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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. For all the rolls and suchlike in >this thread.
  2. Monday, January 6th, 2014 10:34 AM Wharton State Forest It almost hadn't happened. The weatherman had called for unseasonably warm temperatures through the end of the year, and the people behind the festival had talked about how to keep the ice from melting. Then everything changed when the weather blew up cold and windy; the Freedom League rallied metahumans and were managing to keep the worst of the 'polar vortex' at bay, but it did mean ice and snow for Freedom City and the Winter Festival was on. As the King family van pulled into the well-plowed parking lot of Wharton State Park, Gene King tried to remind himself that all that was good news. He should be happy that the heroes were keeping snow and cold to a manageable level -- but part of him couldn't help but think that this was precious extended Christmas vacation time being taken away from video games.
  3. Aaaaand I missed that there even was an OOC. Blue Jay's Ini. (1d20+15=30)
  4. A very happy birthday, Scuffles! May there be much upside-down cake.
  5. Gene King walked down the street of his old neighborhood, feeling obvious and somewhat silly. He was supposed to be visiting his family for the weekend, having lunch at the old family home, but instead he was looking around, trying to spot dark alleys and conspicuous strangers lurking on street corners. Even though he only had a shaky idea of what 'lurking' would look like. He stopped and sighed, looking around the area. He was barely a superhero, what was he doing here? Trying to investigate... what, exactly? Some folks who would probably be yelling out their names if they were actually around. It hardly seemed necessary to try and sneak around. He just needed to wait for-- --For police sirens. Like that one, right there. Gene tracked the speeding cruiser, and almost without thinking he ran after it.
  6. Happy birthday, Thevshi! May your redness guide us for many years to come.
  7. TNTeen's first role! ... And he doesn't have either skill. Oh well, Intelligence is his better stat. Intelligence check. (1d20+2=15)
  8. Jay was perched comfortably on the peak of the house, watching the masses of people move below her. The trick, she had learned, wasn't so much to watch every single person as to watch the crowd, the flow of all those bodies moving with a purpose. Someone moving against the flow, someone agitated and unsure of themselves would stand out as much as, well, as a rock in a river. Of course, sometimes you didn't find a rock so much as a bear. She didn't recognize the blue-and-gold figure -- Claremonter? Changed by everything this much? -- but the other one was obviously Daedalus. Her first instinct was that anyone Daedalus was attacking must be an enemy, but then she remembered the changed state of the world; who knew how the minds of the Freedom League had changed with things? Daedalus might think he was bashing a knight from a warring kingdom or defending the queen's honor! Jay stood and put a hand on her bow, but didn't move from her perch. The last thing she wanted to do was to jump in front of one of Daedalus's blows, and in any case if she had to intervene she could do it just fine from this range. Of course it would be nice if she had her mask and could see things a bit closer... Unbidden, her hand fell to a pocket in the cloak and pulled out a fanciful face-mask, blue feathers formed from silk and ribbon decorating the eyes and cheeks. She fitted it on her face easily and casually, and suddenly the fight was right in front of her. The archer started, but then forced herself to relax. Of course there would be some magical analogue for her mask in this world. It was just disconcerting to realize that her body knew things that her mind didn't -- or at least things she wouldn't let herself know.
  9. Ironclad (Blaster) Research Buddies Pairing with the other members of the Lab. (Supercape, Dragonfly, Miss Americana) Wealth Buys Power Pairing with other heroes with Wealth. (Fenris, Midnight) Blue Jay (Infiltrator) Get the Point? Pairing with her and Arrowhawk. Girl Power Pairing between any of her, Kit, Crimson Tiger, and Bloduwuedd. For the Uniform Pairing between her and other Claremonters without their own outfits. (Cho)
  10. Raveled

    The Lab

    I should point out now that Ironclad is on her last thread. I don't intend to kill her off or anything, she'll probably be doing the super-scientist hero thing, but in the background. So that will be another 5 EP the Lab will be losing.
  11. Happy birthday, TA, and many happy returns! :parrot:
  12. Tona took Fast-Forward's hand, and tried not to gape as the world slowed to a crawl. A hawk was passing overhead, wheeling for height, and she was able to watch the downbeat of its wings become frozen.... in the time... between seconds. And then he was tugging at her hand and it was time to go. She stepped off the parapet, then stopped, frowning. "I can't just leave," she said, pulling her hand free. "I have to tell people where I've gone. I'll just be a moment!" She ran down the steps to the barracks, quickly locating a loose piece of paper -- foolscap, part of her brain called it -- and scribbled a a note on it with a piece of charcoal. Cerys, Mali, Sam. The world is wrong. Going to fix it with Will Cline's dad. Remind you about it later. She left the paper on her bed and returned to Fast-Forward, and together they blazed through the city to where the Freedom League -- the League of Camelot -- had its home. For all of her misgivings, Tona did appreciate the fortified look of the new Hall. "If we get up on top of the Hall there will be defenses," she said. "We should stay outside." The young woman cast about for a perch, but most of the buildings were set well away from the castle walls. Sensible, but in this situation rather annoying. At last she decided on an overbuilt stone-and-timber construction; with her nimble fingers and feet, she flew up the side of the building and was soon perched on its peak. Then it was just a matter of getting comfortable and watching the crowds below.
  13. I am looking for two or three PCs for a thread. It will be set on the outskirts of Freedom City, at an impromptu ice-carving competition. Which will be interrupted by dinosaurs. This is to be a somewhat low-PL adventure, so no one above PL 10. Who's interested?
  14. Tona tried to follow Fast-Forward's rapid movements, but after a bit gave it up as a bad idea and just kept staring out over the city. She felt a twinge of envy at the idea of zipping all over time -- the things you could do! The people you could meet! -- but quickly reigned it in and focused on the task at hand. She thought about his plan, and eventually shook her head. "Good plan once we find someone," she said, "but a hunter doesn't walk all through the forest. She waits where the prey will be coming. Find some place where everyone will be, and wait there. Watch for people who aren't acting normal." She thought about the situation for a moment. "... Freedom Hall," she said finally. "Or whatever it's called now. If anyone was unchanged and is looking for answers, they'll go there."
  15. Jay's street-level, and she's badass normal so she's got plenty of skills.
  16. Jay nodded, then drew and nocked an arrow but declined to draw it. A compound bow would take most of the strain minimal, but training died hard. She didn't intend to draw on Toxic until she was ready to fire. Until then, she sat still and waited. For her part Sam had no trouble finding a convenient shadow to slip into, reappearing in a darkened office. The door was unlocked, and while there were security cameras dotted about she didn't see any sign that Toxic had any back-up back here. There were a lot of office doors, however. The thief quickly got to work, springing locks and checking for hostages. Before long she was faced with an eerie sight; a double handful of men and women in business casual, sitting on the floor of a darkened office room. They were arranged in two rows facing each other, and they all simply sat quietly, staring blankly ahead. Across the street, the Blue Fox watched as the bulky, boxy vans of STAR pull up to the scene. It seemed like the FCPD was preparing to go in soon.
  17. Tona snorted at the suggestion. Come out into the open, straight into the view of a trio packing whoever-knew how many secondary weapons. She'd rather creep up and take all three of them in hand-to-hand rather than trust their goodwill at this point. Still, Cord didn't seem eager to open up a conversation. Dammit, she was too used to working with people who were always ready to talk. So that fell to Tona instead. She crept through the underbrush, crouched over to keep her profile from breaking the horizon. "Who are you working for?" she called out. "What are you doing out here?"
  18. "I don't watch television," Tona said, eying the speedster warily. He seemed to remember the same Freedom City she did, which was reassuring, but why were they the only two? "I do remember a student named Will who moves really fast. So you're his father?" She wasn't exactly friends with Will Cline, but if his kid was in Claremont than the family had to be okay. In general. In any case, it's not like she had much choice. "I'm not from Earth," she told him. "I'm from the Terminus. The Freedom League said that might make things act weird sometimes. I guess this is one of those times." She looked over the city again and shivered. Of course, the last time she found herself in a weird Freedom City, a robot version of her was at home, trying to kill her friends. She had to find out what was happening as soon as she could. "You said you've seen this sort of thing happen before?"
  19. Jay did not understand what was happening in her head. She could remember the Terminus, the resistance, the Furions and coming to Earth. She could remember meeting Sam and Cerys and Mali, fighting crime and falling in love and planning to go back home to save everyone. And she remembered a city on a broken coast ruled by demons, a desperate struggle against tyranny and death. Knights in magical silver armor swooping in and saving her at the last moment. Coming to this city, to New Freedom and meeting a thief with demon powers, an assassin who had turned against her trade, and a bare-handed fighter from far Cathay. Befriending, falling for them, learning to fight for the Crown and -- And it was all wrong, all horribly and hair-tearingly wrong. It was like waking up and realizing the face in the mirror was a stranger's. It twisted her up inside and made her sick, made her want to retch off the side of the tower until she had thrown up all the wrong memories. But all she could do was wrap the blue-and-gold cape around herself; it was the wrong material and all the wrong cut, but it at least was something familiar from each set of memories. She jumped when the man in the leotard suddenly appeared next to her. She didn't recognize him, but at least he was talking about Claremont! "Yes," she said, eying him warily. "I am. But how do you know what Claremont is?"
  20. Jay's going to hold her action until after the hunters'.
  21. Blue Jay's Ini. (1d20+15=18)
  22. Blue Jay left the path and left Cord behind, cutting through the underbrush far faster than she could have if she was still dragging the agent along. In no time at all she had flanked the rifle-toting group, and was drawing down on them. She had to hit the weapons right; the arrows didn't have much mass, and while they moved fast they still weren't much of an impact. She had to hit the tips of the barrels... Four arrows sang through the air and struck four rifle tips, sending them spinning through the air. Jay let out a breath but stayed in her crouch. Next step was for Cord to get their attention.
  23. That settled it. No way Ironclad could stay underwater and watch the drones if people on the shore were in danger. She marked her position on her HUD and then jetted towards the surface of the water. Her systems painted the target in the air and she exited the water in classic form, both fists extended and thrusters turning her entire body into a sledgehammer. Very powerful, and not very agile. At the last moment the craft veered off, and before long both the aircraft and the armored heroine were circling over the water. On the shore, the students and soldiers were both scrambling for the vehicles. The students made the truck and either climbed up onto the bed; the soldiers formed up around the vehicle and turned to face the air, scanning for the enemy. The professor and the UNISON agent made it to the sedan, and the professor grabbed the driver's seat. Before long, the sound of the engine flooded the air, and then began to stutter and cut out. The Baron immediately realized that the car's engine was flooded. It seemed the civilians weren't going anywhere soon.
  24. Tona Baudin stood atop a parapet, and looked out over a city that she did not recognize. The young woman had arisen at the crack of dawn, as she was used to, and started looking for her exercise gear. It had taken her a few mintues to realize that her wool and nylon clothes had been replaced by linen, leathers, and silk. The tasteful dorms of Claremont Academy had been replaced by heavy wooden bunks in a barracks. Her high-tech bow and arrows had been replaced by a quiver of shots with metal shafts. The whole thing was too unsettling for someone who had been kidnapped and put on a forgery of her world, so she did whatever she always did when she was feeling panicked -- sought height. Which is why the slim woman was standing on top of a stone tower, tracking the movement of horse-drawn carts and poled barges moving through the city. On the one hand, she should have been happy and more comfortable in this world than in the busy, rushing world she knew of as Freedom City. And yet... last night she had talked with her girlfriend on a cell phone, a magic square of bright glass, for many hours before falling asleep. Now that cellphone was missing, and the only thing she could think was -- What else is different?
  25. Fixed notation re: Drawback. It was listed as having 0PP in Drawbacks.
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