds were that one of them would be able to fly or run across tree tops or something. Of course, having two was even better; it meant there was less chance of someone getting too stressed or hurt to to get them out of danger. Not that they were supposed to be in danger anyway, but it never hurt to think ahead. "I'll take that ride, Sam," Gene said, pulling at his sticky, sweaty tee-shirt. And then the portal opened and Zandar stepped through. Gene's already dark skin darkened further and his dropped his eyes to the ground, scuffling his feet in the dirt. "So, um. Do we really have to walk all the way up the mountain? And through the jungles?"
  5. Gene ran after the cop cars, sprinting down the streets pell mell as he tried to keep up. They turned a corner and so did he -- a couple houses early. There was a fence with a pair of garbage cans in front of it, an easy enough target for an eager student of parkour. Of course, Gene was more a student of Louis Pasteur; he made a jump and tucked his legs up, but all he managed to do was jump headlong into the garbage cans. Limping slightly, he went back to the road and resumed running. Eventually, huffing and sweating, he got close enough to the cop cars to see their lights over the next row of houses. He stopped there and pulled out a red mask from his pocket, peeling off his jacket and polo to reveal a red tee-shirt with a cartoon bomb on it, the exact same shade as the mask he fitted over his face. He tossed the polo and jacket over a nearby bench and rounded the corner.
  6. In case the door is locked. Jay's Disable Device check. (1d20+10=23)
  7. Blue Jay was laying down on a bed of pins. She was tumbling down a hill of needles. She was trying to swim through a storm-wracked sea. Every time she attempted the tiniest twitch, her arms and legs flew wildly out of her control. She finally, grudgingly, settled for flying limp. It was her good fortune that Raven happened upon her and dispatched the robots before the Warden ended up with another hostage. Now they were clear of the elevator, she tried moving again and succeeded this time. Her hands still felt tingly, but she clenched and unclenched them, working the nerves and blood vessels until that went away. The metal door at the far end was the obvious goal, and that was exactly why Jay shied way from it. Warden was way too fond of his traps. Instead, she moved towards one of the other doors. "Let's try them at the same time," she said to Raven. "Easiest way to see if these are just time-wasters."
  8. Jay's Fort save, vs DC 20. (1d20+10=22) Hallelujah!
  9. Blue Jay turned towards the gloating Medea in all her finery, feeling her emotions swirl and surge suddenly. She clamped down on her expression though, moving towards the cage with a smooth, controlled gait. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and held it up for the sorceress to see, examining the length of treated wood. "Queen of archers," she deadpanned. "God of throwing pointy sticks. C'est une mauvaise blague. Could have at least given me a magic pet." The archer locked her eyes on Medea's. "I don't want to be a god. I've seen them die, and it's not pretty. Now, I may not have been paying attention when the Terminus did it, but if you cannot fix what you have done I will dedicate the rest of my life to killing you. I will --" Her voice trailed off in a sudden squeak as her control cracked. Her entire body clenched as she tried to keep from breaking down in front of the villain, and she had to turn away and stalk off abruptly.
  10. Gene looked around and spotted his parents among the displays. Adam was trying to help one of the presenters free his hand from his own sculpture, while Rebecca searched among the tools on the ground. Gene hurried over, dragging Katie away from the brewing confrontation. "Mom, Dad," he called out, stopping briefly in front of them. "Can you take Katie for a bit? I want to go do some stuff on my own." "Not now," his father grunted, tugging on the sculptor's trapped hand. "But Daaaaaaad," Gene whined. "Listen to your father," his mother snapped. "In fact, don't go far. I don't want you to run off if something else weird happens." The boys William was confronting looked a little put off that he wasn't willing to escalate the encounter, but they pressed on regardless. "You sound like an after-school special," the lead boy, the one with the frost powers, replied. "If you're not going to do anything but speak, why don't you shove off and let us have our fun?"
  11. That idea suited Tona just fine. She really didn't care to be talked down to by a bunch of adults she had never met before, who assumed they were responsible for whatever they thought was going on, and were ready to hustle them all away out of sight. Tona really didn't like that last idea. If no one wanted them in the museum, that was more than fine by her, but she did not intend to be locked up in some back room somewhere. She did pull Sam to a stop for a moment, walking up to Mali and Elias. "Are you really going to do this," she asked flatly. "Nobody did anything. We were just looking at the stuff. Why should you let them lock you up for nothing?"
  12. Gene King walked around what he couldn't stop thinking of as 'the landing site.' They hadn't landed here, of course, they'd come up in a mini-bus; but they were going to go to a different world, and what did that mean if not aliens? Giang had talked more about dinosaurs than little green space men, but Gene was more focused on the possibility of seeing another world. And on the heat. He was used to New England's weather, but here the air seemed so thick that it could be sold by the cubic foot. True, he had done some research and knew South America's jungles were humid, but nothing had prepared him for the sensation of being squeezed and wrung out by the very air itself. At first he had tried to stay still to keep as cool as possible; then he had tried to keep moving to get some air flowing across his body. "I hope he's here soon," Gene said. "I'm about ready to drop." He pulled at his tee-shirt, which was sticky with sweat. "Why couldn't we get a van? With A/C. And wait in there?"
  13. I would wait until that actually comes into play. So far we're at the talking and posturing stage of things.
  14. Why does he have Enhanced Int, exactly? His power is running really fast, I dont't see how that translates to super-smarts.
  15. Jay can hit Notice of 25 without trying, will that detect him?
  16. The ice growths trailed off as the boys turned to focus on William. "Why don't you step off, skinny jeans. Nobody asked you to butt in." The three rearranged themselves, beginning to surround the teen. The one with the apparent powers moved to be right in William's personal space. "You better run on home, before we start making our own ice sickle. Like, you-sized, maybe." Gene watched the confrontation brewing with a mix of emotions. He didn't want to abandon Katie, and he wasn't sure how to intervene without showing off his powers, but he felt back just sitting back. Someone should step up to those guys and get them to stop ruining the festival -- and technically, someone was, but that guy was outnumbered and Gene didn't like to see that.
  17. So I guess he... keeps running towards the police sirens?
  18. This may be the gravest threat Claremont has ever faced...
  19. Blue Jay peered around the huge room, taking in all the details. Irrationally, she had expected the lair of someone like the Brave and the Marksman to be immune from whatever had changed the world. the fact that it had changed with everything else was a little disheartening. The archer straightened, gripping her bow. "I'm Blue Jay," she said. "I shoot arrows." It might not be a flashy power, but it had been effective against the League. "I... don't think I've ever been in something like this. But, um." She cleared her throat. "I was born in the Terminus. I don't know if that means... anything, here." She fell quiet again, though she kept sneaking looks at the transformed Midnight.
  20. Can the Baron give me a DC 15 Will save vs. a Mind Control effect?
  21. Farber gunned the engine, and Katastrof could see his white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel. This time, the engine caught and roared to life. Aita opened the rear door and fixed his eyes on Kastastrof. "Baron, get in the car!" The agent's words rang oddly, and for a moment the whole world went dim and distant, tunnel vision cutting out everything between Katastrof and the car. The effect was shattered when the flying wing roared overhead, fast enough and close enough to rip the tops off the pavilions. The elongated wing cut into the ground, raising a furrow of dirt and salt spray; in its wake was Ironclad, who chased it away from the group and back into the air. The pair gained altitude again, sparring, the armored heroine keeping the vehicle from approaching the ground again.
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