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Everything posted by Raveled

  1. An ape alchemist? Synthesis + ape?
  2. Cord's last statement stung her pride, though Tona did her best not to show it. She did climb the stairs into the plane after him, though her body language was still closed off and turned in. The interior of the plane was well-appointed, with upholstered floors and large chairs to sit in. It was still small, though, with the space confined by the hull of the airplane. She took a seat and peered out the small window, watching planes in various states of readiness and ground crews scurrying across the tarmac. She set one bag down by her feet, but kept her backpack on. Though her eyes were wide and staring out the window, she affected a bored, almost distracted tone with the UNISON agent. She wasn't sure how well she managed to hide her fear. "I can track anything you can find. It doesn't matter how cold the trail is. If there was a trail once, I'll find it again."
  3. Now Tona was having a bad day. She planted her feet and crossed her arms, making an annoyed noise in her throat. She glared at the airplane like it was insulting her mother. "Do we have to?" She was deeply suspicious of anything that traveled faster than her own feet could carry her, but air travel was something she would never get used it. Running down a field so fast you held out your arms and left the ground seemed like something that should send all sane people running. "They do have trains that go to Canada, I think." Trains were still crazy, but they were a different kind of crazy. At least trains ran on set paths, they didn't wander all over everywhere like cars did.
  4. Tona looked around the settlement, breathing deeply of the fresh air. There were no cars or airplanes on this world, no impossibly high buildings or words filtering through the air. Just sun, and green growing things, and people all mixed up in the middle of it. "... Yes." She slowly began walking back to the field where she and Fleur had stepped through the flower and into this world. "I... thank you. Again. I don't know any words in any language to thank you enough. You... you're literally going to be saving my entire world."
  5. Ironclad's gauntlets crimped the steel of the hull together, forming a makeshift seal that should at least stop any more huge spills. She would come back and weld the breach shut in a minute, but for now she just wanted to stem the tide. As that was happening, her eyes were darting over her HUD, taking in the chemical analysis of the gunk she was floating in and it wasn't good news. She quickly connected to the Coast Guard cutter again. "Captain, Ironclad here. This stuff is a hallucinogen; ergot derived, but enhanced and weaponized. It can spread through the air, too, so get some masks on your people and clear out the shoreline. "And get on the horn to Blackstone. This spill would have reached there, if it hadn't been contained. This could be stage one for an attack on the prison." Her sonar pinged suddenly and she blinked, sending the other windows to the side and bringing up her 360 degree field of view. A pale shape was cutting through the water behind her -- the hallucinogen-infused water. And it wasn't long before her on-board computer identified it as a local selachimorpha. Ironclad was certain her armor would stand up to a shark bite, but she was less certain that she could maintain her station at the hull while one was trying to thrash her around. A quick scan of the radio waves suggested that Tsunami did not have a commlink on her. This could be... troublesome.
  6. Ironclad is going to... heroically do nothing. She had +17 Tou. She could be a shark chew-toy and come out unscathed on the other end.
  7. Great list. The only thing I would point out is that Clad really doesn't have a rivalry with Dragonfly. They're actually (technically) friends and colleagues!
  8. Tona Baudin was having a strange day. She had been dreading the beginning of the week and the resumption of her summer school classes, even as they were winding down and she was preparing to reenter the regular school year. However she had been called into the Headmaster's office quite suddenly and asked if she wanted to go to Canada. She had packed light for the trip, and one of the senior students walked her through the airport and, interestingly, around the long lines of security. She had watched a few television shows dealing with airports, and long lines as security seemed pretty universal, so it was odd that she was completely bypassing all of that. Before long those thoughts were chased from her mind, as she stepped out on the tarmac and watched a huge plane, seeming bigger than the whole of Claremont Academy, roll down the runway and speed up, straining for flight. She braced for a crash, but at what seemed the last possible moment the huge metal craft lost contact with the ground and floated away, its slow grace belying the impossibility of it all. Tona adjusted the straps of the bulging backpack she wore and tightened her grip on her rolling suitcase. The fact that she was supposed to sit in something like that was going to be scarier than anything else she was supposed to do in Canada, she was certain of it.
  9. Ironclad >No Tern Unstoned >Shadows of History Starlight Blue Jay >Cold Cold War >A Walk in the Park >Field Trip: Chicago >In the Shadow of Sin >Friends or Family >A Deck Built for Two >Changing Times, Changing Minds GM >Shadows of History >Homecoming >Next of Kin >Changing Times, Changing Minds
  10. Pentagram park spotted in Kahzikstan. Magic, technology, media hype, and glorious Soviet Russia! What more does a story need?
  11. Agent Aita nodded. "UNISON's had great success using robots in bomb disposal and the like. Not getting into agents that actually are robots, of course!" Major Diaz eyed the rows of robots, but nodded slowly. "We've used remote-controlled units for removing IEDs and the like," she said. "They were much less... intricate than these units, however." "Well they're designed to replace humans unskilled in the field," Jessica said, guiding the robots onto the trucks. "Humans who might be unskilled in the use of robots. So making them look and move like humans lowers the bar to entry." In a few minutes, the high tech was loaded in the back of the truck and Jessica pressed a button, causing them to fold back into the 'dormant' state they had been in on the plane. The major took a seat in the truck while Agent Aita got behind the wheel of the sedan, and Jessica, the Baron, and the professor took the other seats. They passed through a few security checkpoints, and were soon on the road headed south. The professor twisted in his seat until he could look back and address the two scientists. "So. Either of you been in Israel before? Ever seen a kibbutz before?"
  12. Very much this. It's been needed for a long time.
  13. Clad will spend a HP to stunt the following off her Visual super-senses. Super-Senses 6 (Analytical [Normal Visual], Microscopic Vision 3, Counter Obscure (Chemical Fog)) [6/7PP] Hopefully that'll let her see and examine the chemicals in the water. At the same time, taking 10 on a Know/Physical Scienes and Know/Biological Science and Craft/Chemistry check for a result of 25. Time to get our on.
  14. "Right, underwater then." Ironclad cut her thrusters and let herself fall toward the ocean, hitting the water head-first and cutting through the waves like a bullet. Underwater was darker than she had anticiapted and LIDAR was almost useless, so she switched her sonar to active ping and quickly picked up the vessel, the rent in the hull, and the woman who went by Tsunami. Thrusters fired again and propelled the armored heroine forward. It was a bit odd to see the chemical spill (painted lurid purple on her HUD) coming up against a border of water and stopping dead in its tracks, a small part of the ocean contained just by water, but there was an immediate threat to deal with. Slipping through the barrier, she leveraged powers to her servos and began forcing the rent closed, trying to stem the tide of chemicals before doing the delicate welding work. In the meantime, her suit took a sample of the chemical and began running a battery of tests on it. Information flashed in front of the hyper-intelligent girl's face and she began to put the facts together as she put the ship together.
  15. The golden energy shone forth from El Heraldo like a beacon, and the Atlantean soldiers quavered when it hit them. The man in the robe retreated quickly, covering his head. "Ahh! You... you haven't seen the last of us, meddlsome surfacer! This land will belong of the Jewel of the Seven Seas!" The Cuban soldiers advanced cautiously, but as they saw the Atlanteans retraeting into the treeline they crowded around Heraldo, cheering him. Cutting through the adulation, however, was the voice that he was used to looking to for guidace. "Subito!" The Blue Dame wasn't calm and comforting this time, though. In fact she sounded quite angry. "What are you doing on Cuba? You are sworn to defend Puerto Rico, and here you are not even on the right island!?"
  16. Four Five more years! Five more years!
  17. Ironclad cut a wide circle around the scene, burning brightly as her suit scanned the area and threw pertinent information up on her HUD. It was simplicity to locate the Coast Guard cutter's radio frequency and patch into it. "Commander Volkland, this is Ironclad. The ship you're next to is leaking a whole lot of something into the harbor. Are your soldiers under attack? If not, I'm inclined to deal with that spill. There's no way that mixing that chemical into the harbor, during a storm, is a good idea."
  18. Jessica Parker should not have been awake. It was a weekday, she had work and meetings tomorrow, and by all rights she should be in bed by now, resting. But her mind would not let her relax, constantly going over little problems in her latest designs for telepresence units. She was relutant to go work at the Lab -- that would mean she was offically Up, and probably working into tomorrow morning -- so instead she sat around her home workshop in pyjamas, cutting and welding and swapping out on virtual models. She wandered down to the kitchen for coffee, when the emergency scanner/ham radio in her kitchen started speaking up. "...Perseverance, broadcasting on all emergency channels. We are under attack by the crew of a beached container ship on the south side of Lonely Point, and require immediate assistance..." That grabbed her interest, and she looked out her window to the coastline. A few moments later, Ironclad storde out onto her stone patio, on-board systems already pinpointing the location of the Perseverance and putting it on her HUD. Thrusters fired and she was off, slicing through the night towards the coast.
  19. Those skill bonuses are all out of whack. How does 2 skill ranks and +7 Dex lead to +15 Stealth?
  20. I think containing a weaponized hallucinogen is something Ironclad could do, yes.
  21. Is that formatting supposed to represent a particular way of talking?
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