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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. Jay is going to shoot the cable holding the elevator car up. Using full Power Attack. Jay's ranged attack check w/ +5 Power Attack, vs cable's Def. DC 25 Tou + Autofire (1d20+10=12) Well, screw me.
  2. Jay's Reflex save, vs DC 22. (1d20+8=22) Yup.
  3. What the Baron can see: the object on the water is shiny, likely made out of some kind of metal. It doesn't seem to have any kind of engine or propeller, but it's moving fast. It's roughly spherical, but its dragging some sort of wing or leg through the water as it approaches.
  4. Ironclad considered the findings while following the drones deeper. "It does make a sort of sense, doesn't it? If they can reprogram these drones, they'd get a KST power source and Dawes Tech robotics technology. Not to mention the transmission gear." She double-checked her GPS as the drones made a course correction. "They're making a beeline for the ruins, though. It doesn't make sense, if someone wanted to steal this stuff why bother sending them to a pile of rocks underwater?" On the surface, Aita tapped the screen and thought. "I don't want to leave Ironclad alone at the bottom of a lake," he said finally, "but she is a superhero and we do have to think about the students. Alright." He moved away and clapped loudly, getting people's attention. "Everyone!" The agent projected his voice perfectly, and it resonated in the space. "We're having some technical difficulties. Miss Parker's taking a look at it, but until she gets back we should head up to the bunkhouse. No reason to --" "What are those?" The pair of students by the water hadn't turned to listen to Aita. Instead, they were pointing out over the water at something skimming over the surface of the lake. As everyone crowded forward to see it, the object cut a wide furrow into the water, raising a spray behind it as it moved towards the group -- very, very quickly towards the group.
  5. Tona gritted her teeth. Everyone was accepting the orders so passively! ... Which made sense, if you considered the guards as cops, but it still rankled her to give up so quickly. Still, if Mali and Elias weren't going to fight, that made things much harder. The young archer forced herself to drop out of her combat stance, doing her best to look docile and nonthreatening. The attempt was undercut somewhat by the death-glare she was giving at the nearest guard pointing a weapon at Sam.
  6. Tona watched Sam and Giang greet Mali's parents, and settled for a bow that looked more like something out of a martial arts tournament; hands at her side, feet together, back stiff, keeping her eyes on them all the time. "Thank you for inviting me into your home," she said, her tone more stilted than normal. "It's a great honor, and I swear that I won't betray it." She looked around the room, trying to keep from sizing up Mali's parents as fighters. Sometimes it was hard to remember that not everyone on this planet was a trained warrior, but from what Mali has mentioned her parents were just trying to live quiet lives.
  7. "But... they're not doing anything!" Ironclad followed behind the crowd of drones, tracking their mass moving through the water rather than their data stream. "They're even headed towards the ruins!" The young woman was torn; the scientist in her wanted to see where the robots were heading, how they would fair as they moved forward. The hero in her, though, realized that there were a number of civilians above the water, and that she had no good idea about what was happening up there. So she asked. "Katastrof, what's happening up there?" People were milling around, talking to each other, and helping the reclining students out of the chairs and out of the 'driving' gear. Everyone seemed more curious than afraid, though a couple of soldiers were staring into the water. Agent Aita walked over to the Baron, moving slowly so as to appear casual. "What is happening," he asked, peering at the computer screen.
  8. Been way too gorram long posting here. Jay's Fort save, vs DC 15. (1d20+13=27) Jay's Notice check. (1d20+15=21)
  9. It would be a lot easier if her teleport was powerful enough to zip her across the Atlantic. I really have to ask: thematically, how does the "Feline Power" tie into her teleportation? It feels like there's two different powersets here being smushed together. I realize you're trying to go for Nightcrawler, with the swordfighting and the teleportation and the agility, but your character could just be an agile teleporter.
  10. So, if this character splits her time between London and FC, does that mean the PC will be inactive for six months out of the year?
  11. GM, do you want another post from Tona before we go forward?
  12. I'm phasing Ironclad out. Shadows of History is going to be her last thread. If you're looking for tech backup, ask Fox what Dragonfly's doing these days.
  13. GM As the guardians approached, both Cerys and Tona saw that they weren't what the girls were expecting. The man on the ground was wearing a home-spun robe, but his staff was a length of matte black metal, decorated with impossibly sharp spikes, pulsing with a malevolent red energy. It certainly wasn't like anything Cerys was used to seeing in the Order's armories, and Tona knew it only from her nightmares. "I have heard nothing about anyone from outside the Order coming here today," he said, eying the young archer suspiciously. And then the Omegadrone landed. Yes, its spikes were patterned in complicated Celtic knots and swirls, but the shape and presence of the creature was impossible to mistake. Tona retreated several steps, but it simply stood there, not even breathing. The human guard snapped the spear up, pointing at Tona. "You there! Don't even think about running."
  14. Ironclad >Shadows of History Blue Jay >Good Food, Good Friends >Field Trip: Chicago >Cold, Cold War GM >Friends or Family? >Homecoming
  15. Ironclad saluted the Baron and rose into the air with a roar of jets. A moment later she entered the water, quickly disappearing. Moving beneath the waves presented no challenges to the suit, it's powerful jets cutting through the water as her sensors cut through the murk and the muck. In a few moments she was connected with the remote units' sensor net, watching their progress from their own POV. It was a little disconcerting, keeping track of a half-dozen data streams at once, but seeing her machines moving about in the environment they were designed for was also exhilarating. Above the waves, Katastrof was being kept busy managing those half-dozen data feeds, keeping the latency as low as possible. A tweak there, a synching of waveforms here, a quick note of a repeating bug taking up runtime on a higher level of the code and... that should not have been there. It was a new data stream, coming into the site from somewhere outside, and it was heavily encrypted. Even as the Baron began working into it, he heard cries of shock and dismay from the students. A quick glance at the monitors told him why. Under the water, Jessica watched everything from the safety of her armored shell, a smile plastered across his face. The smile quickly vanished, however, when the datastream from her robots shut off. She barely noticed them moving with much greater fluidity. "Katastrof, what happened? Are you still getting a clean feed up there?"
  16. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: TNTeen Power Level: 7 (105/150PP) Trade-Offs: None Unspent Power Points: 0 Progress To Bronze Status: 0/30 In Brief: A boy who only wants to be overlooked gets a most spectacular power. Alternate Identities: Eugene King, Gene Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City, New Jersey Occupation: Student, superhero Affiliations: Claremont Academy Family: Lots Description: Age: 16 (DoB:) Gender: Male Ethnicity: African Height: 5' 5" Weight: 130 lbs Eyes: Black Hair: Black Gene King is not a physically imposing teenager. He's rather short and slim, with elbows and knees everywhere. His hair is dark and curly, his face is long and drawn, and his dark eyes are usually in a book. Power Descriptions: Gene can absorb kinetic energy from his environment and release it as explosive spheres. With a little concentration he can even choose how long it will take for the spheres to detonate, potentially setting up a very nasty surprise! History: Eugene King was born to a big family in Ashton, the baby of seven. Being the youngest he was used to making his own fun, and quickly learned to enjoy quieter pastimes. Very soon grew into a quiet, bookish child. He excelled in academics at school and devoured all sorts of books; he especially loved comic books about Freedom City's local heroes. They inspired him in his life, even though he preferred to be much more low-key than the four-colored titans he read about. He may have gone through life in a placid way if not for the accident. It was a foggy day, and everyone was packed into family van as they drove home from the holidays. The highway was crowded with cars, and as a band of thicker mist rolled across the road drivers in front of the pack slowed down, too quickly for those in the rear to react. Cars collided and slid into one another, and very soon there was a developing pile-up. The Kings, ironically enough, avoided the mass of the accident only to slide down the side of the road and hit a tree. Gene was absorbed in a book for most of the time, and his only clear memories are of the car sliding across the road, his father swearing, and his mother screaming before the van came to an abrupt halt. Moments later the tree fell on the car, neatly pinning the family. No one was seriously hurt, but none of the kids were reacting well to the situation. Young Gene, in particular, was terrified. He felt full of energy, but unable to move due to his seat-belt locking and the tree deforming the car. He reached out, and instinctively pushed it away. He had just enough time to see the tree explode into dust before he passed out. None of the Kings experienced worse than some nasty bumps and bruises, and within a couple of days they were on the road again in a rented van. No one really wanted to talk about the accident and how the tree exploded, and a thicker silence than normal fell over Gene's life. That was broken when [wheelchair teacher] showed up at the front door with a scholarship offer -- an answers. Personality & Motivation: Powers & Tactics: Gene's not big on hurting people. He prefers to use his non-damaging powers to set up his allies to take enemies down, or delay combat long enough to get any hostages away. When Complications: Secret Identity Gene doesn't want anyone to know that he's the TNTeen, mostly because... T-Baby Blues Having powers from the Terminus preys on his mind. Collateral Damage Gene's powers are rather indiscriminate, and can cause just as much damage to the environment around him as his enemies. Claustrophobia Gene does not. Like. Small. Spaces. Abilities: -2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 - 2 = 8PP Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 14 (+2) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 14 (+2) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 6 + 12 = 18PP Initiative: +6 Attack: +3 melee, +3 ranged, +7 Kinetic Concussion Grapple: +2 Defense: +7 (+6 Base, +1 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -3/-0 Saving Throws: 3 + 2 + 5 = 10PP Toughness: +7/+1 (+1 Con, +6 Force Field) Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3) Reflex: +4 (+2 Dex, +2) Will: +7 (+1 Wis, +5) Skills: 96R = 24PP Computers 8 (+10) Concentration 11 (+12) Craft (Chemical) 3 (+5) Craft (Electronic) 3 (+5) Disable Device 8 (+10) Investigate 8 (+10) Knowledge (Civics) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Biological Sciences) 3 (+5) Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 8 (+10) Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10) Medicine 3 (+5) Notice 5 (+7) Search 9 (+11) Sense Motive 5 (+7) Sleight of Hand 8 (+10) Feats: 11PP Accurate Attack Attack Specialization (Kinetic Concussion Array) 2 Defensive Attack Dodge Focus 1 Improved Initiative Improved Sunder Luck Online Research Power Attack Quick Change Powers: 6 + 29 + 1 = 36 PP Force Field 6 [6PP] Kinetic Concussion Array 10.5 (21 PP, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Indirect, Trigger 2 [Time, Tripwire) (29PP] BE: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Cone (General)) [21PP]AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Area/Burst (General)) [21PP] AP: Blast 7 (Extra: Autofire [7]) [21PP] AP: Dazzle 7 (Visual, audio, Extra: Area/Burst (General)) [21PP] AP: Stun 7 (Extra: Range/Ranged) [21PP] AP: Trip 7 (Extra: Area/Burst [General], Feats: Knockback 7) [21PP] Immunity 1 (Own powers) [1PP] Drawbacks: 0 = 0PP Power Loss (Daka crystals, Uncommon) [2PP] DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Unarmed Touch DC 14 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical)Abilities (8) + Combat (18) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (24) + Feats (11) + Powers (36) - Drawbacks (2) = 105/105 Power Points
  17. Looks interesting, but I don't think any of my characters would be involved with tracking down international weapon smugglers.
  18. Fluid was a good way to escape. Fluid could get through tiny gaps, and it was hard to find a way to stop all of a fluid from escaping. Fortunately, Starlight knew exactly how to stop a fluid from escaping. The alien stepped forward, energy gathering around her light a bright yellow-white shawl. She reached out with one hand and clenched it into a fist; at the same time a visible glow appeared around the puddle, quickly solidifying into a coherent sphere of solid energy that trapped the fluid, cutting through deck and metal plating to do so.
  19. "Do too cheat," Tona insisted. "Teleporting, illusions. Very cheaty." She was only half serious; there were people who used much worse things on the street everyday, and learning to see through Sam's tricks gave Tona an edge in such situations. That didn't mean she was going to let her girlfriend off the hook. She followed the other girls inside, shrugging off her sweater and hanging it off to Mali. "Thank you. Cerys, it's good to see you. Did you bring Subito along?"
  20. Blue Jay moved forward, wary of any further traps as she retrieved her arrows. She inspected the heads, reseated them in her quiver, and approached the elevator for a second time. Thankfully, this time there weren't electric trip-wires or land-mines in the floorboards or rats with flamethrowers on their backs. In fact, she managed to get into the elevator car unscathed, and from there it was simplicity to get on top of the elevator car. She teetered on the edge of the car, looking up and down the gloomy shaft for a moment before taking the rock out of her pocket and talking to it. "Where is the Raven," she said to Crow. "And why are you so worried about shopping?"
  21. "Mm, yes." Tona stepped forward with Sam, more fully into the spread of the Banjawans' porch light. "Giang, this is Sam. She can --" Tona glanced between the two other women. Should she mention Sam's superpowers? It would be a pretty big deal, but they all went to Claremont, right? "She can cheat. Don't play cards with her. Sam, this is Giang. She can do amazing things when she's in the water." It was only after the words were out of her mouth that the young woman saw the double meaning to them. "Not that. Um. I ever saw her do anything. Like that." Tona blushed and shut her mouth, staring at her feet to avoid either girl's eyes.
  22. Port Royale was a good way from the urban sprawl, with many large, walled-off properties and old homes. Fortunately, that meant quite a few shadows to step into and out of, which is exactly what Tona Baudin did like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was getting to be, too, since her girlfriend didn't seem to enjoy public transport and neither of them were interested in owning their own cars. She was in her version of dressed up, in a dark green, fitted blouse with a burgundy sweater over it, with a special touch; an orange skirt with a leaf motif picked out in different shades of red. True, there were gray stockings under the skirt and she was wearing hiking boots, but it was halfway to a dress, and that was about as far away as she was willing to go at the moment. The pair walked down the street, Tona eying the buildings and shadows with equal interest. Sam had been quite firm that bringing weapons to a family dinner was a bad idea, and the young heroine was feeling rather exposed. She'd feel a lot better once they were within Mali's home. The girls rounded the corner and Tona caught sight of Giang. She knew the girl from an earlier adventure, but hadn't particularly been expecting. Her dress was certainly eye-catching. She leaned in close to Sam, whispering fiercely. "Should I have dressed up more?"
  23. Tona shook off the clinging feeling of cold that always accompanied Sam's quick jaunts through nothing. She had brought them out in what was usually the best-concealed spot in any building -- straight overhead of everyone else. Tona, at home in the broad-beamed rafters as she would be on the ground, knelt and began pulling out her gear. As the archer was pulling on her jacket and her mask and her quiver, they had plenty of time to watch the scene below. Mainly it was one woman, dressed in hard-used jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, pacing between the counters and the front door. A few folks dressed in guard uniforms sat off to one side, restrained by bent iron bars that looked like they'd been pulled off the walls. They might've been intended for decorations, but they were holding the guards fast. One of them spoke, but with the distance and echoes, it was hard to make out. Something something, police, something walk out. Whatever it was, the lady pacing back and forth -- Toxic, presumably -- reacted badly. "Oh sure! I just walk out and everything is dandy! Or hey, they lock me back up in Blackstone for another twenty years. Which do you think is going to happen!?" Blue Jay rolled her shoulders, settling her quiver comfortably, and shot a glance at Sam. Go for the hostages, or go for Toxic?
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