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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Jay is going to stunt the following from her array. Snare 10 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Flaw: Action/Full, Distracting) So that's a DC 20 Reflex save for the AoE, and then a DC 20 for the Snare. Then I'm going to invoke her Ammo Complication; she doesn't have Glue arrows for the rest of the thread, but she's not down a HP either.
  2. Blue Jay was frustrated. Interrogating suspects was not her strong suit. Where had Cord disappeared to? If he couldn't track, sneak, or shoot, then he could at least take over when all that stuff was done, dammit! Whenever she needed answers she usually tried to scare someone into talking, but how could she do that when she was scared of showing herself, lest she get shot? Of course, there was one chance to restrain her. The archer pulled all the white-fletched arrows from her quiver, placing them on the snow before her. She already had a good idea of the distance, so she estimated the wind and the angle. With quick, precise motions she sent the glue arrows flying, and they burst above the prone hunters, showering them in sticky, quick-hardening goo.
  3. TNTeen's Ini check. (1d20+6=18)
  4. Before long, Katie had finished her chocolaty drink and was out in the cold again, with Gene following along behind. They ended up in front of a man who was, against all logic, shirtless in the cold, and working on very small, delicate pieces. Katie oohed and aahed over unicorns and angels that fit in the palm of her mittened hand, and even Gene had to admit that the skill involved in carving a mane or feathers that small was impressive. He leaned in as close as he could to watch the man work with a rasp and file, and was surprised to see the ice figure suddenly start growing! Within moments it had enveloped the man's hand, and both of them pulled back in shock. While the carver retrieved a hammer and tried to free his digits, Gene looked around for the source. It didn't take long to find; three of young men, a little older than he was, were standing in a clutch. One of them was waggling his fingers at the ice sculptures, while the other two laughed to themselves. It wasn't hard to see that, wherever first man pointed, the painstakingly crafted figures sprouted fuzzes and spines of ice. Gene was torn -- on the one hand, he knew the heroic thing would be to march up to them and confront the three (even if he would be outnumbered and out muscled), but he was still responsible for Katie. He bit his lip, trying to come to a conclusion.
  5. Ironclad >Shadows of History Blue Jay >Cold Cold War >Field Trip: Chicago >In the Shadow of Sin >Medieval Times TNTeen >Ice Age Cometh >Some Things Should Never be Found >The Superhuman Gambit GM >Changing Times, Changing Minds
  6. The League was defeated and it seemed weird that it was reassuring to think that. Nevertheless, their 'queen' was also out of the sky and ready to be interrogated. In a few short bounds the archer was on the ground, expertly threading through the fleeing crowd to get near the rest of the heroes. She was practically giddy, her eyes shining and a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. She had just been complimented by Wander, and here she was standing next to the Marksman. She took a deep breath and stepped up to the black-clad alchemist. "Hey... Hello," she said quietly. "I... Can we talk? Later?"
  7. Well for reasons I don't want to get into, having the character's divine parent as a fallen angel wouldn't really work. How about this scenario: there haven't been nephilim for eons, since FC's version of the Hyperborean Age. Back then they were the major badasses around, as you said like Superman in WWI. Being prone to all the vices of humanity, many nephilim became power-hungry, greedy, and just plain evil tyrants, abusing their divine powers. They've all been wiped out by now and Heaven's been watching to make sure that no more pop up. Now that one has, she's being watched very closely to make sure she doesn't fall into the bad habits of her predecessors.
  8. I am planning a character that is to be a nephilim, the offspring of a human and an angel. Mythologically, Heaven has a hate-on for nephilim; part of the moral justification of Noah's Flood was to wipe out the last of them. I want to keep that animosity a part of the character. On the other hand, we do have an actual angel rattling around somewhere and more than a few characters (and players) who have positive interactions with the denizens of Fluffy Cloud Land. So I'm looking for a way to integrate these ideas. I still want to keep the antagonism, but the killy-killy-smite part clearly won't work.
  9. Is Gene going to be alone on these mean streets?
  10. Blue Jay watched the fight move forward. It wasn't long before most of the League was restrained and out of the fight. The archer considered her options, but once Fastforward's spell stripped Medea of her defenses Jay realized she had to take the shot while it was possible. She nocked, drew, loosed, and did it again in the space of a breath. A volley of blunt-headed arrows sang through the air, impacting heavily on 'the queen's' dress. "Come back down to reality," she whispered, glowing with pride at the thought that both the Brave and the Marksman had seen her skills.
  11. "It's Gene," he replied. "And, uh, likewise? About the Please?" Katie, tired of running around in the snow, grabbed Gene's hand and started insistently pulling him towards the tents. "Genie Genie Genie," she said. "I wanna go sit down." Gene rolled his eyes and followed his sister, half-bent to keep his hand in hers. "It's not Genie. Really, I promise!" A few minutes in the warming tent got them both hot chocolate, and Gene hung out by the entrance while Katie sat on a bench and sipped her treat. Things really seemed to be heating up, no pun intended. A variety of folks were working on their ice blocks, and quite a few interesting things were taking shape. Just near him Gene could see airplanes, birds, buildings, and at least one guy who was working on a life-sized dinosaur of some sort.
  12. Jay's going to hit the home run that Fastforward was so kind to set up.. Blue Jay's ranged attack check vs. Medea's Def. DC 20 + Autofire (1d20+15=28)
  13. The breath caught in Gene's throat when Cho began shaking the ground, causing shivers to run through the snow. Katie stumbled back and forth, laughing badly as the world shook about her. He sighed in relief, watching his little sister jump in imitation of Cho; even when she misjudged her hop and into the snow, she kept laughing and swinging her arms. "Don't stay down in the snow, Katie," Gene grumbled, pulling her to her feet. "You're going to catch cold, and then you'll be sick. You don't want that, do you?" "Yeah yeah yeah," the little girl shouted. "Sick day, day off!" Gene gave the sort of long-suffering sigh only a sibling can and rolled his eyes at Cho. "Thanks. Um. I didn't catch your name?"
  14. "I heard something," the little girl insisted, stamping her feet. "Something went BOOM! BANG! Pow!" Gene thought quickly. "Nothing went boom, Katie," he insisted. "We were just... stamping our feet in the snow. Right?" He threw a hopeful look Cho's way, and stamped his feet in the snow drifts. Powder drifted up along with a muffled ]i]crunch, and he stomped again and again. Katie seemed on the fence about the explanation, and Gene looked at Cho for support.
  15. Gene didn't answer, instead staring at Cho's hand as it was illuminated from within by whatever strange power she wielded. "That's amazing," he said, watching her little display. "I can't do anything like that. Most of the time I --" As he was speaking, Gene's control slipped and the sphere fell to the ground, where they exploded on the snow. They were more flash than bang so neither teenager was injured, but it did draw the attention of Gene's sister. "Genie, Genie," she yelled, rushing over. "Are you playing with fireworks? Did you bring snappers here?" She slid to a stop an arms length away. "Genie, are you talking to a girl?"
  16. Gene grinned, unable to help himself. This girl obviously didn't expect that anyone else would see her using her powers. Gene knew how hard it was to keep something like that secret from everybody. "No no, it's totally okay. Watch. Um." He twisted around to look and make sure no one, especially his little sister, was watching. Thankfully she was enjoying making snow angels. So Gene pulled off his glove and concentrated, letting three gold-and-red orbs float above the palm of his hand. "See? It's okay, I won't tell anyone if you don't."
  17. "So you all have your cellphones," the King matriarch said, ticking points off on her fingers." "Yes, Mom," her oldest daughter said. "And you know to keep an eye on your siblings," she continued. "Yes, Mom," Derek intoned. "And you know we're meeting back here at twelve." This time it was Gene's turn. "Yes, Mom," he sighed, feigning indifference. He couldn't keep a smile from tugging at the corner of his mouth, though. "Don't sass your mother," his father snapped, and they all stood up a little straighter. "Sorry," they all muttered. Adam glared at them for another moment, then relaxed. "Alright, go have some fun." That was all the kids needed, the rugrats running off into the fair and the older kids chasing after them. Gene ended up trailing after the littlest one as she ran around in the snow, endlessly amused by the snow covering the ground and content for the moment to simply run and trip and run some more. Gene kept a ways back, mostly watching the make sure didn't start crying. As they left the greater number of tents behind, he noticed another girl, closer to his age, off near some trees. He watched her for a moment as she -- -- Blew up the snow with her finger? Well that was something you don't see everyday. Gene hiked over in her direction, raising a hand to wave at her. "Hello there!"
  18. Jay's position looks good. I suspect she was held back a year, essentially, to get her academics up to snuff. Tona and Cerys are roomies.
  19. Happy birthday, Darius. Here's hoping you're doing well and we'll see you again!
  20. The King caravan (as the kids were wont to call the full-sized van required to haul them all around at the same time) circled the lot a couple of times before finding an open spot, and even then it was only partially cleared. Adam King, patriarch of the clan, managed to force the driver's door open and climb out, but the panel door on that side was blocked off which meant everyone had to get out the same side. The side Gene was sitting on. Gene, who was lost in thought. He started when a brother poked him sharply. "Wake up, Genie," Derek said. "Time to stop dreaming." The last word was delivered in a sing-song voice, and immediately the rugrats in the back of the van broke out into the theme song of a show that had gone off the air when their parents were young. Gene grumbled something in response, pressed the button to open the van door, and struggled out of his seatbelt. Outside, the kids took to stomping in the snow while their parents tried to wrangle everyone together. Gene stood on the fringes of the group, looking out over the area given over to the festival. A few tents marked WARM, and a lot of ice blocks set up in ways that could be ominous if they weren't the whole point of the day. There weren't too many folks around that Gene could see, just some couples and a few kids running wild. Oh how he envied the chance to be one of them.
  21. Blue Jay watched the struggle from her perch, growing more and more certain that the blue and gold robot was in the right and that this world's Daedalus was as deluded about these changes as anyone else. Then more figures entered the fight and her heart suddenly leapt into her throat. There was the Brave there and there was the Marksman! The actual man who had taken the shot that felled Omega! The archer felt overwhelmed for a moment -- would he remember? Would he think it weird if she just started talking about the fight without warning? At the very least, their entrance decided her. It would take a lot for her to fight against the people who felled Omega. There was a flash of light and the rest of the Freedom League/Knights of Camelot were suddenly there, large as life and escorted by someone who seemed very quick to jump to conclusions. Jay considered her options; she didn't think wooden arrows would do much against these sorts of enemies, and she didn't want them to pinpoint her position so quickly, anyway. Of course if she still had her glue arrows... Her hand fell to her quiver and pulled out an arrow with brown striping in the quill, nocking it and bringing her bow to half-draw before she realized it. Trusting her body, she drew and aimed in one swift, easy motion, aiming for the 'queen' while mentally lamenting that she couldn't get the entire group at once. To her surprise, the rope exploded into a hundred shimmering, nearly-invisible fibers, lashing at all the Knights and attempting to bind everyone!
  22. Since they're here, this is Jay's chance. She's going to Stunt off her Bow Array. Snare 5 (Extra: Area/Burst (Targeted), Selective, Flaw: Action [Full Round]) Power Attack, All-Out Attack, all the fun stuff. Attack check vs. all dem, and then DC 20 Reflex save vs. the ones I hit. And no check for Wander et al! Jay's ranged attack check. DC 20 Reflex (1d20+15=24) I don't think Invisible Castle likes Blue Jay much.
  23. Double postin' 'cause this one doesn't count like the IC does. Jay's going to hold her action until the League materializes, then hit them with a Snare.
  24. It's beginning to look a lot like >topic time.
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