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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. I am going to be moving into my own place on Saturday. This is a good thing. The bad thing is that I just set up my Internet installation, and the earliest date was the 19th, next week. So as of Saturday, I'm off the radar until next Saturday. I know, it'll be such a change from my current break-neck pace.
  2. "Milkshake was more dangerous," Tona said, completely straight-faced. "Led to kissing. Car surfing only lead to four, five days recovery." She glared at her cards, trying to make them be better by force of will, as she considered the board. She moved slowly, placing another Buccaneer on the table, directly on top of Sam's fire trap. "Trap goes off," she said, craning her neck to read the card's text. "But he doesn't die. He goes over... here." The pirate relocated to the Grove. "And so the Ninja kills it. But it doesn't die, so it goes back... here." She tapped the computer. "And now, no more flame trap."
  3. TRACKED DOWN by Thevshi Blue Jay Okay. Big breath. Huuuuuuge edits to Jay in-bound. Rewrote her appearance to include the mask Device. Rewrote her Power Description to include the mask. Rewrote her Personality. Always try to play outgoing characters, always end up with introverts. Rejiggered basically all of her mechanics. Ability scores and combat scores rewritten to fit closer into her physical description. Saves rebuilt to fit new ability modifiers. Rebuilt skills, partly for new ability scores and partly for new, higher caps. Rebuilt feats for new ability and combat scores, bought the rest of the combat-cap modifying feats, grabbed Critical Strike. Minor rebuild to feats; Bow Array is now Easy to Lose. Mask gained Time Sense and Sitance Sense, refigured to better reflect how we handle Radio senses. Bought Strike so she can still fight unarmed, bought a rank of S-Str because I still want her to be lifting. Woo! That should be it. Please don't ask for a more detailed break-down. I... don't know where the colors came from.
  4. Player Name: Raveled Character Name: Blue Jay Power Level: 1 (187/188PP) Trade-Offs: +5 Attack / -5 Damage Unspent Power Points: 1 Progress To Platinum Status: 38/120 Description: Age: 17 (DoB: March, 1996) Gender: Female Ethnicity: French/Native American Height: 5' 2" Weight: 120 lbs Eyes: Blue-green Hair: Brown Antoinette Baudin is a short, compact woman with a lithe, muscular frame. Her skin is smooth and tanned, and her chocolate-brown hair grows down to her shoulders, curling just at the ends. Her face is round and pleasant, with a small nose, full lips and big ears; most eye-catching, though, are the numerous piercings that adorn her lips, ears, and chin. She normally wears urban camouflage: monochromatic athletic tees devoid of logo or phrases, and pants bearing many, many pockets. When trouble threatens she pulls on a sleeveless Claremont uniform, complete with gloves that leave her thumb bare. Her bow is a matte-black length of carbon fiber, balanced blackened-steel pulleys, and monofilament drawstring. It can fold to a third of its overall length or unfold with a quick jerk. Her mask is molded to fit over her eyes and forehead, and features an elongated 'nose' where most of the active sensors reside. Power Descriptions: Blue Jay has no actual superpowers. Her equipment is a wonder of modern engineering courtesy of ASTRO Labs. Her bow is a length of carbon fiber composite with an artificial spidersilk drawstring that can fold down to a third of its overall length for concealment, but fully deployed it can maintain a seventy-pound draw. The arrowheads can deploy bodkins, broadheads, blunt tips, or frog-catchers as needed, all selectable from a dial near the fletching. She even has a few specialty arrowheads for when she needs to do more than hurt people. Her mask is a mass of active and passive sensors, bouncing IR and UV information off her surroundings, allowing her to zoom in on distant situations, and even tapping into local radio bands. Personality & Motivation: Antoinette is a withdrawn, private, intense woman. For most of her life silence meant survival, and even if that is not technically true she still falls back on old habits. She can be rather brusque, even rude to others; she grew up in a tight-knit community where social graces were not greatly valued. She will teach individuals with talent respectfully, but she usually demands to see that talent demonstrated, first. Tona fights evil because that's the only life she's ever known; tracking, hiding, and sniping at foes is literally her entire existence, and she can't set it aside anymore than she can give up breathing or exercising. She works intently to make up for her lack of super-powers, secretly afraid of not living up to her own notion of this world's heroes. This can lead her to get reckless if a fight's going against her, as she fears nothing more than failure at something she deems important. Complications: Secret Identity Tona strives to keep her life separate from her actions as Blue Jay. Hatred Tona hates the Terminus like only one who has lived there can. Luddite Upbringing Tona grew up without cell phones, the Internet, or even computers. Much of what we take for granted in modern life is magical or miraculous to her. Ammunition Without arrows, Blue Jay's bow is useless. While she tries to make sure she always has enough on hand, in an extended fight she could run out. Wrathful Blue Jay was one of the heroes replaced by the Curator in preparation for the Day of Wrath. While she has been officially declared free of all charges, her public image may not be so easy to repair. Abilities: 5 + 14 + 8 + 0 + 6 - 2 = 31PP Strength: 15 (+2) Dexterity: 24 (+7) Constitution: 18 (+4) Intelligence: 10 (+0) Wisdom: 16 (+3) Charisma: 8 (-1) Combat: 14 + 12 = 26PP Initiative: +15 Attack: +7 Base, +15 Unarmed, +15 Bows Grapple: +10 Defense: +10 (+6 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +3 Flat-Footed Knockback: -5, -2 Flat-Footed Saving Throws: 4 + 5 + 4 = 13PP Toughness: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Defensive Roll), +4 Flat-Footed Fortitude: +8 (+4 Con, +4) Reflex: +12 (+7 Dex, +5) Will: +7 (+3 Wis, +4) Skills: 160R = 40PP Acrobatics 8 (+15) Skill Mastery Climb 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Concentration 7 (+10) Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+5) Disable Device 10 (+10) Escape Artist 13 (+20) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 5 (+5) Languages 2 (Algonquin, French [Native], English) Medicine 7 (+10) Notice 12 (+15) Skill Mastery Perform (Dance) 2 (+1) Search 15 (+15) Skill Mastery Sense Motive 12 (+15) Sleight of Hand 3 (+10) Stealth 17 (+24) Survival 17 (+20) Swim 13 (+15) Feats: 43PP Accurate Attack Acrobatic Bluff All-Out Attack Attack Specialization (Bows) 4 Attack Specialization (Unarmed) 4 Benefit (Native: Terminus) Challenge 2 (Accelerated Climb, Fast Acrobatic Bluff) Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 3 Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 0 (+1 Bronze) Evasion 2 Favored Enemy (Robots) Favored Environment (Forest) Hide in Plain Sight Improved Critical 2 (Bows) Improved Initiative 2 Improvised Tools Luck Move-By Action Power Attack Ranged Disarm Ranged Pin Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Search) Takedown Attack Track 3 (Full Speed; Visual) Uncanny Dodge (Auditory) Equipment: 1PP = 5EP Camera [1EP] Rope [1EP] First-Aid Kit [1EP] Handcuffs [1EP] Mini Tracer [1EP] Powers: 17 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 34 PP Device 4 (20 PP, Hard to Lose, Feat: Subtle [Collapsible]) [17PP] (Bow & Quiver) Bow Array 7.5 (15 PP, Feat: Alternate Power 4, Improved Range 1 [1 000 ft]) [20PP] BE: Blast 3 (Extra: Autofire [5], Feat: Improved Range 1 [stacks for 2, 2 500 ft], Mighty 2, Variable Descriptor [slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning]) [15/15PP] (Arrow Flurry) AP: Blast 3 (Extra: Area [Targeted, Shapeable] Feat: Mighty 2, Progression [Area, 2 5' Cubes per Rank], Variable Descriptor [slashing, Piercing, Bludgeoning]) [15/15PP] (Arrow Against the Crowd) AP: Drain Toughness 5 (Extra: Affects Objects [+1], Ranged) [15/15PP] (Acid Arrow) AP: Snare 5 (Extra: Contagious) [15/15PP] (Glue Arrow) AP: Leaping 1 (x2, Move action, Extra: Linked [speed, Super-Movement, +0]) [1PP] + Speed 1 (10 MPH, Extra: Linked [Leaping, Super-Movement, +0]) [1PP] + Super-Movement 2 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Extra: Linked [Leaping, Speed, +0]) [4PP] [6/15PP] (Magnetic Grapple Arrow) Device 2 (10PP, Hard to Lose) [8PP] (Mask) Super-Senses 3 (Extended 1 [100 ft increments], Infravision, Ultravision) [3PP] Super-Senses 3 (Extended 1 [100 ft increments], Radio) [3PP] Communicate 3 (1 000 ft, Radio, Feat: Subtle) [4PP] Feature 1 (Temporal Inertia) [1PP] Strike 3 (Feats: Innate, Mighty) (5PP) (Espadas Self-Defense) Super-Strength 1 (Effective Str 20, Feat: Innate) (3PP) (Grueling Training) Drawbacks: 0 = 0PP [table] DC Block ATTACKRANGESAVEEFFECT UnarmedTouchDC 20 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Arrow FlurryRangedDC 20 Toughness + Autofire (Staged)Damage (Physical) Arrow Against the CrowdRanged/Area (Shapeable)DC 20 Toughness (Staged)Damage (Physical) Acid ArrowRangedDC 15 FortitudeDrain Toughness Glue ArrowRangedDC 15 ReflexEnsnared[/table] Abilities (31) + Combat (26) + Saving Throws (13) + Skills (40) + Feats (43) + Powers (34) - Drawbacks (0) = 187/188 Power Points
  5. Ironclad [uel=]Shadows of History Blue Jay GM
  6. Put 'em in an Osprey. That launches from a submarine. That docks below a club. That is in the basement of a laundry. That's run by a genie.
  7. Happy birthday to Quinn. Happy birthday to Quinn. Go eat some leaves and find a lady, 'Cause it's your birthday, sad panda.
  8. Blue Jay didn't think she was supposed to hear the voice from high above. She could have made some bold declaration or called him out right there, but that sort of thing was more Heraldo's style. She was supposed to be sneaky, and maybe just a little bit scarey, let others draw attention while she lined up a shot. Which made what she was doing right not very stupid indeed, but what do you do when everyone likes to sneak? At the very least, she could stop the bad guy from spying on her. She was lucky the camera was positioned in a corner; a couple of quick leaps from wall to wall and she grabbed the head of the camera. She hung on, then, and let her weight pull her down and the camera out of the wall. The archer let the piece of electronics fall to the ground as she considered her next move. She stood at the threshold of the elevator car and looked it over. It was the most inviting and quickest option, which probably meant it was the most heavily trapped. Still, she was supposed to get and keep this guy's attention, and what better way to do it rather than step right into his trap and then slip out the other side?
  9. Chaote Array (15 PP, Feat: Alternate Power X) [15 + X PP] BE:Blast 5 (Extra: Penetrating [5]) (Fire Dart) [15PP]AP: Paralyze 5 (Extra: Alternate Save/Fortitude, Range/Ranged) (Freeze the Blood) [15PP] AP: Snare 5 (Ice Bonds) [15P] AP: Illusion 5 (Visual/Auditory) (Air Band) [15PP] AP: Insubstantial 3 (Ghost Form) [15PP]
  10. Tona made a noise in her throat at the suggestion of more searchers. "No more," she said. She stood and scanned the forest, sharp eyes piercing through the weather. "Would just slow us down." There was more than a little arrogance in the statement, but also truth. The pair could hardly wait for more UNISON agents or local troops to get to the town and catch up to them, and Tona wasn't inclined to trust the locals after the display by the sheriff. The snow did worry her, though. She stole a sideways glance at Cord. "Getting tired," she asked, looking for the tracks again. "We could look for a cave, or a big tree to make camp under."
  11. Raveled

    Class Gambit (IC)

    Tona Baudin wasn't sure what to make of an email from a teacher to assemble at a certain spot. Still, it got her out of some morning classes, and while she shouldn't be technically grateful to have a chance to ignore History and Geography -- the past of this strange world and the shape of it over the horizon were things she could never generate much interest for -- she did feel better being able to skip them for today. So the young archer made her way to the gardens, dressed in her customary long pants with many pockets and loose Claremont jacket. She was feeling upbeat and so moved at a brisk pace, eyes moving constantly but her head and feet always pointed in the same direction. For her, that was about the same as whistling a jaunty tune would be for anyone else.
  12. Tona drew a card and looked at her options. She couldn't place something THERE because she didn't have anything powerful enough, and she didn't feel like being the one to sacrifice a minion to defuse Sam's trap. She ended up putting a Buccaneer down on the only empty Base on the table, the Ninja Dojo. That card would at least be impossible to destroy, since it just moved around instead. "First date was interesting," Tona said, drawing a card and reshuffling. "Think it was... Mmm, crazy German lady making drugs. And there was dancing."
  13. We already know what Crow has up his sleeve -- chalk.
  14. Blue Jay sniffed and looked around for other options. Maybe the sewer? It seemed unlikely that whoever was behind this had covered the doors and windows, that they have neglected the drains, but it was a possibility. Jay had done something like that before, in a very similar and very different city... Then a fireman tugged on her shirt, and pointed out that her acid arrow had done the trick, eating a fair-sized hole in the plate covering the door. It was an entrance, though, and it would be foolish for her not to use it. After a moment's consideration, she wrapped up her quiver tight and folded her bow down, then climbed in carefully. The acid probably wasn't dangerous -- the instructions went on about molarity and oxidation at length -- but she wasn't about to risk burns when going into a dangerous situation. And she'd feel stupid about getting hurt by her own arrows, anyway.
  15. PARTIAL EDITS DONE by GIZMO PENDING REVISIONS Blue Jay Some revamping of her mechanics. Start with 12 PP. Losing two ranks of Defensive Roll. [14 PP] Gaining 8 ranks of Constitution. [6 PP] Losing 4 ranks of Fort save, to keep it at its current rank. [10PP] Skillz. 2 PP into skills, which translates to 1 rank into Concentration, 1 into Perform (Sing), 5 into Search, losing 5 from Sense Motive, 4 into Stealth, 2 into Swim. [8PP] Moving Skill Mastery from Climb to Search. Synergies better with her Survival/Tracking. Bow Array needs to be reworked, because Arrow Against the Crowd is over the cost. Lose Selective and the Improved Range feat. The mask should be in [device] tags.
  16. Tona did everything she could not to roll her eyes at Sam's performance. The officer seemed to be completely taken in, however. "Listen girl, everything's going to be fine, okay? We've got STAR coming, they've faced Toxic before, and everyone's going to come out of that bank alive. So please, just stay behind the barricade." Tona pulled Sam away until they were swallowed by the crowd again. "I think I remember hearing about Toxic," she said, "when Mr. Hawke was talking about Project Freedom. Did she go back to doing crime?"
  17. Other heroes would have disregarded a pebble falling from the sky, or not even noticed the small detail in the midst of the bigger problem. Other heroes could fly, though, or bounce bullets off their chest, or shoot laser beams. If Jay missed a detail, she might very well die. So she noticed when the rock landed at her feet, and picked it up with her gloved hand. The voice coming from the stone surprised her and almost made her drop it, but she recognized the young man Summers had sent with her and Blod. Act on her own, then? She could do that. The young archer drew an arrow from her quiver, its green fletching making it stand out. A quick jerk unfolded her bow, and she loosed the shot in a single, smooth motion. From this range there was no chance of missing, and the acid round splattered the door, sizzling on the metal. She didn't seriously expect it to eat all the way through, though. She looked up and down the street, then talked to the firefighters again. "How fast does your truck go," she asked. "Could you get it through the wall?"
  18. Who better to teach her to be quiet than a guerrilla?
  19. Many happy returns, TT. May there always be bright lights and applause for you stories.
  20. Blue Jay closed her eyes and breathed deeply through her nose, working to dissipate the flip-flopping in her gut. When she could stand to stand, she peered out of the alleyway and looked the building over. The damage from the fire was evident, but the metal blocking off the doors and windows would have seemed out of place if the building was undamaged. She ghosted up the periphery of emergency workers, and spoke up. "Where did the metal come from?"
  21. Ironclad Blue Jay >In the Shadow of Sin >A Deck Built for Two >Class Gambit >Cold, Cold War GM
  22. Can we say Crow gave everyone enough time to go and gather their Devices?
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