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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Ironclad >Shadows of History Blue Jay >Medival Times >Cold Cold War >Changing Times, Changing Minds TNTeen >The Superhuman Gambit >Ice Age Cometh GM
  2. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: TNTeen Power Level: 7/8 (112/117PP) Trade-Offs: +1 Tou/-1 Def Unspent Power Points: 5 Progress To Platinum Status: 17/120 In Brief: A boy who only wants to be overlooked gets a most spectacular power. Alternate Identities: Eugene King, Gene Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Occupation: Student, superhero Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Adam (father), Renee (mother), Malcolm & Derek (brothers), Launa & Candice & Cassandra & Karine (sisters). Description: Age: 16 (DoB: October 1998) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African Height: 5' 5" Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Gene King is not a physically imposing teenager. In fact he's short and slim, with elbows and knees everywhere. His hair is dark and curly, his face is long and thin, and his dark eyes are usually in a book. Most of the time he wears jeans and tee-shirts, like almost every other teenager, but when there's danger likely he dons a red shirt with a cartoon bomb on the front, and a red head-mask. Power Descriptions: Gene can absorb kinetic energy from his environment and release it as explosive spheres. With a little concentration he can even choose how long it will take for the spheres to detonate, potentially setting up a very nasty surprise! He can also focus the energy into a powerful, ground-eating leap, or bleed enough kinetic energy off an attack to completely nullify it. History: Eugene King was born to a big family in Ashton, the baby of seven. Being the youngest he was used to making his own fun, and quickly learned to enjoy quieter pastimes. Very soon grew into a quiet, bookish child. He excelled in academics at school and devoured all sorts of books; he especially loved comic books about Freedom City's local heroes. They inspired him in his life, even though he preferred to be much more low-key than the four-colored titans he read about. He may have gone through life in a placid way if not for the accident. It was a foggy day, and everyone was packed into family van as they drove home from the holidays. The highway was crowded with cars, and as a band of thicker mist rolled across the road drivers in front of the pack slowed down, too quickly for those in the rear to react. Cars collided and slid into one another, and very soon there was a developing pile-up. The Kings, ironically enough, avoided the mass of the accident only to slide down the side of the road and hit a tree. Gene was absorbed in a book for most of the time, and his only clear memories are of the car sliding across the road, his father swearing, and his mother screaming before the van came to an abrupt halt. Moments later the tree fell on the car, neatly pinning the family. No one was seriously hurt, but none of the kids were reacting well to the situation. Young Gene, in particular, was terrified. He felt full of energy, but unable to move due to his seat-belt locking and the tree deforming the car. He reached out, and instinctively pushed it away. He had just enough time to see the tree explode into dust before he passed out. None of the Kings experienced worse than some nasty bumps and bruises, and within a couple of days they were on the road again in a rented van. No one really wanted to talk about the accident and how the tree exploded, and a thicker silence than normal fell over Gene's life. That was broken when Duncan Summers showed up at the front door with a scholarship offer -- and answers. That was two years ago. Gene's refined his powers and his control over them, and now he has decided to try and fight crime with them. It's not exactly how he wants to live his life, but he has to know if his abilities can be used to do any good. Personality & Motivation: Gene prefers to be quiet and inconspicuous most of the time, but when he has an opinion he can be the loudest voice in the room. While he's not confrontational growing up with a bunch of older siblings has taught him that sometimes to the only way to get what you want is to push. Gene is rather terrified of his powers. He's worried that there's nothing good that he can do with his powers, and so he pushes himself to prove that he can be a hero with them. Powers & Tactics: Gene's not big on hurting people. He prefers to use his non-damaging powers to set up his allies to take enemies down, or delay combat long enough to get any hostages away. When he is forced into direct conflict, he prefers to stay far away so that his lack of physical strength isn't an issue. Complications: Secret Identity Gene doesn't want anyone to know that he's the TNTeen, mostly because... T-Baby Blues Having powers from the Terminus preys on his mind. Demolisher Gene's powers manifest as small, explosive spheres, so it's easy for them to roll into corners or cracks. Because of that he tends to do more damage to buildings than he intends to. Claustrophobia Small spaces tend to make Gene freak out and make his powers fire off randomly. Abilities: -2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 - 2 = 8PP Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 6 + 12 = 18PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +3 melee, +3 ranged, +7 Kinetic Concussion Grapple: +2 Defense: +6 (+6 Base, Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -8/-0 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 3 = 11PP Toughness: +8/+1 (+1 Con, +6 Force Field, 8 Impervious vs. Physical) Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +4 (+1 Wis, +3) Skills: 88R = 22PP Computers 8 (+10) Craft (Chemical) 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 3 (+5) Disable Device 8 (+10) Investigate 8 (+10) Knowledge (Civics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10) Medicine 4 (+5) Notice 6 (+7) Search 9 (+11) Sense Motive 6 (+7) Sleight of Hand 8 (+10) Feats: 12PP Accurate Attack All Out Attackk Attack Specialization (Kinetic Concussion Array) 2 Defensive Attack Evasion Improved Initiative Improved Sunder Luck Online Research Power Attack Quick Change Powers: 7 + 29 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 43PP All powers have the Mutation & Terminus descriptors Force Field 7 (Projected Force Shield) [7PP] Kinetic Concussion Array 10.5 (21 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Indirect, Trigger 2 [Time, Tripwire) (29PP] BE: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Cone (General)) (Full Frontal Assault) (Kinetic) [21PP]AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Burst (General)) (Big Boom) (Kinetic) [21PP] AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Autofire [7]) [21PP] (Barrage) (Kinetic) [21PP] AP: Dazzle 7 (Visual, audio) [21PP] (Flashbang) (Light, Pressure) [21PP] AP: Stun 7 (Extra: Range/Ranged) [21PP] (Stun Bomb) (Pressure) [21PP] AP: Trip 7 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Knockback) [21PP] (Blow 'em Down) (Kinetic) [21PP] Leaping 2 (x5)/b] (Bound and Rebound) (Kinetic) [2 PP] Immunity 1 (Own powers) [1PP] Impervious Toughness 8 (Flaw: Limited [Not vs. Energy]) (Kinetic Bleed-off) [4PP] Drawbacks: 2 = 2PP Power Loss (Daka crystals, Uncommon) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 14 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Full Frontal Assault Ranged/Cone DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Kinetic) Big Boom Ranged/Burst DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Kinetic) Barrage Ranged DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Kinetic) Flashbang Ranged DC 22 Fort Dazzle Stun Bomb Ranged DC 22 Fort (Staged) Dazed/Stunned Blow 'em Down Area/Burst DC 22 Str/Acrobatics Knockdown/KnockbackAbilities (8) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (22) + Feats (12) + Powers (43) - Drawbacks (2) = 108/117 Power Points
  3. Jay's Fort save, vs DC 20. (1d20+8=11) Yeah, sure. Why not?
  4. Refigured skills saves to take better advantage of Evasion. Dropped Concentration entirely, put another PP into saves and spread the remaining skill ranks out to keep certain skills where they were. Dropped the AoE effect from Dazzle to keep it at cost. I hate that Knockback is an Extra only for Trip. For everything else, it is a Feat. :argh:
  5. I prefer clear and unambiguous rules, so Evasion it is.
  6. Supercape, But Explosion is only one kind of AoE, and the kind that is probably used the least. Evasion might be a better choice, or maybe Second Chance (Reflex Savs vs. AoE).
  7. Thev, Point about Concentration. I dropped it down a PP and bought Second Chance instead.
  8. I think people undersell the things kids know, and that the book undersells what appropriate skill ranks are. Think about how many ten-year olds you know who can tell you every detail about every dinosaur there was, who can pronounce multisyllabic tongue twister names. And the book says professionals only have 4 or 5 ranks in a skill, which means a doctor only has +5 to Medicine. That only gives that doc a 50/50 chance to hit the minimum DC for surgery, but surgery success and survival rates are way above 50/50. As for Disable Device specifically, I figured he's very interested in complex mechanical things, and so he's practiced skills like lockpicking just to figure out what's going on inside of a lock. It still only gives him a chance at Cheap Locks. If possible I would have specialized that in locks instead of security systems, but the system doesn't allow that sort of granularity. With the Concentration, I figured he can be a very driven, dedicated individual when he puts his mind to something. I actually flirted with the idea of giving him a Complication about getting too focused on something and shutting out the rest of the world, but I wasn't sure how to word it.
  9. I expanded on it, specifying that Gene often does more damage to structures than he intends do. Clarified this. The way I see it is kind of like a grenade or shaped charge, more than dragon's breath. He throws a big ball of force and it lands and 'fires' in a given direction, rather than simply projecting it from his palm. Later, maybe. 105 PP is a small budget!
  10. So here's my next PC, a PL 7 Claremonter. The powerset is largely taken from TT's Explosion Girl build, tweaked a bit to make the character more science-focused instead of larceny focused and to bring it down to PL 7. Science is also a secondary focus of the build -- but a real-world, believable level of science, not comic-book level . This is a guy who might get a doctorate, not twelve. Looking for a little bit of feedback before I drop this in the C-Bank. Any major issues jump out at people before the refs give it a fine-tooth comb-over?
  11. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: TNTeen Power Level: 7 (105/150PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A boy who only wants to be overlooked gets a most spectacular power. Alternate Identities: Eugene King, Gene Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Occupation: Student, superhero Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Lots Description: Age: 16 (DoB:) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African Height: 5' 5" Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Gene King is not a physically imposing teenager. He's rather short and slim, with elbows and knees everywhere. His hair is dark and curly, his face is long and thin, and his dark eyes are usually in a book. Most of the time he wears jeans and tee-shirts, like almost every other teenager, but when there's danger likely he dons a red shirt with a cartoon bomb on the front, and a red head-mask. Power Descriptions: Gene can absorb kinetic energy from his environment and release it as explosive spheres. With a little concentration he can even choose how long it will take for the spheres to detonate, potentially setting up a very nasty surprise! History: Eugene King was born to a big family in Ashton, the baby of seven. Being the youngest he was used to making his own fun, and quickly learned to enjoy quieter pastimes. Very soon grew into a quiet, bookish child. He excelled in academics at school and devoured all sorts of books; he especially loved comic books about Freedom City's local heroes. They inspired him in his life, even though he preferred to be much more low-key than the four-colored titans he read about. He may have gone through life in a placid way if not for the accident. It was a foggy day, and everyone was packed into family van as they drove home from the holidays. The highway was crowded with cars, and as a band of thicker mist rolled across the road drivers in front of the pack slowed down, too quickly for those in the rear to react. Cars collided and slid into one another, and very soon there was a developing pile-up. The Kings, ironically enough, avoided the mass of the accident only to slide down the side of the road and hit a tree. Gene was absorbed in a book for most of the time, and his only clear memories are of the car sliding across the road, his father swearing, and his mother screaming before the van came to an abrupt halt. Moments later the tree fell on the car, neatly pinning the family. No one was seriously hurt, but none of the kids were reacting well to the situation. Young Gene, in particular, was terrified. He felt full of energy, but unable to move due to his seat-belt locking and the tree deforming the car. He reached out, and instinctively pushed it away. He had just enough time to see the tree explode into dust before he passed out. None of the Kings experienced worse than some nasty bumps and bruises, and within a couple of days they were on the road again in a rented van. No one really wanted to talk about the accident and how the tree exploded, and a thicker silence than normal fell over Gene's life. That was broken when Duncan Summers showed up at the front door with a scholarship offer -- and answers. That was two years ago. Gene's refined his powers and his control over them, and now he has decided to try and fight crime with them. It's not exactly how he wants to live his life, but he has to know if his abilities can be used to do any good. Personality & Motivation: Gene prefers to be quiet and inconspicuous most of the time, but when he has an opinion he can be the loudest voice in the room. While he's not confrontational growing up with a bunch of older siblings has taught him that sometimes to the only way to get what you want is to push. Gene is rather terrified of his powers. He's worried that there's nothing good that he can do with his powers, and so he pushes himself to prove that he can be a hero with them. Powers & Tactics: Gene's not big on hurting people. He prefers to use his non-damaging powers to set up his allies to take enemies down, or delay combat long enough to get any hostages away. When he is forced into direct conflict, he prefers to stay far away so that his lack of physical strength isn't an issue. Complications: Secret Identity Gene doesn't want anyone to know that he's the TNTeen, mostly because... T-Baby Blues Having powers from the Terminus preys on his mind. Demolisher Gene's powers manifest as small, explosive spheres, so it's easy for them to roll into corners or cracks. Because of that he tends to do more damage to builds than he intends to. Claustrophobia Small spaces tend to make Gene freak out and make his powers fire off randomly. Abilities: -2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 - 2 = 8PP Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 6 + 12 = 18PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +3 melee, +3 ranged, +7 Kinetic Concussion Grapple: +2 Defense: +7 (+6 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-0 Saving Throws: 3 + 5 + 3 = 11PP Toughness: +7/+1 (+1 Con, +6 Force Field) Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3) Reflex: +7 (+2 Dex, +5) Will: +4 (+1 Wis, +3) Skills: 88R = 22PP Computers 8 (+10) Craft (Chemical) 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 3 (+5) Disable Device 8 (+10) Investigate 8 (+10) Knowledge (Civics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Biological Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10) Medicine 4 (+5) Notice 6 (+7) Search 9 (+11) Sense Motive 6 (+7) Sleight of Hand 8 (+10) Feats: 12PP Accurate Attack Attack Specialization (Kinetic Concussion Array) 2 Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 1 Evasion Improved Initiative Improved Sunder Luck Online Research Power Attack Quick Change Powers: 6 + 29 + 1 = 36 PP Force Field 6 [6PP] Kinetic Concussion Array 10.5 (21 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Indirect, Trigger 2 [Time, Tripwire) (29PP] BE: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Cone (General)) [21PP] (Full Frontal Assault)AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Burst (General)) [21PP] (Big Boom) AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Autofire [7]) [21PP] (Barrage) AP: Dazzle 7 (Visual, audio) [21PP] (Flashbang) AP: Stun 7 (Extra: Range/Ranged) [21PP] (Stun Bomb) AP: Trip 7 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Knockback) [21PP] (Blow 'em Down) Immunity 1 (Own powers) [1PP] Drawbacks: 0 = 0PP Power Loss (Daka crystals, Uncommon) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 14 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Full Frontal Assault Ranged/Cone DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Terminus) Big Boom Ranged/Burst DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Terminus) Barrage Ranged DC 22 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy, Terminus) Flashbang Ranged DC 22 Fort Dazzle Stun Bomb Ranged DC 22 Fort (Staged) Dazed/Stunned Blow 'em Down Area/Burst DC 22 Str/Acrobatics Knockdown/KnockbackAbilities (8) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (11) + Skills (22) + Feats (12) + Powers (36) - Drawbacks (2) = 105/105 Power Points
  12. Jay's disarm check. (1d20+5=10) Effing kidding me. Okay, HP to reroll. Jay's disarm check. (1d20+5=23) More like it!
  13. Would it just be 1d20 + DAM bonus?
  14. Isn't damage static in M&M?
  15. -4, enh? Alright, Jay will stick in cover and take +5 Att/-5 Def from All-Out Attack, and switch her bonus from Favored Environment to Attack. That should be a ( -4 + 5 + 1) +2 attack bonus overall. Blue Jay's ranged Disarm attempt. DC 20 to resist. (1d20+17=19) One above a natural failure. Well, I'm going to hope that since she's attacking from cover, this will hit regardless.
  16. GM El Heraldo powered on through the lowering clouds, banking around a particularly nasty thundercloud and punching through a rain squall. When the paragon glanced down to get his bearings, he had to stare at the land below him before it clicked. There it was, the land of his birth -- Puerto Rico. Of course, the last time he had seen it, there wasn't smoke rising from San Juan, or a great glass-and-gold submarine sprawled on the nearby beach. As the protector of the land circled lower and lower, he started to pick out squads of Atlantean troops marching through the streets, reinforcing the notion of Atlantean supremacy over the island. The air around Heraldo suddenly grew closer, and he felt the staticy build-up of immense power around him. A quick roll and a lightning bolt crashed through the space he had just occupied. There was another in front of him, and then another behind. It was quickly becoming dangerous to stay in the skies.
  17. A very happy birthday, Tiff, and cael blwyddyn anhygoel!
  18. Cape, I'd like to do an Area Disarm on the guys. Jay does not have Ranged Disarm on her AoE attack, so if I stunt it with a HP can she try it?
  19. Tona held herself stiffly until Mali's parents were out of the room, and then managed to relax a touch. She made a beeline for the fire, finding it rather more comforting than the dresses and fancy house around her. Still, she realized that she should probably say something nice about Mali's parents. "Mali. You're, um. Your father looks very... capable. I would like a chance to spar with him. And your mother. Um." She inhaled, racking her brain, and then the smells hit her. Roasting meat and sugar and warm bread. Her neck craned towards the door leading to the kitchen, and she slowly began shifting in that direction. Tona shied away from the over-processed foods most of her friends enjoyed, but even she had to admit that whatever was cooking smelled delicious. "Your mother is... l'odeur delicieuse."
  20. What sort of duties would you be expecting of the co-GM?
  21. Breakfast was dry crackers and cheese and river water, and showers were a luxury Tona would have to wait until they got back to town for. Instead, she stretched and searched for more tracks. "Coffee's smelly," she said, examining the snowy ground. "Would mark us out from too far away." After a few minutes she had picked up Golding's trail again, and they were on their way once more. The pair hiked through the snow, not speaking much, until Tona suddenly brought them up short. She squinted through the trees, trying to discern shapes moving through the trees ahead. Finally it all snapped into place and she could see them -- hunters, four of them. She bent close to Cord's ear, whispering to him. "Four men. Camo and rifles. Think they're part of the group we saw earlier." She glanced back down the path and continued. "I'm going to flank them. When one goes down, you hit them from behind."
  22. Haaaaaaappy birthday, Sand! May you celebrate with too much alcohol and too little sleep.
  23. Jay hung from a ledge by her fingertips, watching the elevator car inch up towards her. There wasn't enough room to squeeze past it, not with the electricity arcing to the walls. She could drop through the hatch into the interior of the car... but that would likely be even worse than getting fried on top of the elevator car. Which left dropping the entire thing. The archer slung her bow over her shoulder, carrying it awkwardly for a moment. A leap took her across the shaft, and along the way she slashed the cable with a broadhead arrow. Her feet dug into the sheer concrete of the opposite side and she pushed off, ending up hanging a floor higher than she just was.
  24. Jay can hit 30 Stealth without rolling. Is that enough?
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